50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #2

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I am really late joining this case - trying to help Christine with something about Benjamin Kyle and I started here for the links and details (thanks guys, you're all great!!!).

I started reading one of the first threads and am only on page 2 - when I realized how many threads and pages there are on this case, I knew I would need help to catch up!!

I was going to do side-by-side comparisons of the missing people who have been linked here as possibilities. I didn't know if this has already been done, or if some of the people listed as possibilities may have already been ruled out. Anyone know??

Does anyone have some time to gather a list of the possible matches that people have posted on these threads who have NOT been ruled out, and post that list so I can do side-by-side pictures with Benjamin Kyle? I'd really appreciate the help and I think it's easier to compare the pictures if they're side by side. Thanks to anyone who can help.
I think Eugen Fish should be eliminated IMOP he does not look like BK and based on his employment I think his prints would be on file.

Eugene Francis Fish had spent most of his working life as a special agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and later worked for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission before retiring in January 2003

Gene Fish, who served in the Air Force and later worked for the Naval Criminal Intelligence Service and National Regulatory Commission

Is sounds like the Wife is the main person of interest on this one.
I've been compiling a list of missing persons sites too...it's nowhere near complete, but it may be helpful to some:

General Missing Persons sites

Local sites for specific areas

Awesome! When we all pull our resources together it helps! There are so many sites out there it's hard to have time to catalog them when your busy working on trying to solve cases, LOL! Thanks. I would like to add YOU as a resource on LTWH if you don't mind.
Awesome! When we all pull our resources together it helps! There are so many sites out there it's hard to have time to catalog them when your busy working on trying to solve cases, LOL! Thanks. I would like to add YOU as a resource on LTWH if you don't mind.

Sure, that would be great! We all need to stick together and help each other out :)

I will add LTWH to my list of links as well :D
I am really late joining this case - trying to help Christine with something about Benjamin Kyle and I started here for the links and details (thanks guys, you're all great!!!).

I started reading one of the first threads and am only on page 2 - when I realized how many threads and pages there are on this case, I knew I would need help to catch up!!

I was going to do side-by-side comparisons of the missing people who have been linked here as possibilities. I didn't know if this has already been done, or if some of the people listed as possibilities may have already been ruled out. Anyone know??

Does anyone have some time to gather a list of the possible matches that people have posted on these threads who have NOT been ruled out, and post that list so I can do side-by-side pictures with Benjamin Kyle? I'd really appreciate the help and I think it's easier to compare the pictures if they're side by side. Thanks to anyone who can help.

I started compiling a list last night & should finish it by mid-afternoon. Maybe we can go down it one by one & rule out each missing person as a group & if anything is close we'll forward it to Nurse Betty to rule out or confirm. Sound okay?
I started compiling a list last night & should finish it by mid-afternoon. Maybe we can go down it one by one & rule out each missing person as a group & if anything is close we'll forward it to Nurse Betty to rule out or confirm. Sound okay?
Thanks so much, KT Can, sounds great!! :blowkiss: I just started working on a banner for Benjamin - will post it as soon as I'm done.

I want to put a contact number on the graphic I'm making for BK - the SavannahNow link includes a number for the FBI, but it doesn't have an area code - does anyone know if this would be an 800 number, 888 number, or is it a Savannah area code??? Sheesh, how are people supposed to contact them without the whole number?!
Do you know HIM?

The man who calls himself Benjaman Kyle is trying to learn his real identity. He is in his late 50s to early 60s, stands about 5-foot-11 and weighs 240 pounds.

Anyone with information is asked to call the FBI at 944-0700.

Source: SavannahNow
I want to put a contact number on the graphic I'm making for BK - the SavannahNow link includes a number for the FBI, but it doesn't have an area code - does anyone know if this would be an 800 number, 888 number, or is it a Savannah area code??? Sheesh, how are people supposed to contact them without the whole number?!

Hmm...I can't find anything else on that number (just did a quick google search). But there is a different number on the Doe Network listing that matches up with a number I found in a google search for FBI Savannah:

FBI - Savannah, GA
Bill Kirkconnell

Beautiful Job, SieSie!!

I just posted them in a MySpace bulletin...anyone on MySpace, just hit reply to the bulletin and you can copy the code :D
Okay, I put together an Excel list this morning of all of the possible matches that were posted on thread #1 however I emailed it to the office & was going to post it from here but it didn't go through, which means I'll have to wait until I get home tonight to post it. After that I'll add the possible matches from thread #2. If you want me to email you a copy just send me a PM with your email address.
SieSie or Gina - not sure who's doing what w/ the MySpace, but will whichever of you is will you please go add my personal MySpace page to yours so I can forward the bulletin to all of my contacts? Thanks!

Also, PM me the codes for the banners.

Oops... I can't get on MySpace today from work - dangit!!! Maybe you guys can find my page by my user ID which I know is "kmtcan". If not I'll PM you my email addy so you can look it up by that. P.S. My background is a Red Sox one! :dance:
When I wrote to Woman's Day and Good Housekeeping, I rearranged the letter a bit and added some info, to focus a bit more on the angle of reuniting Benjaman with his loved ones (as opposed to just finding out his identity). My thinking was that, it's possible Benjaman has a wife, girlfriend, children, or even an elderly mother who read these magazines. I'll repost here in case anyone wants to use this:

To Whom It May Concern:

I have recently become aware of a man down in Georgia who has amnesia. He was discovered unconscious behind a Burger King in Richmond Hill, Georgia, in 2004, and so far has been unable to find out his true identity. He is now using the name of Benjaman Kyle. He is unable to obtain a social security number, and therefore, he is unable to obtain a job. He has no home of his own, so he has been staying with friends he made while he was in a hospital.

Several internet sleuthers, along with one of his nurses from the hospital, have been trying to help him discover his identity. We believe that he needs national exposure by well known media such as your magazine in order for someone to recognize him. He is very intelligent and well-spoken, and he seems to come from a well-educated background. We believe he has a family out there who may believe he is deceased.

This man's story has really tugged at my heart, especially now that the holidays are upon us. For at least three years, he has spent his holidays alone, with only friends he met in the hospital to keep him company, not knowing who is out there missing him. This Christmas may be another one of many that his family has spent missing his presence, agonizing over where their loved one is.

I'd like to ask you to take a look at the following links that give a summary of this man and his situation.

Here is the first article:

Here is the second article, which is accompanied by a video:

Here is his listing on the Doe Network:

Amnesia is a very rare condition, but there have been other cases in which amnesia has kept someone separated from their loved ones. In particular, the case of Jeffrey Ingram, a Canadian who went missing from Seattle and ended up in Denver with no memory, garnered national attention. Jeffrey achieved national exposure by appearing on television and was recognized by a friend. He was reunited with his fiancee, Penny, and they were later married. (Interestingly, Penny, the first name of his fiancee, was the only thing he remembered about his life while he had amnesia. There seem to be some things the heart doesn't forget.)

You can read more about Jeffrey Ingram at:

Jeffrey's is a story that captivated many people, including myself. I believe the public would be interested in Benjaman's story as well. He has been featured on two MySpace pages:

and several news affiliates have picked up the interview from Savannah.

Your consideration of this story would be much appreciated!

Best regards,
Thanks Gina, great job! Here's 2 banners I made (one is too large to use in signatures, but I thought it could be emailed or MySpaced). :D



Okay, I'm off of here for a few hours. Later, gang!

WOW! That's fantastic. Only one little recommendation. On the profile picture maybe it would be more prudent to use the image that shows the scar along his jaw. What does everyone else think?
Quick look at some I came across... I'll add them to my list as well.


This guy... do you think they ever get the missing date wrong on these sites???



Yes I do think some dates could be wrong. For instance, sometimes families don't report their loved ones missing until well after they actually went missing. I can't remember the name, but a woman was reported missing about six months after she disappeared, but, no one could remember when the last time they saw her. Her missing date was established as the day she was reported missing, and because of that, a woman laid unidentified for something like 10 - 15 years. She was found deceased something like four months before she was ever reported missing. :-(
Yes I do think some dates could be wrong. For instance, sometimes families don't report their loved ones missing until well after they actually went missing. I can't remember the name, but a woman was reported missing about six months after she disappeared, but, no one could remember when the last time they saw her. Her missing date was established as the day she was reported missing, and because of that, a woman laid unidentified for something like 10 - 15 years. She was found deceased something like four months before she was ever reported missing. :-(

Yes, I remember reading about that too. That's why I don't like to rule anyone out just because the date's a little off. When looking at any missing person's case, I like to know if the date given is just the "reported missing" date, or if it's actually the day they were last seen.
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