50/60 year old Amnesia Victim Savannah, GA Thread #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I feel until DNA is done this might be Steve! The pictures keep telling me there is a big chance it is him! We can't say cause the nurse feels it's not him. I have a strong feeling it maybe him

I think that DNA testing would be a waste of time and money. I think he could easily be identified by family members or distinguishing characteristics. Keep in mind that testing runs between 300 to 500 for a credible lab. Just my 2 cents for what its worth. :)
Yes, if they knew about BK perhaps they could. However, since BK is choosing not to entertain this as an option...it is doubtful this will happen.

DNA testing, imo, is not a waste of time or money when other factors do match so closely. Besides...does the FBI put a dollar value on testing now? We are the taxpayers footing the bill for ALL of the the FBI lab work going through Quantico, VA, as far as I know.
The family as far as I know knows nothing of this BK. He feels its not him but if he can't remember anything so how can he know. I don't feel it's a waste of money! If it is Steve Dewey, money is not the answer but the love of his family is a lot more then money for DNA!

They overlay of picture gives me so much hope on this one!

I think that DNA testing would be a waste of time and money. I think he could easily be identified by family members or distinguishing characteristics. Keep in mind that testing runs between 300 to 500 for a credible lab. Just my 2 cents for what its worth. :)
Yes, if they knew about BK perhaps they could. However, since BK is choosing not to entertain this as an option...it is doubtful this will happen.

DNA testing, imo, is not a waste of time or money when other factors do match so closely. Besides...does the FBI put a dollar value on testing now? We are the taxpayers footing the bill for ALL of the the FBI lab work going through Quantico, VA, as far as I know.

I understand why my comment would be upsetting but the fact of the matter is that LE would not place money into this when Ben has very distinguishing characteristics. Yes his features match closely, however, the missing gentleman does not have the same scars as Ben. I think we need to eliminate all the logical options before jumping onto the pirates/lost at sea scenario.

Proper credible DNA testing is costly, time consuming and not something that is done on a whim. I dont mean to sound harsh this is not my intention but if you dont think the FBI factors in cost during an investigation you are very mistaken. :(
Did I miss something? What scars does BK have that we know Steve Dewey did not have?

(going back to make sure I read every post...)
Judd Miller
missing May 1, 1975 from Tenants Harbor, Maine
age 21 at time of disappearance
(this means he was born around 1954)

presumed lost at sea

Miller's family, however, believes he may have survived. They think he may have suffered a head injury, developed amnesia, and forgotten his identity. There have been reported sightings of Miller since his disappearance, which would support the amnesia theory, but none of the sightings have been confirmed.

Did I miss something? What scars does BK have that we know Steve Dewey did not have?

(going back to make sure I read every post...)

I do not believe anybody has confirmed that Dewey did or did not have any scars. But we know that BK has some surgical scars. I think on neck and elbows, and the large pock mark on his jaw he thinks from a tooth abcess or something to that effect
I do not believe anybody has confirmed that Dewey did or did not have any scars. But we know that BK has some surgical scars. I think on neck and elbows, and the large pock mark on his jaw he thinks from a tooth abcess or something to that effect

I assumed that if Dewey had such prominent scarring it would have been mentioned with his missing persons information. Especially scarring about the face and neck which would be easily noticeable upon casual interaction. Of course you know what happens when you assume! lol!
I think it is amazing how much time and effort you guys have put into this case. Although, I see that SD and Bk look almost the same I have never from the start thought they were the same person. BK looks so much older than SD, and there are certain facial features such as his chin, the look in this eyes, the nose, that make me feel that it is not him although certainly this is just an opinion and they could very well be the same person.

Has BK'S dnA been taken to match up with any missing persons that they already have DNA on? This seems to be the first step in finding out who he is. Forgive me if this has already been addressed.

Keep up the hard work---I know that one day you will be successful in finding out the answers.
but it is for sure he had those scars before he was beat up??

The scar on his neck/jaw line is consistent with drainage of a large abscess which would not have occurred during his initial injuries but as a result of dental infection. The scaring on his elbow is from reconstructive surgery which placed pins in his elbow.

The only injuries that were mentioned specifically in the original report are that he had head injuries from blunt force trauma to the skull, severe cataracts from extended UV exposure, sun burn, dehydration and multiple fire ant bites.
This is from the Doe Network it will help clear up some information about his scars... This is Benjaman Kyles info
for more info see his Doe Network page http://www.doenetwork.org/ its case number 1007umga
Vital Statistics

Estimated age: 50-60's
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'11"; 240 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Graying hair with receding hairline. Blue-green eyes. Above-average intelligence. Well-spoken. Professional demeanor.
Marks, Scars: Two parallel surgical scars on left elbow (from reparative surgery for broken elbow that may involve pins/plates implantation). Surgical scar on front of neck appears to be from cervical discotomy. Small round scar on left side of face near chin appears to be a puncture-type wound but believes it may be related to former tooth abscess. No tattoos. No body piercings.
Medical: Blinding cataracts in both eyes may have resulted from prolonged exposure to sun while unconscious prior to being found and brought to hospital.
Fingerprints: On file with the FBI in Savannah, Georgia.
Dentals: Three teeth missing from upper front and one tooth missing from upper right side of mouth. Not known whether dental problems occurred after or as result of mugging in August of 2004.
Sun and eye damage

Sunlight is very bright, and looking directly at the Sun is painful to the eyes. Looking directly at the Sun when it is high in the sky causes temporary bleaching of the photosensitive pigments in the retina, which makes phosphene visual artifacts and may cause temporary partial blindness. Direct viewing of the Sun with the naked eye delivers about 4 milliwatts of sunlight to the retina that is in the solar image, heating it up and potentially (though not normally) damaging it. Brief viewing of the full direct Sun with the naked eye is unpleasant but generally safe.

Viewing the Sun through light-concentrating optics such as binoculars is hazardous without an attenuating (ND) filter to dim the sunlight. Suitable filters are available at welding supply shops and camera stores. Using a proper filter is very important as some improvised filters reduce visible light while passing either infrared or ultraviolet rays that can still damage the eye. Viewing the Sun through unfiltered 7x50 mm binoculars can deliver as much as 2.5 watts of sunlight into each eye, over 300 times more power than naked eye viewing. Even brief glances at the midday Sun through unfiltered binoculars can cause permanent blindness.
this is all I can find
As far as I know, we don't know anything about Steve Dewey's scars or lack thereof.
This is true. We don't know since they did not mention with certainty any physical characteristics such as birth marks or scars.

I have never been able to visually see the possible surgical scar on BK's neck in the photos...so I have no idea how large or small it is either.

Another thing we have to consider is that the family of BK may not be aware of those scars or injuries he has sustained. We don't know if this is his first bout of amnesia or how long he could have been estranged from his family before now.

I am trying to understand how the physicians at the hospital who nursed BK back to health don't know the exact procedure done to his elbow if there are pins and plates. A simple x-ray would be able to detect if it was due to a break, a shatter, or something else. (pins and plates should have numbers which are traceable, too) Also, they should be able to tell if he definitely had surgery to his spine via the neck area.

I have never heard of a drainage tube being used on the outside of the face for an abcessed tooth. This doesn't make sense to me. (Maybe someone can enlighten me.) I found a case where a woman was in critical condition due to an abcess and altho they did use a needle to aspirate, a drainage tube was only used in the neck area and not on the face or jaw. (This could explain his neck scar.) http://www.cda-adc.ca/jcda/vol-67/issue-6/324.html
Does anybody know how long does it take go blind from exposure to the sun?

Ok I called a friend of mine who routinely does lens replacement surgery. I asked him how long it would take for someone to develop cataracts from UVB exposure. I know from personal knowledge that it is a cumulative outcome after many years, but since I am not an ophthalmologist I decided I needed backup. He confirmed that cataracts due to sun exposure usually take many years to develop. Interestingly he noted that obese people and alcoholics are more prone to developing cataracts.

I mentioned previously that Ben may have spent time in very sunny areas, or was perhaps a fisherman or pilot. There are a great deal of professions that would cause one to be exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. He may have had clouding of the eye before his prolonged exposure post beating that may have exacerbated an existing condition.

With that in mind it is very rare for a person to be in a comatose state with open eyes. Most comatose patient's eyes roll back into the skull because of relaxation of the muscles holding the eye. Im not saying that there are no cases of open eyes Im just pointing out the most people do not.

I wish I could take a look at his blood work and liver panel that was drawn up at admittance. I think it would be very telling about his lifestyle previous to being attacked.
Did you happen to ask what damage could occur if a person was floating in the ocean with the hot, August sun beating down on them for an extended period of time without any way to shield the eyes?
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