6-21-12 Court Appearance

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Did the court hearing finish? Or is Twitter just down?

There were no specific tweets that court had adjourned, but the defence team met with the media after court, so ... yeah, it's over.
I have no problem with this at all. If this were to be the case obviously LM is not able to be trusted to take his medication and therefore is a threat to society and to himself which means perhaps he won't be locked up in a jail but will be locked up in an asylum for the rest of his life. This is a very slippery slope that the defense is going to try and undertake.

I can see right through, as most people can, what the defence is trying to do and I honestly don't think it's going to work. It may just backfire on them BIG time. The drugs that were name are not necessarily for schizophrenia and can be of a multitude of psychosis. It will be up to the prosecutors to hammer this point home to the jury. They will need to call on many experts. I am willing to bet that the defence coming out with what they did today were hoping that the prosecutors would be the ones to turn around and ask for a psych evaluation. I have lived with my husband family members (2 of them) being schizophrenic and you will never convince me in a thousand years that LM was off meds and suffers from schizophrenia and that is the reason he committed this crime and the murder of the kittens, NO WAY EVER. And if he was on his meds and was diagnosed with being schizophrenic then something is totally wrong because again no way would he have acted in such a deliberate and calculating way. Sorry if I seem angry but I am beyond angry, it's basically an insult to anyone who has ever had a member of a family who is schizophrenic or for that matter is a schizophrenic, and say they are walking time bombs to murder, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Absolutely horse patootee (and that is not the word I want to say). Once again LM is suckering the world in and some will follow, he is the Pied Piper of this century. I don't buy his game.

It is very possible what you are saying is true. I have no way of knowing, nor do you or anyone else on this site. What we can all agree on is that he needs to be locked up forever. However, in our criminal justice system, he is entitled to his day in court, no matter how distasteful that may seem and he is entitled to strike a defense of his and his lawyer's chosing. We don't have to like it, but we do have to accept it is going to happen. I am as horrified by his crimes as any one of you are, and do NOT count myself as a 'Luka fan", which has been hinted at. I would just rather see the system go through its paces, no matter what it costs, and a FAIR trial be given him so that there is NO leeway for a retrial. And, if it turns out he is found not criminally responsible, I hope he is judged to be an extreme danger to society and spend the rest of his years in an asylum. Clear enough? :)
It's kinda creepy when an accused murderer has more faith in the Canadian Justice System than me. :floorlaugh:
I have no problem with this at all. If this were to be the case obviously LM is not able to be trusted to take his medication and therefore is a threat to society and to himself which means perhaps he won't be locked up in a jail but will be locked up in an asylum for the rest of his life. This is a very slippery slope that the defense is going to try and undertake.

Vince Li was off his meds when he beheaded young Tim McLean a couple of years ago, and is already being allowed supervised day outings. It sure is scarey unless there is some means of lifetime supervision to ensure all required meds are taken.
It's kinda creepy when an accused murderer has more faith in the Canadian Justice System than me. :floorlaugh:

Well, if that ain't an insanity defence, i don't know what is :floorlaugh:

jk ... i try to have faith
Currently, LM is about to reappear in court via video conference link shortly regarding his charges of murder.

His lawyer wants a psych evaluation, and 31 days to do it.

Will update as soon as the info is released.

I just put the update in the media link. No psych evaluation was requested. Possibly proof LM is in fact insane. Any lawyers reading here today? Pax? What do you make of the fact his lawyer didn't make the request?? I'm gobsmacked.
I just put the update in the media link. No psych evaluation was requested. Possibly proof LM is in fact insane. Any lawyers reading here today? Pax? What do you make of the fact his lawyer didn't make the request?? I'm gobsmacked.

During today's court appearance, it was tweeted that he had a psych evaluation while in Berlin.
I just put the update in the media link. No psych evaluation was requested. Possibly proof LM is in fact insane. Any lawyers reading here today? Pax? What do you make of the fact his lawyer didn't make the request?? I'm gobsmacked.

I would also like to know what this means... he is sane? so no need for psych evaluation?
It's kinda creepy when an accused murderer has more faith in the Canadian Justice System than me. :floorlaugh:

I think it's proof he's insane and you aren't actually.
During today's court appearance, it was tweeted that he had a psych evaluation while in Berlin.
Thanks!! That's interesting. Did you hear any conclusion the German Docs came to?? My guess it was done to determine his suicide risk etc in Germany and not to provide evidence for use here.
Thanks!! That's interesting. Did you hear any conclusion the German Docs came to?? My guess it was done to determine his suicide risk etc in Germany and not to provide evidence for use here.

No evidence of any kind was produced in court today, so we are not privy to whatever is in the Berlin evaluation. The fact that the defense has not requested a separate one smacks to me that the one that was done already is somewhat supportive of whatever defence tack they might be taking. JMO
so now what? we just sit back & wait for 3/13?
Pretty much. I wonder how many will actually still be following this case in 9 months from now with the same vehemence we are showing now? I'm betting few.
Why do you think this? Will you be one of the "few?" Just wondering.

Because time has a way of tempering anger. I can't say right now if I will be one of the few. I have no idea what life will bring my way between now and then to take my attention away from the monster who is Luka Magnotta, but I do think 9 months is a long time to be carrying the kind of anger many are feeling about this case. Perhaps when the trial starts it will be reignited in some.
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