7.2 Earthquake SoCal Area

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the water is sloshed out of my pool and all the light fixtures are still swinging.

Sloshed out of my pool as well. First time I've seen that.

JBean, don't you know WSers from the Northern states are just crying their eyes out, wailing, "Poor JBean and Nova lost water from their swimming pools! How will they go on?!"

Is everybody o.k? I was wondering how long it would be before we got something, from Haiti to Chili and now U.S and Mexico. Just heard in Georgia.

Obviously, the quake covered a large area, but my sense is that most people in the U.S. are okay. However, I don't think the media has really even begun to investigate the damage in Mexico.
The last time I felt a quake my yellow lab jumped up about 3 feet and started howling towards the ceiling. (She never howls) I laughed because aren't dogs supposed to know before it hits? My luck I get a dog that waits to warn me as the walls are already swaying. :) Her radar seems to be a lil off.

Yeah, I thought dogs were supposed to sense them, too. We were all sitting around watching a movie after Easter dinner. I was sitting next to our dog, Vito, on the sofa. With the first earthquake jolt, I thought Vito was kicking me to get more room. Then, when everything kept shaking, all of us got up -- except Vito, who didn't even wake up, even though the entire apartment felt like it was rolling down a bumpy street. We decided to go outside and had to wake up Vito, coax him to the door, and get his harness on. It was all over by the time we got him out.
I think Vito's attitude is that we're here to warn HIM of danger, not the other way around.
Hmmm. I don't think Santa Rosa is along the San Andreas! What's going on???

I'm very near the San Andreas and did not feel either quake - it must be a different fault line or several faults that are connecting up?

I'm very near the San Andreas and did not feel either quake - it must be a different fault line or several faults that are connecting up?


I was just looking at another one of those reports and Bishop is listed, which is near Mammoth Lakes, but it was light. Still, if you didn't feel it and they did in Bishop and Santa Rosa and San Diego, well, that's just odd. I don't think there is one fault that connects all of those. Lemme do some sleuthing and I'll come back to report my findings.
Obviously, the quake covered a large area, but my sense is that most people in the U.S. are okay. However, I don't think the media has really even begun to investigate the damage in Mexico.

That info will be coming out slowly.
Sloshed out of my pool as well. First time I've seen that.

JBean, don't you know WSers from the Northern states are just crying their eyes out, wailing, "Poor JBean and Nova lost water from their swimming pools! How will they go on?!"


Well we are having a water shortage for the love of God.
hey there Nova :hug:
im in santa barbara county, and did not feel anything here... my parents are actually in rosarito, mx on vacation. my dad said the epicenter is about 2 hours east of them, and they felt it pretty bad. he said they were concerned because of the ocean and tsunami but i dont think there has been warnings. i wasnt able to speak to them because they had no service but my dad was messaging me through his computer. i actually have not heard back from him since about 5:15pm, so i have been getting a little worried, but still hoping they are ok.
Well we are having a water shortage for the love of God.
hey there Nova :hug:

Knock it off! It's been raining for days up here! We need a long pipe that goes from my yard to your pool!
Epicenter in Northern Mexico. Pictures being shown on Cnn. I think I just saw the pool. Wow you can surf on that.
im in santa barbara county, and did not feel anything here... my parents are actually in rosarito, mx on vacation. my dad said the epicenter is about 2 hours east of them, and they felt it pretty bad. he said they were concerned because of the ocean and tsunami but i dont think there has been warnings. i wasnt able to speak to them because they had no service but my dad was messaging me through his computer. i actually have not heard back from him since about 5:15pm, so i have been getting a little worried, but still hoping they are ok.

I sure wish there was more info on the cable news networks tonight. :mad: How can they feel a quake in San Diego and Santa Rosa and not Santa Barbara??? That doesn't make sense if it was one long fault line going up the state. :waitasec:

:praying: My prayers are going up for your dad!!!
Cnn reporting, Tornado warnings around St. Louis. I guess this is mother natures way of celebrating Easter.

Chi town- a very windy day. 73 and too much wind.... evening thunderstorms...

Someone is going to slap me for this, but I have to ask. how does an earthquake compare to really bad turbulance on an airplane? I remember feeling an appx 3 foot drop on a plane. Everyone was freaking out... and I hate to say, I loved it.. the turbulance was awesome. When I left the plane and told the crew, they looked at me like I had lost my mind. OF course the second half the flight from PHX to CHGO was all turbulance.
Epicenter in Northern Mexico. Pictures being shown on Cnn. I think I just saw the pool. Wow you can surf on that.

I'm not getting it on CNN over here! :banghead:

Our Northwest National channel isn't discussing it either. Man, if there was a tornado or hurricane they'd be all over it.
I sure wish there was more info on the cable news networks tonight. :mad: How can they feel a quake in San Diego and Santa Rosa and not Santa Barbara??? That doesn't make sense if it was one long fault line going up the state. :waitasec:

:praying: My prayers are going up for your dad!!!

i know! i was so shocked when my mom sent me the text that they had just had the quake. then the news reports quakes all over northern and souther cali, but nothing here! i dont get it. and im a little frustrated about the little coverage in mexico. i checked all the spanish channels right after it happened and nothing!!!
luckily, my dad just text me and said they are still doing fine, resting and will more than likely be cutting their vacation short.

also, thank you for the prayers. i was getting so scared. going over 3 hours without hearing from them! i didnt know what to do. thankfully, they are ok.
I sure wish there was more info on the cable news networks tonight. :mad: How can they feel a quake in San Diego and Santa Rosa and not Santa Barbara??? That doesn't make sense if it was one long fault line going up the state. :waitasec:

:praying: My prayers are going up for your dad!!!

Here's a USGS map of who felt the shake and how severe it was there.
I don't think earthquake shakes necessarily travel up fault lines -- they sort of radiate outward. San Diego isn't even on a fault line, I don't think.
:praying: for all my WS friends in Cali...please be safe...I've only been in one earthquake and that was in Germany years ago...pretty scary stuff.

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