7.2 Earthquake SoCal Area

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I haven't felt any after shocks. hum :waitasec: However, the quake did stop our clocks, we have a few pendulum clocks.

Fran, :blowkiss: I understand your feelings. These earthquakes can leave me a bit shaken, seems like we are always hearing about the BIG ONE and when will it strike. That is enough to scare anyone.

Too funny, I decided to NOT renew my earthquake insurance this year, and low and behold my insurance company calls me today to remind me that I need to renew my insurance. :crazy: We have been through many earthquakes and nothing has ever fallen or been broken.

What got me on this latest quake is, it didn't seem to stop! I don't know if you all felt it for as long as we did. I thought it was at least a minute, but I've heard it was only 45 seconds. Believe me, I've felt many, from the Simi to Landers, Big Bear, Whittier, oh, I forget all the names, but this was the hardest and longgggest IMHO, for ME! Then the after-socks have been pretty intense.

LOL, when I was selling my home in Dana Point, I was talking to some prospective buyers out by the side-walk and an earthquake happened, (2008?), anyway, the lady said, "Is that an 'omen?'" and I said "Yes, the house is still standing." LOL, she didn't buy it,.... maybe she didn't get my joke?

My son told me when I moved here, (San Diego area, he's been here since 2006), they didn't have earthquakes here. Oh yeah? He went on a short vacation a few months ago and wham! Earthquake! I called him and told him he lied to me! LOL, then this weekend they were in Vegas for a basketball tournament for one of his boys..................I asked him today, "When are you going to be going on vacation again? I'm going with you!" ~~LOL...............!!

Anyway, I always told myself I'd never buy a house on a hill. Ehhhh....lol,.....yeah, I'm on a hill. I think that scared me more than anything. I'm thinking, "Ok, the hill is going to crack and your house is going to slide on down the hill!" Seriously, though, I'm wondering if the fact I'm at the edge of a hill if that makes me feel it more. Whatever! It's scary!:eek:

HI Californians . My boys were without power in Dana Point until about 4 this morning.

I have not felt any of the aftershocks in Newport at work or down here at home.

but i concur with those that felt this was the strongest I have felt in at least 20 or more years.
What got me on this latest quake is, it didn't seem to stop! I don't know if you all felt it for as long as we did. I thought it was at least a minute, but I've heard it was only 45 seconds. Believe me, I've felt many, from the Simi to Landers, Big Bear, Whittier, oh, I forget all the names, but this was the hardest and longgggest IMHO, for ME! Then the after-socks have been pretty intense.

LOL, when I was selling my home in Dana Point, I was talking to some prospective buyers out by the side-walk and an earthquake happened, (2008?), anyway, the lady said, "Is that an 'omen?'" and I said "Yes, the house is still standing." LOL, she didn't buy it,.... maybe she didn't get my joke?

My son told me when I moved here, (San Diego area, he's been here since 2006), they didn't have earthquakes here. Oh yeah? He went on a short vacation a few months ago and wham! Earthquake! I called him and told him he lied to me! LOL, then this weekend they were in Vegas for a basketball tournament for one of his boys..................I asked him today, "When are you going to be going on vacation again? I'm going with you!" ~~LOL...............!!

Anyway, I always told myself I'd never buy a house on a hill. Ehhhh....lol,.....yeah, I'm on a hill. I think that scared me more than anything. I'm thinking, "Ok, the hill is going to crack and your house is going to slide on down the hill!" Seriously, though, I'm wondering if the fact I'm at the edge of a hill if that makes me feel it more. Whatever! It's scary!:eek:

we miss you up here in DP fran. I have been waiting to see how you fared because I know you are closer than I.
Things are really quiet here. maybe too quiet?
we miss you up here in DP fran. I have been waiting to see how you fared because I know you are closer than I.
Things are really quiet here. maybe too quiet?

To be honest, I'm a little worried. I hope the NEXT ONE, isn't in the L.A. area or San Francisco. It could be bad.

I saw a guy on tv today that was from the GSA or whatever group follows and studies these. It didn't sound good. :(

I hope, for now, this is all the {STRESS} the earth needs to relieve! Seriously, I don't want to repeat what he said, he was hesitant to answer in the first place.


PS....as USUAL, IMHO, Dana Point et al, lost power and WE did NOT. There's something wrong with your power grid there....honestly...have power surge protectors on ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES, (including, refrige, microwave, tv, puters, anything of value) We learned the HARD WAY! and THEN told by the retailers. :eek:...and yes, we lost a Giant Screen tv (only 3yo), new refrige, puters, etc...............spend extra bucks on the power surge protectors..............fran

PPS...JBean...............I was up your way a few weeks ago. I so love it there, but San Diego is awesome too! LOL,.................except for the recent .....ehhhh..............earth shattering experience! :D
I live about 20-30 miles from the epicenter of the first (7.2) quake. It is definitely the strongest one I've ever felt and I've lived here my entire life! We had a lot of broken glass and about 3 ft of displaced pool water, and our power was out for most of the night on Sunday. The aftershocks, and other quakes on surrounding fault lines have been constant since the first quake...we're getting at least 2-4 pointers every couple of minutes. Strange days!
My step daughter lives in Jollyville, From what I understand it's near Northern California, has anyone heard of that city?I can't reach her on her cell and no e-mail responses I don't know if she has power or what, but I hope she and the kids are o.k.
I can't find a Jollyville, Ca. Just for Tx and OK. But if she's in Northern California, I'm sure she's ok. The earthquake on Easter was only felt from Santa Barbara to Phoenix. :(

They do have small earthquakes all over the state daily, but I think nothing big has happened in Northern Calif for a while.


PS ...I just heard they had a 7.8 in Sumatra, Indonesia a little while ago...fran
I can't find a Jollyville, Ca. Just for Tx and OK. But if she's in Northern California, I'm sure she's ok. The earthquake on Easter was only felt from Santa Barbara to Phoenix. :(

They do have small earthquakes all over the state daily, but I think nothing big has happened in Northern Calif for a while.


PS ...I just heard they had a 7.8 in Sumatra, Indonesia a little while ago...fran

Thanks, I must have the name wrong I will have to look up her address. We both reported the Sumatra earthquake at the same time.

Are all the recent big earthquakes connected?

SEATTLE - In the last 100 years, there are three periods where super earthquakes spiked. We're in the middle of one now. In fact, the magnitude 8.8 Chilean quake on Feb. 27 is ranked by the U.S. Geolgoical Survey as the fifth largest earthquake recorded since the year 1900. The 2004 quake that hit off the coast of Northern Sumatra at magnitude 9.1 ranks third.

The U.S.G.S. says in the last century there are three great periods of large subduction zone quakes where the ocean floor is forced under a nearby continent. Those 20-year periods range between 1905 and 1925, 1950 and 1965 and 2004 to present. The two largest quakes ever recorded came in the middle, the 1960 9.5 quake in Chile ranks No. 1 and the 9.2 that hit Alaska in 1964 is No. 2.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article and video at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Does anybody think that maybe some of these fault lines were created back in the days when the defense department use to test nuclear weapons in the dessert?

I thought about this 30+ years ago when I was in high school.......not sure, but it sure didn't help it any.
Just had an small earthquake here in Newport Beach. just reporting in still rolling.



LOL, one of my cats came bolting down the stairs! Scardy cat! :D



LOL, one of my cats came bolting down the stairs! Scardy cat! :D
did you feel that Fran? I am in an office building and it is still rolling here. This wasa side to side rocker with rolling at the end.
I think I feel it differently than you. I'm closer to the epicenter. It was more of a jerk here. I was sitting in a chair at my computer and it jolted me from side to side. But it was really strong and that was it. You're further out at the edges. What, an 1 1/2 hours from me? and I'm about 2 hours from the epicenter. (it was almost exactly at the same spot as Sunday's)

One of my cats came bolting down the stairway, then stopped and looked up towards upstairs.

I think I feel it differently than you. I'm closer to the epicenter. It was more of a jerk here. I was sitting in a chair at my computer and it jolted me from side to side. But it was really strong and that was it. You're further out at the edges. What, an 1 1/2 hours from me? and I'm about 2 hours from the epicenter. (it was almost exactly at the same spot as Sunday's)

One of my cats came bolting down the stairway, then stopped and looked up towards upstairs.

I am even further north up in Newport Beach today. I am still rocking and this is the first time I have ever gotten nausea from the subtle rocking motion.
This did have a jolt and then a side to side rocker. It was very noticeable but nothing like the other day.
Nothing here in Ramona. This last quake (5.5) was deeper (~19miles) than the one on Sunday.
I am surprised you did not feel that in Ramona!
I just called my brother and he said he did not feel it but he had just looked outside at his spa and couldn't figure out why the water was sloshing to the outside. helloooo.
there have been hundreds of after-shocks and I swear, I can feel 1/2 of them!

This last one was a 5.5, about 9 mi from the one on Sunday.

I heard the Governor and Boxer are in Calexico today assessing damage. They had about $17m in losses.


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