7th Heaven star Stephen Collins on tape admitting molestation of girls

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I could barf this person opining on ET right now said about Collins estranged wife "She is not a mandated reporter and had no legal obligation to tell authorities." um now the wife may be a greedy B who wants more money, but what if she felt a moral obligation to give LE the tape in 2012? If that was not her motivation then that is sad. It's not illegal to be a bad person. What her husband admitted to doing WAS. Case closed for me.

I couldn't give a rat's butt how that tape became public or why the wife turned it over to cops in 2012.
I could barf this person opining on ET right now said about Collins estranged wife "She is not a mandated reporter and had no legal obligation to tell authorities." um now the wife may be a greedy B who wants more money, but what if she felt a moral obligation to give LE the tape in 2012? If that was not her motivation then that is sad. It's not illegal to be a bad person. What her husband admitted to doing WAS. Case closed for me.

I couldn't give a rat's butt how that tape became public or why the wife turned it over to cops in 2012.

Thank you!!!

And about the therapy issue...I will venture a guess that most victims of child molestation never get help from a therapist for a lot of reasons including fear of not being believed, having to relive it, shame...and so forth. He was hoping to save his marriage during his therapy confession. I hear nothing in his voice on the tape that makes me feel he was truly sorry for messing up the lives of at least 3 young girls.
7th Heaven Star Sarah Goldberg Dead at 40

Mike Vulpo, eonline
9 hours ago

Actress Sarah Goldberg, who appeared in shows such as House, Judging Amy and 7th Heaven, died Sept. 27, multiple reports confirm. She was 40.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times , who spoke to the star's mother, Goldberg died peacefully in her sleep as her computer rested on her lap. She was living at the family cabin in Wisconsin.

Although an autopsy failed to determine a cause of death, Goldberg's mother believes a heart ailment may have ultimately caused her passing...


So sad. Beautiful girl.

Thank you!!!

And about the therapy issue...I will venture a guess that most victims of child molestation never get help from a therapist for a lot of reasons including fear of not being believed, having to relive it, shame...and so forth. He was hoping to save his marriage during his therapy confession. I hear nothing in his voice on the tape that makes me feel he was truly sorry for messing up the lives of at least 3 young girls.

That's what I noticed too....he sounded like an actor reciting his lines....no real emotion behind the words.
and his demeanor throughout was sort of "Why are you asking me stuff and specifics about this stuff, like I said in my disclosure." How many times does the man use the word disclosure? That is a legal term, not a therapy word.

I sensed no remorse, I sensed no genuine interest in therapy, which involves delving into things and the stuff behind those things. Wondering if the therapy was ordered because he sure isn't seeming in the spirit of the session.
What adds salt to the wounds is how Dr. Drew felt Mr. Collins' privacy had been violated by releasing his therapy session. I believe he said something like, "Anybody else disturbed by the release of the tapes of his private session?"

Uh....no....as a child victim myself what disturbs me is you are worried about Mr. Collins" rights to privacy more than the privacy of the body of an innocent child. That is what disturbs me most, Dr. Drew.

Done with his show. Will never watch it again. Emailed the show, too. How many times must victims be victimized, made out to be liars. This has hurt my heart. Sorry...had to let it all out!

Turn it around for a moment: suppose you were in therapy. Would you want your counselor to discuss your victimization and the ensuing trauma with your friends and family members, your pastor, your employer and perhaps even your abuser himself? I'm sure you wouldn't and I wouldn't blame you.

The therapist-patient confidentiality rule is there to protect patients of all stripes.

Now I think most states allow/require a therapist to break confidentiality to prevent a future crime. But in this case, if I understand it correctly, the crimes confessed were 30-years-old. Add to this the fact that a therapist has to consider that patients often confess to things they did NOT do in order to "entertain" the therapist and one can see why betraying the therapist/patient confidentiality is a complicated subject.

And as others have pointed out, do we want pedophiles talking to therapists or not?
At the TMZ link there is a three page document which is a Declaration by Ms. Grant basically asking the court to issue an order that she cannot be held responsible for any of Collins' bad acts.

It is interesting reading. First of all the session at which the confession/discussion took place was with HIS therapist. She states she was told by his therapist that he has narcissistic personality disorder with sociopathic tendencies. He had been attending a 12-step based "sexual addiction" program. That she was informed of the pedophilia by his therapist, his sister-in-law, his sister-in-law's husband, and by Collins himself.

Apparently Collins had made a written "disclosure" of his actions to her prior to the counseling session on the tape. He refers to it several times, saying "that was in the disclosure". I wonder if that disclosure was not at the behest of his therapist? It just didn't sound like it was something he did voluntarily.

What is confusing me is that one of the New York victims apparently filed a complaint of sexual assault to police back in November 2012. What happened to that case? Did it just "go a
I have several clients with intellectual disabilities who love this show and check out episodes from the library on a regular basis.

How, pray tell, am I supposed to explain to them when they hear that the "preacher" did this to young girls (especially when one of those clients was sexually abused as a child herself?)

I appreciate the difficulty, but it strikes me that if clients with intellectual disabilities are going to watch TV, then it's very important they learn what is merely "acting".
I'd rather have a pedophile have the same thing done to him that he has done to a innocent child.

Be careful what you wish for. That sounds nice, but all that Collins has confessed to is exposing himself and putting a child's hand on his penis. I think if we did "the same thing to him" it would be an utterly inadequate punishment.
I appreciate the difficulty, but it strikes me that if clients with intellectual disabilities are going to watch TV, then it's very important they learn what is merely "acting".

Of course. And there will be a number of conversations on this subject before it's over.
Turn it around for a moment: suppose you were in therapy. Would you want your counselor to discuss your victimization and the ensuing trauma with your friends and family members, your pastor, your employer and perhaps even your abuser himself? I'm sure you wouldn't and I wouldn't blame you.

The therapist-patient confidentiality rule is there to protect patients of all stripes.

Now I think most states allow/require a therapist to break confidentiality to prevent a future crime. But in this case, if I understand it correctly, the crimes confessed were 30-years-old. Add to this the fact that a therapist has to consider that patients often confess to things they did NOT do in order to "entertain" the therapist and one can see why betraying the therapist/patient confidentiality is a complicated subject.

And as others have pointed out, do we want pedophiles talking to therapists or not?

One "minor" difference. A victim has committed no crime. A child molester has committed a felony which needs to be reported.

Unbelievable. This is exactly why victims don't come forward until many years later and then often wish they hadn't.
Be careful what you wish for. That sounds nice, but all that Collins has confessed to is exposing himself and putting a child's hand on his penis. I think if we did "the same thing to him" it would be an utterly inadequate punishment.

BBM "all that Collins has confessed to"??? Yeah..that is all.:notgood:
I don't want to say that he didn't do it, but.. I'm not going to be quick to jump on the hang 'em bandwagon. This happened just as Grant and Collins were getting a divorce, and also just days after his birthday and a 7th Heaven cast reuinion?

Listening to the audio, it sounds a bit jumpy, as if perhaps it had been pieced together from several recordings, using a program such as Acoustica. That's just my opinion, however.

Also there's this.. "Grant herself says she did not release the tapes, but did give them to law enforcement two years ago just after the therapy session happened." So.. law enforcement supposedly had these tapes for two years and is just now deciding to investigate?

He allegedly made comments about a desire to harm a boy, if they would've had a son instead of a daughter and she remained married to this man?

I'm not completely buying this story. I don't want to say that she's just a bitter ex or that he did not do the things he is accused of, but it's certainly strange that she continued to have a relationship with him after this knowledge. I also find it odd that she cites the fact of no longer being able to work as an actress because she chose to stay at home and take care of their child - And now he's lost gigs that he had lined up. A victim that wrote to his wife? Umm...?

I want to know more before I come to any conclusions.
Be careful what you wish for. That sounds nice, but all that Collins has confessed to is exposing himself and putting a child's hand on his penis. I think if we did "the same thing to him" it would be an utterly inadequate punishment.

I had worse things happening to me as a child, and I don't consider myself a victim of sexual abuse, nor do I see it as something that has ruined my life. It was certainly unpleasant, but I think most children can deal with such occurrences fairly well. I personally don't think that exposing yourself to a child is in the same league as raping the child - which is why, I think, his victims did not come forward. The former you'd rather forget as an unpleasant memory of a creepy guy, while the latter is a fixed moment in your life, that you want to go back to and make right.
Also there's this.. "Grant herself says she did not release the tapes, but did give them to law enforcement two years ago just after the therapy session happened." So.. law enforcement supposedly had these tapes for two years and is just now deciding to investigate?

Apparently the police did investigate it in 2012, and decided there wasn't enough to press charges.
When I read about this on the way to work this morning, I immediately felt :sick:.

There are several episodes I'll never look at the same way again, including this one:


This situation is horrible . . . just beyond horrible. :furious:

Those poor young victims. :(


On another note, does anyone remember that movie where he played a man who killed his wife and was having a relationship with either a high schooler or college student? I will try to find the name of it. But he was way creepy in that and apparently not due to his acting skills.
Be careful what you wish for. That sounds nice, but all that Collins has confessed to is exposing himself and putting a child's hand on his penis. I think if we did "the same thing to him" it would be an utterly inadequate punishment.

Certainly something to think about, although I believe more than one child was involved, so to me that makes him a repeat offender, and what are the chances of “exposing himself and putting a child's hand on his penis” being the only thing that happened, after all these are his words. I’ll change my opinion to he should receive a harsher punishment, but like I said earlier I do not believe anything will be done to him. He’ll make a plea deal and walk free to destroy more innocent children. OR maybe he will commit suicide

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