8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

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Article dated August 12, 2009 states other than what Daniel S. voiced on LKL.

Warren Hance, who lost three daughters in the crash, is furious that Schuler was driving drunk and high, but is also enraged that her husband is denying she had a problem, the Post said, citing a lawyer familiar with the situation.

In addition to many that were killed by DS, a NY couple also were victims of this horrible crash; D. and A. Tallarico, who received minor injuries when Bastardi’s vehicle (after being hit by Diane Schuler) veered off and hit their vehicle.

This drunk driver has affected many lives…yet Daniel S will not let it go.

Total 7 killed + drunk driver + 3 injured = many ruined lives

8 people were killed.
Why would someone spike a woman's drink at 10:00 in the morning in McDonald's of all places, especially a woman with 5 children in tow? It makes no sense at all. She drank the vodka, she smoked the pot, that is what happened.

Now I remember why I never post here....people are down right mean if you offer up any ideas.
I had a new thought tonight, about why Diane was seen on camera searching for Advil at a convenience store....what if her pain was the pain of a terrible hangover, and when she could not find anything, she decided to use the proverbial "hair of the dog" to deal with a massive hangover....?????
having lived with an alcoholic, I have seen how painful the hangover symptoms can be...
and yes, I do know that everyone said she was sober when she left the campground, but what about the night before????

Now I remember why I never post here....people are down right mean if you offer up any ideas.

I did not see any meanness, just that no one agreed with your idea...

also, it had been discussed as a theory in the past ....and no one would expect a new poster on this thread to wade through the tons of posts, but it had come up before....
if you had been the first to mention this idea, I am sure it would have gotten more discussion.....
Yes, and this was the conversation last night about Diane’s nieces’ parents - Diane’s brother Warren Hance and his wife Jackie.

KING: Daniel, you have talked to the parents of the nieces who were killed?
SCHULER: Yes, it's my brother-in-law. We keep in touch. We talk.
KING: And?
SCHULER: They're having a hard time with it. But they're managing slowly, day by day, just like I am.
KING: What do they think about what was the condition of your wife?
SCHULER: They don't believe it either, not for a second.


Thank you, cloudjo. I am going to go read the transcripts tonight. Certainly it doesn't sound like he feels estranged from the Hances.
I had a new thought tonight, about why Diane was seen on camera searching for Advil at a convenience store....what if her pain was the pain of a terrible hangover, and when she could not find anything, she decided to use the proverbial "hair of the dog" to deal with a massive hangover....?????
having lived with an alcoholic, I have seen how painful the hangover symptoms can be...
and yes, I do know that everyone said she was sober when she left the campground, but what about the night before????


In the LKL transcript, her husband said she was not drinking the night before.

The transcript was an interesting read. Shuler's attorney did a good job of putting forward alternative scenarios - that's calculated, of course, and I think they are all pretty farfetched, but he definitely raised questions and doubts effectively.

It is obvious that no piece of Shuler believes his Wife had a drinking issue. I can't blame him for trying to get to the bottom of things when the most logical reason seems completely impossible to him.

I wish I knew a little more about BAC. Does anyone know if Shuler can request the blood sample that was used to test the BAC and have an independent BAC performed on it? If his Wife's body is exhumed, is there any blood left in it and would that blood even be testable for BAC at the time of her death. Will they test her hair if her body is exhumed?
Yes, I know what the husband said, but I personally do not find him credible.
To me, her behavior leading up to the crash could be explained by a painful hangover, not a painful tooth.

Yes, I know what the husband said, but I personally do not find him credible.
To me, her behavior leading up to the crash could be explained by a painful hangover, not a painful tooth.


or, by being slipped a mickey at 10 am on a Sunday morning in McDonalds surrounded by 5 little children. LOL
Now I remember why I never post here....people are down right mean if you offer up any ideas.

I think I mentioned the "spike" idea too -- no worries, we all have our own opinion. At the end of the day, I think she spiked her own drink, or had an underlying illness (diabetes or something else). This case hasn't made sense to me from day 1.

Hang in there.

I DVR'd this show and just watched it tonight...a couple of comments...

I realize that DS and Barbara were not in Larry's studio, so they could not look directly at Larry, but just the stance of Daniel, made him appear uncaring and arrogant.

Then, when Larry asked Daniel to address the survivors of those killed in the other vehicle, instead of saying how sorry he was, or how he understood their loss, because he also lost loved ones...NO... he says, "they were not killed by an alcoholic". I think he really doesn't see how he is coming across, and it isn't at all compassionate.

As far as the attorney goes, DS needs to walk away and walk away fast. Barbara is so unappealing in his remarks and the way he grovelled to Larry King. He is so obviously in this only for the publicity.

[respectfully snipped]
I wish I knew a little more about BAC. Does anyone know if Shuler can request the blood sample that was used to test the BAC and have an independent BAC performed on it? If his Wife's body is exhumed, is there any blood left in it and would that blood even be testable for BAC at the time of her death. Will they test her hair if her body is exhumed?

I was trying to find out more about that too.

Even before they seek to exhume Diane Schuler's body for a new autopsy, her family wants to have DNA tests done to verify the identity of lab samples that Westchester authorities said showed she was drunk and high before the wrong-way Taconic State Parkway crash, a private investigator said Wednesday.

Schuler's family was trying Wednesday to arrange a transfer of the blood, brain, urine and eye fluid samples from the Westchester medical examiner's office to a laboratory of their choice, said Thomas Ruskin, president of the CMP Protective and Investigative Group, which is working for Schuler's family. Ruskin said the samples would be matched with Schuler's DNA, which investigators will obtain from her toothbrush.

Forensic experts said the DNA tests were more likely than a new autopsy to overturn the medical examiner's findings. "Exhuming the body is not going to give you any information on drinking or drugs because there's no blood left," said Dr. Michael Baden, former chief medical examiner of New York City. He said a new autopsy may be able to show contributing conditions missed by the first one.

Ruskin said an independent review would re-examine "every aspect" of the first autopsy, but referred questions to Schuler family attorney Dominic Barbara, of Garden City, who didn't respond to phone messages yesterday.

It was unclear Wednesday whether the new autopsy would include analysis of hair, which would show prior drug use.


Several experts said second autopsies on bodies that have already been buried have their limitations.

Dr. John Howard, a forensic pathologist in Seattle and president of the National Association of Medical Examiners, said that even shortly after death, drugs and other substances enter and exit the body's organs and bloodstream.

It's also impossible to perform a first autopsy without altering the body in a way that makes the second autopsy less informative, he said. "The blood vessels have been disrupted and blood would have been mixed with other substances — stomach contents, for example," he said. Adelman said that if the body has been embalmed, that might affect toxicology results.

Re Exhumation:

[snipped from page 2]
But experts said it could also be a relatively simple process - as long as other relatives give their written consent.

"There isn't an issue," said Val Cherkoss, a Long Island attorney who has represented clients in exhumation court cases. "If the spouse and parents and children over 18 and the cemetery all consent, it's a done deal," 

Cherkoss said yesterday. "And that's sort of the process. It's actually quite simple." The only other objection would come from the cemetery where Schuler is buried, and officials there gave no indication it would be an issue if it's done by the book.

Ryan said disinterments are relatively routine - there are 15 to 25 there every year. As long as there is consent, there are unlikely to be legal hitches, he said. He said the cemetery charges $1,815 for a disinterment and $1,385 to rebury the body.

The Schulers would face other costs in permit and licensing fees, Ryan said. There would be heftier bills for private pathologists and lab tests, including the DNA sampling from the toothbrush.

Some exhumation cases can also get bogged down in court.

What Daniel said on LKL was rude, but the guy is probably is in denial about the whole thing. I am sure his wife had a drinking problem for awhile, but was just able to hide it from everyone. So to go from thinking everything is 'perfect' to this.... is a big jump. Not trying to defend the guy. It is not crazy to think she had a drinking problem. A lot of times families want to deny that they loved one has a problem, and a lot of times they are really good at hiding it. Just a thought... and sorry if this has been discussed before.
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