8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

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I assume Aunt Diane managed to conceal her drug intake somehow. Vodka could be mixed with orange juice surreptitiously; maybe that was the reason for the multiple stops. I know passers-by thought Diane was vomiting, but if LE found her vomit at the places she stopped, none of the articles say so.

The smoking seems harder to conceal. But I know from personal experience that kids these days are like Hitler Youth when it comes to adults smoking. They are indoctrinated against smoking in school. (Of course, the target is tobacco, but I'm assuming Diane's nieces wouldn't know the difference between pot and tobacco.) (ETA do we know she inhaled the pot? Could she have baked it into brownies or something that could be eaten while she drove?)

So I believe that whenever and wherever she smoked, Diane did so without being seen by the children. Otherwise, the 8-year-old would have said something to her parents during that call, and the parents would have said something to LE and we would all know about it by now.

IIRC, Diane spent 4 hours on the road (including stops) before the accident. Maybe there were additional stops that nobody reported to LE.


Excellent points.

I never thought about the pot possibly being in brownies. I am just totally convinced - and I definitely could be wrong - that if she had been blatantly smoking weed while driving, her niece would have said something about it when talking to Warren and telling him there was something wrong with Diane.

Regarding people thinking she was throwing up because of her position by the side of the road, it occurred to me that maybe she had dry heaves and wasn't actually throwing anything up. I agree that LE would have or should have gone to those spots to check and see if she did throw up.

I also agree it's very possible she could have made more stops that weren't reported by anyone.
They stopped at McD's didn't they?Was there
food contents in her stomach or just alcohol?Could she have bitten down on some food that caused her tooth to become extremely painful?I've had that happen.It brought tears to my eyes.I came home and took Ibuprofen.

Did she try to purchase the pain reliever before or after McD's?
... wouldn't someone this controlling and, in turn, image conscious, worry more about one of the nieces telling her parents about Aunt Diane getting out the vodka bottle or smoking pot on the drive home? Surely these things can't be done all that secretly in broad daylight.

Good point! I know Jackie (Diane's SIL) claims her conversation with Diane was normal. Well, actually, she doesn't explain what was said at all, she states something to the effect that Diane did not sound intoxicated. That does not mean the conversation did not contain something relative to Diane being agitated/irritated or otherwise angry/hopeless/despondent, etc. And we will never know what Diane actually said to Jackie or Warren (other than she refers to him as "Danny" [her husband] at one pont); and we will never know exactly what Warren's daughter said when she called him to say Diane was not acting right, because they're keeping it to themselves - which they have every right to do. However, the fact that the Hance's did not participate in the documentary and have not voluntarily offered the context of the conversations leads me to question whether there was something said that would shed some light on what was going on with Diane. To me, it would make sense to share exactly what was said, especially since they both claim Diane was "coherent" and did not sound drunk/high, it would only enforce the "supermom, super employee, super friend" picture that was painted -or- it might shatter that image.

We all have our hypotheses, and I gotta say - we have some way cool critical thinkers on this board - would love to have you guys in my psych classes!!

As for me, and I know this is going to sound out there, but, I truly believe Diane either found out some information or was told some information during the trip home that sent her over the edge. And my gut tells me it had something to do with her mother - either grandma was going to attend the play, or there was some talk of Jackie's kids having contact with the grandmother, I don't know, and I never will know, and I could be so far off and so completely wrong....however; something was said during the phone calls, and the Hance's silence - while entirely understandable and no disrespect or blame is intended here - points toward there being more to the story regarding "why".

I recorded TSWWAD to DVD and we are reviewing it in my Abnormal Psychology class. It's incredibly interesting listening to the various theories presented by the students.

In any case...I appreciate the space to express my views and ramblings, thanks! :twocents:
I watched the documentary and am now working my way through the hundreds of posts and any articles I can find about this horrible case. I am really confused about something:

How long did it normally take Diane Schuler to make the trip from the campground to the Hance home? She had apparently made the trip before
and was comfortable with the route, so with those trips she established an "expected" travel time. I know there are variables like stopping for gas & food, but what was "normal" travel time for Diane Schuler?

I was confused about that too, because I thought I read somewhere 35 minutes travel time... where I don't know, or maybe I was tired & didn't have my glasses on. The trip according to googlemaps would take 2 hours & 18 minutes from the campsite back to Floral Park. 2 hours & 48 minutes back to West Babylon.

I finally had time to watch the documentary and really wish we had more answers now, but instead I think we only have more questions. Jay (SIL) admits Diane was a regular pot-smoker, yet they both continue to deny Diane drank anything other than an occasional pina colada. I am starting to really believe Diane was a closet vodka drinker to help her cope with her busy life, and the stress that came with holding a full-time job and caring for two young children basically on her own. With Daniel working nights, she alone was responsible for dinner, baths, bed time stories, etc... and probably never had much time alone to relax. I'm coming to that conclusion based on stopping the video to look at the prescription drug report... she had scripts for Tylenol with Codenine, Hydrocodone (vicodin) and Ambien (in addition to prenatals and one script I cannot make out that ends in xtra 20mg). Perhaps she couldn't obtain any more scripts for pain relievers and started self medicating with vodka? It happens way more than anyone wants to admit with over-stressed moms (my sister, my bff for example before being caught & helped). A little shot in your coffee to get through the morning, a bit in your tea at lunch and with dinner, a drink before bed... and it continues to escalate to help you get through your day. I don't think this was the first time she ever drank & drive, just the first time it turned out tragically. I'm not buying Daniel's "it had to be something medical" baloney and really wish he would just accept what truly happened... that Diane was way beyond legally drunk and high and it was her fault, and her fault alone, that 7 innocent people died that day in addition to herself. His lawsuits are ridiculous and I hope they are thrown out without merit. It also sickens me that the Hance's are named in ANY lawsuits. Yes it was their van, but it wasn't the vans fault or the Hance's that Diane chose to drink and get high and then drive that day. They've suffered enough. Another interesting thing... towards the end of the docu Jay is clearly very frustrated with Daniel not doing his fair share for Bryan and wishes he'd get off his lazy butt and help more and get a "real job" now. I wonder if Diane felt the same way? All MOO.
Originally posted by Stella5: "I'm not buying Daniel's "it had to be something medical" baloney and really wish he would just accept what truly happened... that Diane was way beyond legally drunk and high and it was her fault, and her fault alone, that 7 innocent people died that day in addition to herself. His lawsuits are ridiculous and I hope they are thrown out without merit. It also sickens me that the Hance's are named in ANY lawsuits. Yes it was their van, but it wasn't the vans fault or the Hance's that Diane chose to drink and get high and then drive that day. They've suffered enough. Another interesting thing... towards the end of the docu Jay is clearly very frustrated with Daniel not doing his fair share for Bryan and wishes he'd get off his lazy butt and help more and get a "real job" now. I wonder if Diane felt the same way? All MOO."

Excellent observation!

Near the end of the doc, Jay is reading a card from Jackie Hance to someone named "Evan" - I'm not able to determine who Evan is...anyone know? I obviously missed something as far as who Evan is.
I was confused about that too, because I thought I read somewhere 35 minutes travel time... where I don't know, or maybe I was tired & didn't have my glasses on. The trip according to googlemaps would take 2 hours & 18 minutes from the campsite back to Floral Park. 2 hours & 48 minutes back to West Babylon....

Thank you. I didn't think "35 minutes" sounded like enough time to make it down the Taconic, through NYC and out to the Island, particularly in the midst of end-of-the-weekend traffic. But I swear I heard that time. I thought I heard it in the doc, but maybe I read it in an article.


It's possible the Hances are being careful what they say about the phone calls from Diane for fear of being accused of enabling her conduct and/or failing to prevent the crash by calling 911. I'm not blaming them, I'm not calling them liars and, in any event, I think they've suffered enough. But as litigious as people can be these days, I can imagine being careful not to give too many details.

I'd like to understand the "facts" set forth in the suit against them and their countersuit. I don't see where the Hances are at fault for owning the van, but then I'm not sure how Dan Schuler is to blame either.
I heard 35 min. for Daniel's drive in the documentary.

Also in the beginning of all this, Daniel said they had one bottle
for up at the camp that they brought back and forth at the end
of each season. It was not the end of the season for them, the camp
owner said they were going to come back. So why was the vodka
bottle in the car at all? It did not belong there unless she was planning
a drink on the way home.

I think Diane got some really bad news, or had a fight with Daniel
that he won't own up to. For these reasons, after viewing the
documentary twice,and as a recovering person myself, I think
this was a pre-mediated murder/suicide. No alcoholic MOTHER STARTS to drink with a car full of kids, they do it when the kids are delivered(in her case),
or the kids are at home. The problem with drunk driving, is most often,
AFTER you drink, you loose the ability to choose and think your fine
and then make the mistake of driving with the kids, when you are
already impaired.

I don't hate Daniel, but he needs to man-up, and get on with his life.

Oh, and one more thing, he never mentions his daughter, not once!
only the meal ticket. blah
I retrieved the information below from the police report. I did not provide the link, because thankfully there is a child alive. The police report is available on the Internet.

7/26/09 Police report states:

9:30AM Witness stated that D & D were seen at camp site and everyone was in good spirits. Daniel left around the same time in his truck with all the luggage and the dog.

Arrived at McDonald's in the Liberty, NY at 9:56AM and depart at 10:33AM (seen ordering food and children were playing in the play area)

11:45AM witness account driving on State Route 17 in Middletown. While driving in the area 184, *** noticed a minivan pulled over to the side of the road. A female was outside of the vehicle bent over with her hands on her knees as if throwing up. When they got to the Chester area near Lowes, *** was in the left of two lanes and saw a vehicle tail gating him and flashing its headlights. He moved into the right lane to allow the van to pass. The van continued to zig-zagging in and out of traffic. When we got to the area north of the Ramapo rest stop, they saw the same van pulled over with the same woman outside of the van, again with her hands on her knees.

DS went through the Harriman toll between 12:00-12:15PM.

12:14PM witness (EZ Pass records) went through Harriman toll continued on and traveling south on I87 observed a minivan pulled over to the right side of the ride. Female sitting on the guide rail who appeared to be ill. Witness then accounts that he observed minivan back in traffic and begin driving behind him in the right lane. The minivan begins to tail gate him and tried to pass him on the shoulder. This van then begins to use its horn and continues to do so for approximately one mile. Drove into the Ramapo rest area and towards McDonalds. He observed the van pulled in as well and drove towards the area of the truck parking. He further stated that the van drove across the grass. That was the last time he saw the vehicle.

Numerous drivers honked and waived (911 was called) to DS as an attempt to get her attention to no avail. Some drivers had to swerve to avoid DS's red minivan.

Witnesses accounts:
  • The van appeared to be traveling at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was staying "perfectly" in the lane.
  • One witness reported she had a panic look on her face and both hands on the steering wheel.
  • "Driver is not swerving and appeared oblivious to the oncoming traffic".
  • The minivan was being driven in an "aggressive manor".
  • She appeared to be driving 'skillfully".
  • The witness was unable to verify if the driver of the van was male or female. However, the driver was wearing sunglasses and appeared to be "focused, with their hands in the 10 & 2 o'clock position".
  • One witness stated the van was coming straight towards him. He pulled his vehicle all the way to the right to avoid striking the van. He then looked in his rear view mirror and observed all of the cars behind him do the same. He stated that the minivan made no effort to avoid striking the other vehicles. He noted that at no time did he see brake lights being used by the van.
  • He stated that numerous drivers were honking their horns and flashing their headlights, but this driver just kept going as if nothing was wrong. At no time this vehicle attempted to avoid oncoming cars.

All five children were seat belted.

1:35PM -Police dispatched to a wrong way driver traveling southbound in the northbound lanes of the Taconic State Parkway.
Re the horn honking and changing lanes aggressively, I wonder if that wasn't just how Diane always drove? We have the story from her friend that Diane, while a passenger, reached across the driver and honked the horn for her.

Maybe the obnoxious driving was just part of Diane's inability to tolerate what she saw as errors in others.

(I'm NOT talking about driving the wrong way on the freeway. Obviously, that's something else entirely.)


It's interesting that a witness saw her headed toward yet another McDonald's. More o.j. to mix with the vodka?
I was confused about that too, because I thought I read somewhere 35 minutes travel time... where I don't know, or maybe I was tired & didn't have my glasses on. The trip according to googlemaps would take 2 hours & 18 minutes from the campsite back to Floral Park. 2 hours & 48 minutes back to West Babylon.

I finally had time to watch the documentary and really wish we had more answers now, but instead I think we only have more questions. Jay (SIL) admits Diane was a regular pot-smoker, yet they both continue to deny Diane drank anything other than an occasional pina colada. I am starting to really believe Diane was a closet vodka drinker to help her cope with her busy life, and the stress that came with holding a full-time job and caring for two young children basically on her own. With Daniel working nights, she alone was responsible for dinner, baths, bed time stories, etc... and probably never had much time alone to relax. I'm coming to that conclusion based on stopping the video to look at the prescription drug report... she had scripts for Tylenol with Codenine, Hydrocodone (vicodin) and Ambien (in addition to prenatals and one script I cannot make out that ends in xtra 20mg). Perhaps she couldn't obtain any more scripts for pain relievers and started self medicating with vodka? It happens way more than anyone wants to admit with over-stressed moms (my sister, my bff for example before being caught & helped). A little shot in your coffee to get through the morning, a bit in your tea at lunch and with dinner, a drink before bed... and it continues to escalate to help you get through your day. I don't think this was the first time she ever drank & drive, just the first time it turned out tragically. I'm not buying Daniel's "it had to be something medical" baloney and really wish he would just accept what truly happened... that Diane was way beyond legally drunk and high and it was her fault, and her fault alone, that 7 innocent people died that day in addition to herself. His lawsuits are ridiculous and I hope they are thrown out without merit. It also sickens me that the Hance's are named in ANY lawsuits. Yes it was their van, but it wasn't the vans fault or the Hance's that Diane chose to drink and get high and then drive that day. They've suffered enough. Another interesting thing... towards the end of the docu Jay is clearly very frustrated with Daniel not doing his fair share for Bryan and wishes he'd get off his lazy butt and help more and get a "real job" now. I wonder if Diane felt the same way? All MOO.

BBM - I believe that what you describe above was indeed the arch of her life that helped lead to this tragedy.
I heard 35 min. for Daniel's drive in the documentary.

Also in the beginning of all this, Daniel said they had one bottle
for up at the camp that they brought back and forth at the end
of each season. It was not the end of the season for them, the camp
owner said they were going to come back. So why was the vodka
bottle in the car at all? It did not belong there unless she was planning
a drink on the way home.

I think Diane got some really bad news, or had a fight with Daniel
that he won't own up to. For these reasons, after viewing the
documentary twice,and as a recovering person myself, I think
this was a pre-mediated murder/suicide. No alcoholic MOTHER STARTS to drink with a car full of kids, they do it when the kids are delivered(in her case),
or the kids are at home. The problem with drunk driving, is most often,
AFTER you drink, you loose the ability to choose and think your fine
and then make the mistake of driving with the kids, when you are
already impaired.

I don't hate Daniel, but he needs to man-up, and get on with his life.

Oh, and one more thing, he never mentions his daughter, not once!
only the meal ticket. blah
I'm not Daniel's official apologist (although it probably seems that way to some), but because I feel so sorry for him, I keep thinking on behalf of him as a victim. I thought the documentary was somewhat unemotional, it had a kind of clinical coldness to it, probably deliberately, and I'd guess the filmmaker didn't ask questions about the actual loss of Daniel's wife and daughter while filming. I easily assume that Daniel grieved the loss of his wife and daughter significantly, though not publicly, and that he's lived through an absolute nightmare.
Re the horn honking and changing lanes aggressively, I wonder if that wasn't just how Diane always drove? We have the story from her friend that Diane, while a passenger, reached across the driver and honked the horn for her.

Maybe the obnoxious driving was just part of Diane's inability to tolerate what she saw as errors in others.

(I'm NOT talking about driving the wrong way on the freeway. Obviously, that's something else entirely.)


It's interesting that a witness saw her headed toward yet another McDonald's. More o.j. to mix with the vodka?
This is the first I've heard of the friend's description of Diane as a driver. Very interesting. Here it seemed a big part of the puzzle, yet her driving like that may have been the most normal part of the event before whatever happened happened.

I remember one of her friends saying that if Diane didn't like you, you knew it. I realize that a personality trait like that doesn't necessarily mean the person's vengeful, but I did remember the friend's comment when I read some of the ideas on here about the possibility that Diane and her brother had words which triggered certain emotions in her.
BBM - I believe that what you describe above was indeed the arch of her life that helped lead to this tragedy.

I think it was that and more....She had the burden of her ruined childhood trying to mother her siblings, the pain of her own mother's abandonment, resentment toward her siblings who reconciled with said mother rather than remaining loyal to her, and the horror of potentially turning into her own mother because she was no longer able to cope with her own life.
Near the end of the doc, Jay is reading a card from Jackie Hance to someone named "Evan" - I'm not able to determine who Evan is...anyone know? I obviously missed something as far as who Evan is.

I wasn't sure who that letter was too either, but Jay seemed to have a teenaged son (he was playing with Bryan) so I assumed he was Evan, Jackie Hance would be his aunt.
I retrieved the information below from the police report. I did not provide the link, because thankfully there is a child alive. The police report is available on the Internet.

7/26/09 Police report states:

9:30AM Witness stated that D & D were seen at camp site and everyone was in good spirits. Daniel left around the same time in his truck with all the luggage and the dog.

Arrived at McDonald's in the Liberty, NY at 9:56AM and depart at 10:33AM (seen ordering food and children were playing in the play area)

11:45AM witness account driving on State Route 17 in Middletown. While driving in the area 184, *** noticed a minivan pulled over to the side of the road. A female was outside of the vehicle bent over with her hands on her knees as if throwing up. When they got to the Chester area near Lowes, *** was in the left of two lanes and saw a vehicle tail gating him and flashing its headlights. He moved into the right lane to allow the van to pass. The van continued to zig-zagging in and out of traffic. When we got to the area north of the Ramapo rest stop, they saw the same van pulled over with the same woman outside of the van, again with her hands on her knees.

DS went through the Harriman toll between 12:00-12:15PM.

12:14PM witness (EZ Pass records) went through Harriman toll continued on and traveling south on I87 observed a minivan pulled over to the right side of the ride. Female sitting on the guide rail who appeared to be ill. Witness then accounts that he observed minivan back in traffic and begin driving behind him in the right lane. The minivan begins to tail gate him and tried to pass him on the shoulder. This van then begins to use its horn and continues to do so for approximately one mile. Drove into the Ramapo rest area and towards McDonalds. He observed the van pulled in as well and drove towards the area of the truck parking. He further stated that the van drove across the grass. That was the last time he saw the vehicle.

Numerous drivers honked and waived (911 was called) to DS as an attempt to get her attention to no avail. Some drivers had to swerve to avoid DS's red minivan.

Witnesses accounts:
  • The van appeared to be traveling at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was staying "perfectly" in the lane.
  • One witness reported she had a panic look on her face and both hands on the steering wheel.
  • "Driver is not swerving and appeared oblivious to the oncoming traffic".
  • The minivan was being driven in an "aggressive manor".
  • She appeared to be driving 'skillfully".
  • The witness was unable to verify if the driver of the van was male or female. However, the driver was wearing sunglasses and appeared to be "focused, with their hands in the 10 & 2 o'clock position".
  • One witness stated the van was coming straight towards him. He pulled his vehicle all the way to the right to avoid striking the van. He then looked in his rear view mirror and observed all of the cars behind him do the same. He stated that the minivan made no effort to avoid striking the other vehicles. He noted that at no time did he see brake lights being used by the van.
  • He stated that numerous drivers were honking their horns and flashing their headlights, but this driver just kept going as if nothing was wrong. At no time this vehicle attempted to avoid oncoming cars.
All five children were seat belted.

1:35PM -Police dispatched to a wrong way driver traveling southbound in the northbound lanes of the Taconic State Parkway.

From above
One witness stated the van was coming straight towards him. He pulled his vehicle all the way to the right to avoid striking the van. He then looked in his rear view mirror and observed all of the cars behind him do the same. He stated that the minivan made no effort to avoid striking the other vehicles. He noted that at no time did he see brake lights being used by the van.
He stated that numerous drivers were honking their horns and flashing their headlights, but this driver just kept going as if nothing was wrong. At no time this vehicle attempted to avoid oncoming cars.

The above sounds like a black out to me...
From above
One witness stated the van was coming straight towards him. He pulled his vehicle all the way to the right to avoid striking the van. He then looked in his rear view mirror and observed all of the cars behind him do the same. He stated that the minivan made no effort to avoid striking the other vehicles. He noted that at no time did he see brake lights being used by the van.
He stated that numerous drivers were honking their horns and flashing their headlights, but this driver just kept going as if nothing was wrong. At no time this vehicle attempted to avoid oncoming cars.

The above sounds like a black out to me...

I'm not arguing, but I'm not sure what you mean.
I'm not Daniel's official apologist (although it probably seems that way to some), but because I feel so sorry for him, I keep thinking on behalf of him as a victim. I thought the documentary was somewhat unemotional, it had a kind of clinical coldness to it, probably deliberately, and I'd guess the filmmaker didn't ask questions about the actual loss of Daniel's wife and daughter while filming. I easily assume that Daniel grieved the loss of his wife and daughter significantly, though not publicly, and that he's lived through an absolute nightmare.

I think Daniel *IS* a victim, whether or not he was a perfect husband.

I'm sure all the interviews were heavily edited and we heard/saw only a fraction of what Diane's friends and family actually said.
I retrieved the information below from the police report. I did not provide the link, because thankfully there is a child alive. The police report is available on the Internet.

7/26/09 Police report states:

9:30AM Witness stated that D & D were seen at camp site and everyone was in good spirits. Daniel left around the same time in his truck with all the luggage and the dog.

Arrived at McDonald's in the Liberty, NY at 9:56AM and depart at 10:33AM (seen ordering food and children were playing in the play area)

11:45AM witness account driving on State Route 17 in Middletown. While driving in the area 184, *** noticed a minivan pulled over to the side of the road. A female was outside of the vehicle bent over with her hands on her knees as if throwing up. When they got to the Chester area near Lowes, *** was in the left of two lanes and saw a vehicle tail gating him and flashing its headlights. He moved into the right lane to allow the van to pass. The van continued to zig-zagging in and out of traffic. When we got to the area north of the Ramapo rest stop, they saw the same van pulled over with the same woman outside of the van, again with her hands on her knees.

DS went through the Harriman toll between 12:00-12:15PM.

12:14PM witness (EZ Pass records) went through Harriman toll continued on and traveling south on I87 observed a minivan pulled over to the right side of the ride. Female sitting on the guide rail who appeared to be ill. Witness then accounts that he observed minivan back in traffic and begin driving behind him in the right lane. The minivan begins to tail gate him and tried to pass him on the shoulder. This van then begins to use its horn and continues to do so for approximately one mile. Drove into the Ramapo rest area and towards McDonalds. He observed the van pulled in as well and drove towards the area of the truck parking. He further stated that the van drove across the grass. That was the last time he saw the vehicle.

Numerous drivers honked and waived (911 was called) to DS as an attempt to get her attention to no avail. Some drivers had to swerve to avoid DS's red minivan.

Witnesses accounts:
  • The van appeared to be traveling at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was staying "perfectly" in the lane.
  • One witness reported she had a panic look on her face and both hands on the steering wheel.
  • "Driver is not swerving and appeared oblivious to the oncoming traffic".
  • The minivan was being driven in an "aggressive manor".
  • She appeared to be driving 'skillfully".
  • The witness was unable to verify if the driver of the van was male or female. However, the driver was wearing sunglasses and appeared to be "focused, with their hands in the 10 & 2 o'clock position".
  • One witness stated the van was coming straight towards him. He pulled his vehicle all the way to the right to avoid striking the van. He then looked in his rear view mirror and observed all of the cars behind him do the same. He stated that the minivan made no effort to avoid striking the other vehicles. He noted that at no time did he see brake lights being used by the van.
  • He stated that numerous drivers were honking their horns and flashing their headlights, but this driver just kept going as if nothing was wrong. At no time this vehicle attempted to avoid oncoming cars.
All five children were seat belted.

1:35PM -Police dispatched to a wrong way driver traveling southbound in the northbound lanes of the Taconic State Parkway.

Thanks so much for finding the police report, that is really interesting to me. What's most interesting is that a witness saw her pulled over and appearing to be sick before noon, before her last phone to Jackie, which Jackie described as a "coherent" conversation. I really wish we knew what was said in that phone call. In my mind, if you had developed a sudden, very painful headache, toothache, etc. it would be quite normal to mention that in the course of your conversation........."we are running late, I have had to pull over a couple of times because I am sick, I have a terrible headache or whatever...." HOWEVER, if you are trying to hide your drinking,etc you would not bring up getting sick on the side of the road. Which leads me to re-think my earlier hypothesis that a medical emergency prompted her to self-medicate. Now I am again leaning towards the secret drinking/smoking spiraling out of control. Blech!

I will say that if it was closet drinking that got out of control, I don't think there had to be any "smoking gun" emotional crisis that would ahve triggered it. A person that addicted to alcohol etc does not need a crisis to rationalize a little nip here and there. It was probably something as simple as running late, kids are getting on my nerves, etc.
I think Daniel *IS* a victim, whether or not he was a perfect husband.

I'm sure all the interviews were heavily edited and we heard/saw only a fraction of what Diane's friends and family actually said.

After seeing the documentary, my take on Daniel is that he is a pretty simple guy, not very emotional, not very deep. I've known guys just like him, in fact, one of my husband's friends is from NY and he is very much the same as Daniel. What you see is what you get, not given to being intellectual or analyzing things, not emotional, pretty laid-back go with the flow kind of a person. Nothing wrong with that. I think the problem most people have with Daniel are the blinders he is wearing regarding his wife. But I have to say, my stepfather is EXACTLY the same way about my mother's drinking.........he could watch my mother down a couple of shots and rationalize it away. It blows my mind the excuses he makes for her.
I, too, am extremely curious about what Diane and the Hances (and their daughter) discussed on those phone calls.

That her brother (and/or Danny) went to pick her up rather than call the police is interesting. Either she really had them fooled or they were covering up her drunk driving, putting their own children at risk.

And, why did Diane even call her brother, rather than her husband?

I wonder if any of this will come out in the civil litigation.
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