8 yr old bride dies after marrying 40 yr old man..

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When the going gets tough, drink coffee
Mar 8, 2012
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"Yemeni authorities are investigating the death of an eight-year-old girl from internal bleeding on her wedding night and will prosecute those responsible, the government said on Friday, a case that has rekindled international outrage over child brides."

"Rawan, died after intercourse that ruptured her uterus following her wedding to a man five times her age"
I cannot comprehend why a grown man would want a bride who is a child. The same way I can't understand why grown men ( or women ) try to have relationships with children they meet online. Seriously, is it all sexually related ? How in this world does someone find raping a child fulfilling ? What kind of parents give their baby to a grown man under the guise of "marriage " ? I get it that someone could have grown up believing that is the norm, and it may be the norm in some backward societies. But do these adults feel any empathy for the child ? I wish we had real answers to end this horrible problem.
I cannot comprehend why a grown man would want a bride who is a child. The same way I can't understand why grown men ( or women ) try to have relationships with children they meet online. Seriously, is it all sexually related ? How in this world does someone find raping a child fulfilling ? What kind of parents give their baby to a grown man under the guise of "marriage " ? I get it that someone could have grown up believing that is the norm, and it may be the norm in some backward societies. But do these adults feel any empathy for the child ? I wish we had real answers to end this horrible problem.

All good questions I just don't know the answer to. You'd have to kill me before you laid a hand on my babies.

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I cannot comprehend why a grown man would want a bride who is a child. The same way I can't understand why grown men ( or women ) try to have relationships with children they meet online. Seriously, is it all sexually related ? How in this world does someone find raping a child fulfilling ? What kind of parents give their baby to a grown man under the guise of "marriage " ? I get it that someone could have grown up believing that is the norm, and it may be the norm in some backward societies. But do these adults feel any empathy for the child ? I wish we had real answers to end this horrible problem.

it is common in certain religions/cultures. very common and nothing can or will be done about it.

I was witness to a 10yr old little tiny girl being married off to an adult man many many many years ago while I lived in the UK and I was much much younger. my friends and I were invited to a muslim wedding (by neighbors of ours whom we befriended) but we didn't know who the bride was. none of these people even spoke English and the women we befriended got by w/ a few words...enough to invite us to this "celebration". we wanted to experience something new...a different culture so we happily went! we knew the bride as one of the neighbor kids who played outside daily, but didn't know SHE was the one getting married until that day.

back then, if I was the person I am today, I would have contacted authorities and done anything I could to have stopped it. but I didn't. and it sickens me to this day knowing that I knew what was happening to that girl and participated in their celebration....society says we must respect all religions and cultures and that is what I tried to do way back then.

I don't do that today. I admit, I do not respect all religions and cultures and this is a prime reason as to why.
I cannot comprehend why a grown man would want a bride who is a child. The same way I can't understand why grown men ( or women ) try to have relationships with children they meet online. Seriously, is it all sexually related ? How in this world does someone find raping a child fulfilling ? What kind of parents give their baby to a grown man under the guise of "marriage " ? I get it that someone could have grown up believing that is the norm, and it may be the norm in some backward societies. But do these adults feel any empathy for the child ? I wish we had real answers to end this horrible problem.
PERV. thats why.
Her family may have needed the money... (sell out)
But that low life should have at least waited for her to grow up before he jumped her little bones.
Makes me sick.
Poor baby must have been horrified.
I just can not stand it. There are hideous people in the world that do hideous things to adults and that just is so horrible.. But this, stuff like this to babies is almost too much to bear some days.

That poor baby, How painful, how horrific it must have been for her.
This is so sickening. What is wrong with people? Poor child.
This story crushed me. We have come a long way in recognizing and protecting women of all ages as human beings, but we still have a ways to go.
I say the men who do it and the faily men that allow it are nothing but pedophiles using some religion as excuse. Their religion probably has guidelines to wait at least until older but they ignore it, and other men let them get away with it.
It's against the law. Even in the country this happened in. It is against the law. This should have never happened. I agree the man was a pervert regardless of his religion or culture - it was against the law and he knew better. He chose not to do better.

It is very sad to be so poor that you would sell your child. I can't even imagine that - I would make dirt soup before I would sell my child. And this is even more frustrating because the parents knew it was against the law in their country to sell the child - but they chose to do it anyway.

You can blame anything on religion or culture :( But... it doesn't make it excusable.

IMO, The parents and the man knew better and chose not to do better.


ETA: Well maybe I misread the article. It is confusing. How can they prosecute if it is not illegal? I guess it doesn't matter, I still contend they all KNEW BETTER.
i dont know about all this talk about religion and cultures. Even here in the US it was exceptable to marry a 13 or 14 year old not that long ago in a lot of rural areas. Have people forgotten this? Im sure everyone has at least one relative far back on the family tree married young, real young. It was socially acceptable. Shoot even today the FLDS had child brides. It's not uncommon.

Where there are young virgins there will be men that will want one. 8 is really young, but a lot of people feel once you hit puberty you are an adult. Or your first period.
oh yeah, im not saying that, its just that there is an attitude in a lot of different cultures and our own that promotes the little girl fantasy. Even in our media. pigtails, plaid skirts and mary janes. A lot of men are into that kinda stuff.Women are just objects or play things.
It's against the law. Even in the country this happened in. It is against the law. This should have never happened. I agree the man was a pervert regardless of his religion or culture - it was against the law and he knew better. He chose not to do better.

It is very sad to be so poor that you would sell your child. I can't even imagine that - I would make dirt soup before I would sell my child. And this is even more frustrating because the parents knew it was against the law in their country to sell the child - but they chose to do it anyway.

You can blame anything on religion or culture :( But... it doesn't make it excusable.

IMO, The parents and the man knew better and chose not to do better.


ETA: Well maybe I misread the article. It is confusing. How can they prosecute if it is not illegal? I guess it doesn't matter, I still contend they all KNEW BETTER.

Well then, let that country prosecute and uphold their own laws. If they don't, I think it's sad, horrible, but not enough of our business to bomb them for. Sorry, just thinking ahead.
IMO, The parents and the man knew better and chose not to do better.

Maybe one just took advantage of the other's destitution? I wouldn't say they both knew how to do better. They both didn't care about the girl's misery and this IMO is most significant.
Calling it "marriage" is merely an excuse to cover their child-raping asses. A pediphile is a pediphile - no excuses accepted.
This makes me incredibly sad. :tears:
It just shouldn't happen, I don't care what culture thinks it's ok.
Child rape is never ok. Hope the rapist rots.

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