9/11 TV Film Sparks Clinton Administration Outrage

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windovervocalcords said:
When a sitting president can ignore the Constitution, break international law, start an unnecessary war and act like he is SO MORAL and divinely inspired to lead the country as if Christ-like, we ought to look at what we consider the collective morality of our country. Especially those who believe him.

Please go back and find the post from hours ago, stating that I DO NOT SUPPORT GEORGE BUSH.

However, like I've stated a million times (as you're aware) blaming this man for every perceived ill regarding the state of our nation (which isn't too bad, imo) is extremely short sighted.

If you're referring to the "ignoring the constitution" re: wire tapping: I'd like to know how anyone can get a warrant to tap a phone line when a) they don't know who they're after specifically and b) they don't know what content they're looking for? When they monitor these phone lines, they're looking for anything suspicious from anyone who talks about it. There is no way to secure a warrant for that kind of search.

re: Breaking international law: Our government has a responsibility to secure this nation whether or not the idiots at the UN agree with it.

I don't agree with the length of our stay in Iraq. However, I was for going in there and Afghanistan as well.
No International coalition is going to secure your liberty and safety.

I'm ignoring the religious argument, please show me where Bush believes himself Christ-like. Just one picture of him walking on water while hanging guys in Guantanemo would suffice.

I don't care who Clinton had sex with frankly. I thought it was stupid of him. I had less respect for him. I was angry enough to change parties over it. But in the long run. It was a major waste of time the impeachment trials. A nasty bit of partisan goombah. We ought to impeach Bush for something meaningful. Like responsibility for the illegal war he wages.

It's great that you don't support Bush and don't care who Clinton had sex with. Me neither!

But, he's done nothing impeachable (yet). No matter how much you want to believe that.

I can live with Bush blowing it for me, it is not acceptable that he has caused too many others loss of life. His admin has to go. Bush is a far more culpable liar than Clinton when it comes to what is more important to me.

The lives of our soldiers, Iraqi citizens, the security of the world is more important. Bush has blown it.

In my (not very humble) opinion, what has caused our soldiers loss of life is the democratic need to prosecute and persecute soldiers while they're on the ground trying to do their jobs. When you start counting bullets after a fire fight to make sure that our soldiers haven't shot too quickly and too often, soldiers will die.

As far as the Iraqi citizens go, how many will die if we pull out now? They'll be sitting ducks. (And, again, I DON'T AGREE THAT WE SHOULD STILL BE OVER THERE).

How many died when Bush1 pulled out too soon? Those people were told to poke their enemies in the eye and that we'd have their backs. They did as told and we left them hanging.

Bin Laden must be blissed out, he will probably live to !00, thanks to GWB.

See prior arguments that Clinton can be thanked for that.
windovervocalcords said:
"...... contains numerous flagrant falsehoods about events in American history. The eyewitnesses to these events state that the script distorts and fabricates evidence into order to mislead viewers about the responsibility of numerous American officials for allegedly ignoring the terrorist threat before 2000.

And, we Americans are too stupid to watch a fictitional representation of a historical event (as stated!!) and decide for ourselves what's true and what's not?

How stupid does everyone think we are??
"When George W. Bush took office in January 2001, the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century, a Defense Department-chartered commission headed by former U.S. Senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman, had just produced a report that concluded that "a direct attack against American citizens on American soil is likely over the next quarter century."

While Congress apparently was taking the Hart-Rudman report seriously, the Bush administration decided to shove it aside and prepare its own response to the issue.

Before the Bush administration decided to go its own way, Hart and Rudman had briefed then-Secretary of State Colin Powell, then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and urged them to spend more time dealing with terrorism.

Nothing happened, and the Hart-Rudman commission's report was ignored. Not even The New York Times chose to report on the commission's findings until Sept. 12, 2001, the day after the 9/11 attacks."

Regarding ABC's "FIB-U-DRAMA:

9/11 commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste, at right, added his voice to those criticizing ABC’s credibility-challenged 9/11 “docudrama,” saying: “It was quite clear, as the 9/11 commission report states, that Clinton authorized the CIA and the American forces to get Bin Laden—capture or kill—and this miniseries does not depict it accurately
You know I don't respond to cut and pasted articles.

And, after looking that the URL for this one, I'm assured this is a wise policy.

For every article you can pull from sites like these, I can pull 3 from right wing sites just as biased.
Karole28 said:
Smart people use bad judgement. One has nothing to do with the other.
i'm not defending clinton or kennedy here, but i have food for thought for everyone. after kennedy died, jackie asked his mother rose, "rose, why did jack have other women." and rose responded, "the greater the man, the bigger the flaw."
i think about these words of wisdom a lot. i think my husband is a great man, but not without flaws (not that he is a cheater). i think we're human.
and in fairness to clinton about lying about his affair, kennedy was never put under the microscope and "had to lie."
for all that clinton has done, i will never forget watching him in person speak at rosa parks' funeral and speaking from the heart about the plight of black southerners and how rosa affected his life. i have to admit, clinton is a very intelligent man, who made it in life against the odds. he's so damn charismatic.
not to be gross, but there are many women who would have given him the bj. let's face it, many women are attracted to his charisma and power, just like with kennedy.
sorry, this post is not meant to be controversial, just my humble opinion. take it or leave it. LOL
"The Clinton administration poured more than a billion dollars into counterterrorism activities across the entire spectrum of the intelligence community, into the protection of critical infrastructure, into massive federal stockpiling of antidotes and vaccines to prepare for a possible bioterror attack, into a reorganization of the intelligence community itself. Within the National Security Council, "threat meetings" were held three times a week to assess looming conspiracies. His National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger, prepared a voluminous dossier on al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, actively tracking them across the planet. Clinton raised the issue of terrorism in virtually every important speech he gave in the last three years of his tenure.

Clinton's dire public warnings about the threat posed by terrorism, and the actions taken to thwart it, went completely unreported by the media, which was far more concerned with stained dresses and baseless Drudge Report rumors. When the administration did act militarily against bin Laden and his terrorist network, the actions were dismissed by partisans within the media and Congress as scandalous "wag the dog" tactics. The news networks actually broadcast clips of the movie "Wag the Dog" while reporting on his warnings, to accentuate the idea that everything the administration said was contrived fakery.

In Congress, Clinton was thwarted by the reactionary conservative majority in virtually every attempt he made to pass legislation that would attack al-Qaeda and terrorism. His 1996 omnibus terror bill, which included many of the anti-terror measures we now take for granted after September 11, was withered almost to the point of uselessness by attacks from the right; Senators Jesse Helms and Trent Lott were openly dismissive of the threats Clinton spoke of.

Specifically, Clinton wanted to attack the financial underpinnings of the al-Qaeda network by banning American companies and individuals from dealing with foreign banks and financial institutions that al-Qaeda was using for its money-laundering operations. Texas Senator Phil Gramm, chairman of the Banking Committee, gutted the portions of Clinton's bill dealing with this matter, calling them "totalitarian.""
More at link:

Article is written by Williams Rivers Pitt:

New York Times and internationally bestselling author of two books: War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know and The Greatest Sedition Is Silence. His newest book, House of Ill Repute: Reflections on War, Lies, and America's Ravaged Reputation, will be available this winter from PoliPointPress.
ellen13 said:
kennedy was never put under the microscope and "had to lie."

And, he wasn't sued for sexual harrassment (exposing himself). As far as I know, anyway.

for all that clinton has done, i will never forget watching him in person speak at rosa parks' funeral and speaking from the heart about the plight of black southerners and how rosa affected his life. i have to admit, clinton is a very intelligent man, who made it in life against the odds. he's so damn charismatic.

Yeah...he loved black people. (voting black people)

I remember him paying his respects at Ron Brown's funeral. Laughing it up until he noticed the camera on him. Then he paused and wiped a nonexistant tear, while his chucklemates (not aware of the camera) continued laughing. That was touching.

not to be gross, but there are many women who would have given him the bj. let's face it, many women are attracted to his charisma and power, just like with kennedy.
sorry, this post is not meant to be controversial, just my humble opinion.

You can have my turn.
Karole28 said:
And, we Americans are too stupid to watch a fictitional representation of a historical event (as stated!!) and decide for ourselves what's true and what's not?

How stupid does everyone think we are??

In a perfect world, everyone should be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction. But unfortunately, it just doesn't happen that way. For example, just look at how many people believe that Clinton had bin Laden in his sights in 1998 and Sandy Berger refused to pull the trigger when there is absolutely no factual basis for that.
In spite of evidence to the contrary, many Americans still believe that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, that Bin Laden and Saddam were in league and that's why we went to Iraq.
Maral said:
In a perfect world, everyone should be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction. But unfortunately, it just doesn't happen that way. For example, just look at how many people believe that Clinton had bin Laden in his sights in 1998 and Sandy Berger refused to pull the trigger when there is absolutely no factual basis for that.

Aww buck up! We're smarter than you give us credit for being.

See, I happen to know that Berger likes to carry official documents in his pants. So see? Some of the truth is getting out there.
Richard Miniter — conservative author of “Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clinton’s Failures Unleashed Global Terror” — confirmed that scenes in ABC’s Path to 9/11 are based on “Internet myth.”

Miniter singled out a key scene in the film involving former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger as having “zero factual basis”: “If people wanted to be critical of the Clinton years there’s things they could have said, but the idea that someone had bin Laden in his sights in 1998 or any other time and Sandy Berger refused to pull the trigger, there’s zero factual basis for that.”
windovervocalcords said:
“If people wanted to be critical of the Clinton years there’s things they could have said, but the idea that someone had bin Laden in his sights in 1998 or any other time and Sandy Berger refused to pull the trigger, there’s zero factual basis for that.”

On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Justice Department was investigating Berger for taking as many as fifty classified documents, in October 2003, from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission. The documents were commissioned from Richard Clarke about the Clinton administration's handling of terrorist threats. When initially questioned, Berger claimed that the removal of top-secret documents in his attache-case and handwritten notes in his pants and jacket pockets was accidental. He would later, in a guilty plea, admit to deliberately removing materials and then cutting them up with scissors. Some suggested that Berger's removal of the documents constituted theft and moreover had serious national security implications, while others claimed that the documents taken were only drafts and all were flattering to Clinton and Berger (relating to the failed 2000 millennium attack plots). Noel Hillman, chief of the Justice Department's public integrity section, asserted that the documents Berger removed were only copies, and government sources have said that no original material was taken. [1]

The document theft raised questions about whether Mr. Berger was attempting to cover up the Clinton administration's anti-terrorism policies and actions. The records he took were related to internal assessments of the Clinton administration's handling of the terrorist threat in December 1999 to bomb airports in the United States. [2]

Wiki is your friend
"The purpose of The Path to 911 is to lay the blame for that sad day, at the feet of Bill Clinton, and to absolve George Bush.

Never mind that Bush had nine months to listen to the warnings of the Clinton Administration, who kept trying to tell Bush that al Qaeda was the #1 threat to this country.

Never mind that Bush ignored the security briefing entitled, "bin Laden determined to attack in the United States."

Never mind that Bush was clearing brush for a month while al Qaeda drew up their plans. Never mind that Bush came into power with one goal on his mind, the removal of Sadaam Hussein and paid no attention to anything else.

Never mind that Roger Cressy, National Security Council senior director for counterterrorism in the period 1999-2001, says "Mr. Clinton approved every request made of him by the CIA and the U.S. military involving using force against bin Laden and al-Qaeda"

Never mind that Clinton tried to pass a 1996 omnibus anti-terror legislation,
the price tag for which stood at $1.097 billion, only to have the GOP whittle it down to next to nothing.

Never mind that George Bush upon entering office immediately withdrew the US from a Clinton agreement where 20 nations had agreed to close tax havens used by al Qaeda. None of this matters in the world of fake news.

Richard Clarke, former Counterterrorism Czar under three presidents (two of which were republican) has stated that, "this depiction is "utterly invented" and "180 degrees from what happened."

Clarke went on to say that there were no military or CIA personnel on the ground in Afghanistan that ever saw bin Laden. The CIA Director at the time y recommended not engaging a strike because the Intel was single sourced and there were no guarantees bin Laden would even be there.

The writer is lying. He has fabricated the entire scene in the docu-dung to give the impression that Clinton passed on a golden opportunity to take out public enemy number one.

Advanced copies of this film have been provided to Rush Limbaugh, as well as right wing bloggers Patterico and Hugh Hewitt. This of course is to start the drum beat going throughout the GOP corporate media machine about the film and to play up the lies,

Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger and Madeline Albright have also requested an advance copy and have been denied by ABC.

ABC has sent letters to 100,000 high school teachers urging them to explain to their students how they can watch the film! Indoctrinating the youth of this country to a "dramatization" that is riddled with outright lies designed to blame the only administration that paid any attention to al Qaeda prior to 911 and excuse the one administration that is most at fault for doing nothing but clearing brush while America's enemies plotted against her, is beyond irresponsible and despicable.
Never mind that Bush had nine months to listen to the warnings of the Clinton Administration, who kept trying to tell Bush that al Qaeda was the #1 threat to this country.

And the Clinton Administration had seven years to stop it. The 1993 parking garage bombing of the World Trade Center was completely ignored by the Clinton Administration.
windovervocalcords said:
In spite of evidence to the contrary, many Americans still believe that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, that Bin Laden and Saddam were in league and that's why we went to Iraq.
Those Iraqies are pretty good at playing hide and seek, they hid those weapons of mass destruction so well the Americans can't see them for looking :p
Gosh I thought I was in the Political forum for a second I had to make sure I was in the up to the minute ....

Hahaha Amraann, but you must be in up to the minute, because I never post at the PP :D
narlacat said:
Those Iraqies are pretty good at playing hide and seek, they hid those weapons of mass destruction so well the Americans can't see them for looking :p
And you believe in the easter bunny too?
Lady GL said:
Never mind that Bush had nine months to listen to the warnings of the Clinton Administration, who kept trying to tell Bush that al Qaeda was the #1 threat to this country.

And the Clinton Administration had seven years to stop it. The 1993 parking garage bombing of the World Trade Center was completely ignored by the Clinton Administration.
The 1993 parking garage bombing of the World Trade Center was completely ignored by the Clinton Administration? Well, I'm sorry, but the FACTS speak differently. Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. And they WERE caught and punished.

The Clinton administration sent legislation to Congress to TIGHTEN AIRPORT SECURITY. The legislation was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the airlines.
The Clinton administration sent legislation to Congress to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF TERRORIST FUNDING. It was defeated by Republicans in the Senate because of opposition from banking interests.
The Clinton administration sent legislation to Congress to add tagents to explosives, to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF EXPLOSIVES USED BY TERRORISTS. It was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the NRA.

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