9 Year Old Begs to go Home

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Holy cannoli. Traffic violations? This guy has an extremely extensive criminal history including multiple violent felonies. He has spent most of his life since the age of 13, incarcerated. Please take a look at the link above. He has also had two domestic violence restraining orders against him.

She did have a GAL and an attorney. Neither had ever met her before the one hearing date that resulted in her going back to the father. They did not know the color of her hair when asked, according to the adoptive parents.

Thanks Gitana....I was under the impression that a child could have a CASA in addition to GAL...a safe person who can listen off the record to what child wants and who could then provide that info safely during proceedings
2004 – J. M. is awarded custody of Sonya in Douglas County, Neb. after the mother gives up her rights.

• 2005 – McCaul hires a caregiver to watch his daughter. The caregiver takes Sonya to Tennessee, and stays. McCaul makes an unsuccessful attempt to get her back.

• 2006 – McCaul is indicted of federal charges and sent to prison. The Hodgins petition Dickson County Chancery Court to have the rights of both Sonya's biological parents terminated and to grant them an adoption citing abandonment since McCaul was in prison. They are granted the adoption.

• 2009 – McCaul wins an appeal claiming he did not voluntarily give up his rights and the court did not follow due process in the adoption proceedings.

• Jan. 29 – Dickson County Juvenile Court Judge Andy Jackson awards custody of Sonya to McCaul and she is transported to Nebraska.

• Feb. 4 – The Hodgins lose a bid for an "emergency appeal" to Jackson to have Sonya returned to them.

• April 2 – Jackson grants the Hodgins "standing" and sets May 15 date to hear the legality of the ICPC (Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children) document.

2004 – J. M. is awarded custody of Sonya in Douglas County, Neb. after the mother gives up her rights.

• 2005 – McCaul hires a caregiver to watch his daughter. The caregiver takes Sonya to Tennessee, and stays. McCaul makes an unsuccessful attempt to get her back.

• 2006 – McCaul is indicted of federal charges and sent to prison. The Hodgins petition Dickson County Chancery Court to have the rights of both Sonya's biological parents terminated and to grant them an adoption citing abandonment since McCaul was in prison. They are granted the adoption.

• 2009 – McCaul wins an appeal claiming he did not voluntarily give up his rights and the court did not follow due process in the adoption proceedings.

• Jan. 29 – Dickson County Juvenile Court Judge Andy Jackson awards custody of Sonya to McCaul and she is transported to Nebraska.

• Feb. 4 – The Hodgins lose a bid for an "emergency appeal" to Jackson to have Sonya returned to them.

• April 2 – Jackson grants the Hodgins "standing" and sets May 15 date to hear the legality of the ICPC (Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children) document.


Reading this again, This is a case where people want it to seem simple and yet it is not. To me it looks like the foster parents were trying to end run this fathers rights.
This is pretty much all true. Except the dad knew exactly where she was and couldn't be bothered to fight for her too hard. He sent some friends down to collect the baby and that's when the babysitter or her family called DCS, worried about returning the child to the dad due to his history of violence.

DCS had a hearing and the dad was notified. He failed to appear at all. That's when the child was placed in DCS custody.

After that, he failed continued to fail to participate in the DCS hearings that resulted in the termination of his parental rights. Probably because he was in prison for several years due to his "traffic violations" (sorry for the sarcasm. The dad's side has been disseminating misinformation which bothers me quite a bit*). But he never tried to send a lawyer to represent him, nothing.

The termination of his parental rights and the adoption were overturned due to a technicality. Apparently, under Tennessee law, parental rights can be terminated if the child is under 8 and the parent is sentenced to a prison term of 10 years. He was sentenced to 15 years. However, he had his sentence reduced to 7.5 after giving info on a murder her knew about.

In any event, the court found that no one had ever cited the Tennessee law allowing termination of parental rights due to a 10 year sentence, so the law should not have been applied. That's why the adoption and termination of parental rights were reversed.

* I can't say that the adoptive parents have totally clean hands either. I'm still researching this case.

BBM. The father's side of the story is much different. This is a case where a child was removed from her father because of baseless accusations. At some point, the allegations need proof.

After her birth, the father was awarded custody in Douglas County Nebraska after both parents had taken out orders of protection against the other. Is there a record of domestic violence after he was awarded custody?

The babysitter took her to Tennessee with his permission for what he thought was a brief visit with her family. She then severed contact with the father. She then handed off the child to her own mother, who made baseless allegations to prevent her return to her family. This woman worked as a caregiver for a member of the family of the "adoptive" parents and they obtained the child from the babysitter's mother after making baseless allegations that her home was unfit.

The "adoptive" parents have kept this child in emotional limbo for many years and their hands have never been clean, imo.

The Hodgins were in and out of court hearings. At one point a state caseworker complained the Hodgins were not complying with court orders to take Sonya to counseling for eventual reunification with her father.

“Mr. and Mrs. Hodgin have been uncooperative,” testified a state worker in an affidavit....

Then came Jan. 29 and yet another court hearing. But this time the ending was different: The judge told the Hodgins they had two hours to prepare Sonya for a handover to J. M.

The Hodgins took Sonya to the state office and were told they had five minutes to say goodbye, according to bringsonyahome.com.

Here is a complete, detailed timeline of the case and dad's record:

1. 5-25-84 - (Age 13) Dad is arrested for one count of something that is sealed.
2. 6-27-84 - Dad is arrested for two counts of something that is sealed.
3. Dad pleads guilty to the 5-25-84 charge and the June charges are dropped. He is sentenced to 6 months probation at home.
4. 9-8-86 - (Age 15) Dad is arrested, pleads guilty and is sent to jail for 14 months. He is released just after turning 17.
5. 5-16-88 - (Age 17) - Dad is arrested again 4 months after being released from detention. He is charged with three counts of burglary. He pled guilty to one of the counts in exchange for having the other two dropped, and was sentenced to 1-2 years in prison. He is released from his second stint in prison at the age of 18, after spending 10 months in jail for burglary.
6. 7-89 through 1-90 - (Ages 18-19)- Dad is on probation.
7. 6-25-90 to 6-27-90- (Age 19) Dad goes on a 2 day robbery spree, robbing four convenience stores and two innocent, random individual targets. He was convicted of three of the robberies. He spends 6 years in prison. [At 2348 26 June 90 Ms. Brown [manager of the store] observed suspects 1 [John McCaul] and 2 [John’s buddy] heading for the front door of the store about to enter. Suspect 1 (taller stick-up man) had a shotgun protruding from a grey colored “suit”-type jacket or coat. Ms. Brown attempted to hold doors closed to prevent entry, but was unsuccessful. Suspect 1 [John McCaul] pushed Ms. Brown to the end of the counter, telling Suspect 2 “get the money [illegible]”-and ordering Ms. Nickie [store clerk] to “hit the floor”. … After retrieving the below items from the cash register both suspects started for the door. Suspect #1 [John McCaul]-as an after thought grabbed two cartons of Marlboro Reds prior to exit; fleeing on foot …http://houseofveritas.weebly.com/blog/johns-shotgun-in-the-dark]
8. 7-28-97 - (Age 26) Dad is released from prison.
9. 8-97 - Dad meets Jeff Hoover, two weeks after Dad is released from prison. Hoover tells dad he had to “whack a couple of people” a month before. Indeed, Hoover murdered two people in a drug deal gone wrong. Dad says nothing to LE about this information and continues to hang out with Hoover. He does not warn his brother and his brother’s family, with whom he is living, that Hoover is dangerous. Hoover borrowed and used Dad’s brother’s gun for the murders, however, so the brother probably wouldn’t have been too alarmed by the info.
10. In 2001 (Age 30) John was arrested for 3rd degree assault (a misdemeanor), then again the next week for “assault by mutual consent.” He appears to have been setting up fight clubs.
11. 1997-2006 - (Ages 26-35) the Dad makes statements indicating he was involved in drug trafficking and drug running with the Hell’s Angels during this time period. But, as he states when asked directly about what crimes he committed during this time period, “The only thing I was charged for was gun crimes”.
12. 2004-2005 - Dad is part owner of a strip club which was shut down after raids found it employed underage girls (one of whom was later found murdered), and seven pounds of marijuana, a gun and various distribution paraphernalia at the club.
13. 6-04 - Dad is cited for speeding but fails to appear on his ticket.
14. 7-04 - The child, “S”, is born.
15. 4-05 - The mother requests and receives a restraining order against Dad.
16. 2005 - The child’s mother gives up her parental rights and Dad is awarded custody of the child.
17. 2005 - Dad hires a caregiver to care for the child.
18. 7-05 - The caregiver takes the child to TN with Dad’s permission.
19. 9-27-05 - The caregivers alert LE to having child and adsk what to do. Later that same month, Dad sends two friends to try to get her back. LE and DCS is called. The men are prevented from taking the child.
20. 10-5-05 - DCS is granted custody of the child. Dad does not attend the hearing. The adoptive parents begin providing care for the child 5-6 days per week.
21. 10-05 - in mid-October 2005, Dad is arrested for firearms possession. He posts bond.
22. 12-5-05 - Dad receives a firearm in violation of the law prohibiting felons from owning firearms. He is released on $10,000 bond.
23. 12-13-05 - While out on bail–Dad was cited for not having valid license plates on his car. He failed to pay the fine or appear, and had a bench warrant issued for his arrest.
24. 12-05 - Two weeks later Dad is pulled over again - this time cited for driving without his license and having no valid registration. As part of his sentence his driver’s license was suspended.
25. 1-11-06 - Dad is cited again for driving without his license and having no registration, but now also for driving with a suspended license. He does not show up to court - again - and so once more a bench warrant was issued for his arrest.
26. 1-24-06 - Dad was pulled over and cited for not having proper registration on his car. His license was further suspended. He spends two weeks in jail for failing to appear on his traffic ticket warrants.
27. 1-27-06 - One of the buddies that tried to get the child back from TN is granted a restraining order against Dad for harassment.
28. 2-28-06 - Dad is pulled over for speeding. In his car is found a gun and meth and drug paraphernalia.
29. 2-28-06 - Dad receives a firearm in violation of the law prohibiting felons from owning firearms.
30. 3-06 - Dad is pulled over for having improper lights and driving with a suspended license. He fails to appear again and is arrested again on a bench warrant. He spent two days in jail.
31. 4-3-06 - The child is placed in the adoptive parents’ home as foster parents.
32. 4-20-06 - Dad is pulled over for failure to stop and driving with a suspended license. He again fails to appear and a bench warrant is issued for his arrest.
33. 4-20-06 - Dad is indicted for receiving firearms in violation of the law prohibiting felons from owning firearms.
34. 7-3-06 - the adoptive parents petition the court to terminate the parents’ parental rights and adopt the child.
35. 8-06 - the paternal grandmother’s home is approved as a placement for the minor.
36. 10-4-06 - At hearing, the court in TN issues a finding that the child was dependent and neglected and continuing DCS’s legal custody of the child.
37. 10-5-06 - the paternal grandmother files a motion to intervene and seeks custody of the child.
38. Fall 2006 - (Age 35) Dad pleads guilty to weapons charges and is sentenced to 15 years.
39. 3-13-07 - Mom’s parental rights are terminated in TN.
40. 1-07 - Dad’s sentence is reduced to 7.5 years after he turns state’s evidence in the Hoover murder.
41. 6-13-08 - Dad is deposed by phone in connection with the request to terminate his parental rights.
42. 7-6-08 - Dad’s parental rights are terminated. He appeals.
43. 10-9-09 - the adoption is overturned.
44. 10-26-12 - (Age 41) Dad is released from prison with strict parole conditions.
45. 1-29-14 - The child is taken by DCS and given to Dad who she had not seen since she was an infant.




Here is the criminal and dependency court record for Dad’s parents (including the child’s grandma who was rejected as a placement by TN DCS and who has her own background with social services and the dad’s father who was accused of raping and molesting his own, six year old granddaughter) and his brothers. This is the child’s new family she is supposedly so happy reuniting with:


Reading this again, This is a case where people want it to seem simple and yet it is not. To me it looks like the foster parents were trying to end run this fathers rights.

You may be right. (Although they tried to assert that he abandoned the child and it was the court that severed his parental rights due to his prison sentence, a reason the appellate court found was improper as no one had cited it in their briefs). But please take a look at dad's record and the timeline below and let me know if you think they had good reason to try to sever his rights:

Here is a timeline of the case and dad's record:

1. 5-25-84 - (Age 13) Dad is arrested for one count of something that is sealed.
2. 6-27-84 - Dad is arrested for two counts of something that is sealed.
3. Dad pleads guilty to the 5-25-84 charge and the June charges are dropped. He is sentenced to 6 months probation at home.
4. 9-8-86 - (Age 15) Dad is arrested, pleads guilty and is sent to jail for 14 months. He is released just after turning 17.
5. 5-16-88 - (Age 17) - Dad is arrested again 4 months after being released from detention. He is charged with three counts of burglary. He pled guilty to one of the counts in exchange for having the other two dropped, and was sentenced to 1-2 years in prison. He is released from his second stint in prison at the age of 18, after spending 10 months in jail for burglary.
6. 7-89 through 1-90 - (Ages 18-19)- Dad is on probation.
7. 6-25-90 to 6-27-90- (Age 19) Dad goes on a 2 day robbery spree, robbing four convenience stores and two innocent, random individual targets. He was convicted of three of the robberies. He spends 6 years in prison. [At 2348 26 June 90 Ms. Brown [manager of the store] observed suspects 1 [John McCaul] and 2 [John’s buddy] heading for the front door of the store about to enter. Suspect 1 (taller stick-up man) had a shotgun protruding from a grey colored “suit”-type jacket or coat. Ms. Brown attempted to hold doors closed to prevent entry, but was unsuccessful. Suspect 1 [John McCaul] pushed Ms. Brown to the end of the counter, telling Suspect 2 “get the money [illegible]”-and ordering Ms. Nickie [store clerk] to “hit the floor”. … After retrieving the below items from the cash register both suspects started for the door. Suspect #1 [John McCaul]-as an after thought grabbed two cartons of Marlboro Reds prior to exit; fleeing on foot …http://houseofveritas.weebly.com/blog/johns-shotgun-in-the-dark]
8. 7-28-97 - (Age 26) Dad is released from prison.
9. 8-97 - Dad meets Jeff Hoover, two weeks after Dad is released from prison. Hoover tells dad he had to “whack a couple of people” a month before. Indeed, Hoover murdered two people in a drug deal gone wrong. Dad says nothing to LE about this information and continues to hang out with Hoover. He does not warn his brother and his brother’s family, with whom he is living, that Hoover is dangerous. Hoover borrowed and used Dad’s brother’s gun for the murders, however, so the brother probably wouldn’t have been too alarmed by the info.
10. In 2001 (Age 30) John was arrested for 3rd degree assault (a misdemeanor), then again the next week for “assault by mutual consent.” He appears to have been setting up fight clubs.
11. 1997-2006 - (Ages 26-35) the Dad makes statements indicating he was involved in drug trafficking and drug running with the Hell’s Angels during this time period. But, as he states when asked directly about what crimes he committed during this time period, “The only thing I was charged for was gun crimes”.
12. 2004-2005 - Dad is part owner of a strip club which was shut down after raids found it employed underage girls (one of whom was later found murdered), and seven pounds of marijuana, a gun and various distribution paraphernalia at the club.
13. 6-04 - Dad is cited for speeding but fails to appear on his ticket.
14. 7-04 - The child, “S”, is born.
15. 4-05 - The mother requests and receives a restraining order against Dad.
16. 2005 - The child’s mother gives up her parental rights and Dad is awarded custody of the child.
17. 2005 - Dad hires a caregiver to care for the child.
18. 7-05 - The caregiver takes the child to TN with Dad’s permission.
19. 9-27-05 - The caregivers alert LE to having child and adsk what to do. Later that same month, Dad sends two friends to try to get her back. LE and DCS is called. The men are prevented from taking the child.
20. 10-5-05 - DCS is granted custody of the child. Dad does not attend the hearing. The adoptive parents begin providing care for the child 5-6 days per week.
21. 10-05 - in mid-October 2005, Dad is arrested for firearms possession. He posts bond.
22. 12-5-05 - Dad receives a firearm in violation of the law prohibiting felons from owning firearms. He is released on $10,000 bond.
23. 12-13-05 - While out on bail–Dad was cited for not having valid license plates on his car. He failed to pay the fine or appear, and had a bench warrant issued for his arrest.
24. 12-05 - Two weeks later Dad is pulled over again - this time cited for driving without his license and having no valid registration. As part of his sentence his driver’s license was suspended.
25. 1-11-06 - Dad is cited again for driving without his license and having no registration, but now also for driving with a suspended license. He does not show up to court - again - and so once more a bench warrant was issued for his arrest.
26. 1-24-06 - Dad was pulled over and cited for not having proper registration on his car. His license was further suspended. He spends two weeks in jail for failing to appear on his traffic ticket warrants.
27. 1-27-06 - One of the buddies that tried to get the child back from TN is granted a restraining order against Dad for harassment.
28. 2-28-06 - Dad is pulled over for speeding. In his car is found a gun and meth and drug paraphernalia.
29. 2-28-06 - Dad receives a firearm in violation of the law prohibiting felons from owning firearms.
30. 3-06 - Dad is pulled over for having improper lights and driving with a suspended license. He fails to appear again and is arrested again on a bench warrant. He spent two days in jail.
31. 4-3-06 - The child is placed in the adoptive parents’ home as foster parents.
32. 4-20-06 - Dad is pulled over for failure to stop and driving with a suspended license. He again fails to appear and a bench warrant is issued for his arrest.
33. 4-20-06 - Dad is indicted for receiving firearms in violation of the law prohibiting felons from owning firearms.
34. 7-3-06 - the adoptive parents petition the court to terminate the parents’ parental rights and adopt the child.
35. 8-06 - the paternal grandmother’s home is approved as a placement for the minor.
36. 10-4-06 - At hearing, the court in TN issues a finding that the child was dependent and neglected and continuing DCS’s legal custody of the child.
37. 10-5-06 - the paternal grandmother files a motion to intervene and seeks custody of the child.
38. Fall 2006 - (Age 35) Dad pleads guilty to weapons charges and is sentenced to 15 years.
39. 3-13-07 - Mom’s parental rights are terminated in TN.
40. 1-07 - Dad’s sentence is reduced to 7.5 years after he turns state’s evidence in the Hoover murder.
41. 6-13-08 - Dad is deposed by phone in connection with the request to terminate his parental rights.
42. 7-6-08 - Dad’s parental rights are terminated. He appeals.
43. 10-9-09 - the adoption is overturned.
44. 10-26-12 - (Age 41) Dad is released from prison with strict parole conditions.
45. 1-29-14 - The child is taken by DCS and given to Dad who she had not seen since she was an infant.




Here is the criminal and dependency court record for Dad’s parents (including the child’s grandma who was rejected as a placement by TN DCS and who has her own background with social services and the dad’s father who was accused of raping and molesting his own, six year old granddaughter) and his brothers. This is the child’s new family she is supposedly so happy reuniting with:


Really I don't care about his record if it has nothing to do with violence against his child.

That is all that matters here. There are a lot of people that make bad choices and yet love their kids and take care of them well.

His parents crimes don't interest me unless they were living with the child .
1984? I mean this guy didnt even turn 18 until 1990.

It really sounds like kidnapping .

The baby sitters parents or friends have the child...and still do . I hate their facebook page. I feel they are exploiting this child. crazy way to obtain an daughter...

Their motion was denied today.
They were her adoptive parents.

They were also her foster parents and the Tennessee court took that away from them as well.

They made a false allegation of abandonment to take control of a child that wasn't their child and the child has paid a dear price for their selfish actions.

1984? I mean this guy didnt even turn 18 until 1990.

It really sounds like kidnapping .

The baby sitters parents or friends have the child...and still do . I hate their facebook page. I feel they are exploiting this child. crazy way to obtain an daughter...

Their motion was denied today.

It was a kidnapping but the babysitter's family left the picture years ago. The child is with her biological dad where she should have been returned years ago.

The couple made a false allegation of kidnapping against the father in an effort to terminate his parental rights. The Tennessee courts finally figured it out.

1984? I mean this guy didnt even turn 18 until 1990.

It really sounds like kidnapping .

The baby sitters parents or friends have the child...and still do . I hate their facebook page. I feel they are exploiting this child. crazy way to obtain an daughter...

Their motion was denied today.

1984 was just the beginning of an extremely long, continuous rap sheet. Why would that first charge be isolated in an attempt to show the criminal record is meaningless? What about the rest?

It's not kidnapping if the parent gives permission. And when he finally sent friends to get the child back, LE and DCS stopped them.

I'm not sure what you mean by the babysitter or friend's parents have the child. The dad has the child. The former adoptive parents no longer have her.

And yes, the motion was partially denied today. And I don't think that kid will ever go home to the parents she's known all her life. The GAL and DCS have to defend their earlier recommendations to stop from losing face.

But I am certain this child won't remain with her dad. He will reoffend and she'll be shuffled elsewhere.
It was a kidnapping but the babysitter's family left the picture years ago. The child is with her biological dad where she should have been returned years ago.

The couple made a false allegation of kidnapping against the father in an effort to terminate his parental rights. The Tennessee courts finally figured it out.


I missed that. Can you link me to the kidnap allegation against the dad?
Really I don't care about his record if it has nothing to do with violence against his child.

That is all that matters here. There are a lot of people that make bad choices and yet love their kids and take care of them well.

His parents crimes don't interest me unless they were living with the child .

Well if the child had been returned to dad in 05', who would be caring for her while daddy served 5.5 years in prison? Grandma? The one who petitioned for custody in 05'? The one whose child was removed after she admitted to a charge of neglect? The one who cared for three other grandkids years later who were also removed for neglect?

How long are kids supposed to languish in the system while their parents repeatedly screw up?
1984 was just the beginning of an extremely long, continuous rap sheet. Why would that first charge be isolated in an attempt to show the criminal record is meaningless? What about the rest?

It's not kidnapping if the parent gives permission. And when he finally sent friends to get the child back, LE and DCS stopped them.

I'm not sure what you mean by the babysitter or friend's parents have the child. The dad has the child. The former adoptive parents no longer have her.

And yes, the motion was partially denied today. And I don't think that kid will ever go home to the parents she's known all her life. The GAL and DCS have to defend their earlier recommendations to stop from losing face.

But I am certain this child won't remain with her dad. He will reoffend and she'll be shuffled elsewhere.

BBM. He sent the child's paternal grandmother and the baby sitter's husband. LE and DCS refused based on the baby sitter's false allegation of abandonment.

Then the baby sitter broke off contact. Sonya's dad contacted Dickson County authorities, who told him that he had abandoned his daughter and would be arrested if he set foot in the state.

At that point he sent the baby sitter's husband to Tennessee to pick up Sonya. Separately, Grandma McCaul drove there on the same mission.

Well if the child had been returned to dad in 05', who would be caring for her while daddy served 5.5 years in prison? Grandma? The one who petitioned for custody in 05'? The one whose child was removed after she admitted to a charge of neglect? The one who cared for three other grandkids years later who were also removed for neglect?

How long are kids supposed to languish in the system while their parents repeatedly screw up?

The child was not in the system when she went to Tennessee. Her father had custody. When he went to prison, he could choose who to give temporary guardianship. I've worked in a prison. Not every prisoner's child is in foster care. In this case, I think she would have gone to the Grandma who took in 7 nieces and nephews so that they wouldn't go into foster care.

The child was not in the system when she went to Tennessee. Her father had custody. When he went to prison, he could choose who to give temporary guardianship. I've worked in a prison. Not every prisoner's child is in foster care. In this case, I think she would have gone to the Grandma who took in 7 nieces and nephews so that they wouldn't go into foster care.


The same grandma who lost custody of one of those grandkids recently due to a founded allegation of neglect? The same grandma who lost custody of a son due to admitted abandonment and neglect?
We have some very bad laws. This child did not even know her biological father. She has not seen him in years.
I can't imagine what it's doing to her well being.

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