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DeeDee249’s post reveals an important clue about this family. If one digests the statement of a college buddy who knew JAR, the fact that he could make such an accusation says something very relevant, though I agree JAR being in Colorado isn’t a top theory of mine either. Consider this was a huge accusation. So the statement suggests JAR was very taken/impressed by his little sister. That’s not an innuendo for anything in particular. But most college age kids will talk about “hot” women on campus, not their little six year old sister.
This "person" to whom the hearsay has been attributed wasn't described as JAR's buddy. (We might keep in mind, as DeeDee249 suggested, this is hearsay regardless.)

So PR molded JB into something very seductive, for a variety of reasons which have been discussed before.
Seductive? According to who, perverts?...

JAR was taken by her, so was Nedra in that JB could realize the family dream of Miss America. Here’s what one of the housekeepers said about PR: “ I’m afraid that after JonBenét became Patsy’s focus, she also became her obsession.” Remember that PR’s friends wanted to discuss the “Mega JonBenet thing” with her before JB’s death.

As for JR, it’s been noted that he was a devoted Dad to Beth, to his second daughter ML and JAR, phoning them regularly after his divorce. Later on, it became evident that JR was mostly into his career and left the child-rearing to Patsy. Allegedly he was not much involved with small kids, but according to family friend JP, he was wa-a-a y into JB.
JonBenét was 'the baby'. The last & the youngest baby girl. Most dads I know aren't much into small kids, aside from their own.

Like others I’ve asked myself why the whole family (leaving BR out of the discussion for now), so “taken” by JB, hasn’t witnessed for her in her death. JAR, DP, no one speaks about finding that intruder. Mentioned up-thread is that the whole family sticks like glue together on this.
Perhaps because the family is united in the truth? ...& maybe the truth is the family wasn't involved.

PR led the public relations charge with her 911 performance, moo. But it’s long been my belief that the stance on this homicide was set by the family patriarch. JR was, after all, the son of a man referred to by friends and colleagues as “The Czar” for his iron control. And everyone has followed the patriarch’s lead throughout the years. His lead and, of course, a script developed by many lawyers.

One last comment about JR and why I look at him for taking charge of how this was going to be handled. It's always been my impression that JR knows how to project a "passive" demeanor, someone just caught up in things, as though it's others who are controlling decisions. E.g., it was the fatal attraction woman who seduced him, it was.his lawyer friend's suggestion to hire lawyers. This passivity seems to me to be a façade, and it may just mask the opposite. My impression only.

And all this JMHO
Thanks for the disclaimer.
Not so fast. A movie ticket stub proves NOTHING, nor does the word of the "buddy" who claimed to be with him. I have seen that ATM photo- it was here on this forum a while back. Proves NOTHING because you cannot see the face of the man at the ATM. He is wearing a baseball cap and the brim of the cap obscures his face, as the camera is slightly above him. It could be anyone. I believe he wasn't in Georgia at all.
What I am going to say next is only heresay. My daughter dated a kid who was a Junior at U of C Boulder in December 96. She went out there to visit him on her Christmas break from her own college. The case was all over the news there, just as it was all over the country. Her friend didn't know JAR personally but knew who he was. He was known to be weirdly obsessed with his little sister. The FIRST thing her friend said when this case hit the news was "OMG he (JAR) did it. ".

Suspicion about JAR has intrigued me for years. His obsession with JB, familiarity with the house and holiday plans, the suitcase evidence, the Barnhill sighting, peculiarities in his alibi, the complete lawyering up of the Atlanta family - so much points to him. As you know, members of this board and others have done very detailed and compelling research into ways JAR could have traveled from Atlanta to Boulder and back that night. The thing I can never work around is the number of people who would have been involved in covering up for him, and who have kept their silence all these years. Such a puzzle....
You forget that JAR actually went to the movie with two friends, Brad Millard and Chris Stanley. Think about it, if you were going to concoct an alibi so you could fly across the country and back so you could rape your little sister, why would you enlist two people to be in on the lie? How does that conversation even go?, "Hey Brad, I need you to say you were at the movies with me all night, and I need you to dress in my clothes and go to the bank machine and use my bank card". Then the next day these two guys see what happened and decide to stay quite about for the next 20 years? Just doesn't make any sense.

I don't care if he went to the movie with 20 friends. There is no proof he went at ALL. I can totally imagine asking 2 friends to "just say I was with you, OK?" Maybe the R lawyers persuaded them. too. Who knows? Bottom line - the ATM photo is useless because you cannot see the face of the person allegedly supposed to be JAR. In the absence of actual photo proof, there is nothing that proves he was at that movie. Young men wear similar clothes. Who says those were HIS clothes. His mother? Please. His friends may have also been told the cops were trying to "frame" one of the family for the crime. Hey, people keep secrets. Some longer than others. People with money have connections. They can make your life miserable. It is certainly possible.
How do we know about this? Comments of friends long after the fact? What behaviors do we know about that support this idea?

Go back and READ my post. If you do, you will see that the FIRST thing I mention is that it is HERESAY. I know what I was told, nothing more. And obviously this is something that is subjective as far as people who knew him at school. And is wasn't YEARS after the fact. It was December 1996- right after she was killed. I also mentioned that in my post.
You forget that JAR actually went to the movie with two friends, Brad Millard and Chris Stanley. Think about it, if you were going to concoct an alibi so you could fly across the country and back so you could rape your little sister, why would you enlist two people to be in on the lie? How does that conversation even go?, "Hey Brad, I need you to say you were at the movies with me all night, and I need you to dress in my clothes and go to the bank machine and use my bank card". Then the next day these two guys see what happened and decide to stay quite about for the next 20 years? Just doesn't make any sense.

Why would there be the need for JAR to waste all this time and effort doing this on Dec 25 when he was going to be in Charlevoix with her the next day?
This "person" to whom the hearsay has been attributed wasn't described as JAR's buddy. (We might keep in mind, as DeeDee249 suggested, this is hearsay regardless.)

Right, it is hearsay. Anyone can take the comment as they will. It’s too bad that we don’t have the under-oath statements from friends who testified at the GJ.

Seductive? According to who, perverts?...

According to psychiatrists Judith Densen-Gerber and forensic psychiatrist Andrew Hodges and his two psychologist/psychiatrist consultants on his books, PR had “sexualized” JB. (Perverts haven’t given any testimony.)

JonBenét was 'the baby'. The last & the youngest baby girl. Most dads I know aren't much into small kids, aside from their own.

Clarification: JR left the child-rearing to PR. Nothing surprising there. I’ve supplied a reference (JP) witnessing his behavior with JB.

Perhaps because the family is united in the truth? ...

None of the family discusses looking for the Intruder, unless one wishes to reference JR’s comments when he was doing his TOSOS book tour. Not necessary for you to place a disclaimer. I understand that it is your opinion.
I dont think burke was weirdly or wildly jealous of her... well, enough to want to murder her anyway.
I tend to stick to a simple theory. Burke and jb got into a fight downstairs. I think it was possibly bc she grabbed a handful of his pineapple. He whacked her and didnt mean to kill her. Everything else was staged by the parents to cover for him.
They conjure up a kidnapping story.
As for the 911 call... it was made out of pure necessity. They would look guilty if she hadnt.
(rsbm)Uhhhhh... I think Lou Smit's description was that she was "a pedophile's dream". How'd he know?
I imagine Smit knew a thing or two about pedophiles.

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Why would there be the need for JAR to waste all this time and effort doing this on Dec 25 when he was going to be in Charlevoix with her the next day?

Exactly. Too many conspiracy theorists in these threads.

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Thats a good point, icedtea4me. I never got a JAR hunch, even when i first researched with fresh eyes.
I imagine Smit knew a thing or two about pedophiles.

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Smit was an idiot. His reason do not suspecting the parents was that the crime was too brutal. Really? She was hit over the head! Everything else was staging meant to throw simpletons like him of their trail. I'll never reconcile the fact that he knelt down and prayed with the prime suspects in this case. Terrible cop IMO.

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PR saying burke didnt like or eat pineapple is just distancing in my opinion. (Crap! We wiped the flashlight but forgot or didnt notice the snack on the counter)
The pineapple bothers me sometimes tho. Like if pr and burkes prints were on the bowl, that looks like patsy prepared it and placed it in the fridge, burke took it out to eat..... but where are the housekeepers prints? From what ive read, patsy didnt do housework so would LHP's prints be on the dish bc she washed it andor placed the clean dish in the cabinet?
PR saying burke didnt like or eat pineapple is just distancing in my opinion. (Crap! We wiped the flashlight but forgot or didnt notice the snack on the counter)
The pineapple bothers me sometimes tho. Like if pr and burkes prints were on the bowl, that looks like patsy prepared it and placed it in the fridge, burke took it out to eat..... but where are the housekeepers prints? From what ive read, patsy didnt do housework so would LHP's prints be on the dish bc she washed it andor placed the clean dish in the cabinet?

LHP hadn't been in for the three days prior to Christmas. I know in my house the dishwasher is run at least once, sometimes twice a day. Burke was nine, I see it being possible that putting away dishes was his responsibility.

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I hadnt really ever thought about when LHPs last day would have been even though i was aware that she had been fired.
Do you know why she was fired? I know that she demanded some money from patsy and patsy left a check for her or was going to anyway. I thought it was strange that patsy was so willing to leave her home open to a person she just fired. I wouldnt have. And why was she so willing to leave her the money? Was it her last check for cleaning or was it a "loan" as pr claims? Who loans money to a person you just fired?
I hadnt really ever thought about when LHPs last day would have been even though i was aware that she had been fired.
Do you know why she was fired? I know that she demanded some money from patsy and patsy left a check for her or was going to anyway. I thought it was strange that patsy was so willing to leave her home open to a person she just fired. I wouldnt have. And why was she so willing to leave her the money? Was it her last check for cleaning or was it a "loan" as pr claims? Who loans money to a person you just fired?

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I could have sworn i read something somewhere that lhp was fired/let go.
Ughhh where did i see that?!?!

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