A Celebration of ROY M. KRONK

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This year especially, we need to get ready for Roy M. Kronk's birthday celebration. His big day is Janary 22, Saturday. Let's rally round!
I hope Mr. Kronk has a wonderful birthday and great year!


Isn't this when Jupiter finally shifts signs? If so, is this a good shift for Mr. Kronk?
The shift into Aries of both Jupiter and Uranus is power and support for Roy. To enjoy the entrance into a sextile Sign on your birthday is a signal to celebrate and it does mark all his trends with a plus stamp. Uranus enters Aries on Friday, March 11 under a II Moon and the day after Venus in Aquarius is a beautiful 60° from Jupiter in Aries~all good, very, very good!
The shift into Aries of both Jupiter and Uranus is power and support for Roy. To enjoy the entrance into a sextile Sign on your birthday is a signal to celebrate and it does mark all his trends with a plus stamp. Uranus enters Aries on Friday, March 11 under a II Moon and the day after Venus in Aquarius is a beautiful 60° from Jupiter in Aries~all good, very, very good!

So glad to hear there is some good news that involves this case. Hope RK can go on with his life in peace. Thanks Tuba.
I believe the same hand that guided ROY KRONK to Little Caylee continues to protect him as witnessed in recent hearings. The Defense has failed to succeed with their ridiculous distraction and they will fail again come May at the trial should they DARE to defame him or take away from the FACT, he located the remains of a little child who was tossed off the side of the road by their client, the Mother of The Year, Casey A.

Roy, if you come upon this post, I want you to know, there are thousands of us who see you as a HERO. The innocent spirit of Little Caylee has been lifted from the disrespectful dumping site and joyfully sores with the Angels as justice is being pursued on Earth...with YOUR help.

I've attached a song I love and hope you find it comforting. Although I'm sure you don't see yourself as being a HERO, allow us to see you with those eyes.


( "look inside yourself and see the HERO in you")... you're worth it!

H. A. P. P. Y . B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y Mister!


Quoting what our distinguished astrologer TUBA wrote above, it looks like 2011 brings an abundance of well deserved blessings.
The shift into Aries of both Jupiter and Uranus is power and support for Roy. To enjoy the entrance into a sextile Sign on your birthday is a signal to celebrate and it does mark all his trends with a plus stamp. Uranus enters Aries on Friday, March 11 under a II Moon and the day after Venus in Aquarius is a beautiful 60° from Jupiter in Aries~all good, very, very good!
:yourock: :bdsong:

In honor of Mr. Kronk, Caylee's hero.
It has been said, "In retrospect, all events seem inevitable." This certainly applies to your finding of Caylee's remains. You have experience as a bounty hunter, you had the requisite intent (very important, that) with keen powers of observation and your work took you to the likely location. You accomplished another of the missions you were put on earth to do. All the smear and slander cannot alter that one whit.

We are celebrating not only that victorious find but also your day of birth now. We've made yet another lap around the zodiac plus a detour to a thirteenth Sign. It whizzed by as though we used the winged feet of Mercury. On the 22nd of January, we are anticipating an end to the attacks this coming season, so that you, Roy Kronk can rinse off and relax. In the meantime, we are at that special look-out, the peak of your year, January 22, glimpsing days ahead that are free from the contamination of this case and lifting a glass or two or three to toast your birthday. Please join us and cut yourself a slice of that 20 tier cake! Oops, just tripped on a streamer.
Thank you Tuba for bringing us this great news. We have all worried about his welfare and he has certainly gotten a raw deal from the A's and KC. But then, so have others. And among them is Caylee's memory.
Along with birthday salutations, Roy, congratulations on Judge Perry's ruling, published today. None of that "prior bad acts" admissible at trial. We could NOT be happier!
Along with birthday salutations, Roy, congratulations on Judge Perry's ruling, published today. None of that "prior bad acts" admissible at trial. We could NOT be happier!

WHAT a kick off!!!!!​


Say, Roy~if you read this thread and of course, there is a huge possibility you never heard of it~take a squint at page 16 of the Caylee Anthony thread where you will find us celebrating your LEGAL VICTORY. We could not be happier for you. Extra cake, extra Irish coffee, extra everything for you. We are so overjoyed on your birthday that you are free of that hideous costume the prisoner tried to hang on you. We have much better ones, all in our party closet. Here's one that is a knight in shining armor and we think it fits!!!
A Extrasuper "Happy Birthday" from my home to yours!!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Happy Birthday to a true hero! What you have done is not only find Caylee but help bring about justice for her. Thank you for finding her, thank you for your integrity and honesty through this whole ordeal, and thank you for being such a beacon of hope and justice. You have shown that we don't have to be perfect, we just have to care and do something when injustice and travesty rear it's ugly head, especially against innocent children. May you have the happiest of birthdays this year, especially because of HHJP's ruling!

I am thinking fondly of you today, and sending you all the love and appreciation my hopes can carry. Please know that regardless of any fairytale Casey's attorney tries to spin around your finding of Caylee's remains, and in spite of his shameless efforts to paint you as a bad guy, you shine forth as the one bright light in all Orlando for me. You are Caylee's hero, and you are also mine.

Major C.G.M. Adam, astrologer whose career spanned the 20th C. until his death circa 1970, denominated just four special degrees in the zodiac for comment. One of them was 3° Aquarius, which he felt singled out the native for a Divine mission. This is the conjunction of Roy M. Kronk's Sun and Saturn. His Venus is just a degree away. He performed a mission with deliberation, acuity and persistence until he arrived at RESULT.

There are posts in our Caylee Astro thread about Roy early on. We later decided to create his own thread.

Have a look at those inside this thread by TUBA.

Shame on the Defense!!!!
I was just coming to bump this.. see it's already up :)

If TUBA thinks Kronk is worth celebrating and not involved... then that's enough for me.
Wish the whole world could see that he's nothing more than someone (like all of us) who's obsessed with this case and wanted to find Caylee.
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