A Celebration of ROY M. KRONK

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Angel posted about this article in the Time-Stamped thread and I can't believe my eyes.

Kronk's Ex-Wife: I Thought He Probably Killed Caylee
Casey Anthony, 23, Charged In Death Of Daughter

POSTED: Friday, November 20, 2009
UPDATED: 12:52 pm EST November 20, 2009


Why are his ex-wives jumping into this? I wish I had charts for them! Are they somehow being paid for these statements? It would be illegal for the Defense Team to pay them, but have they worked out some sort of media deal for them?

None of this makes sense and I'm rip-roaring mad.

What do the various charts say about this? I know RK isn't a saint, no one is, but this??????

It says one ex-wife is dying of cancer so it's like a deathbed confession (assumed the truth) but I've known people who were dying of diseases who became quite vengeful because they were so angry about their illnesses. So why does this woman's illness make her "believable"?

Normally I wouldn't get this riled up about these peope but since they've opened themselves up to the public stage.............

If RKronk was the killer why, why, why, would he call the police FOUR times to report the body being in the area? Huh? Why?

Note to moderators: inappropriate comments may be edited out - but right now, I'm ticked off BIG TIME, so I may not be thinking straight. This may have been discussed already, but I just found it. Please forgive me.

I had this in the regular Caylee astrology thread but then I thought I should move it here. Sorry to confuse anyone.
One assurance from the chart on these motions, as submitted: the content and basis are false. Neptune squared the ASC 23° -23° and a Fixed Star of falsity at the Ascendant.

Also, every single planet initiating the filing of these motions is debilitated and coming from weakness. That would be the ASC Significator Venus, found in Scorpio, Mercury of documents, found in Sagittarius, and the Moon of the activity undertaken, found in Capricorn. All in the Signs of their detriment.

The prosecution, co-ruled by Mars who is in his element, Fire, disposits Venus and thus gains more dignity at her expense. But he is also in an angle and thus "accidentally dignified". He has the advantage of his mutual reception with the Sun, whereby he moves over to conjoin Venus, ensuring her meltdown.

You need look no further than the 29° Part of Fortune in the Sign of documents to see the fate of these motions. As you know, 29° converts Fortuna into the Part of Misfortune, but if that weren't enough, Pluto opposes.

William Shaeffer asks, "Have you no decency?" The answer, no I have no decency nor dignity either, only weakness and debility. I come from detriment.
Tuba, we can't thank you enough for the information you provide us everyday. It is always like a ray of Sunshine for justice for Caylee. And all the help you have provided to uncover information on missing people. Thanks is never quite enough.

And for the others who help provide information on this thread as well. I check here throughout the day and would not miss it and I still find it amazing how on-the-money everyone is with their charts.
I think Matt Laur really tore them up this morning (I think it was this morning). Baez and Lyons were on saying they were going to depose Kronk and Matt asked if they really thought it would help basically (I'm paraphrasing). Then Matt threw the bugs at them - neither were very happy with how the conversation went.


Somehow, I missed this, too. I just went back over the thread and finally, finally! saw it.

I'm wondering if the hate mail towards JB received by Matt Lauer had anything to do with his newfound dose of reality. I know he received the mail because I sent it to him last few times he had JB on his show. :crazy:

I was happy to see Lauer finally growing a spine and going against these obnoxious attorneys. Their actions should certainly be case for another Bar Association review. What they are doing to another human being is atrocious, all to save the party girl who couldn't be bothered long enough to report her daughter "missing".

I could slap that smirk right off JB's face and enjoy every second of it for the rest of my life.
Is Mr. Kronk spitting nails over these accusations from Defense? Spikes, more like! Mars just made a station and turned retrograde on his Moon in Leo. When Mars did this, it opposed Kronk's Node and Mercury & within 4°, his Jupiter. Transit Node is also going over Kronk's own Mars. The cauldron is boiling.

My hope is that Kronk's lawyer is working closely with the prosecutors and from what I see, he is. The Sun today is exactly trine Kronk's Uranus in his 10th House. They need to get everything strictly lined up while Jupiter remains in Aquarius, Roy Kronk's Sun Sign. Next month, Jupiter moves into the prisoner's Sign.

Roy has Sun-Venus-Saturn afflicting the prisoner's Node, her Team (& her intake valve). That is powerful.
I checked the Mars transit for Mr. Kronk's birthday and Mars will be on his Midheaven squaring his rising Neptune & opposing his Jupiter. He needs to prepare for hideous and treacherous smears on his reputation in late January, making impact on his birthday as well.
It is my firm hunch that Judge Strickland slapped down the motion implicating Roy Kronk out of hand. I think that is why we have heard no ruling on the motion. If anyone knows what time the Kronk deposition ended on November 19 or has seen a time stamp on that specific motion, please post that here. Thanks. We do know that the motion was filed very late in the day, along with others but I would, of course, like to separate it out for the portents.
It is my firm hunch that Judge Strickland slapped down the motion implicating Roy Kronk out of hand. I think that is why we have heard no ruling on the motion. If anyone knows what time the Kronk deposition ended on November 19 or has seen a time stamp on that specific motion, please post that here. Thanks. We do know that the motion was filed very late in the day, along with others but I would, of course, like to separate it out for the portents.

Found this so far from an Orlando Sentinel article from 11/19:

Kronk walked into the State Attorney's Office in Orlando for the deposition at about 8:15 a.m. The closed-door questioning began at 9 a.m., around the time two of Casey Anthony's attorneys arrived.

Will continue to look.....
Thank you very BIG, salvarenga. That is what I decipher too, although I would not be sure if you hadn't made out the same numerals, 17:11.
There are three entries pertaining to the defense motions and memo attacking Kronk on the Astro Calendar for Nov. 19, all set for 5:11 p.m. However, there do not seem to be other motions filed that day, which would have confused the issue. What the chart and the various analyses say is that the motions against Roy Kronk were a desperate move, falsely premised. In fact, nothing but falsehoods. They were also doomed to failure. It would be interesting to see just how they were disposed of, would it not?
About this motion.....

The certificate of service for the motion is date 11/18/09. However, the motion states:

"The impeachment value of this evidence is evident from the results of Mr. Kronk's deposition, conducted by the defense on November 19, 2009. At the deposition Mr. Kronk gave inconsistent and conflicting answers......"

So the defense wrote this motion and signed it stating that it was served on the prosecution on 11/18/09....if that is the case then how in the heck could they include the part about his deposition on the 11/19/09?
I've been wondering about that same discrepancy. I pursued the matter and cast a chart for the time you found for me, his arrival at the deposition at 8:15. I will be posting the chart and the interpretation shortly.
Based on the visitor's log, I am thinking this is when they decided to throw Kronk under the bus......on 11/18 there was a big meeting at the jail. In attendance were Andrea Lyon, Mortimer Smith (Andrea's PI), Sarah Buckley (?) and Jose Baez. Lyon and Smith were there at the jail from 7:35pm till 9:11pm. Buckley showed up 5 minutes later from 7:40pm till 9:11pm and Baez showed up at 8:18pm till 9:11pm.

The Sun for this event is in the unfortunate House of mistakes, which can be moral, ethical or offenses to common sense. How about all three?! The Sun is based on House 9 of the lawyers and the law. The activity is always shown by the Moon and she rules the House of homicide but is placed in House 1, so she does her harm in a very personal way.

Fortunately, David Evans, attorney for Mr. Kronk, and the prosecutors were all present at this deposition. Without them, an all-in "rendering".

Obviously, this was all pre-packaged. I wonder what would have happened if Roy Kronk had laryngitis!
Here's where you can post your sentiments to Roy, Caylee's Hero:clap:, please do.

It's Roy's Birthday Thursday 1/22/09.

Many people at different times without knowing of others "info" believed Caylee was buried on Suburban Drive. It was the FIRST place searched by the info from Kio Marie. Wouldn't be a "safe" place to later place Caylee at? Being that it was already searched? Casey's life stopped in high school with her pregnancy...Maybe she wanted to go back to a simpler time/place.

(Again, I drove from Tampa to Orlando one day in Sept., with some ideas. I stopped first at Amscot...seeing that there was a haircutter, nail salon across the way. A "sense" came to me: "Drive south towards the Anthony house...Take the road on top of Hopespring going east" Oh, how I wish I trusted the "voice"

Happy Birthday, Roy! You are a hero!
Tuba -

Is there any way to tell if Baez was against throwing Kronk under the bus? I ask b/c after the pow wow on 11/18 (which BTW Baez was the last to arrive) he did not visit Casey again until 12/1.....in fact no one did. He finally came back on 12/1 from 8:19pm till 9:10pm.

Are they at odds with one another?
Looking at the chart for the actual deposition, beginning at 9:00 a.m, not much has changed but the ASC has moved up 10° to 24:20 Sagittarius and the Sun has shifted to House 11. Both Baez & Lyon funnel energy into the Sun of the deposition event: it is conjunct his Venus-Neptune and conjunct her progressed Sun. He appears from that to be fully on board.

The event is a deplorable disaster, as past charts on the day have shown, as well as the chart for its reception in the courtroom. Saturn was square the rising Pluto conjunct the Moon, Venus is exactly square Mars, Neptune is at the degree of the Node for a tragic fantasy hypothesis and the Moon is out of bounds for zealotry and excess, going beyond all limits. As you know, the Moon represents women, two because Sagittarius is a dual Sign. So two female lawyers went at Roy Kronk that day with 200 lbs. of steam behind them.

As to the exact Venus - Mars square, that means a door slammed shut on November 19 and there is no reopening it. That would be one plan, one defense theory. The prisoner may have been reluctant to give up "The Nanny" as culprit. But we know it pertains to a plan because Venus is firmly in House 11 in both the 8:15 and the 9:00 charts.

As Ms. Lyon has explained, the defense is not held to one theory but is able to throw up an array of possibilities. Lack of credibility is a problem, none the less.
Another revolution of planet Earth around our central Sun and it is time to bring in the supplies. Break out the party hats and horns, release the confetti and pass out the crackers and other favors! January 22 is The Birthday of Roy M. Kronk. Roy, of the sweet heart, came onto this earth with Venus on the Sun and Venus is right back there for the anniversary of his birth.

Never forget that Roy has the Sun in the Sign of Uranus and Uranus in the Sign of the Sun and he will triumph over this vat of muck emptied by The Team. There are so many in your corner, Roy that it is no longer a corner~it is a vast Hall of Supporters and celebrants. Yes, we revel in what you accomplished and we lift you and lift our toasts. Here is to the birth of Roy M. Kronk and may you enjoy many, many more! Happy, Blessed Birthday, ROY!
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