A Celebration of ROY M. KRONK

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This 'injury' situation is not related to the Caylee/Casey Anthony case so I can't see how JB & company can twist this into an ugly mark against Kronk...although they may try, it won't fly.

Can not remember exactly, but I do recall the State did give some sort of small financial aid for the A case and I believe his attny made an appeal for additional monies.
Thank you for including the article at WESH. The situation is clear from that report and this should not be the source of slander.
Thanks for the information. If it were anyone else, it wouldn't be news at all. :waitasec: Poor Mr. Kronk.
Casey Anthony: Why did meter reader Roy Kronk lose his job?
posted by halboedeker on Oct 29, 2009 4:25:56 PM
Did Roy Kronk's firing have anything to do with the Casey Anthony case?

"In a roundabout way, yes," WESH's Bob Kealing said. "David Evans, his attorney, says Kronk sustained a workplace injury from the job he took to avoid the unwanted notoriety that the Anthony case brought him."

The injury? A neck and shoulder one he suffered while working at a warehouse job for Orange County, and doctors say he shouldn't return to work, Evans told WESH.

Didn't want anyone to miss the new name of a member to the defense team!!

UPDATED: New Anthony Defense Team Member Seen
P.I. Looking Into Past Of Man Who Found Caylee's Remains
POSTED: Thursday, November 19, 2009
UPDATED: 1:42 pm EST November 19, 2009
The man who found the remains of Caylee Anthony was deposed on Thursday by Casey Anthony's defense team, which has added a private investigator to its lineup.

A new member of the defense team was seen entering the courtroom on Thursday. Mort Smith is a Chicago-based private investigator who teaches his skills at DePaul University, the same school where fellow defense team member Andrea Lyon teaches.

Smith has been digging into Kronk's personal life for the past several months in an effort to uncover information that might discredit the former meter reader, or at least cast doubt on his story of how he found Caylee.

Mort Smith is a Chicago-based private investigator.

VIDEO: Roy Kronk To Be Deposed

Mort Smith: A Professional Private Investigator

Criminal Defense Investigation Certificate Program
Andrea Lyon, Emily Hughes and Mort Smith are experts in the field of criminal defense investigation. For years they have advocated the need for competent investigators to represent the accused from the field. They believe in the team approach to criminal defense and by developing this program hope to insure a standard of quality that will extend throughout the defense community.

Morton Smith
Steinmetz High School
Chicago, IL
Class of 1991

Well now........we know for sure one of the reasonable doubts, that Baez is exploring to try to get KC off from a DP! :furious:

Video: Anthony Defense Files Motion On Kronk 'Bad Acts' 3:00

Statement from Kronk's lawyer included in this article:

This ridiculous Motion confirms the TEAM has NOTHING-absolutley NOTHING in the defense of "Mother of the Year."

Judge Strickland is going to need a private meeting with the Dalai Lama in order to contain himself after receiving this nonsense.


ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's attorney filed a new motion to treat Roy Kronk, the former meter reader who found Caylee Anthony's remains, as a suspect in her death.

The motion, filed late Thursday, came after Kronk spent the day giving a deposition behind closed doors to the defense. It asks the court to allow the defense to introduce "prior bad acts" by Kronk.

Claiming evidence that Kronk "is involved in an imaginary world of fantasy and violence," the motion concludes by stating that "Roy M. Kronk should have been a suspect in this case.

Kronk will come back for a second day of depositions in the case against Casey Anthony.
Added articles from today's depo & latest claims by Baez! :furious:
(Thanks for the reminder Fifth!)

UPDATED: Defense Says Kronk May Have Killed Caylee
Thursday, November 19, 2009 7:02:32 PM
For the first time, Casey Anthony&#8217;s lawyers are pointing the finger at someone else.

Shortly after the motion being filed by Anthony's defense team, Kronk's attorney, David Evans, released the following statement.

"Today, the Casey Anthony defense team commenced, but did not complete, the deposition of Roy Kronk in the State v. Casey Anthony case. Shortly after adjourning the deposition, the Anthony defense team filed a Motion, Memorandum of Law, and accompanying materials suggesting that Roy Kronk, the individual who found Caylee Anthony's remains and repeatedly reported his find to law enforcement agencies, should be considered a suspect in the murder of Caylee Anthony.

cont. at link!

Video: Kronk, Baez Arrive At Deposition
http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer...YQxKronkVO_111920091119&cat=Local&title=Kronk, Baez Arrive At Deposition

Video: Kronk Speaks To News 13
http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer...KronkTalks_111920091203&cat=Local&title=Kronk Speaks To News 13

UPDATED: Meter Reader Questioned By Casey's Defense
Posted: 11:43 am EST November 19, 2009
Updated: 6:24 pm EST November 19, 2009
Eyewitness News asked how the defense will fight the evidence of coffin flies that were found in Casey&#8217;s trunk.

&#8220;Do you believe coffin flies were in the trunk or are you telling us there weren't coffin flie?&#8221; Belich asked.

&#8220;I&#8217;m not going to comment,&#8221; Jose Baez responded.

&#8220;I think we're going to see them so how are you going to fight that?&#8221; asked Belich.

&#8220;I'm not going to comment on what we plan on doing. If that were the case, I might as well cash it in right now,&#8221; he said.

Eyewitness News learned that the defense isn&#8217;t finished. Baez plans to question Kronk again and said he's also considering a guilty plea in Casey's check fraud case which will be heard in January.

SLIDESHOW: Meter Reader Arrives At Courthouse For Deposition

RAW VIDEO: Meter Reader Leaves Courthouse For Lunch
Former meter reader Roy Kronk had little to say when he left the Orange County courthouse for lunch Thursday. (11/19/09)

RAW VIDEO: Meter Reader Arrives At Courthouse For Deposition

SLIDESHOW: Baez Arrives At Courthouse For Deposition

RAW VIDEO: Baez At Courthouse For Meter Reader Deposition
Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, arrived at the Orange County courthouse Thursday for meter reader Roy Kronk's deposition. (11/19/09)

VIDEO REPORT: Meter Reader Who Found Caylee's Remains Getting Questioned

VIDEO REPORT: Casey's Defense Questions Roy Kronk

Read It: County Documentation On Firing

Casey Anthony: Roy Kronk quiet, cool on way to deposition
posted by halboedeker on Nov 19, 2009 12:45:35 PM
On WKMG-Channel 6, Mike DeForest speculated on what was happening in the deposition. "Casey Anthony's attorneys are likely grilling Kronk about why he returned to those woods and whether someone may have tipped him off that the child's body was there," DeForest said.

DeForest said the deposition could continue Friday.

The stations promised updates later today.

UPDATED: Motion: Kronk Could Have Killed Caylee
Anthony's Defense Says Meter Reader Has History Of Abuse, Restraining Women
POSTED: Thursday, November 19, 2009
UPDATED: 7:41 pm EST November 19, 2009
The motion asks the court "to allow Anthony to introduce at trial circumstantial evidence tending to indicate that a third party, and not Miss Anthony, is equally likely to be responsible for the death of the child Caylee Marie Anthony."

The defense also claimed Kronk knew the location of Caylee's remains and may have had possession of them in November 2008.

These allegations come the same day Kronk was deposed for several hours and the defense team unveiled its newest member, Mort Smith, a private investigator and professor at DePaul University.

Kronk's attorney, David Evans, issued a news release Thursday evening stating his client is a witness, not a suspect.

Evans said Kronk has always understood he may become a target of the defense.

Kronk's deposition will continue on Friday.

VIDEO: Motion Accuses 3rd Party 2:54

VIDEO: Roy Kronk Deposed

Casey Anthony case: Defense points fingers at Roy Kronk as potential murder suspect
7:44 p.m. EST, November 19, 2009
"In their zeal to defend Casey Anthony, defense counsel has filed papers with the Court that are filled with allegations that have no basis in fact and falsely accuse Mr. Kronk of various types of bad behavior," Evans said in an e-mail. "The State will respond to these papers in due course in the criminal proceedings."

Transcripts of interviews with Kronk's two ex-wives, son, and a longtime live-in girlfriend's daughter depict the former meter reader as an untrustworthy man willing to resort to violence. No police reports or other supporting documentation were provided.

Casey Anthony: Defense points to Roy Kronk as suspect -- will that approach work?
posted by halboedeker on Nov 19, 2009 6:31:03 PM
WESH-Channel 2's Bob Kealing summed up the motion: "They are trying to paint him [Kronk] as a suspect rather than a witness." Kealing noted that the motion was "in direct contrast to everything we heard from Kronk and his attorney earlier today."

Kronk's attorney, David Evans, told Kealing that the defense team obviously has to find another person to point a finger at, that it's Kronk, and that this development is unfortunate.

Pipitone offered analysis of the motion: "One big problem with that is that there's no evidence we know of that Roy Kronk knew Casey Anthony, had any contact with Casey Anthony or Caylee Anthony."

Motion: Kronk Could Have Killed Caylee Anthony
Posted: 7:05 pm EST November 19, 2009
Lawyers for Casey Anthony filed a motion late Thursday that accused the man who found Caylee Anthony&#8217;s remains, as a possible suspect in her death.

Investigators never considered Kronk a suspect in the case.

Kronk denied the allegations against him.

UPDATED: Anthony Motion Wants Kronk Treated As Suspect
Defense: Roy Kronk 'Ignored' As Suspect In Caylee's Death
POSTED: 6:05 am EST November 19, 2009
UPDATED: 11:46 pm EST November 19, 2009
Casey Anthony's attorney filed a new motion to "introduce prior bad acts" by Roy Kronk, the former meter reader who found Caylee Anthony's remains.

The motion, filed late Thursday, came after Kronk spent the day giving a deposition behind closed doors to the defense.

Kronk will come back for a second day of depositions in the case against Casey Anthony.

Kronk's attorney dismissed the motion, saying the defense is looking for someone else to point a finger at.

Video: Anthony Motion Wants Kronk Treated As Suspect

Video: Anthony Defense Files Motion On Kronk 'Bad Acts' 3:00

Video: Kronk Faces Deposition In Casey Anthony Case

Video: Kronk Faces Deposition

Uncut Video: Kronk Arrives For Deposition

Video: Kronk Faces Deposition In Anthony Case

UPDATED: Casey defense: Kronk should be a suspect
Updated: Friday, 20 Nov 2009, 12:01 AM EST
Published : Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 8:40 AM EST
While Kronk wrapped up a day of questioning by the defense, lawyers for Casey Anthony were busy filing motions suggesting Kronk should be considered a suspect in the death of Caylee Anthony.

"Mr. Kronk is a witness, not a suspect," wrote Kronk's attorney David Evans in a email sent to FOX 35. "He has cooperated fully with law enforcement from day one. He has nothing to hide, and has hidden nothing."

Read memorandum from Jose Baez >>>

Read motions filed related to Roy Kronk>>>

*NOTE: "2 Video Reports Included In Article!"


Roy if you or anyone who knows you read here at all....I wanted to let you know I consider you Caylee's angel!
If it wasn't for someone like you, Caylee could still be left thrown out on Suburban Dr. like trash to this day!

:prayer:'s For Roy! Hold your head high everyone knows who murdered Caylee & it sure wasn't you!

what happened to the nanny? This is absolutely ridiculous, they are flinging their fingers at anyone they can. I mean for the love of God, did Kronk have Casey's car at any time??? Was he the one looking for chloroform recipes???? Is he the one that was "babysitting" the list goes on...
what happened to the nanny? This is absolutely ridiculous, they are flinging their fingers at anyone they can. I mean for the love of God, did Kronk have Casey's car at any time??? Was he the one looking for chloroform recipes???? Is he the one that was "babysitting" the list goes on...

ITA! How many more lives will KC and Company attempt to destroy? :furious:
What is going on? The finder of the body is considered a suspect! Oh, Baez, give me a break. Why wasn't he listed in the SUSPECT category since Day 31 instead of the Invisi-Nanny?

Judge Strickland is going to have to have patience of Job. :furious:
what happened to the nanny? This is absolutely ridiculous, they are flinging their fingers at anyone they can. I mean for the love of God, did Kronk have Casey's car at any time??? Was he the one looking for chloroform recipes???? Is he the one that was "babysitting" the list goes on...

I think Matt Laur really tore them up this morning (I think it was this morning). Baez and Lyons were on saying they were going to depose Kronk and Matt asked if they really thought it would help basically (I'm paraphrasing). Then Matt threw the bugs at them - neither were very happy with how the conversation went.


Link to the video: [ame="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/34059278#34059278"]msnbc.com Video Player[/ame]
Next they will say that he was dating ZG or even married to her secretly or something crazy along those lines. OK so they think he should be suspect according to the defense. Uh so when she was clubbing NON STOP for the month that this angel was missing, let me guess she was looking for Roy in the bars b/c he's a drunk that likes to party. So she was just poll dancing & grinding on girls for bait to find him. RIGHT!!!! I know that the defense is "just doing their job" BUT this is wrong. Plain wrong!!!!! I have faith that they are just adding nails to her coffin when all is said and done. So keep cooking that :turkey: Jose!!! :scream:
What is going on? The finder of the body is considered a suspect! Oh, Baez, give me a break. Why wasn't he listed in the SUSPECT category since Day 31 instead of the Invisi-Nanny?

Judge Strickland is going to have to have patience of Job. :furious:

Maybe The Team is trying to rewind, turn back time and begin again. The strategy asteroid, Pallas Athena, is now on the Sun of the murder indictment, exact: 21° - 21°. Unfortunately, do overs have zero credibility and what has happened since that fateful day in 2008 is seared in everyone's memory. Even if we forgot Zenaida, her legal action in defamation waits to remind us that she was the target.
Maybe The Team is trying to rewind, turn back time and begin again. The strategy asteroid, Pallas Athena, is now on the Sun of the murder indictment, exact: 21° - 21°. Unfortunately, do overs have zero credibility and what has happened since that fateful day in 2008 is seared in everyone's memory. Even if we forgot Zenaida, her legal action in defamation waits to remind us that she was the target.

Tuba: Would there be anything in Mr. Kronk's chart that would indicate him joining forces with ZG & Morgan in a civil lawsuit against KC? With BC coming out with that statement about the A's wanting the truth and CA's emails to Dominic....trying to cover their tushys???
Her is his EX-wife DOB in case it is needed for a chart. 03/09/1957 She has some criminal history that would not bode well for credibility if the defense chooses to go there and use her testimony to discredit Kronk. Tuba, would a chart for her tell us anything?
The Team has a job to do, giving Prisoner the best defense they are capable of constructing and delivering but this latest tar-smear job goes way beyond what is required. Not to be lightly weighed and considered is the harm they are doing to another human being, who is in fact a Good Samaritan who wished to remain anonymous. Mr. Kronk made that clear in August when he phoned in his discovery and was encouraged to call the Tip Line and the audio exists to prove he was not seeking publicity and wanted none of it.

We can also peer into the mind set behind this and see that The Team does not believe their own theory of who perpetrated this crime. That brilliant Fixed Star Capulus gave them away. A veneer of belief may be on view but it is actually pretense and the subconscious knowledge is a nanometer beneath the surface and bubbling up. We also remember Mr. Baez's admission last summer that there was circumstantial evidence of a homicide and that he himself linked that to his client and none other.

He would say, "But at that time I did not have this information about Roy Kronk." He does not have it now. The muck raking has brought forth only gossip, hearsay and muck, appropriately. This sort of character assassination does boomerang and the boomerang has already been hurled, so we await returns.
let the boomerang fly! I cannot wait to see where it lands (and whose hide it tears a piece of)
Just remember that the only way to get a conviction (sans confession) is to go through the trial and all its preliminaries. Let's hope that Casey gets every benefit of the doubt before she is convicted, so as to limited grounds for appeal.
Interesting that our society tolerates the public flaying of a Good Samaritan, who performed a vital service for the dead, for the people of the State and for law enforcement while we protect the privacy and personhood of a defendant indicted for capital murder.

Roy M. Kronk as meter man made clear in his emergency calls that he wanted to remain anonymous and therefore was reluctant to deal with a tip line rather than law enforcement. His statements to 911 were fortunately recorded, so we know what he wanted was to alert the law to what might be human remains. Notoriety, no. He is a former bondsman-bounty hunter so he assessed the risk of involvement from experience. Now persons from his past who have terminated connection and relation to Mr. Kronk are delivering transparently biased opinions and remembrances, one bucket of tar after another. Mr. Kronk is a State witness, not a suspect, not a defendant, just a very good citizen. Four times over.

Whereas, the defendant who emoted upon learning a child's body had been found as she sat watching t.v. in the infirmary common room is being protected in her privacy and personhood because her reaction was adverse to her own interests and inflammatory. Her facial and body language was irrepressible and spontaneous, however, and not compelled testimony against herself. No Fifth Amendment right was violated. In fact, one day the control she exerts in court may give way similarly. Even though such a collapse of the guard would be prejudicial, there will be no taking it back.

Defense wants us to believe that a trap was laid for her and that absent the conspiracy and machinations of jail personnel, she would not have reacted. She was not reacting to personnel, she was reacting to televised news and inmates do not have a privacy shield for their facial expressions, body language or spoken communication. In fact, they are watched and history demands they be monitored for security and furtive activity of many sorts. Puffery and propaganda rolls out every day and we can curtail much of that if we keep abreast of reality. The defendant's reaction on December 11 is the one real self-exposure she has ever put forth.
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