A & E - Anthony Parents Speak 5.28.18

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I totally agree with you. Watching George's body language while Cindy was spewing her lies was very telling. Every time George started stating the truth about Casey, Cindy would interrupt and cut him off, walk out dramatically and call George out to "talk" to him.
Someone please give an interview to George. I can imagine that living in that house is pure hell.

Yeah, the only interviews we ever got from Georg alone were the ones where he spoke with the FBI and the police and they were quite illuminating to say the least.

I wish he would quit allowing Cindy to boss him around. She seems to have gotten even crazier and more controlling as she ages.
I watched the whole show and I can tell you this - Cindy is not only in deep, deep denial - but she is STILL putting forward flat out lies.

For example, she was showing pics and video of Casey in high school, saying how the kids called her "Mom" because they all went to Casey with their problems, she was that popular. She said something like, 'and then after she GRADUATED, she became the first real mom of the group'. Casey never graduated. She's still selling that lie.

She said as far as the fool proof suffocation search, there was somebody else in the house with Casey who had performed the search AND erased the history. She said she had CAUGHT THIS GUY DOING IT PREVIOUSLY, ON HER COMPUTER DELETING THINGS ! When Ashton asked "Who?", she said "I don't want to say".

After they were cleaning up the memorial site, they said they don't want to ever come back there, that's not how or where they want to remember Caylee. They want to think of it as just a pile of dirt, some piece of land. And yet, after they removed the cross and fence and all the memorial items, George basically had to yank Cindy out of the woods because she was trying to find a branch to hang her special "Caylee Memorial" bracelet from. She hung up her bracelet on a branch and said nobody will know where it is, but her. So there she is, marking the spot after all.

She was reading through some of the texts between her and Casey, one caught my ear because it was the typical passive-aggressive Cindy she has proven herself to be. It was a birthday message to Casey about how she remembers being in love with the beautiful daughter she had on the day she was born, and she will always love her, and then she writes, "What happened?" in the midst of it.

Again, Cindy denied any wrong doing on Casey's part AT ALL EVER, particularly the stealing from her father's health account and the fight they had the day before Caylee was killed. She never mentioned anything about trying to get custody of Caylee so many times, only that Casey was a WONDERFUL MOTHER. She said nothing about how during that 31 days how she desparately tried to find Caylee, even going as far as Universal when Casey is suddenly in Jacksonville, only that she didn't worry about Caylee because Casey is her mother and she's 'of age' and with people she trusted.

George was the one that told Cindy to "shut up", not the other way around, as said upthread (sorry I can't go back up right now to find the exact comment). Cindy tried to control every answer, every word, and when George tried to tell his story, she kept telling him to hurry up and move on and get past the point. He was talking about the smell in the car and she didn't want to talk about that, so he told her to shut up. She got up and walked out but he calmed her down.

Cindy told George that Casey that got her lying and stealing tendencies from him, that she "learned by example". That was bad.

One thing that threw me a little, was Cindy said that SHE went back a few days later (or did she say weeks later?) and spoke directly with the guy at the tow company, and he told Cindy he didn't smell anything suspicious. I had never heard that before, that Cindy went back to the tow yard and talked to this guy. Then when George said, "I didn't know you did that." I was like, what the heck... is she literally making up a new lie right there on the spot?

Well, my interest in this case started with Cindy. I'd never before or since seen anything like this awful woman. I'm still as fascinated with her today as I was back then.
I don't have to post again, you have so perfectly read my mind and thoughts and captured them brilliantly. There was so much not mentioned by Cindy. She wants everyone to think that that household was perfect, Casey was a perfect mom, no arguments over her stealing and lying, everything was just great. I was disappointed when the argument between Cindy and Casey over the stealing from her parents accounts. This was a major point to me and is why I believed that Casey killed Caylee out of spike for her mother.
There was an article a year or so ago about the cross built for Caylee. A person commented on it (on Facebook) that it was awful and the parents didn't need that reminder. I recognized the name as someone Casey had gone to high school with and called her out on that and said why would they mind people remembering Caylee? Well she messaged me, livid, that I "outed her" and that her kids didn't know about that part of her past. I said, well you didn't do anything wrong, you talked to police and told your story, you didn't cover for Casey, what's the problem. Anyway, I still don't understand the Anthony's objections to people memorializing Caylee. Remember Lee tearing up the flowers? And now Lee has a family of his own. His boy is Caylee's age. I noticed they blurred photos on the wall, probably of the boy. Wonder if Lee regrets any of his actions.
Yeah, the only interviews we ever got from Georg alone were the ones where he spoke with the FBI and the police and they were quite illuminating to say the least.

I wish he would quit allowing Cindy to boss him around. She seems to have gotten even crazier and more controlling as she ages.
Hopefully, one day George will retrieve his cojones from Cindy's purse and go on his own way.
I think the general consensus here was that Casey was using the gas cans to cover up the smell of death in her car trunk. When George pressed her about them, he was about to head out to her car and retrieve them himself. Casey ran past him, opened the trunk and threw them at him, yelling "here are your effing gas cans!"

Then IIRC, she got in her car and drove away. She didn't want him anywhere near the trunk of her car.

Casey also was texting her friend Amy about the smell in her car and blaming it on squirrels and roadkill. She then ultimately abandoned her car by a dumpster, with a bag of trash in it (also probably designed to cover up/explain away the smell of death in her car.)

To this day, I don't understand how the jury could have ignored all that. Not only that, they decided GEORGE was suspicious for not immediately noticing the fact that the tow company left a notice on their front door when they usually entered the house through the garage.

I guess George didn't notice the tow notice until he was mowing the front lawn, which makes perfect sense to me. Our house has the same setup and sometimes I don't notice stuff on the front door for days. The jury also never asked themselves why if he was trying to hide the tow notice, he didn't just tear it up and throw it away.

Thank you! I also see in the link I found that Casey borrowed a shovel from a neighbor on June 18 even though George had several. How on earth did the jury misread this case? How can Cindy continue to deny so much evidence? How can she stand keeping the pool if she's so sure Caylee died in it?

And why is Cindy preserving Casey's old bedroom like some kind of memorial? Caylee's I get but... WTH? The disconnect is... shocking.
It doesn't matter what they claim to believe. Or what lies they tell. They don't have to fess up to us, strangers, who have no ties to this tragedy. I do feel Cindy lies and she is horribly mean to George. I don't understand why they, mostly she, can't just say 'yes, Casey was a problem child and yes, she wasn't a great adult or a great mom...but we never expected THIS'. I don't get the fantasy land portrayal. But so what. It's not for me to understand or know. They owe me nothing, they owe the public nothing. And I do believe they are living in hell. Awful terrible hell. I don't get why George stays though. Why not divorce and leave the area and move on as best as possible? Why does he coddle her and apologize to her when she tantrums? After being so awfully thrown under the bus and blamed for so many terrible things. That is most perplexing. But also not an answer owed to me. So I can't hate on them. Can hate Casey though.
Thank you all so much for the interesting opinions on the show. Keep them coming, please. We are letting everyone on social media know this thread is the only place to come and read about the George and Cindy interview.

Am I the only one who truly feels sorry for George? I want to rescue the guy from his life of what appears to be pure hell.

Anyone else?
Thank you all so much for the interesting opinions on the show. Keep them coming, please. We are letting everyone on social media know this thread is the only place to come and read about the George and Cindy interview.

Am I the only one who truly feels sorry for George? I want to rescue the guy from his life of what appears to be pure hell.

Anyone else?

No, because he's a grown man and perfectly capable of leaving IF HE WANTED TO. I do feel for the devastation in his life- but he chooses to stay with Cindy- and that's on him.
Thank you all so much for the interesting opinions on the show. Keep them coming, please. We are letting everyone on social media know this thread is the only place to come and read about the George and Cindy interview.

Am I the only one who truly feels sorry for George? I want to rescue the guy from his life of what appears to be pure hell.

Anyone else?

My heart hurts for George, but it hurts for Cindy too- her fantasy memories are nothing more than an attempt to stop the pain- she knows the truth, as much truth as any of us know but probably will never face it. She has lost too much, her world clearly was all about that baby and Casey and for her she has no identity without them.
There are really only 2 reasons I can come up with as to why they are still together-1. they really love each other 2. Neither is ready to be alone.
This case just hurt from day one.
Thank you all so much for the interesting opinions on the show. Keep them coming, please. We are letting everyone on social media know this thread is the only place to come and read about the George and Cindy interview.

Am I the only one who truly feels sorry for George? I want to rescue the guy from his life of what appears to be pure hell.

Anyone else?
I feel sorry for George too. He should leave. That said, I do blame him for not having the balls to stand his ground for Caylee. I also blame him for being such a wimp and Cindy's beaten dog. But, I feel like he has served his sentence for that.
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Yeah, sorry, I guess I'm just mean and all of you are much nicer than I am. I still think they deserve their pain over how they've handled this situation. I still remember all that finger pointing they (especially Cindy) did. From what someone wrote in their earlier post, Cindy is still doing it. She was probably accusing Jesse of making the foolproof suffocation search.

And when did they respect other people's pain? Cindy left Tim Miller that nasty voicemail accusing him of stealing money, threatening him and bringing up his dead daughter just because he decided they should also start looking for a body. Remember how she banned Jesse and Richard Grund from Caylee's funeral by sending them notarized letters informing them they would be arrested if they tried to attend?

I do have a little sympathy for George. He does appear to want to speak the truth. I think he could probably start healing and come to terms with this if he got out of that toxic relationship he has with his wife.

I guess I'm mean, too. Cindy created the monster that is Casey, with George's help as he stood by and let that witch he married run the show. They created the monster that killed their precious granddaughter, and then had the unmitigated gall to try to blame anyone and everyone else for their creation. The hell with them.
Did I miss Cindy's excuse of if Caylee drowned then WHO put her in the woods??? How did she explain that......I could hardly watch Cindy in this interview...still the same old control freak.
Cindy knows Casey is guilty of throwing that baby away- and she has always known it and hated Casey for it, her anger was palpable, she just can not bring herself to admit she gave birth to a monster.
I honestly have no interest in pitying either one of them (especially Cindy) until they come to terms with the fact that Casey killed Caylee, most likely intentionally, and quit lying and torturing the rest of the world with their delusions. Until that point, they can continue to suffer. I hope they lose everything, including their in foreclosure house and I hope Casey makes Cindy miserable for the rest of her life.

Because of them (in part), a murderer is walking free and trying to profit off her crimes. In fact, she's probably already profited from them. IIRC, Baez gave her a cut of his book sales and we all remember those TMZ photos of her walking around a deserted shopping center, pretending not to see the camera filming and snapping pictures of her?
This is the best example I can give as to why Cindy can't admit what Casey did, Cindy and George didn't kill Caylee and parents make mistakes but that in no way makes them responsible for this Casey is the only one to blame for that baby's death.
I'm really impressed and intrigued by my fellow WSers thoughtful and educated assessments of this interview. Amazing to be in the company of such smart minds, even if it's just electronically.

My opinion is that Cindy spoke truth when she made the 911 call re the odor in Casey's car. Every moment since that has been a lie that she and George have chosen to suffer in the name of their entitled, good for nothing embarrassment of a daughter.
It doesn't matter what they claim to believe. Or what lies they tell. They don't have to fess up to us, strangers, who have no ties to this tragedy. I do feel Cindy lies and she is horribly mean to George. I don't understand why they, mostly she, can't just say 'yes, Casey was a problem child and yes, she wasn't a great adult or a great mom...but we never expected THIS'. I don't get the fantasy land portrayal. But so what. It's not for me to understand or know. They owe me nothing, they owe the public nothing. And I do believe they are living in hell. Awful terrible hell. I don't get why George stays though. Why not divorce and leave the area and move on as best as possible? Why does he coddle her and apologize to her when she tantrums? After being so awfully thrown under the bus and blamed for so many terrible things. That is most perplexing. But also not an answer owed to me. So I can't hate on them. Can hate Casey though.

If they weren't giving interviews, I would be much more inclined to agree with you. But Cindy is actively subjecting the public to her denial and the depths of her pathetic delusions, she's probably profiting off of it and IMO, by doing that, she's asking to be judged by the public. She decided to give another interview, signed that release and went on the show. The media is no longer beating down their door or camped out in front of their house. She chose to make her private struggles public yet again.

Cindy's denial left no room for the truth and no room for justice for Caylee. Most parents and grandparents go to the ends of the earth to search for their missing/murdered loved ones, discover the truth and seek justice for them. This family is extremely abnormal in this respect. Even Karla Homolka's mother, though she quietly supported their daughter, didn't lie and obfuscate and try to interfere in the investigation. That's why I can't see it as anything but inherently selfish.

Either way, their endless lies helped to set their monster daughter free and if she ever snaps and someone ends up dead around her again, blood is on their hands (especially Cindy's hands) as well.
Thank you all so much for the interesting opinions on the show. Keep them coming, please. We are letting everyone on social media know this thread is the only place to come and read about the George and Cindy interview.

Am I the only one who truly feels sorry for George? I want to rescue the guy from his life of what appears to be pure hell.

Anyone else?

I do feel sympathy for George. much more than for Cindy. On numerous occasions, he tried to confront Casey and tell the truth. The problem is that he never follows through.

He always walks it back and ends up looking wishy washy and inconsistent and undermines his own credibility. Just once, I would like to see him take a stand for Caylee.
Thank you all so much for the interesting opinions on the show. Keep them coming, please. We are letting everyone on social media know this thread is the only place to come and read about the George and Cindy interview.

Am I the only one who truly feels sorry for George? I want to rescue the guy from his life of what appears to be pure hell.

Anyone else?

No. You are not. I feel sorry for him too. He made mistakes, yeah. They all did. But no one is perfect. He knows she killed and disposed of Caylee and he's not hiding that fact. Not like Cindy. She is as bad as the murderer Casey.

I hope one day they split and he can talk openly about whatever it is he wants to say. I think he might have a much better quality of life with some backing from the public if that is the case.

I only wish that someone, anyone, had been 100% there for Caylee from the minute it was known she was gone. Not even George did that.
I'm really impressed and intrigued by my fellow WSers thoughtful and educated assessments of this interview. Amazing to be in the company of such smart minds, even if it's just electronically.

My opinion is that Cindy spoke truth when she made the 911 call re the odor in Casey's car. Every moment since that has been a lie that she and George have chosen to suffer in the name of their entitled, good for nothing embarrassment of a daughter.

Exactly. I couldn't agree with this more. She only told the truth when she didn't 100% know what was coming for that whole family.

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