A message to us from Rosemont Farms

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...I am turning 60 this year. When I was a small child, I remember other little children running around saying:

"Want to hear a joke?"

When you said "yes" -- they merely responded with:

"A boy fell in the mud!"

We would all howl over the thought.

Normally that is referred to as a DIRTY joke! :dance:
Oh my gosh yes Etilema :)

It WAS, "Do you want to hear a dirty joke?" :)

[Then, "A boy fell in the mud!"]
Same here, I have no idea what this is all about.

Though it makes it no less of a reality to you and your family of what you are presently enduring but FWIW I too must echo the above 4 posts of not having heard these vicious rumors.. (but I do however try to stay away from the trash news sites, tabloid type sites, etc.) As this exact situation that this dear family of Rosemont Farm are currently "riding out" are the exact unwarranted targets of the lies that are said and spread on those type of websites.IMO
If it makes you feel any better, Heather, I have been closely following this case, through media reports and the discussions on Websleuths, and have not encountered *any* horrible rumors about your farm. Although I do not claim to read EVERY message posted on Websleuths, the most I have seen is speculation about whether, perhaps, your farm was the location where DS was working on June 4. Nothing at all negative about you, your farm, or possible involvement in whatever crime may have been committed.

I am aware, however, that around the internet in general there are wild, outlandish rumors and horrible slander and trashing of individuals based on nothing but people's desire to lash out. So I appreciate your caution about posting detailed information about someone who is only tangentially related to a case.

I hope your customer base will stick with you and all of this stupidity will die down soon.

I just want to second this. I have been following this case daily. I have not heard or read any of the rumors mentioned in the letter. I think we have speculated about the site DS was working at the day Kyron went missing, but nothing negative about the actual site. I think the speculation that the property was a farm was stated as rumor only. It was also mentioned that it might have been a nursery.

Also, I hope your loyal customers stick by you.
Busy in the garden today, but will reply this evening. Thank you so much. PS I'm Rosemont Farm. :)
Hi internet sleuths,

I am Heather Walters from Rosemont Farm in Yamhill (aka @Rosemont_Farm).

After watching the events with Dede Spicher unfold with much dismay and wondering what to do about it all, I've decided to come forward here at Websleuths and set the record straight once and for all.

I gave an interview to Anita Kissee at KATU a couple of Friday's ago about this same thing, but unfortunately the rumor mill is still churning.

Our farm has been in our family since 1846 and to us it's part of our family. There is nothing we would do to jeopardize it up to and including participating in any criminal activity or associating with known criminal types or persons with questionable integrity or character.

This farm is a family legacy. We care for this land with every shred of our hearts so seeing the speculations and misinformation about our farm is troubling to say the least.

I'm going to clear up a few things and hopefully ease some speculation in regards to our association with the Kyron Horman case.

1. No one in my family knows or has ever met or corresponded with knowingly any person in the Horman, Moulton or Young family.
2. Only one person in our family has corresponded with Dede Spicher - me. Via twitter, email, Facebook and I believe some phonetag voicemails.
3. Dede Spicher was supposed to be an intern on our farm (she approached us with a detailed proposal).
4. Dede Spicher was NEVER an intern on our farm, nor did she step foot on our farm that we know of.
5. Neither myself nor anyone associated with my farm (friends or family) know Dede Spicher personally.
6. I took the Muddy Boy video (associated with the words "Boy + Water + Dirt = Heaven") at my farm on June 5th of my young son playing in the dirt. There were no sinister meanings behind that video. It was merely my beautiful boy playing in the mud as boys love to do.
7. Our name and address have been associated with horrible untrue accusations...which has led to us losing the ONLY way we advertise through sites like Twitter, Facebook, our blog, Local Harvest etc.
8. Yes we have pigs. Yes pigs are omnivores. Yes we had an accident on our farm where 2 goats were killed recently. Yes I tweeted something along the lines that pigs will eat anything 'even you' to someone in jest. No we do not feed our pigs dead bodies.
9. Law Enforcement was called through their tipline around midnight the night I saw Dede Spicher's face on Katu. I offered them carte blanche to search anything they want anytime they want. My family also said the same thing in person to the local sheriff when he came for a trespassing call recently.
10. To sum up - we do not have anything to do with this case other than being accidentally drug into it because we tweeted with Dede Spicher. This has had a huge impact on our farm in terms of finding customers and I cannot express how much I just wish we could go back to being an anonymous farm.

If anything can be taken away from this case it is that innocent people have lost all rights to privacy in cases like this...and I can sincerely say that there have been times since this started when I have read horrible things about us that I have been truly scared for our safety.

Please think LONG and hard before you post people's addresses and identifying information in situations like this.

In hopes of a positive outcome for Kyron,
Heather at Rosemont

Kimster.............thanks for posting this, and thanks to Heather for coming forward and setting the record straight in regards to DD-S. It's unfortunate that truly innocent people are harmed by having a brief and unrelated association with an individual involved in a criminal investigation.

To Heather.............I have the utmost respect for our farmers as they're the backbone and breadbasket of our country. Thank you for your message and I hope this shall pass and not further impact your farm's reputation. :)
Heather (((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) to you for the angst of having twittered a person - OMG I think sometimes common sense goes out the window!

Is it okay if we link to this page if we see this rumor out there, KIMSTER?

I also want to thank Kimster for taking the time to email with Heather and Tricia for always keeping facts not foolishness from interfering with information here at WS!

Let's allow Jasmine to make that decision. She is the one being hurt by the rumors. I made the first post to help everyone understand the seriousness of this issue and because she asked me to make it for her.
I think that was a beautifully written letter .... my heart just melted at the love for the land parts...I feel so, so sorry for grief and trouble caused to innocent people in cases like this that are so high profile no one gets any privacy...

best of luck to you & your family heather (jasmine?), I hope everything passes quickly & you all get back to a peaceful and normal life soon.
Busy in the garden today, but will reply this evening. Thank you so much. PS I'm Rosemont Farm. :)

Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help dispel the rumors and restore Rosemont's reputation.

Although I'm located in southern California, I have a number of friends in the Portland area. I'd be happy to email them with a copy of Heather's message if that would help.

I too will be working in the garden today (MUCH smaller scale than Rosemont Farms) and will be on the forum later today. :)
Let's allow Jasmine to make that decision. She is the one being hurt by the rumors. I made the first post to help everyone understand the seriousness of this issue and because she asked me to make it for her.

Okay, so Jasmine post here in this thread if you want us to post a link to your letter on other sites when we see them involving you. I just saw someone post your name on another site - grrrrrrrr.
Let's allow Jasmine to make that decision. She is the one being hurt by the rumors. I made the first post to help everyone understand the seriousness of this issue and because she asked me to make it for her.

Thank you, Kimster, for posting Heather's letter. And what a beautifully written letter it is, too!

My heart goes out to all the innocent people who unfortunately get lumped together in cases such as this one.
So sorry Heather - how devastating it must be to be dragged into this twisted case by judgmental America - and all due to a couple tweets! :eek: That would most certainly be one of my worst nightmares.

The legacy of you, your wonderful family, and of the farm, will live on forever. I hope the legacy will include this bump in the road as a learning experience for future reference. Don't you wonder how those in your family will look at 'tweeting' in another 50 or so years? :waitasec:

Please take good care of yourself and know that we here at WS are wishing you the best. Thanks for trusting us with your experience and concerns. Better yet, how about joining us? :grouphug:
Thank you Heather for an incredibly well written letter to the Websluething community. I am (for right or wrong) a follower of true crime. Drives my husband bat crazy. Love Dateline / 20/20 / Nancy Grace (in small doses), etc. I read and watch every minute of the Casey Anthony trial - I truely believe I might be of help of to the Prosecution if they asked. All that said, I have never once participated in these chat rooms. I scan many of them every day, but just as an outside observer. Until this case. I had to sign up and start defending people - people I don't even know - people that I don't know if they are guilty or innocent, but I need to defend them. Why? Because I would read amazing and wild speculation about players in this saga.. I am guessing because the police have released no info and there are essentially no leaks, that imaginations run wild. One nugget of information gets twisted and exploited to high heaven.

So you have pointed out to us how dangerous this obsession can be (and I am of course ashamed to be part of it). We all want Kyron to be found safe and returned to his parents. Let's please try and minimize the amount of reputations and familes that are ruined in the process. Let's be careful about the rumor mongering for all players in this case until we have facts.
This is the first I've even read or heard of this farm because I mostly read here and at FB. I'm glad WS doesn't start or keep going these kind of rumors about people.
Ok I'm done for the day and wanted to take a moment to respond.

Thank you so much for letting me 'speak my piece' and get this out in the open.
I feel a lot more positive about this situation after reading each of your responses.

I *tried* so hard not to look at news message boards and other sites because I had seen a little of what was being said, but unfortunately I did look...and the last straw was when even as late as this week our name and address (posted!! :eeks: ) online associated with where Dede was working on June 4th. At that point I just had to respond publicly to set the record straight.

You guys are a really wonderful group and I appreciate so much your kindness and well-wishes. I know for us this will blow over, but for Kyron's family no matter what the outcome this will always be with them. So really, my problems are small in the scope of things I know!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Okay, so Jasmine post here in this thread if you want us to post a link to your letter on other sites when we see them involving you. I just saw someone post your name on another site - grrrrrrrr.

It's completely fine if you guys want to link this letter.
If someone has a problem or a question they can email me or join websleuths and post it here. I'm happy to answer with what little info I have.

Cheers :)

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