A month later... where is Lisa? What is your opinion?

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DNA Solves

One month into the investigation where do your thoughts lie? What happened to Lisa?

  • I have no idea whatsoever

    Votes: 39 8.9%
  • I am on the fence (meaning I have some thoughts one way and some thoughts another)

    Votes: 95 21.7%
  • I think DB is responsible

    Votes: 176 40.2%
  • I think JI is responsible

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • I think both parents are responsible

    Votes: 67 15.3%
  • I think someone else familiar or known to the family is responsible

    Votes: 43 9.8%
  • I think a stranger is responsible

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • other

    Votes: 4 0.9%

  • Total voters
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So,parents shouldn't be considered suspects ,even though statistically they are usually responsible, but ALL LE should be considered the same as the ones from this very famous murder mystery ? :waitasec:

I still believe that DB is responsible for whatever happened. Because of the height of the crib mattress I don't think Lisa slept in it. That leads me to believe that the neighbor lied about seeing Lisa in the crib,unless Lisa was already dead and the neighbor just thought she was sleeping.
I think DB had help hiding the body.
There is still the possibility that Lisa died before JI went to work.
The comment early on ,that DB's son had a bad dream and DB let him sleep in her bed ,leads me to believe that he might have heard something and DB told him it was a bad dream.

BBM - I've seen someone mention that before and I'm wondering where that info came from? I have searched and searched for a link but the only info I have found was that the boys were still awake so she told them to come sleep with her. She told, I believe Judge Jeanine that her kids have always slept with her when they were little and she likes to do that when she can...no nightmare stuff???

Maybe she was drunk but NOT passed out, her daughter died by means unknown, she wasn't too drunk to use her cell phone to call a "compatriot" to come help, daughter AND cell phones go out the door, drunk mom takes child into bed with her as 'protection and distraction' when hard working father returns home.

It seems there were folk in the neighborhood who considered themselves as a close "community" of people. Close enough to share space, cell phones, and food stamps freely.

OR maybe mom wasn't drunk and just said so as cover. How far is the river?

After watching these folks for some time now, I'm tending toward believing the SIMPLEST and least complicated scenario, simply because I think the capacity for anything complicated just might not exist, kwim?

Me too One Love. Thanks.
Maybe she was drunk but NOT passed out, her daughter died by means unknown, she wasn't too drunk to use her cell phone to call a "compatriot" to come help, daughter AND cell phones go out the door, drunk mom takes child into bed with her as 'protection and distraction' when hard working father returns home.

It seems there were folk in the neighborhood who considered themselves as a close "community" of people. Close enough to share space, cell phones, and food stamps freely.

OR maybe mom wasn't drunk and just said so as cover. How far is the river?

After watching these folks for some time now, I'm tending toward believing the SIMPLEST and least complicated scenario, simply because I think the capacity for anything complicated just might not exist, kwim?

ITA. In cases where a child dies while being in the care of a substance-abusing adult, a prosecution usually follows. The parents are hiding more than just information about a missing child.

ITA. In cases where a child dies while being in the care of a substance-abusing adult, a prosecution usually follows. The parents are hiding more than just information about a missing child.


ITA. In cases where a child dies while being in the care of a substance-abusing adult, a prosecution usually follows. The parents are hiding more than just information about a missing child.


I'm afraid you may be right. imo

What if the parents hold out forever and we never find out who made Lisa disappear. :(
Me too One Love. Thanks.

Ahhh....... Dr. Know?.......my hero from the Fukishima thread. I am honored. And many thanks to you for starting that thread. I wish it would start a global evolution.
I am beginning to think that Deborah Bradley has something to do with the disappearance of Lisa Irwin. I wonder what happened to Lisa Irwin. Hopefully she is found alive.
There is no doubt in my mind that Deborah Bradley had something to do with it. She acts like every other Mother who killed there child and just went on with there life as if everything was the same.

How can we contact people there to let them no a place they should search but haven't yet? If you call the tip-lane what does it evolve? I mean do they ask you questions? And do you have to give your name? Is there a group other then the police doing searches for Lisa that could be called instead?
Does anyone have a reading on JI? He seems like the type that just may explode if pushed....but there is nothing known about him.

Does he have substance abuse problems? I wish we would hear something about him. We have heard about DB but nothing about him...odd.
leanaí;7371751 said:
There is no doubt in my mind that Deborah Bradley had something to do with it. She acts like every other Mother who killed there child and just went on with there life as if everything was the same.

How can we contact people there to let them no a place they should search but haven't yet? If you call the tip-lane what does it evolve? I mean do they ask you questions? And do you have to give your name? Is there a group other then the police doing searches for Lisa that could be called instead?

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Does anyone have a reading on JI? He seems like the type that just may explode if pushed....but there is nothing known about him.

Does he have substance abuse problems? I wish we would hear something about him. We have heard about DB but nothing about him...odd.

There has been nothing that shows anything like that about JI. We don't hear much about JI because LE knows that he wasn't there that night. The only way he's involved is if he's part of this grand coverup that was preplanned. Think about that. It's one thing to do the deed yourself. But this guy would have knowingly went to work and allowed that to happen if he knew it beforehand.
I've been keeping up to date. I don't have a 'theory' and I suppose I fall into the 'haven't got a clue' bin. I do have some thoughts, that I feel pretty confident about, but just MOO.

1) I think Jersey started that dumpster fire and the fire that burned up MW's car. Whether it was related to Lisa's disappearance, I can't say.

2) There were no baby clothes found in that dumpster. It was reported just recently that the flames were so intense that all that was left in the dumpster was water. Therefore, LE was trying to set up DB by saying they found baby clothes.

3) I don't believe DB failed the Poly.

4) I tend not to believe the dog made a true hit.

5) I doubt that JI has such intense love for DB that he would support her and lie for her if he suspected she killed his child. They haven't been together for very long and probably the only reason they are together is she got pregnant with Lisa. He either believes she wasn't involved, or he is willing to risk jail time and lose his son for hiding evidence. Maybe I have him pegged wrong, but he seems like a decent guy that just gets involved with the wrong women.

6) I can see no reason why DB would not call 911 if she accidentally killed her baby and I definitely do not think she intentionally killed her baby. I can't imagine anyone other than someone that loves her immensely (brother is the only one that might qualify) or someone that got paid a lot of money (she doesn't have any) that would be willing to help her dispose of a body. Think about it. She is there with a dead baby, and has to be cool headed enough to think about who to call, the person she calls has to be available, and that person rushes over to her house (in a car with lights or on foot?), picks up a dead baby and vanishes without a trace. That's difficult for me to believe. The only thing I can think is that LE has a lot of evidence they've found and are not sharing with us.

7) How could DB call anyone to help dispose of a body when her phones did not work?

8) I think the calls made to MW at 11:58pm and 3am+ were definitely not made by DB. I think they were made by Jersey. I think he got hold of them earlier in the day or night. How, I don't know. I'd need to know when was the last time DB saw those phones on the counter.

Remember, DB thought JI was due to come home before midnight (plus or minus). It's known that Jersey hangs out in empty houses or maybe even sleeps in a yard for all we know. Why did the calls stop after 3am? Well, there could be several reasons. Even Jersey has to sleep sometime, right? Or, he sees police cars coming to the house at 4-5am and finds out about the abduction of BL. He'd better get rid of those phones quick.

9) I don't think Dane has anything to do with this case. I think he likely has some illegal stuff going on and would not like to have his call activity traced for that reason.

What still has me puzzled:

1) The lights being on. I might guess that the oldest boy got up in the middle of the night to go potty (after Lisa was taken) and turned them on. LE has to know this information from talking with the boys. DB would not be so stupid to leave the lights on after doing something with Lisa.

2) No motive for anyone, not even for DB. As I said above, I just do not think (or want to believe) that she would try to cover up an accident. I do not have the negative opinion of her that most females do. I think if she had not admitted to drinking, that she'd have a little more support from the masses. People have blown the drinking way out of proportion imo. Nobody really knows how much she drinks. JI is usually home at night, so he would be very aware if she was a drunk. Based on how he took control of his son, I think he would be kicking DB to the curb if he thought she wasn't a good mamma to Lisa.

3) When I look at BL's wardrobe and all the pics and video, I just don't want to believe that DB did anything to her. <sigh>

I'm right here with you. I could not have typed my feelings out any better.
There has been nothing that shows anything like that about JI. We don't hear much about JI because LE knows that he wasn't there that night. The only way he's involved is if he's part of this grand coverup that was preplanned. Think about that. It's one thing to do the deed yourself. But this guy would have knowingly went to work and allowed that to happen if he knew it beforehand.

jumping off your post. one thing, for me, that goes against this being preplanned (and JI being involved) is the story that we were told. all the lights on, window "tampered with." i believe they even said (or at least JI did) that he didn't think someone could have came in through the window. if JI was in on it, i don't think that would be the story. i just don't believe JI had anything to do with this. i can safely rule him out at this time.

could he be covering for DB now? possibly. but i'm not even going to go there because i have no evidence of that.
Does anyone have a reading on JI? He seems like the type that just may explode if pushed....but there is nothing known about him.

Does he have substance abuse problems? I wish we would hear something about him. We have heard about DB but nothing about him...odd.

I disagree he seems calm to me in every interview and hasn't done anything to suggest any different. I believe him when he says he was at work that night especially when the info came out that they're phones were restricted. Seems to me he was working hard to get his bills caught up and the worst happened. I couldn't imagine how awful it must be for him the one night he picks up a second job to get some overtime and his daughter is gone. Maybe I am wrong but I just don't see him has a villain in this case.
I've been keeping up to date.
2) There were no baby clothes found in that dumpster. It was reported just recently that the flames were so intense that all that was left in the dumpster was water. Therefore, LE was trying to set up DB by saying they found baby clothes.

Do you have a link for that? Because it contradicts the one and only thing that the Kansas City Fire Department said about the dumpster and why the JOCO landfill was searched.
BBM - I've seen someone mention that before and I'm wondering where that info came from? I have searched and searched for a link but the only info I have found was that the boys were still awake so she told them to come sleep with her. She told, I believe Judge Jeanine that her kids have always slept with her when they were little and she likes to do that when she can...no nightmare stuff???

I still believe that DB is responsible for whatever happened. Because of the height of the crib mattress I don't think Lisa slept in it. That leads me to believe that the neighbor lied about seeing Lisa in the crib,unless Lisa was already dead and the neighbor just thought she was sleeping.
I think DB had help hiding the body.
There is still the possibility that Lisa died before JI went to work.
The comment early on ,that DB's son had a bad dream and DB let him sleep in her bed ,leads me to believe that he might have heard something and DB told him it was a bad dream.

---the "nightmare stuff" was in the hard copy of the Oct. People Magazine article.


THM member "hopeful" posts:

October 21st/2011

A few other "new" details: People Magazine: pg. 50:

"When Irwin came home, he checked on his sons and saw M****** was not in his bottom bunk.

He found him snuggling Bradley in the master bedroom (he'd had a nightmare, Bradley says, and she let him sleep with her). '

Then I see a cat on the bed,' says Irwin, 'and we don't have a cat.' Bradley woke up and explained she'd taken in a stray kitten she'd found outside. Still, Irwin was unnerved. 'I said, 'What the hell's going on around here? The front door is unlocked, the window's open and the screen is popped out.''

That's when Bradley, he says shot up in bed, alarmed. Irwin rushed down the hallway to look in on Lisa..."
There has been nothing that shows anything like that about JI. We don't hear much about JI because LE knows that he wasn't there that night. The only way he's involved is if he's part of this grand coverup that was preplanned. Think about that. It's one thing to do the deed yourself. But this guy would have knowingly went to work and allowed that to happen if he knew it beforehand.
Unless something happened to Lisa before JI went to work that night.
If DB remembers having a conversation with her son about a nightmare and letting him sleep with her, I don't believe she was blacked out.
Is this happening to anyone else? I read up to page 15 of this thread. I click on > or 15, and it just keeps taking me back to the top of page 14. If anyone can explain the problem, pls PM me since I won't be able to see your response on page 15! Thanks!
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