A Poll - When did you decide that Casey was guilty?

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When did you decide that Casey was guilty?

  • When I heard the 911 call from Cindy on the news

    Votes: 195 43.5%
  • After hearing Casey's interview with LE

    Votes: 133 29.7%
  • After one of the first document dumps

    Votes: 18 4.0%
  • After the party photos were released

    Votes: 21 4.7%
  • After Caylee was found

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • I'm still undecided about her guilt

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • I still think she's innocent

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Other (feel free to explain)

    Votes: 55 12.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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31 days, nuff said when I heard that I knew she did it
Like everyone else here said...the 31 days!

But that very first jail call from Casey to her parents??? It was basically an FU\all call..."I just want Tony's number....ok?!" This Momster treated her family like chit, even in the face of her own baby missing, never mind the other relatives!!! *Sigh* There are no words to even attempt to explain this!

Kristine, the friend breaking down and sobbing..then Casey saying.... "OMG, what a HUGE waste it was to call you guys!"

That did it for me totally!!! But then the heart sticker over the duct tape found on little Caylee's remains? It has Casey's MO all over it.


Yes, KC's jail call to CA was an earth shattering moment, her attitude and insensitivity to Kristine, blowing folks off and trampling all over their emotions on her mission to just get AL's number. AL's number was more important to her than anything, even Caylee.

Strike #1 was the 911 call, Strike #2 the Universal interview and, Strike #3 the jail call. KC you are guilty. JB you have overwhelming odds.
Holy S@#$. I never heard this interview before - I thought I disliked Cindy before. I despise her now.

I feel sick.

The woman is so like her daughter. Narcissistic - everyone wants to talk to me I am famous. DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!

I love the end of that interview! Despite Cindy hanging up you just know she had her television on and heard everything that reporter said at the end.
The fact that Caylee had been missing 31 days and CA had to call 911 and report her missing had me seriously thinking KC was guilty; but the panic in CA's voice over the phone during the 911 call crying "George! Caylee's missing! Caylee's missing!" compared to KC's sheer lack of emotion when she gets on the phone cinched it for me. I knew it then - she was guilty.
I voted her interview with LE, even though the 911 call and 31 days flipped me out too!

Just couldn't believe the lack of emotion, tears, and distraught she should have been feeling in those interviews. Despite the obvious lies she told LE, never once did she show any real fear for her daughter's welfare.
Yes, KC's jail call to CA was an earth shattering moment, her attitude and insensitivity to Kristine, blowing folks off and trampling all over their emotions on her mission to just get AL's number. AL's number was more important to her than anything, even Caylee.

Strike #1 was the 911 call, Strike #2 the Universal interview and, Strike #3 the jail call. KC you are guilty. JB you have overwhelming odds.

My thoughts exactly. The phone call home did it for me. Up till then, I thought there "could" possibly be some kind of explanation. I was very suspicious, and pretty sure, but the phone call was the clincher.
As soon as I heard that Casey had not seen her daughter for 31 days and did not report it.

As a mom it just boggles my mind.
That told me Caylee was probably dead, finding out Cindy washed the pants sealed it for me!
31 days did it 4 me.......... who in there right
mind waits 31 days
I held on to the possibility that kc was not guilty for as long as I could.
At first I hoped Caylee was alive and that KC knew where she was which would explain her lack of emotion and not calling for help.
I then held on to the accident theory.
After the baby was found and the duct tape and heart sticker there was no more doubt.
I was crushed.
31 days did it 4 me.......... who in there right
mind waits 31 days

A mother who loves her child with all her being would never wait 31 days. There must be something terribly wrong with anyone who would.
I voted for other. The moment I heard a toddler in Florida was missing and her mother waited 31 days to report her disappearance, I immediately thought the mother was guilty of harming her child. As events unfolded, my initial reaction was confirmed.
I caught the first news story on day 31, and immediately thought "That poor baby is dead". I knew KC had done *something* to Caylee, but I didn't know what. I *feared* it was murder, but I was open to the information as it came out. God what a sinking feeling it was. Another baby gone. I really wanted to know what had happened to her.

Over the coming weeks/months, I explored all the possibilities (kidnapping, giving Caylee away, selling Caylee, accident), but each had hurdles I couldn't get over. I continue to look at other possibilities that people propose when I see a new idea/theory of what could have happened, but there are always walls that pretty quickly spring up to theories other than premeditated murder by a sane person acting alone, Caylee's mother.
I chose other, because while my heart tried to find excuses, the minute I saw the news at my mom's "...child missing for 31 days and her mother didn't notify authorities" I knew immediately that she was dead and her mother killed her.

We can make up excuses for KC all day long about guilt and proof thereof but at the end of the day, NO MOTHER is missing a kid for 31 days and doesnt say a word. It just does not happen.
Like everyone else, 31 days. I remember hearing the news when the story first broke. I heard 31 days, no call to police and right then, I knew that Caylee was dead and that her mother was responsible.
i have felt that kc is guilty since it was reported that her child was missing for 31 days and she never called the police, was doing her own investigation
i first thought maybe she gave caylee away. but as i kept hearing 31 days and it wasn't reported until cindy did. then i heard all the lies casey told LE. then we heard casey was out partying. then we started getting the doc dumps and read about the hair...i moved away from her giving caylee away to she killed her!!
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