A question for all our WS posters...

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Texas 1

New Member
Aug 11, 2003
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Who among you would be willing to open your home to the refugees of this horrible disaster? I am living in a town in Central Texas and today there were over 700 registered refugees needing homes. I have mixed emotions about this and would like input from all of you. We have enough room for two or three family members, but I just don't feel ready yet to open our home, for many reasons. What do y'all say? :confused: .
Texas 1 said:
Who among you would be willing to open your home to the refugees of this horrible disaster? I am living in a town in Central Texas and today there were over 700 registered refugees needing homes. I have mixed emotions about this and would like input from all of you. We have enough room for two or three family members, but I just don't feel ready yet to open our home, for many reasons. What do y'all say? :confused: .
I'd be a little nervous about it...but I think I'd do it. There would be a lot of facctors....I have a family and live in a neighborhood I have lived in for years and know people around me and people look out for each other and I'm not alone. I think many factors would come into play for you or anyone to make a decision like that. You always wonder....What if I get a ? That would almost be my luck! :eek:
There are many ways to be helpful and generous. Give in whatever way is meaningful and within your comfort level.

One has to be generous within one's abilities to do so, and do the best to not judge yourself.
I would - with some strong conditions. First - I want to select who - talk to them for a bit, make sue they're the kind of people I'd want in my house - IOW, not looters, thugs, etc. If the agency can check them for a criminal record, I'd feel a lot better about it. Second, I have to say I'd only do it if someone else would always be there - a stay at home mom or dad. Another option for me would be to set up a good tent in the back yard, or set up the garage, and let them use the house when I'm home, but not when I am not (I'd probably drop that requirement after a few weeks)

But I just can't see myself letting strangers in without some precautions. For one thing, I've got indoor cats, and if one of them got out and was killed, it'd just be horrible.
We don't have any room, but if we did, we'd be worried about what kind of screening process they'd go through.

And not to sound ugly, but I'd probably put my jewelry & credit cards into a safety deposit box. I know that doesn't sound very nice of me, but it's a big risk to let strangers right into your home, and I've been ripped off before so, once bitten, twice shy.

Anyway, I'd probably be willing to do it if I had the room & took several precautions beforehand. I'd need to know more info, also, like how long do we let them stay, etc...
There would be many things to consider, both for you and for them. This will be a large commitment because it would be devastating if it didn't work and they were once again needing to relocate. I'm sure there are people who can give you advise. The places being offered where they can live alone as a family would be the most ideal. I love when family comes to stay, and sometimes after a long visit, when they leave I go whewww.
I would love to help these poor people. But I could not let them live with us. I would not feel safe at all. Who knows what could happen! I would never be able to go to sleep, have to sleep with one eye open..:(
No, I am honest. I would feel uncomfortable opening my house to anyone- refugees, relatives LOL. I have only two bedrooms and a small septic tank. However, I have already sent money and am glad to help in any way I can. My son is already getting involved in a shelter project here.

I know that many apartment owners here are giving apartments - I might open up my home for 2 weeks for a compatible family. That is just my honest answer.

There is a home next to us that is being rented out for weekends. What I would do is call the owner and ask if he would be willing. Is there any way to "screen" the families. If they would agree to take care of it, like any other rentors, then fine. But I imagine these families would like to be in apartments with their friends and extended family.

I'm a person who just looks for ideas, solutions. but I wouldn't have strangers come in my home, white or black or yellow - unless flood waters were rising here, and it was a matter of life or death.
I don't think I could bring strangers into our home. I also don't think I am qualified to deal with the tragedy they have endured. If able I would gladly give the gift on funds to help with their rent someplace where they can have some privacy to deal with their feelings.
No, I am sorry, I would not do it. If I knew the people, I would consider it, if it was family, of course I would! But, not strangers. If I was a single person, or if I did not have any children at home, I might consider it. But, with my children in the house, no way. Sorry if that sounds cold, but I think I would have to put my childrens safety first. I would help in many other ways... cash donations, clothing, food, furniture for new housing, towels, .........I would even pitch in and help to build new housing for these survivors, but to take a stranger in my home, I could not submit my family to that. I feel guilty even saying it. On the other hand, If we at websleuths read a story of someone with young children taking in complete strangers and their children being hurt by said stranger, we would be 'all over' that saying, "how could those parents subject thier children to complete strangers living in thier house?" YOU KNOW WE WOULD! I still feel guilty :(
Texas 1 said:
Who among you would be willing to open your home to the refugees of this horrible disaster? I am living in a town in Central Texas and today there were over 700 registered refugees needing homes. I have mixed emotions about this and would like input from all of you. We have enough room for two or three family members, but I just don't feel ready yet to open our home, for many reasons. What do y'all say? :confused: .
I would...I live in a five bedroom house by myself and, if I could manage the logistics, bring in a couple, and possibly get them work at my family's restaurant..if they could put up with a nutcase like me for a while...mpi
Magnum PI said:
I would...I live in a five bedroom house by myself and, if I could manage the logistics, bring in a couple, and possibly get them work at my family's restaurant..if they could put up with a nutcase like me for a while...mpi
Be careful, that sounds inviting! You might end up with a houseful. LOL
I am gracious with guests, have opened my house to a couple of strangers one time, housed two families (dharma friends) for one month each time.

I had a friend live with me for six months.

I am too helpful in some ways, too attentive and this puts a strain that I do not always notice until after the folks have gone.

I prefer guests to stay for a clear time-limit.
If I could, I would for certain.
Sadly, I am not in that
position. :(

love and prayers,

Ariel :blowkiss:
I would not feel safe taking people in with having children here, but have given food and money to those in need. We plan to help out at the shelters once we feel sure disease is not something we will bring home (I feel so selfish saying that, but I have to think of my boys!). We do, however, hope to foster a couple pets who can be reunited in time with the families who loved them so much and had to leave them behind (that one little boy loading the bus whose dog was taken from him and then cried so hard he was vomiting saddens me :( )
I would be reluctant to open my house to strangers. Something like sharing a hotel room during a blizzard would be ok but I'd be worried about strangers in my house. I was considering offering to take in some horses if it would be useful. Unfortunately we're a days drive west of El Paso so I don't think it willl do much good.
I feel bad saying this, but I would be very hesitant to let someone that I didn't know stay in my home. I would be willing to help in any other way. I would find them a place and help with everything that it took to get them set up in a new location, to include buying them the necessities that they needed to get started. I would even help them find work, if they were going to be in the area for a while.
I would be leary also.

I would definately not have a male in my home - no offense to any males, but my safety and my children's comes first.

I think I would have to limit myself to a single mother and her children or children waiting to find their parents. I would be willing to have a background check done on myself to do something like this.

Living paycheck to paycheck myself, I would need assitance in taking them etc. but they would have lots of love, and place to stay and a teeny bit of privacy as ooposed to a shelter.
tipper said:
I would be reluctant to open my house to strangers. Something like sharing a hotel room during a blizzard would be ok but I'd be worried about strangers in my house. I was considering offering to take in some horses if it would be useful. Unfortunately we're a days drive west of El Paso so I don't think it willl do much good.
This is a blizzard, it just hasn't reached all of us yet. I like the horse offer. Most don't appreciate what an offer that is. If I were a hurricane victim, and owned horses, I would kiss the feet of anyone who would take my horses in for any legnth of time. You must be a cowgirl...bless you!!...mpi

I would make sure they had been checked out and if all was ok I would open my door. God Bless you for considering this option.

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