a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #3

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MrLanders - "Hate to rain on anyone's post-JM follow up elation, but: it occurs to me that Jodi Arias wants to die. This, for her, is all a big show. She clearly remembers vividly every single nanosecond of her slaughtering of Travis. She's playing games with people's heads - something even her legions of detractors must admit she is very good at. She knows the jury isn't buying her nonsense. She enjoys the verbal sparring with JM. She is not concerned in the least about piffling little things like perjury, remorse or being liked."

Boy, MrLanders, felt like you were reading my mind in some ways. I was/am a counselor for over 20 years now and must say I have felt the same thing about her. The biggest tip off is her constant adding information to trip herself up. I see her splitting in half and one side or the other will have to win. She's in the dark nights, as she should be, and I think part of her really thought this would be a walk in the park - she's had years to play this out in her head. But when reality bit her in the a$$, she has begun to implode. She is splintering and I do believe, as well, a part of her is VERY suicidal. The other part is basic human survival in high alert mode. In the midst of this, her soul, and I don't say that in a way to offend anybody, seems to have already "left the building". I think there is little left of her at times except a caged animal.

I've only ever dealt with one true sociopath and there are similarities between her and him. However, he was not caged. I do find that watching her is almost a sick death dance in itself. I can watch parts of her peeling off and the caged suicidal, survival animal coming more and more out. At times, I feel sick to my stomach at it because of my nature of trying to heal splintered souls. Now it's not like I want to heal her, well, I do, but I don't because at this point, she's unreachable and she must sit with what she's done.

I don't know why I typed all this. I guess it's because my heart hurts so much watching all of this sickness for the family and the destruction of JA on the stand. It's hits me on so many levels, and some on such opposite polarities, I truly feel overwhelmed.

I just wish she'd break down and save what little soul she has left and give this family some peace...:sad:

Sorry...Just got so moved by Mrlanders post.

Sparrow Ivy
Thank you PASA! Good info. The Courtroom I worked in had a holding cell just off the side of the Courtroom. It looked like a regular door but had a cell in it that the Deputies would lock the D in and that is where the D would eat lunch and sit when not in Court. At the end of the day they would transport the D back to the jail. The holding cell also had a private elevator so the D did not have to ever be out in public. Very contained.
Have you or KCL ever engaged in any conversation with the D's family? Is her father still in the picture? The way the Mother and Aunt laugh during the feed I watch seems so inappropriate and if seen by Juror's I would think it would not bode well for the D. JMO. Do you see any of that??
On the opposite side I think TA's family is very reserved. Thank you!

You're very welcome. Thank you for your insight into what goes on behind the scenes, I appreciate your input.

From what you describe I believe it's the same with ja. She is taken to a room off the courtroom. I can't see what's back there, but my guess it's very similar to what you described above.

I have not engaged in any conversation with ja's family. I am civil and if she smiles I smile back. The father is not in good health (cancer treatments)? He was in court the day the sex tapes played. That's the only time I've seen him in court. I believe he and the mother are still married and no issues between them. I've seen two of ja's siblings *on the feed* and they seem to be close to their mother.

Yes, the laughing is odd. I don't know what to make of it. Have they been hoo-doo'd by ja and actually believe her? Are they overwhelmed and laugh because they are nervous? I dunno. In your experience, have you seen a defendants family act in such an odd manner?

Yes, the jury can see their behavior, if/when they look towards the family.
I haven't seen jurors look out into the gallery. They pretty much stick to note taking, and listening to testimony.
I think KCL has seen one or two of them look out into the gallery. I have not.

For what TA's family has been through they are being so strong. I'm in awe of their strength. I've met some of them and spoken a few words (I don't want to be intrusive) They all seem like a really nice, caring people.
This is one of my questions for you too. The Justice for Travis Alexander facebook page has THOUSANDS of hungry people looking for juror's reactions. If it's OK, I'd like to post your observations over there, with credit to you and websleuths.com if they'd like it. I won't however, mention the "goody folder" Super Juan has simply because I don't want those thousands over here bugging you to no end!

Of course, it's OK, if you'd prefer I don't post your notes. :) No worries. I just feel so lucky that I'm able to read them.

PS-I guess I should ask Ms. PASA and other observers as well! I'm still only on page 9 and haven't read her's yet but thought I better get that out there too. Thanks again, Ladies.

Sparrow Ivy

Hi Sparrow...I'm ok with you taking my posts however you want to edit them down over there. Not sure everyone needs to know about our post court activities. ;)

Be sure and let them know Janine Driver will be in the courtroom this Wed (maybe Thurs too I'm thinking). She's coming specifically to get a read on the jury. PASA and I will be out of a job next week. ;) It will be interesting to compare HER notes to OURS. And PASA you don't get a sick day next week...tell R you will also be staying for Happy Hour. ;)
it is really hard to find some info regarding sleuthers in the courtroom in this thread. Thanks for all of you being there, but this thread is for courtroom observations, no?

We're still finding our way with this thread. My latest posts are clustered together starting at Page 3. PASA just started her posts yesterday (right?) so hers are more peppered here and there over the last few pages. You could also just do a search on her name and find them that way . we're posting our notes but also answering questions/comments so it's a bit of a kaleidoscope.
I've spent much of my day organizing and sending off these photos to the Ricki Lake Show to use in their taping this week. I hope this album can be seen. They won't use all of these I'm sure but these are the ones I sent. I'm pretty sure they show up in reverse order chronologically but I thought I'd share.

http://s1027.beta.photobucket.com/user/creamnsugarbath/library/Cindy Photos - Ricki Lake

Thank you so much for sharing. The first photo of Cindy at the grassy beach is how I remember she looked when she went missing. From the photos that were shown of her on the news.

Good luck at the taping. :hug::hug:
Hi Pasa,
Thanks for all the great posts. Yes there is a woman, young, brunette, shoulder length hair, wore an off the shoulder top and sits right behind JA's mom. I wondered top of this was JA's sister.

Was she there last week or weeks before? The one I'm talking about showed up this past week and she doesn't sit with ja's family and she's not a relative. She was in row 3 seat 1. Behind the lady in the white shirt, if you watch the afternoon session on Thursday. I think she was seen after the afternoon break (on YouTube). She has long dark hair, and is wearing black. The top has a color block type white panel in the front. I don't know how to better describe the blouse, sorry.
BREAKING NEWS! Janine Driver confirms her plans to fly in Tues to be in court on Wed. this week. And now I"m headed out to buy my lottery ticket.

Yay! That's great news. Are you doing the happy dance? :) I know it's a dream come true ... I'm thrilled for you. :)
Thank you PASA for your wonderful notes. I just wanted you to know I like that you include the gallery's reactions on your side of the room as well. And reading about Nancy Grace and her starbucks from both of you girls who reported.... :lol:

Like many I've waited shortly after Travis was murdered for this trial to start. It took forever didn't it? Unfortunately it had to start right when we sold our home and landed in a horrible situation with a slum lord. Our new rental was teaming with black mold from one side of the house to the other. We got really sick, had to throw away belongings, live in a hotel, squeeze into the home of kind family. All through court until yesterday when we got the keys to a beautiful new rental. I broke down on the new carpet and wept. Now I have to get my life back together and sue this person who has left us penniless. I've never stood before a judge before. :doorhide: I'm terrified.

Coming here has kept me sane and has made me believe Justice is on it's way for this poor family. You even eased my concern about our lovely Mr. Martinez. Thank you for standing in long lines trying to get in, being thoughtful of what we'd want to know and answering questions we have.

:tyou: To all of you on "the inside".

You're welcome, glad you are enjoying reading the notes. It's more of the goings on in the courtroom rather than testimony. My personal observations.

Nancy is a juror, not Nancy Grace. :) Anita named her Nancy because she that juror reminds her of Nancy Reagan.

Oh my, what a terrible situation! I'm so sorry for the home and mold ordeal.
I'm glad you're in a new place and I hope things continue to look up for you and your family.

Good luck with your court case. I hope it works out and you get your money back.
Have you all recovered from the mold exposure?

I don't mind waiting to get in, even on the days I don't, it's an interesting experience. :)
Hi Pasa,
Thanks for all the great posts. Yes there is a woman, young, brunette, shoulder length hair, wore an off the shoulder top and sits right behind JA's mom. I wondered top of this was JA's sister.
I know the sister has been there a few times, but I don't believe she's been there when I have. I don't know if she's the one who wore an off the shoulder blouse. Sorry, I'm not much help. If I saw a screen shot I might know if it's ja's sister.
Hi Sparrow...I'm ok with you taking my posts however you want to edit them down over there. Not sure everyone needs to know about our post court activities. ;)

Be sure and let them know Janine Driver will be in the courtroom this Wed (maybe Thurs too I'm thinking). She's coming specifically to get a read on the jury. PASA and I will be out of a job next week. ;) It will be interesting to compare HER notes to OURS. And PASA you don't get a sick day next week...tell R you will also be staying for Happy Hour. ;)

I'm beyond excited about it. He's been told. :) Chance of a lifetime. MOO :)
This is one of my questions for you too. The Justice for Travis Alexander facebook page has THOUSANDS of hungry people looking for juror's reactions. If it's OK, I'd like to post your observations over there, with credit to you and websleuths.com if they'd like it. I won't however, mention the "goody folder" Super Juan has simply because I don't want those thousands over here bugging you to no end!

Of course, it's OK, if you'd prefer I don't post your notes. :) No worries. I just feel so lucky that I'm able to read them.

PS-I guess I should ask Ms. PASA and other observers as well! I'm still only on page 9 and haven't read her's yet but thought I better get that out there too. Thanks again, Ladies.

Sparrow Ivy

I don't mind if you use excerpts of my observations. I prefer my user ID not be used, if that's ok.
At this point the defense would have to be crazy to call MM. Juan has more than insinuated he would tear him a new one. But who knows, maybe the defense is thinking they have nothing to lose at this point... \o/ I think it's kind of a genius move to impeach his credibility before he's even testified! HA!
Yes, she did answer the question, but to be honest I barely heard it. We were so excited about the "gotcha" moment. I think I can speak for most of us in the courtroom.

If you want to catch what you missed, it's between 57:30 and 58:00 here if I did this correctly.
It was the perfect question, and her answer gave me the willies. The way she turns to the jury so flippantly when she has just been busted in an absolute lie is amazing.

It's also a little fun that at the end when Martinez wraps, Nurmi shoots him a little extra glance. Then as the jury is leaving, Jodi appears to shoot a quick glare at (as best I can tell) Nurmi.
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