a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #3

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Dear KCL..I am so sorry about your brother. :grouphug: I have a BIL who suffers from a Bipolar mix, which includes schizophrenia. It is sad and tough to deal with when the meds stop working an a need to find new ones arises. I will keep you and your brother in my prayers.
I just want to thank you for all you do and share with us at WS. Your notes as well as the others keep all of us in the loop, and gives us a more personal view of what is taking place in court. Thank you again. Will be looking forward to what else you have when you have the time to post.
Guys, it was an incredible day with Janine...so many things to share. But I won't be posting for awhile or attending court tomorrow. Just brought my brother to stay at my house who is having an acute exacerbation of his schizophrenia over the last few days so will have to either get him in the hospital or somehow managed tomorrow..while managing my day job.

Before this unfortunate realization my day with Janine was capped off with us listening to her on the Dr. Drew show in my car in the cell phone lot at the airport as she had just a few extra minutes and on commercial breaks she was reading me letters that were pouring in from DV victims thanking her...we were both in tears,, ran up to the terminal as we heard her say "Juan Martinez was on FIRE" and high fiving and tears and she said "I love you..I love you" and that she will be back next week.

My brother is safe in my home right now but of course we are disappointed as his schizophrenia has been stable for several months now..he got a leg infection last week that started his destabilization and he's really in a bad way tonite. He willingly came to my house so here we are...luckily he's not alone anymore and I'm happy to manage him because I do know this world and he feels safe with me.

I'll be posting my notes when I can. Thanks for the love. Yes, it's been an incredibly *I don't even know the words* last few days...all over the map. And I still have my own clients to see in the morning.

Gonna wind down a bit now and ....... catch you guys later. :seeya: Please if you are a praying sort, throw up some good ones for my dear brother whos in the weeds right now. :(

Dear Katiecoollady,
I have enjoyed reading your court observations, sadly read about Cindy and have prayed for you and other family "victims" out there. I am a Christian and God does answer prayer. I just prayed for your brother. That is hard not just for you and your dad, but for your brother also.

I have four children. We have been through a lot and I just know God answers prayer. I think even in the midst of this trial, you were sent to all of us as an advocate of sorts to help us understand things the families go through.

God bless you.
Guys, it was an incredible day with Janine...so many things to share. But I won't be posting for awhile or attending court tomorrow. Just brought my brother to stay at my house who is having an acute exacerbation of his schizophrenia over the last few days so will have to either get him in the hospital or somehow managed tomorrow..while managing my day job.

Before this unfortunate realization my day with Janine was capped off with us listening to her on the Dr. Drew show in my car in the cell phone lot at the airport as she had just a few extra minutes and on commercial breaks she was reading me letters that were pouring in from DV victims thanking her...we were both in tears,, ran up to the terminal as we heard her say "Juan Martinez was on FIRE" and high fiving and tears and she said "I love you..I love you" and that she will be back next week.

My brother is safe in my home right now but of course we are disappointed as his schizophrenia has been stable for several months now..he got a leg infection last week that started his destabilization and he's really in a bad way tonite. He willingly came to my house so here we are...luckily he's not alone anymore and I'm happy to manage him because I do know this world and he feels safe with me.

I'll be posting my notes when I can. Thanks for the love. Yes, it's been an incredibly *I don't even know the words* last few days...all over the map. And I still have my own clients to see in the morning.

Gonna wind down a bit now and ....... catch you guys later. :seeya: Please if you are a praying sort, throw up some good ones for my dear brother whos in the weeds right now. :(

Katie, just wanted to thank you for all that you do and all that you are. It's a very hard thing to be pulled in so many directions by so many life events and people. You have been through alot and your brother needs you now. I am not a real religious kind of gal, but I do have alot of faith in me and I am praying for you and your family now.
Please take time to take care of you.It's funny, but I feel like I truly know you in real life.You are an amazing person. Much love and kisses to you ...oh and kick off those shoes , pour yourself a glass of wine and take a much needed bubble bath !!!!
I just got my morning stuff done and logged into read your notes. My heart just sunk to read that your bro is going through a difficult time. I am so sorry. My prayers are with you both! You are such a support to everyone around you and that is so obvious! Don't forget to take care of yourself....the stress of this trial, your RL taping and caring for your bro are all BIG events in themselves and that does not include daily life stress...you need sleep, nutrition and "you" time!!!!! I would say get a pedi but we all know, been there, done that :great: So just be sure to take some time and do little things you love to do! Thank you for all of your notes and insight. You have made this trial less stressful for me by sharing! :tyou:
One more thing so I don't forget: JM pulled up both the horrible hand autopsy photo and the back stabbing photo to put on the screens but didnt' end up doing it. :( I just saw him pick them up..he had a lot of photos on the desk today ready to go.

Hmmm...interesting! I did see there was a pile of pics on his desk. I wonder if he was going to go there when they were talking about the knife and bring up the obvious defensive wounds on his hands (meaning the shot did not come first!) and perhaps hit her again with the "no way you were defending yourself while stabbing someone in the back". Suppose he just decided to save it for rebuttal?

So glad JD's perspective of Juan changed after seeing him in person. It's like Beth's been saying all along--anyone who is IN the courtroom and sees him knows what an amazing job he's doing :great:

Thank you thank you thank you KCL for all you do for us WSers and for victims and their families. Your courage and your strength are truly inspiring! Prayers to you and your brother :loveyou:
Katie take care of yourself and your brother, we can wait for your notes. Both your well beings is the most important thing


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Thank you everyone for the love and support. My bro woke me up a few min ago telling me he was going to get some breakfast at jack in the box next door...walking (I took away his keys last night as he disappeared, driving for 7 hrs yesterday aimlessly- a pattern when he's really sick-). He asked if he could stay with me until he gets better..another good sign. He will see a dr. today and get a med change. He's hallucinating bad ..just caught him yelling in my carport. It's likely he'll be hospitalized today...if there's a bed anywhere. My home has turned in to a psych hospital many times...maybe this is why I had all those years working and managing one before my brother got sick..to prepare me for this. It doesn't scare me but it does my neighbors. Sigh...

Gonna try and get a little more sleep before work then take him to the dr. I'll finish my notes when he's hopefully crashed this afternoon. You guys who've been around this stuff know what I mean. This is the sweetest person you'd ever meet who's plagued with illness vs a evil demon sociopath like Jodi Arias who tried to,play the "sick" card in many ways...while destroying everyone around her. I can't wait to see this "beezy" (thanks PASA) locked up,forever.
Hmmm...interesting! I did see there was a pile of pics on his desk. I wonder if he was going to go there when they were talking about the knife and bring up the obvious defensive wounds on his hands (meaning the shot did not come first!) and perhaps hit her again with the "no way you were defending yourself while stabbing someone in the back". Suppose he just decided to save it for rebuttal?

So glad JD's perspective of Juan changed after seeing him in person. It's like Beth's been saying all along--anyone who is IN the courtroom and sees him knows what an amazing job he's doing :great:

Thank you thank you thank you KCL for all you do for us WSers and for victims and their families. Your courage and your strength are truly inspiring! Prayers to you and your brother :loveyou:

I can't bold on my iPad but I definitely think he's gonna hammer that defensive wound/back wound stuff hard in rebuttal. As JD said last night "he's just teeing up the ball". Why hammer HER with it anyway? She's not credible. I'd like to see him ask ms laviolette what she thinks about stabbing someone in the back 9 times as related to self defense...hmmmmm?

Beth said she thought the experts would all show up next week so not sure who's on deck for today. Thank God it's not Jodi.
Katie....thank you so much for pouring yourself into this trial, and bringing it to us. God Bless you and yours.
I can't go back to sleep...gonna go put on some coffee and do my notes now...I'll nap when the baby naps..lol just kidding. I'll sleep this afternoon....
Katie - first and foremost I am sending love, light and healing to you and your brother. Huge hugs, my friend.

When you get time - any idea what the pics JM wanted to show of jodi's neck from June 3rd? I don't recall seeing any pics of her from the 3rd. Or if anyone else knows - do tell! (Just putting this question out here before I forget it - that darn fog seems to be going around ya know! LOL)
Quoted from KatieCoolladyShe was astounded at how bi***y Jodi was today.

I'm sure I have more details in my notes so those will come later.

She met Beth and Jean in the courtroom and ran in to a producer friend from Dateline who she introduced me to. So many of these producers are quite young!

I was as well. I noticed she came out of the box swinging. I interpreted this as Nurmi and Wilmot did not spend time grooming her this weekend to continue her docile and compliant demeanor. I interpreted her saltiness to being angry with her Defense Team.

As for producers, they are mostly very young because it is an all consuming job. Often with hours like 6 AM to 9 PM. Mature people with families and outside interests cannot dedicate so much time and energy to their work. JMHO
I can't go back to sleep...gonna go put on some coffee and do my notes now...I'll nap when the baby naps..lol just kidding. I'll sleep this afternoon....

((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))to you KCL. Take care of you and your brother. Hope he levels out quickly and can enjoy his life again. Get some shut eye when you can.

Sending you hugs and wishing you the very best.

It sounds like you have had a roller coaster of a week - highs and lows.

Just know there are so many people that admire your spirit. You have so much to offer. You are to us what Janine Driver is to you. Does that make sense? :smile:

Please excuse me for posting in this thread, but I just want Katie to know how respected she is.

Keeping you and your brother in my prayers.
Thank you, Katie, for all your doing. You and your brother are in my prayers.
Ok picking up where I left off.

First I was confused about those neck pics. I do know JM picked up a manila folder on his desk and started opening it...then "Judge may we approach?" from Nurmi then the envelope never got fully opened. He did have a big stack of other photos at the ready on his desk and occasionally flipping through them to use. That's where I saw him pick up the back photo and hand photo actually went on the screen for a minute but he switched gears and didn't pursue it (it was up there though).

Ok back to my notes:

I will admit I didn't take as many good notes as usual as I was observing Janine and interacting with her today so..ya get what ya get.;)

JD shakes her head when I mention my "fantasy foreman" as CEO. I didn't ever quite get an explanation for that...there was so much to talk about.

JD saw 6 people on the back row put hands to face all at the same second which is why she hit my leg (I'm really not sure exactly what provoked this in testimony...I will post if/when I remember).

"according to your story...." is how JM keeps opening questions...love that.

THIS is so much better than his original cross of her.

JD thinks this jury likes JM.

Asked JD to check out tri color and Maureen.

Early lunch at 11:30 then reconvene at 1:15. Dayum that went fast.

Back from lunch:

Back in court..another technical difficulty.

JA takes the stand wearing her jacket then immediately removes it...wth with that?

jd coming back Mon, Tues, Wed next week.

Judge over ruling as many of Nurmi's objections as sustaining (that's not u sual). General feeling they are just trying to get her off the stand today.

He's staying on this knife==GOOD.

"you remember screaming then away you went.." LOL

Maureen is way in to her navel intelligence...looking directly at her today.

Juan is very very clear with all her obfuscation today.

Presuming she did things like gas cans (not totally sure what that refers to but I wrote it).

Ask her if she has a gas receipt from post murder trip to Hoover Dam!

(me asking him to ask her lol).

"in this fog of yours, you manipulated didn't you?"

She's got her baby voice back on again today. Ugh.

"I'm not asking you to give this long answer" SNap...JM again on FIRE

Paul Rudd increased writing during gun testimony..maybe he's our gun owner. A lot of flipping through his notes.

Another juror question lands in the basket.

CEO WAY attentive.

Janine looked at me bug eyed when she said to JM "you phrased it that way" (like did you just hear that?).

JD noticing Paul Rudd hand in fist....he's now yawning and stretching.

"I did my best to appear that way" JA says. Yes, it's all about appearance for you isn't it you sociopath?
Did JD enjoy Nurmi & JW dressed up as Leprechauns yesterday? What the heck was the deal with the green matchy-matchy outfits yesterday? It did remind me that I haven't had a McDonald's Shamrock Shake in years.

Thanks for sharing all your experiences--you have a calling.

I'm praying for your brother's health--thankfully there are so many options for medication & med "combos" for his illness today. I have a lot of experience with Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia & anxiety disorders in my family. Thank God for modern medicine--I always think about how hopeless the situation was for the mentally ill even just 40 years ago.

Take it easy & make sure you're taking good care of yourself--don't get run down!

P.S. Oh--if you get a chance, please give Juan Martinez a huge hug & kiss from me!!!
Katie, I too want to thank you for your posts. I am not very good with words, thus I do not post much. Please take care of youself and your brother, and God Bless you both.
All I can say is thank God for foresight. I remember I saved a small amt of Haldol from an episode last summer in case we needed it and the rainy day started on this sunny warm AZ day. John is now resting in my guest room. I hafta go to work in half an hour so gonna eek out two more pages of notes before I have to go:

During sidebar JA stares blankly in to space. JD gave us a big tutorial on this looking down later..she reads this as kind of "backed in a corner".

Now he's bringing out the Book of Mormon.

JD has an increased interest in the Wrestler..she keeps referencing and making notes on him all day..she finds him the most interesting and says he has a great deal of influence. she noticed how he walked out with his fingers in his pockets and thumbs out pointing at his "naughty bits"...she says this is a sign of power. She even had this one guy demonstrate it for us and it does look that way compared to the opposite!

JD asking me about the Death Penalty during sidebar.

Nancy taking tons of notes during Mormon testimony.

She's posturing and trying to top JM with this "first or second Nefi" business.

"I'm talking about YOUR life Ma'am" re: her lying. snap!

Paul and CEO took lots of notes--JD called it "crazy insane amt of notes" re: her reading the words "condemed to Hell".

JD has her shoes off next to me.

Court reporter having a hard time finding lines to read and her voice is so soft I can barely hear her.

She's making direct eye contact with JM now.

Increased note taking CEO during Bobby Juarez 911 call stuff..also nancy. Note tri color taking less notes today but very attentive.

Juror 1 more attentive today (church lady).

My four pack on the back all sitting up straight with heads back, chins forward during gun testimony. They all mirror each other a lot now.

CEO , Paul R. and Nancy much note taking during all of the closet and gun testimony.

Glad he's talking about how the "resting shelves". This is HUGE.

Tri color doing her tennis match thing..."shelves tip over" THIS IS GOOD!

"all without disturbing anything, right?"

"I know you want us to believe that" LOL Go Juan!

Neil looking out at gallery, family side.

"what were you going to do with this gun, throw it at him?" OMG I love Juan Martinez...he says what we are all thinking

(chuckles all around me)

Tri color smiling at Juan re: her pointing an unloaded gun at T to make him stop.

Another juror ? just came in.

CEO taking a lot of notes on the gun stuff.

almost all jurors in the front row taking notes from the juror questions.

No note taking re: the knife stuff.

Nancy taking notes re: texts, calls, emails between she and T on 6/3 and 6/4...maybe that was her ?.

She and Paul R. poised with pens waiting for this answer..Nancy taps her pen on her notebook.

Nancy wrote down her vague strange answer about number of calls , texts etc.

No note taking with Nurmi transgressions (I really don't remember what this is). Many looks kind of annoyed with Nurmi.

Housewife taking notes re: talking to Bishop.

CEO and Nancy taking most notes more than tri color today.

CEO taking notes o Matt and La violette testimony.

That's it for my notes today. There was SO much between after court heading to the rooftop with a group of us, then back to the studio while the show taped where we hung out on the sidewalk and had a LONG talk with Beth K (as I remember more of what she said i can post it...PASA? PASA , me, Mr. Pasa and C we were all talking to her. ) We were sitting literally on a curb and she squatted down and talked to us for a long time...I do remember her being really impresssed with Juan today. Once my brain fog lifts I'll share more.

Then we all went over to dinner at a nice Italian place and had great food and great conversation with Janine...she kept saying how great it was to be with "real" people and sharing, talking, just having a normal night out.

i'm sure there was so much said I can't remember...I've been in a whirlwind the last few days and also was worryig about my bro as he wasn't answering his phone all day.

I waited for JD to get her stuff, change clothes and while I was out front, Dr. Drew show came on my Syrius radio so when she got in I was like "check it out we can listen to you on the way to the airport!". This was so surreal as she was asking me how she sounded, making comments on other commentators, etc. all the way to the airport. She had a tiny bit of time and it was just getting good so I said let's keep listening and as you can't just sit there I went to the cell phone lot and we sat there with my sunroof open listening to the radio show and on commercials her pulling up email after email flooding in with people really saying she was helping them, speaking to them etc..she was reading them out loud. We were both crying!
Had to rush her to the airport..she really wanted to hear the very last part where she said "Juan is on FIYAH!" and raised the roof with her hands and she kept demonstrating that to me lol. She ran in to check in and I held her bag then she jumped back in my car to hear the very last bit of the show....we hugged, she kissed me on the cheek and kept repeating "I love you..I love you" and ran in to the terminal. What a day!

I'll never forget it!

I know I sound like a star crazed fan and I guess I kind of am but let me tell you this. She (and others) are teaching me to learn to be more confident in the very skill that the lack thereof got my sister killed. Being able to feel more confident in my ability to see deception. Like many of you I'm sure I've chosen crappy men who have cheated on me, lied to my face, etc. I have never had a good confidence in this. This is PERSONAL to me. This is why this kind of stuff means so much to me.

Now my shower needs to mean something to me as I have half an hour to shower and get to work.

I'm sure I will remember more later and maybe PASA will post some things..it was a heavy hitting day!

And now the rest of my day goes to work and my bro.

Whew....glad to get these notes done though. :seeya: thanks for al the love guys.
"No it's possible Travis grabbed the knife first" she really did say that.
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