a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

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Yes, I assume they are not in evidence for hearsay reasons. If Sky Hughes gets on the stand in rebuttal, lots of it wouldn't be hearsay any more.

Experts can rely on hearsay to formulate their opinions and can generally describe the nature of the materials they relied upon without actually admitting the hearsay into evidence. Of course, then the opposing counsel can point out the folly of relying on hearsay, e.g., "Did you ASK Sky what she meant by this email? If she says this isn't what she meant, wouldn't you agree that she would know better than you do?"

Awesome. Thank you very much for the quick reply. I think that's what was so confusing for me ... Sky wrote the email, so she can authenticate it and expound upon her intentions. You cleared that up. I still don't understand why JM didn't preemptively strike on this one. I think hearing this sort of evidence from the DT first increases its impact. JMO.
I wonder what Sandy and her sister's home life was like. Since they are identical twins I get the feeling they have their own special way of dealing with stress. I know this is probably weird and might sound crazy, but the way they carry on together with the whispers and giggles, could be because they are in their own little bubble the rest of the courtroom might be so irrelevant to them that they aren't really aware of everyone around them.

Added to that some people laugh too much when they are nervous or even depressed. Can you imagine what Sandy's life might have been? I know one thing for sure: there but for the grace of God go I.

People suffering from depression don't giggle or laugh. Odd that when Sandy and her twin are observed acting inappropriately and narcissistic some want to excuse their behavior or challenge anyone to judge their behavior unless they have walked in their shoes. How could anyone sitting in that courtroom bc a man was savagely and brutally murdered THREE times over 1.Shot in the head, 2. Stabbed over 27 times of which involved his heart and superior vena cava & 3. Neck wound that practically decapitated him find ANYTHING IRRELEVANT?

There is no excuse that would defend the way these two women have behaved in that courtroom. There is no excuse to justify their utter lack of compassion, sympathy, respect, empathy or kindness.

I don't have to walk in their shoes to know how I would behave in that court room every day. I guarantee you there wouldn't be anything I would find funny. I wouldn't be mocking or rolling my eyes at Travis's sisters who have been sitting there with their hearts ripped out and bawling while they're sitting there hearing how their brother was murdered and being portrayed as an abusive, sick pedophile. And, for the life of me there would be no way I would sit there everyday in my a own little bubble thinking happy thoughts.
I usually stay on this thread (and the atty thread) because they are slow enough for me to keep up with (barely). So.... I'd like to say this here and get it out of my head:

My wife is watching a series she found on Netflix, and really likes it. I have watched bits of it while reading here, and the "book title" post put this in my head and I need to get it out.

"Juance Upon a Time:
Bringing down the Wicked Witch"

Thank you for your tolerance. :)

ETA: The show is "Once Upon A Time", and I think it's now in its 2nd season. Decent TV.
Picture this- me in my car in the garage of our new (empty) house waiting furniture delivery reclined all he way back with my feet sticking out the window listening to these interrogation tapes on HLN radio. Oh and eating chocolate eggs. This is he life lmao

Ps the car is not running!!!!

GLad to hear that!!! :rocker:
Chocolate eggs... yumm!
You know, here's the thing, as I see it.

If Nurmi is so dad-gum concerned about jurors being adversely affected - meaning, developing a bias for or against one of the lawyers - he ought to look at his own 'house' first and foremost.

To use a phrase he has used in this trial before, this latest thing is a stunt, a stunt Nurmi himself is pulling. It's obvious he's worried about how the trial is progressing and this is an obvious straw grasp.

Nurmi ought to take a good, hard look at himself and his team and the corresponding players:

Nurmi is a large man, which in and of itself is neither here nor there. But his courtroom presence is off-putting. He lumbers. He slouches at the defense table and has been seen on camera picking his nose numerous times. If I want to get personal, I can say his clothing choices are sub-optimal; ill-fitting suits are unbecoming and unprofessional. Nurmi, you can afford a tailor.

His manner of speaking is irritating to listen to. Both he and his co-counsel would truly benefit from a voice coach.

His co-counsel JW comes across both as a giggly and petulant child who whines when she doesn't get her way.

They have not done JA any favors by encouraging her to develop an obviously intentional dowdy, 'waif-like' appearance. The jurors aren't stupid and know that's not what she looked like at any time in her life prior to her trial for murder. They've seen pics of her before. The dramatic change in her appearance smacks of being deliberate and deceptive and IMO, isn't lost on the jury.

Their mitigation specialist more often than not comes to court looking like she's dressed for a night on the town (or is just rolling in after a night on the town) - low necklines, long dangling earrings. She has been seen at the defense table laughing and talking with JW and the defendant.

Members of defendant's family is in attendance very day and are often observed yukking it up amongst themselves. Disrespectful, and does nothing to help garner sympathy for the defendant.

In contrast, we have the prosecutor and lead detective who quietly sit at attention at their table. They are both conservatively dressed. They look and act like serious professionals.

The victim's family exhibits extraordinary control whilst sitting through extraordinarily gruesome and heart-wrenching testimony. Their demeanor demonstrates respect for the court.

Someone should clue Nurmi in that jealousy is very unbecoming. Clean your own house!

/two cents from an exasperated old broad who has been seated four times as a juror in criminal trials
You know, here's the thing, as I see it.

If Nurmi is so dad-gum concerned about jurors being adversely affected - meaning, developing a bias for or against one of the lawyers - he ought to look at his own 'house' first and foremost.

To use a phrase he has used in this trial before, this latest thing is a stunt, a stunt Nurmi himself is pulling. It's obvious he's worried about how the trial is progressing and this is an obvious straw grasp.

Nurmi ought to take a good, hard look at himself and his team and the corresponding players:

Nurmi is a large man, which in and of itself is neither here nor there. But his courtroom presence is off-putting. He lumbers. He slouches at the defense table and has been seen on camera picking his nose numerous times. If I want to get personal, I can say his clothing choices are sub-optimal; ill-fitting suits are unbecoming and unprofessional. Nurmi, you can afford a tailor.

His manner of speaking is irritating to listen to. Both he and his co-counsel would truly benefit from a voice coach.

His co-counsel JW comes across both as a giggly and petulant child who whines when she doesn't get her way.

They have not done JA any favors by encouraging her to develop an obviously intentional dowdy, 'waif-like' appearance. The jurors aren't stupid and know that's not what she looked like at any time in her life prior to her trial for murder. They've seen pics of her before. The dramatic change in her appearance smacks of being deliberate and deceptive and IMO, isn't lost on the jury.

Their mitigation specialist more often than not comes to court looking like she's dressed for a night on the town (or is just rolling in after a night on the town) - low necklines, long dangling earrings. She has been seen at the defense table laughing and talking with JW and the defendant.

Members of defendant's family is in attendance very day and are often observed yukking it up amongst themselves. Disrespectful, and does nothing to help garner sympathy for the defendant.

In contrast, we have the prosecutor and lead detective who quietly sit at attention at their table. They are both conservatively dressed. They look and act like serious professionals.

The victim's family exhibits extraordinary control whilst sitting through extraordinarily gruesome and heart-wrenching testimony. Their demeanor demonstrates respect for the court.

Someone should clue Nurmi in that jealousy is very unbecoming. Clean your own house!

/two cents from an exasperated old broad who has been seated four times as a juror in criminal trials

Excellent post ! :clap:
You know, here's the thing, as I see it.

If Nurmi is so dad-gum concerned about jurors being adversely affected - meaning, developing a bias for or against one of the lawyers - he ought to look at his own 'house' first and foremost.

To use a phrase he has used in this trial before, this latest thing is a stunt, a stunt Nurmi himself is pulling. It's obvious he's worried about how the trial is progressing and this is an obvious straw grasp.

Nurmi ought to take a good, hard look at himself and his team and the corresponding players:

Nurmi is a large man, which in and of itself is neither here nor there. But his courtroom presence is off-putting. He lumbers. He slouches at the defense table and has been seen on camera picking his nose numerous times. If I want to get personal, I can say his clothing choices are sub-optimal; ill-fitting suits are unbecoming and unprofessional. Nurmi, you can afford a tailor.

His manner of speaking is irritating to listen to. Both he and his co-counsel would truly benefit from a voice coach.

His co-counsel JW comes across both as a giggly and petulant child who whines when she doesn't get her way.

They have not done JA any favors by encouraging her to develop an obviously intentional dowdy, 'waif-like' appearance. The jurors aren't stupid and know that's not what she looked like at any time in her life prior to her trial for murder. They've seen pics of her before. The dramatic change in her appearance smacks of being deliberate and deceptive and IMO, isn't lost on the jury.

Their mitigation specialist more often than not comes to court looking like she's dressed for a night on the town (or is just rolling in after a night on the town) - low necklines, long dangling earrings. She has been seen at the defense table laughing and talking with JW and the defendant.

Members of defendant's family is in attendance very day and are often observed yukking it up amongst themselves. Disrespectful, and does nothing to help garner sympathy for the defendant.

In contrast, we have the prosecutor and lead detective who quietly sit at attention at their table. They are both conservatively dressed. They look and act like serious professionals.

The victim's family exhibits extraordinary control whilst sitting through extraordinarily gruesome and heart-wrenching testimony. Their demeanor demonstrates respect for the court.

Someone should clue Nurmi in that jealousy is very unbecoming. Clean your own house!

/two cents from an exasperated old broad who has been seated four times as a juror in criminal trials

Very well said Brooke, and bears repeating. BTW Brook (no e) is one of my daughters names.
Totally O/T but I just got back from shopping for candy for my children's easter baskets and to stuff plastic eggs for our neighborhood easter egg hunt and Target was completely out of Robin's eggs! I was stunned-lol!
Thank You kaRN, I've actually read here for a long long time, but everytime I'd try register it wouldn't take my email, thanks to Tricia she was able to get me registered in. So yes my first 'official' post LOL.

Me too....Have been reading this site for many years. I am trying to think and I think Scott Petrson's case was the first. I remember how all kept praying for Laci and baby to surface. Trica enabled me to register manually
WTG all Wensluthers:rocker::rocker::rocker::great::great::great:
Yes, it's the media who has tagged him a "rockstar". I didn't hear any of the fans or photo takers that day refer to him as a rockstar. The lady with the cane (I see her at trial often) said he was her little firecracker. :)

We are fans of his work, he is doing a good job for Travis. MOO :)

Yes he is!

Decent people crave and demand justice. Juan is a proven prosecutor, a righteous warrior. People admire that quality in him and rightfully so. Prosecutors are supposed to prosecute, for cryin' out loud. They are supposed to be passionate! There is no mystique at least in my mind as to why he is admired. Good people want bad people put away (or put down). Juan has a track record of doing just that.
I'm stressing about that email. I hope the Hughes that wrote will be called to testify and straighten this out. But I'm worried. What if he can't be called to testify about it if it's not in evidence?

But if the defense talks about it I would think Jaun has the right to talk about it also. Produce as evidence and perhaps suponea the Hughes also??:what:

Yes he is!

Decent people crave and demand justice. Juan is a proven prosecutor, a righteous warrior. People admire that quality in him and rightfully so. Prosecutors are supposed to prosecute, for cryin' out loud. They are supposed to be passionate! There is no mystique at least in my mind as to why he is admired. Good people want bad people put away (or put down). Juan has a track record of doing just that.

Watching Jaun I have deffinately leaned how to ask Q;'s and react Such as"did I ask you bla bla bla"?:floorlaugh:
Picture this- me in my car in the garage of our new (empty) house waiting furniture delivery reclined all he way back with my feet sticking out the window listening to these interrogation tapes on HLN radio. Oh and eating chocolate eggs. This is he life lmao

Ps the car is not running!!!!

That line cracked me up !!
More book titles:

The Juan thing she forgot to plan....
Were you crying when you heard GUILTY
Out of the fog and into the fire

Of course the top line JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS
I've heard people speculate that she is taking notes about the jury, and how they are reacting to the testimony.

Although, at times it does appear that she is drawing, not writing, based on her arm movements and how she uses the eraser.

Who knows... maybe she is writing:

All work and no play makes Jodi a dull girl
All work and no play makes Jodi a dull girl
All work and no play makes Jodi a dull girl....


Totally O/T but I just got back from shopping for candy for my children's easter baskets and to stuff plastic eggs for our neighborhood easter egg hunt and Target was completely out of Robin's eggs! I was stunned-lol!


Did you have to get Batman's eggs instead?
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