a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

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I don't really believe that this little stunt originated with Nurmi. I think Jodi is running this show 100%. Her visitor logs are sealed, yes? So, we don't know who might have stopped by to chat with her and bring her up to date on HLN news once she returned to the jail with her "migraine" right? It certainly did come off as a desperate stunt as executed by Nurmi but, I don't see fear in Jodi Arias with these machinations or in her court demeanor. I see anger. Cold, hard, anger. And vindictiveness.

Do you know what I love about it? Jodi is completely frustrated. She can't do a damn thing with all her cold, hard anger! She is so frustrated with anger that it's turning in on her with stress symptoms--cold sore & migraines. That makes me smile.
A bit biased don't ya think Steve?? Thought you were a journalist who SHOULD be impartial.. guess not!

(Posted on Steve Irvin's Facebook page)

Steve Irvin ABC 15 News
Maricopa County taxpayers have now spent 1.4 million dollars defending Jodi Arias. Now, our bulldog prosecutor can't resist getting his picture taken with the tall blonde adoring fan outside the courthouse. So, let's see, if a juror sees that, it's grounds for a mistrial. And we get to do this all over again... really? Will someone please tell Juan Martinez to try the case and sign autographs later?

He's a local newscaster and not a very good one at that. He's a whiner. MOO
My DH asked me if anyone asked JA if they ever used protection during sex. He thinks she's a *advertiser censored* :toast::saythat:too!
Hi everyone!

Greetings from beautiful Sedona AZ!

Ahhhh...I remember my Cottonwood, Oak Creek and Sedona days very fondly! I haven't been up there in more decades than I care to recall but some beautiful sights never leave your mind's eye.
One of my favourite JM moments was when JA was still on the stand and they must have been talking about memory or fog or something. JM leant over the little table (don't know the proper name for it) in the well imitating the way Nurmi stood/slouched there. Nurmi was not happy and stood up and objected to the judge asking if he could approach before JM did it again.

I'd love to see that!!!

Jodi Arias' Domestic Violence Expert Says Email Proves Travis Alexander Was Abusive

Jodi Arias’ defense team may have scored its first big win Thursday when a domestic violence expert testified about previously undisclosed emails from Travis Alexander’s close friends that indicate he had a history of being abusive.

"They have basically advised Ms. Arias to move on from the relationship ... that Mr. Alexander has been abusive to women." psychotherapist Alyce LaViolette testified.

LaViolette was referencing email exchanges between Arias, Alexander and his longtime friends Chris and Sky Hughes.

LaViolette was not allowed to quote from the emails and they were not shown to the jury, but she was allowed to paraphrase the content and offer her opinion on it.
<mod snip>
Hi everyone!

1.) I also noticed the filthiness of those feet on Jodi Arias during the headstand. Based on this, along with the appearance of certain other parts of her body, I'm surprised she didn't give poor Travis a disease before she killed him.

I think JM should raise the probability that TA was terrified of getting her pregnant, thus the real reason for anal/oral as opposed to vaginal.

I've often thought the same thing.
He's a local newscaster and not a very good one at that. He's a whiner. MOO

Does this man think JM works 24/7? That would mean the AZ taxpayers would really have something to complain about with all the overtime. jmo
:floorlaugh: I think that's hysterical!! I only wish I was still married so I could try out, "No..no...no.... I ask the questions here."

my friends call me erma bombeck as i can be very funny and leave someone wondering is she nice or was i just told off-lol. all done with a smile - you do not have to be married to use this- but i bet if i used this tactic on my ex hubby i would have had more power. the funny thing is my 2nd hubby says i bet you did not do this to your ex - my ex would say your the smartest person i know - i said well did you think i turned stupid cause i divorced you? lol- then i say see you in court for child support!! yes i learned - but JM is the best teacher i now believe - it works!!
Does this man think JM works 24/7? That would mean the AZ taxpayers would really have something to complain about with all the overtime. jmo

He strikes me as one of those whiney old-school print journalists who is so threatened by new media that it starts to affect his judgment. The man oozes contempt and self-pity. He should just go out and pee on the tires of the more reliable blogs and websites and be done with it.
Lol!!! Oh my gosh...her DIRTY feet...hahahaha...I almost died when I saw them! ...that's so funny you noticed that too.. I'm still traumatized over seeing them...

I noticed that too, kinda matches the other part. :what::blushing::what:
Do we know for sure she was in that jury questioning? I thought it was private w the judge.

I thought she spoke to each juror individually and ja wasn't present. I can't say for sure, but that is the impression I got.
my friends call me erma bombeck as i can be very funny and leave someone wondering is she nice or was i just told off-lol. all done with a smile - you do not have to be married to use this- but i bet if i used this tactic on my ex hubby i would have had more power. the funny thing is my 2nd hubby says i bet you did not do this to your ex - my ex would say your the smartest person i know - i said well did you think i turned stupid cause i divorced you? lol- then i say see you in court for child support!! yes i learned - but JM is the best teacher i now believe - it works!!

So I didn't know who Erma Bombeck was, I looked - and I like!!! She's going on my Amazon Book wishlist! I lover her already - and yes I know she's dead.

Jodi Arias' Domestic Violence Expert Says Email Proves Travis Alexander Was Abusive

"There was reference to a particular woman and his manipulation of that woman." LaViolette said. "There was information about Mr. Alexander calling Ms. Arias a *advertiser censored* and then acting like it was a joke. There was information about the way he ignored her in public places and would not allow her to put pictures of them up in places where other people could see them. Just basic ways he treated her, or they felt he mistreated her ... that they indicated were abusive.”


This is the worst that ALV could come up with in terms of describing the type of behavior that the Hughes viewed as abusive. If Travis were trying to discourage Jodi about becoming too involved this certainly might be his way of reinforcing that to Jodi. The Hughes themselves complained Jodi was too physical with Travis when they were in public and now he is accused by them of ignoring her. It seems that is the only way to get Jodi to back off. I'm sure he had to walk away from her many times to keep her from sucking on his ear.

I'm not getting why, in today's world, it's not okay for men or women to date other people when they are not exclusive with one person. And when did it ever become cheating. Cheating is when you are in a relationship where you both agree you are no longer dating other people, engaged or married. Jodi and Travis never got to that level. And yet she complains that he cheated on her.
I just went on azcentral to confront the crap out of Kiefer for his BS reporting but they don't allow comments. Don't make Mama drag out her twitter.

I dusted the cobwebs off of twitter for the trial. :)
Listening to ALV describe her view of abuse I guess she would think JM falls within that category. jmo

This is the worst that ALV could come up with in terms of describing the type of behavior that the Hughes viewed as abusive. If Travis were trying to discourage Jodi about becoming too involved this certainly might be his way of reinforcing that to Jodi. The Hughes themselves complained Jodi was too physical with Travis when they were in public and now he is accused by them of ignoring her. It seems that is the only way to get Jodi to back off. I'm sure he had to walk away from her many times to keep her from sucking on his ear.

I'm not getting why, in today's world, it's not okay for men or women to date other people when they are not exclusive with one person. And when did it ever become cheating. Cheating is when you are in a relationship where you both agree you are no longer dating other people, engaged or married. Jodi and Travis never got to that level. And yet she complains that he cheated on her.

I thought is used to be quite normal to date a plethora of people, and when you were seriously dating one person, you were 'going steady'.

I wouldn't automatically assume that if I were dating someone, we would be monogamous unless we've had that understanding and discussion. If you're 'putting out' before you can broach that subject, then it's YOUR fault that you've got it backwards.

MOST MEN (and some woman) would NOT say no to a roll in the hay if its easily offered. I certainly don't blame them! If you have the currency that I want and you're telling me to take it, I sure will!

Women, if a man took you on a $2,000 shoe shopping spree after the first date, would you see him again even if you don't think you want to marry him!? (Or insert YOUR currency here) the answer is almost 100% yes.
I love popping in here to read the insiders observations at the end of the week! It really helps keep this case in perspective. I wanted to point out a few things I observed concerning the "expert witness". First if all initially I was a bit impressed with her CV, that was until I did some digging and listened closely. As a survivor of DV myself she began to loose credibility based on:

1. Her CV states she is a Psychotherapist yet she WAS registered only as a PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANT which was canceled back in 1992. In fact the Dr she worked under back then Dr Charles Stockton had his license revoked back in 1998 for inappropriate sexual behavior with a patient. Alyce is only licensed as far as I can see as a MFC Marriage, Family and Child since 1992 and a Continuing Education Provider since 1997.

2. Her use of improper terms the first days such as "Bottom Lines" instead of Boundaries, "Hostage Syndrome" instead of Stockholm and the non existent "Chronic Combat Syndrome"

3. Much of her information comes from outdated information with her referring back to the 1980's

4. Her amazing ability to have memorized more about JA's own life history and story then JA evens knows herself.

5. The fact that she is "paid" and making over $12,000 for her testimony and time spent with JA

6. Any good DV advocate or person working within that field KNOWS they can not make assumptions as to the abuser without having substantiated evidence. Just because an abused person says it is so does not mean it is so. Even the Women's shelter I eventually fled to back in the 90's had to question MY motives for fleeing with my children and make sure I was not trying to flee with them for custody reasons or there was some other motive involved.

7. Lastly, to state that a child's possibly "neglectful" environment is "abusive" is a very dangerous statement. Just because a child comes from a neglectful home, does not mean that child will be abusive even if that home was abusive. It actually is the opposite in the majority of cases, it sets that child up to be abused as an adult is all. My abusive childhood did not make me abusive, it made me an easy target for abuse.

Sorry so long, but I am disgusted that this women attempts to speak for me or the others I know who are survivors! Men are OFTEN abused but for them to report it makes them appear weak as a man is all.

Keep up the inside work! Love what I read by everyone posting!!!!! I hope this trial ends soon for Travis's family:blowkiss:

I had the same feelings when listening to her testimony. I've watched very little of her on the stand, I had to tune her out. I don't think she's credible. She also used the word "*advertiser censored*" instead of breasts, which should have been used by a professional. MOO
I felt like I was back in the 60's, that I should burn my bra and stop shaving my legs. :)
Errr, my currency is not shoes - but I was trying to speak to the vast majority!

Nor do I think it's being shallow - I think it's normal behavior - that's what I'm TRYING to say.
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