Posting your fantastic notes here, as much as we all adore them, should be at the very BOTTOM of your to-do list. At the very tip top should be your own needs: sleeping/hydrating/resting/caring for yourself. Then comes your family and your work. We be at the bottom of the totem pole. Go take a bubble bath and follow it up with a glass of Chardonnay. Nightie Night. Sleep tight. :heartbeat:
Thank you...I need to go to my Dad's tonite (he leaves Sat) so will rest...once the weekend gets here. If ya know what I mean. This weekend is going to be sooo welcomed for more than a few of us I'm sure. Thanks for the kind thoughts. This pace has been way past what I'm normally used to.
Did you find the Tiger/Bear question a little sarcastic? It could also mean clarification I guess.... Just wondering....
Not trying to O/t FERDIEm. (let's take this to the rebuttal thread please. ) I love this witness, she answered the questions as if she were having a nice glass of wine with them. I think the bear/ tiger question was brilliant amongst others. This is very telling of the juror who asked. Clearly a Tiger attack would be different than a bear and your experience would be significantly different. A bear mauls a tiger goes for the throat in the event you survived your trauma would be or PTSD would be very different as to your triggers etc. just my opinion
I'm not worried about any of these jurors.
Aw now you done gone and made me cry. I love this...I love how she moves with such wild abandon. I love her voice and her message and her unself consciousness. Thank you for this ckrdpast. xo
Thanks for understanding. Until further notice I'm not going to be available to answer questions or take requests. I've way too far extended myself and I just have nothing else to give for the moment. I need to attend to myself and family for the weekend so I'm respectfully requesting respecting those boundaries.