Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #177

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AC reports on 9 am hearing. RA is present at hearing wearing a orange prison jumpsuit.

Delphi murders suspect, defense team in court for contempt hearing | NewsNation Live​

B Kohlberger was always given new suits to wear by his defense team. The same with Barry Morphew when he was still incarcerated.

I wonder WHY this defense team is not asking for their client to have a suit to wear? Do they maybe want him to look harassed and broken?
B Kohlberger was always given new suits to wear by his defense team. The same with Barry Morphew when he was still incarcerated.

I wonder WHY this defense team is not asking for their client to have a suit to wear? Do they maybe want him to look harassed and broken?

I think you are exactly right concerning his attire.
My view: It's a chess move - inviting youtubers (involved w/the leaks) as witnesses.

With the bonus of being educational for the Court who may be wondering: "what is a youtuber?" and "what's the practical PR benefit of feeding these youtubers crime scene photos?" (answer: nothing)

Youtubers are not journalists/Press, are not a PR vehicle, have no reliable sources, insignificant social media influence. Rather, they are odd characters playing true crime theory wars on youtube. (UNMODERATED!! :eek: Can you imagine?)

Argument point being: Neither the State or the Defense would find them useful for PR (covert or otherwise).

Right but this business concerns contempt charges for RA's defense attorney's actions, not the deliverance of RA from his possible conviction appeal in the future. So why are they on the ready today?
They're hovering in the event of a damaging decision from Judge Gull re: contempt charges (such as removing the D). For the same reasons RA appealed to the SCOIN in November when she removed the D. JMHO
The first days of the investigation were under the Robert Ives watchful eyes and not NMc. I do not hold NMc responsible for the taped-over interviews since it falls within the purview of Ives.

NOV 11, 2017
Robert Ives' wife said he will step down at the end of the year for a variety of personal reasons.
Carroll Co. prosecutor to step down
I'd hold neither NMcL nor Ives responsible for maintaining State's evidence for the duration of an investigation. (That role belongs to the LE/investigative team - they are fully responsible for maintaining the State's investigative and physical evidence here.)
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My view: It's a chess move - inviting youtubers (involved w/the leaks) as witnesses.

With the bonus of being educational for the Court who may be wondering: "what is a youtuber?" and "what's the practical PR benefit of feeding these youtubers crime scene photos?" (answer: nothing)

Youtubers are not journalists/Press, are not a PR vehicle, have no reliable sources, insignificant social media influence. Rather, they are odd characters playing true crime theory wars on youtube. (UNMODERATED!! :eek: Can you imagine?)

Argument point being: Neither the State or the Defense would find them useful for PR (covert or otherwise).


I agree with everything you’re saying. I think it’s true.
However, the defense was under a gag order and the evidence was under a protective order. They are being held to that standard whether the recipients were useful or not. They admitted the leaked discovery came from them, so they violated those court orders.
If found guilty they will only get fined so I don’t understand why not just accept your punishment and let this case move toward trial.
They have done themselves no favors by bringing the idiot YouTubers to town.
My view: It's a chess move - inviting youtubers (involved w/the leaks) as witnesses.

With the bonus of being educational for the Court who may be wondering: "what is a youtuber?" and "what's the practical PR benefit of feeding these youtubers crime scene photos?" (answer: nothing)

Youtubers are not journalists/Press, are not a PR vehicle, have no reliable sources, insignificant social media influence. Rather, they are odd characters playing true crime theory wars on youtube. (UNMODERATED!! :eek: Can you imagine?)

Argument point being: Neither the State or the Defense would find them useful for PR (covert or otherwise).

Well if I'm reading the tea leaves correctly, the benefit to leaking the crime scene photos is sticks/branches. And that's because that's the defense's main far. It wasn't RA, it was...

Odinist killers sacrificially killed the girls leaving proof at the crime scene of stick runes. Odinist guards then backed them up ( because they all know one another and are in cahoots) and made RA so scared and threatened he erroneously confessed to killing the girls to his wife and mother, more than 5 times.

Why wait until trial to combat the prosecution on the spot and explain those pictures away from RA in front of THE jury, when you can make sure the images are leaked to social media and influence the whole jury pool about Odinists killers before jury selection. It's a no-brainer for zealous defenders. AJMO
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They're hovering in the event of a damaging decision from Judge Gull re: contempt charges (such as removing the D). For the same reasons RA appealed to the SCOIN in November when she removed the D. JMHO
Now I thought that was about procedure. The SC decided unanimously that the Judge had no bias. This right now has nothing to do with what the SC ruled. This is bringing contempt charges for actions still not adjudicated in court, until today (and in the writings submitted soon by both sides) Supremes didn't rule AB & BR did nothing wrong and here's that judgement. That's still to come, whatever it may or may not be. AJMO
4pm news update video

FYI for all:

at about 2:20 min in this reporting (that @twall has kindly linked ^^) says a 3rd hearing had begun on the D's motion to dismiss due to the State's withholding of exculpatory evidence...

also that Gull v. Hennessy was greatly contentious with sharp exchanges between Judge Gull and Hennessy, including Gull denying Hennessy (the D) every motion. I wonder if Hennessy drilled home the fact that Gull's own court employee (not the clerk) was also leaking to youtubers and such.

I' guess Mr. Snay
missed his 5 minutes
of fame. ;)

With the bonus of being educational for the Court who may be wondering: "what is a youtuber?" and "what's the practical PR benefit of feeding these youtubers crime scene photos?" (answer: nothing)
I would take it a step further - if there is any practical benefit to leaking grisly crime scene photos of dead little girls it is generally to anyone but the defense. I think of the townsfolk with the pitchforks and torches going after the mad scientist in classic horror movies.
It just doesn't make sense to me that the defense would intentionally prejudice their own client that way. But so much of this case has never made sense to me.
Andrew Baldwin and Brad Rozzi, who represent Richard Allen, are themselves being represented by David Hennessy, who filed a series of prehearing motions, including motions for the prosecutor to recuse himself, motions for Special Judge Frances Gull to recuse herself and motions to postpone Monday's hearing.
So in a nutshell, their defense for their egregious leaks is that the prosecutor and the judge should recuse themselves and the hearing scheduled for this morning should be postponed. And if not, they plan to bring in a clown car full of you-tubers and influencers to set the record straight.
All were denied.

FYI for all:

at about 2:20 min in this reporting (that @twall has kindly linked ^^) says a 3rd hearing had begun on the D's motion to dismiss due to the State's withholding of exculpatory evidence...

also that Gull v. Hennessy was greatly contentious with sharp exchanges between Judge Gull and Hennessy, including Gull denying Hennessy (the D) every motion.

I'm guessing
Mr. Snay
missed his 5 minutes
of fame day. ;)

Of course she denied all his motions. His motions were essentially asking the judge to step down, and for her to kick the prosecutor to the curb and for her to postpone a hearing which was about to immediately begin, with a courtroom of witnesses already there.

Why wouldn't she deny that nonsense?
Hope the Prosecution has receipts, then the huge problem falls in the D's lap. But they're on the record now as being understaffed, underpaid and overworked, so they have an out.
Whereas months ago they claimed they were ready and willing to do this work pro bono AND they were ready for a speedy trial.

Their tune has surely changed.
So from what I gather, the defense has been accused of misconduct, but the court is supposed to just ignore it because the prosecution has also done stupid stuff, and if the court does not agree to just forget about it, they will bring in a hoard of YouTubers to testify about dead kid pics leaking?

Am I getting this right? I know there's a lot of people trying to take up for the defense's misconduct but this is weird.
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