Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #180

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Yes, there are confessions recorded that were made to his wife and mother. RA’s defense attorney’s said as much in open court.
The defense attorneys are certainly capable of coming up with this strategy. Honesty is not their strong point.
They don’t worry about disbarment. They have a large fan base that sees this as a tough and vigorous defense.
Even RA's attorney's admitted they were 'incriminating' statements at that hearing.
Your understanding of the possible legal repercussions and ramifications is humbly appreciated.

I noted in this post by @OldCop it's mentioned a served warrant on Ron Logan's property.

"By the 16th, the FBI had obtained a search warrant for the home and vehicles belonging to the owner of the property where the bodies were found."

My link to the Logan warrant is signed MARCH 17, 2017 by JDiener.

Is it possible for someone to toss the link to a search warrant on FEB 16, 2017 for Logan's home, please? TIA
from the MARCH 17, 2017 warrant, in no particular order:

- Logan met with LEOs on or about February 17, 2017.

While they were on his property, logon was physically able to get up and down the hill from his home to the crime scene.

- On February 14, 2017, while requesting consent to search Logan's property, a law enforcement officer advised Logan that LEOs would not search his home unless evidence led LEOs to Logan's house.

In that meeting, Logan told the LEO that he did not think evidence would lead them to that but said, "I don't know".

- On March 6, 2017, during an interview with an LEO, Logan said he was picked up by [Redacted Male One] around 3PM and taken straight to the aquarium store in Lafayette.

In the March 6, 2017 interview, Logan said after he was done at the aquarium store, he was driven straight home.

These statements are found to be factually false and intentionally designed to deceive LEOs.

- The affiant requests a warrant to search Ronald Logan's entire property described as a white two story single family dwelling, including his detached garage, outbuildings and vehicle: a white Ford F 250, Bearing VIN number [redacted] for evidence related to the murders of LG and AW for the following property.
And risk disbarment? Nah.

Is it possible there were no confessions to the wife and mother? I can't remember where we heard he confessed to his wife and mother, but if it was a game of telephone like what seems to have happened here (with the "prisoners as guards" telling other prisoners what he said, then they passed it on to family members on the outside....)....

I really need more coffee so forgive me if my brain is not yet keyed up.....
It was part of the June 15th? hearing where RA and R&B were going for Motion to Transfer and Motion for Bond. It wasn't a he said/she said thing. The State had transcribed documents that were presented to the Court. Even the Defense admitted they were 'incriminating' statements.

Needless to say that hearing was abruptly cut short (by the Defense asking for reschedule) and of course no bond or transfer was issued at that time.

It's another way to file information and details best left for the courtroom, the jury, not the media but released to influence the jury pool right before selections begin. MO

Exactly! Obvious TO ME the D is trying this case prior to trial. I can't wait until trial and hear the truth. Unlike the D, the Prosecution, IMO, is saving their evidence for trial. Which I am anxiously waiting to see/hear any co workers, extended family members testify. I want to know not only the evidence of the crime committed but also if RA has history of making females feel uncomfortable, creep out, and perverted. Also be compelling if RA was ever suspected of engaging in CSAM or internet *advertiser censored*.

For RA to get a FAIR trial the evidence should be presented at trial, not in the media prior to trial. There is no way I believe all the evidence against RA has been made public. No way. And the D knows this, IMO, the reason why the D is trying so hard to get evidence thrown out. Along the way the D is shouting all this noise.

Libby and Abby went for a nature walk. words.
Exactly! Obvious TO ME the D is trying this case prior to trial. I can't wait until trial and hear the truth. Unlike the D, the Prosecution, IMO, is saving their evidence for trial. Which I am anxiously waiting to see/hear any co workers, extended family members testify. I want to know not only the evidence of the crime committed but also if RA has history of making females feel uncomfortable, creep out, and perverted. Also be compelling if RA was ever suspected of engaging in CSAM or internet *advertiser censored*.

For RA to get a FAIR trial the evidence should be presented at trial, not in the media prior to trial. There is no way I believe all the evidence against RA has been made public. No way. And the D knows this, IMO, the reason why the D is trying so hard to get evidence thrown out. Along the way the D is shouting all this noise.

Libby and Abby went for a nature walk. words.
The old saying Truth Speaks Softly, Lying Shouts comes to mind.

It all boils down to #Justice4Abby&Libby those 2 BFFs, hanging out, sharing secrets and laughs just enjoying a sunny, out of school by chance, day years ago. That is what I hope for and that is what I believe will happen when RA is found guilty IMO.

Just as baffling to me is why NMcL only mentioned the phone confessions at the June hearing. He didn't mention any of these other confessions to "state actors", yet the D claims the State plans to use them at trial. It's hard to say what strategy is at play here, IMO.
We don't know when exactly NMcL knew of the phone confessions or confessions to other 'state actors' do we? I believe he got the recorded transcripts in time for the July hearing and maybe only found out about RA confessing to others after he received the medical records and staff notes.

The State requested Mental/Health records a few times because the Defense kept referring to RA's poor mental health and status in April, funny how not before then. Not at his time of arrest, not at his initial transfer to Westville, not even after being there from Nov to March.

The Judge told the Defense repeatedly that if they continued to refer/rely on RA's mental status in Motions that she may be required to share them with the State. They kicked that door wide open, NMcL got his records, and doesn't have to share how he plans to use them in his case in chief.

The D has a witness list, I'm sure they have a good idea how the State is going to use them already.

What we're seeing now is damage control by the D.

I am utterly disgusted in what has been done to this man at the hands of those in “authority.” To take a man that has struggled much of his life with mental illness and bring him to the point of what we read in the Motion to Suppress is pure evil. Of course, those that believe he did it, despite evidence to the contrary, feel “he deserves what he’s gotten.” I find this absolutely appalling. They will also continue to disparage his attorney’s ad nauseam, how they are “spinning” the truth, and that’s what defence attorneys do. I dare say, “especially when they believe their client is in fact innocent!”

Even IF he was guilty of the crime, in some way involved in a minor role, is this type of treatment acceptable in the US? To take a sick man and break completely break his mind through this type of treatment? God help us all.

This is the course his attorneys have taken is to break the man by denying that he as you are asserting “has struggled much of his life with mental illness”. A wheel chaired, soiled, gloomy, only eats paper and feces RA is their goal.

RA is pleased with his representation from all we know so getting outraged at his trial strategy is best to wait on to see if their way works out for him. Our news is full of such pre court antics.

When the client has willingly accepted his representation and their guidance with what his attorneys said was sound mind yes he can submit himself to this treatment.

How would it help their strategy if he blossomed with mental health help and strutted along all fat and sassy like the guy we see in the bar videos all capable of killing two?

As expressed RA has the intelligence to carry out a job which calls for ability to comprehend complex instructions, pay close attention to details, and calculate figures, measurements, personably interact with other staff and customers and as an extension to those abilities to pick his own fate with his choice of attorney and strategy.

all imo
Indiana man confessed to murders of teenage girls in phone call with his wife, documents say

“Investigators had the phone call transcribed and the transcription confirms that Richard Allen admits that he committed the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German,” reads a motion filed April 20 by Carroll County prosecutor Nicholas McLeland. “He admits several times within the phone call that he committed the offenses as charged. His wife, Kathy Allen, ends the phone call abruptly.”

As to the bolded, does that mean he admitted that he committed the offences 'as charged', as in he admitted he committed the acts as described by authorities?
Wondering if you have any thoughts as to how this poor management and inexperience led to fumbling around and pulling RA out of a remote drawer 5 years later?
Disorganization. For a start, anyone who placed themselves at the scene of the crime and resembles a suspect that was captioned on camera by one of the victims should have been gone over with a fine tooth comb. It is common knowledge that suspects insert themselves into an investigation.
A investigation can be likened to putting a puzzle together. You have all the pieces, but where do you start? You look at the picture on the box; the crime. Your find the corner pieces; the evidence. Next you work your way down all the sides; witnesses, suspects, interviews and interrogation. Now you go to the meat of the puzzle, (although by now some of the pieces are already falling into place); the lab results, digital forensics, and tip follow up, the analysis of all these pieces.
Now you just have a few pieces that fit in the remaing spaces. You have your POI’s.
There is one final step that is very important. You need to secure your completed puzzle to its backing if you want it to remain intact; preservation of evidence and case files. You don’t want somebody walking by and tipping the whole thing over.
Does it seem awkward, but entirely reasonable to you?
Awkward, yes. Reasonable, no.
Do you have any thoughts about what the investigation probably had ... but likely lost ... that would make their case against RA more clear?
They had Richard Allen served to them on a platter by …..Richard Allen. The lack of follow up, the lost interview tapes, witness recollection. Memories fade over time. They were too scattered, not focused, things fell through the cracks. Things got out of control leaving an opening for all kinds of smoke and mirrors theories.
The man was in a state of psychosis is the argument due to the conditions he was subjected to. I suspect they have expert testimony in that regard. Of course, there will be those that will believe ANY expert that provides ANY clinical explanation for RA’s “confessions” is a LIAR. JMO

I'm not trying to debate with you here, just want you to know that I and many others do want RA to have a fair trial. I do not want an innocent person to take the guilt from the killer of Abby and Libby. The goal is true justice for these two girls. No way would I be comfortable with an innocent man found guilty and the correct killers allowed to roam free. I say this with sincerity
Did I miss that RA has confessed to molesting other girls? I was offline yesterday most of the day.

Yes, apparently....
On another occasion, he professed his sorrow for molesting Abby, Libby and others which he specifically named. (C/O Michael Roberts statement between 15-16 min. mark). These facts are known to be falsities, none of which are supported by the autopsy findings by Dr. Roland Kohr as to the cause of death ofthe girls and unsupported by the absence of any evidence that either one ofthe girls were sexually assaulted near or before the time of their deaths. (see attached autopsy reports

(from the memo at page 10)
Most criminals placed behind steel bars in the USA can typically handle the terms of being incarcerated. Their corrupted thoughts allow them to flourish in many ways, some earn college degrees, some learn the skill of cooking while others may still cause trouble.

If the writing on the wall is not clear, I'll write it in English in this post.

There is no doubt in my mind the powers that be, with extreme degradation and total disregard to human life, fully expected this man to suicide himself. The trial would not happen if the accused were to be found dead in his cell. May God help us, one and all.

If LE/DOC really wanted RA to 'commit suicide' to prevent a coverup or trial, they could have made that happen at any point and none of us would have been the wiser. Look at Jeffrey Epstein, we can all speculate, but he sure had the goods on some high powered, wealthy individuals.

It’s on page 10. Talks about he was sorry for molesting the girls. Sounds like it was confessed to a CO.
View attachment 496749
Thank you so much for posting that. :)

Now I get it, THAT'S why the Defense didn't fight harder for these records. Completely orchestrated fabrication by RA to try and lesson the impact of his original confessions to his wife and mother. Throw in some eating of paper and poo, drooling on yourself and you're good to go.

How in the world is the DOC liable for what inmates hear and repeat to other inmates who then pass it on to family or whomever. You would literally have to sew their mouths shut. All they have to do in there is to talk. This Defense couldn't even keep their OWN good friends and advisors from sharing information, misconduct much?

As someone posted above, God Help us all.

I'm not trying to debate with you here, just want you to know that I and many others do want RA to have a fair trial. I do not want an innocent person to take the guilt from the killer of Abby and Libby. The goal is true justice for these two girls. No way would I be comfortable with an innocent man found guilty and the correct killers allowed to roam free. I say this with sincerity
A fair trial and Richard Allen being guilty are not mutually exclusive WK. A lot of people think that if you believe the evidence points to RA you're just as bad as LE, ISP, FBI and Odins. We know that's just not true.

04/12/2024Notice Filed
Notice of mailing of transcript
McLeland, Nicholas Charles
Baldwin, Andrew Joseph
Rozzi, Bradley Anthony
Luttrull, James David JR
Diener, Stacey Lynn
File Stamp:
04/12/2024Order Granting
Order granting Motion for Leave of Court to Conduct inmate Depositions
Judicial Officer:
Gull, Frances -SJ

Order Signed:
04/12/2024Correspondence to/from Court Filed
Letter received from the Journal & Courier.

File Stamp:
Indiana man confessed to murders of teenage girls in phone call with his wife, documents say

“Investigators had the phone call transcribed and the transcription confirms that Richard Allen admits that he committed the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German,” reads a motion filed April 20 by Carroll County prosecutor Nicholas McLeland. “He admits several times within the phone call that he committed the offenses as charged. His wife, Kathy Allen, ends the phone call abruptly.”
Of course, NM failed to mention that RA got the COD incorrect and was likely in a psychotic state. The devil is indeed in the details :).
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