Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #186

So a miscommunication on Judge Gulls part from what i have read so far. These guys really do like the sound of their own voices. Just more hot air imo

No. There is purpose behind it:

102. This motion is intended to respond to Judge Gull’s order for purposes of
preserving the issues for the record
and so that Judge Gull may consider
whether or not she feels obligated on her own to recuse herself from this
case, which remains an ongoing obligation whether or not the defense is
seeking her recusal.

I don't even know where to start with this latest motion.

The judge was making faces at us....

There can't be an end date to trial length because someone might get a flat tire....

The judge set the trial at three weeks. The defense had every opportunity THEN to say they needed more time. And justify why.

Their arguments are hypothetical beyond reason. If the prosecution uses up 8 days, they only get 5. If the State goes long, they won't get to defend RA. That didn't happen. The judge didn't, hasn't, wouldn't allow the state to use up all the days!! But regardless, the defense is IMO misrepresenting the situation. Judges DO schedule trials, based on input from both sides. No objection, she books the courtroom.

It wasn't until the 11th hour that defense suddenly cries fouls, demands more time than the junket can afford.... never mind that she granted them the additional time, just had to relocate it on the calendar. False comparison. Had they gone to trial, had the defense actually run out of time because of legitimate overages, the judge may have had to shuffle cases, put a pause on this case, resuming it. The defense can't KNOW that the judge would have truncated their defense!!! They're assuming that to make their (weak) point

As soon as they asked for more time, she granted it. Even though it was unfair to the State and caused an unfortunate delay to the trial....

To the other issue -- why were they planning to transport a felon to court anyway? Why couldn't he testify remotely, for everyone safety? Interesting that the Defense glosses over the fact that their supposed witness refused transport, presumably refusing to testify.

As to moving him, access to family and to his lawyers, is less critical than preserving his life while in protective custody. RA appears to need a great deal of babysitting, namely 24 hour monitoring and supervision, something only a well staffed prison (both hired staff and originally vetted prisoners) could provide.

I fear that the moment RA has an opportunity and a gap in supervision, he will be at serious risk of self-harm, including suicide. The defense continues to claim that RA is so emotionally compromised he's making false confessions. Are they in any position to judge how emotionally stable he is? How can they be certain he'd remain safe FROM HIMSELF in a less guarded facility?????

What an absolute travesty -- for the law, for RA himself, and for anyone who still loves him and /or simply values him as a human being, regardless of what he's alleged to have done -- if he were to commit suicide because supervision lagged.

The defense aren't doctors. Maybe RA isn't acting out or devolving because of conditions where he's at but because his mental health AND a residual ounce of conscience is eating away at him. Perhaps he doesn't need freedom from protective custody as much as freedom to unburden himself. The truth shall set you free, even in protective custody.

IMO the Defense is not defending him well if he seeks to confess. They should instead, if that's the case, represent as best they can, help present him in the most favorable way...

It has to be noted, that for all their claims of his supposed emotional collapse -- due to conditions, including Odinite guards -- they have not called for a mental health evaluation. Seems like Stsp 1, if they truly believe what they are saying. I don't Halen to think they do, believe what they are saying.

And finally, ding dong.

That was a sitcom exchange. A Who's On First comedy routine. And the defense still doesn't see how dumb it was. Let me re-write it, for clarity:

D: can we have a short recess?
J: why?
D: need a potty break

Here, the judge had to exercise her role as keeper of the time. It was butting up against the lunch hour. Mentally she's calculating for the jury whether that's the best time to break and to break for how long.

J: how long will you need? (Meaning, for this next portion, who do you still have for witnesses and NOT do you need enough time to go #1 or #2? Sheesh!)

D: well, it'll just be quick because (#1)

J: no, ding dong, (I'm not asking about your bowel/bladder habits but it's nice you just shared that with everyone), I'm just trying to determine whether I call for lunch now or wait until after your return from the brief recess and finish with this witness...

IMO the attorney must have REALLY had to go, so much so, it was all he could think of! So he jumped the gun thinking she was thinking of it to.

And how this differs from her EASY exchange with the State's request at a different time for a quick recess:

1. No one was doing a silent potty dance

And 2. The State probably wasn't asking for their recess right up against a logical break point like lunch.

Sorry for being wordy but I'm trying to distill 21 pages of over-wordiness.


The last exchange you recounted is proof that the defense team is…..full of it.

Just my opinion.
This is cr#p.
Why do they keep writing these ridiculous things.
When is the defense team actually going to file anything that involves RA’s guilt or innocence?
There is absolutely nothing they have filed pertinent to that. Zero.
If they really had evidence indicating RA’s innocence don’t you think they would have put it in one of their made-for-public-consumption motions, especially since they are intent on trying this case in public?
Trying to have the Judge removed doesn’t make RA innocent.
Trying to have the search warrant and PCA thrown out doesn’t make RA innocent.
Trying to have evidence suppressed doesn’t make RA innocent.
Trying to have two out of three dozen confessions suppressed doesn’t make RA innocent.
We could go on and on and on.
RA’s guilt or innocence will, if the defense will ever shut up and let it happen, be addressed and decided by a trial which these borderline attys are trying to avoid at all costs because they cannot defend RA in a fair trial because RA is guilty!

Other than feeling bad for the families and bringing some closure to their lives, RA is still rotting in jail and that's my personal opinion where he should be...

His defense is terrible.
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Calling the judge as witness? (AT first I thought maybe they were threatening to call her to examine her Facebook like to a children's ball win or whatever it was). No, over whether LE lied about her saying the incarcerated felon didn't need to be dragged to court.

Notice, once again, we're in the land of make-believe, the defense saying she MUST recuse because they MIGHT call her to testify.

Then call her to testify.

See, I don't think they want to. I don't think they want to pick that bone. They just want to pressure her into recusing.

Disingenuous at best. I call their bluff.

And finally, ding dong.

That was a sitcom exchange. A Who's On First comedy routine. And the defense still doesn't see how dumb it was. Let me re-write it, for clarity:

D: can we have a short recess?
J: why?
D: need a potty break

Here, the judge had to exercise her role as keeper of the time. It was butting up against the lunch hour. Mentally she's calculating for the jury whether that's the best time to break and to break for how long.

J: how long will you need? (Meaning, for this next portion, who do you still have for witnesses and NOT do you need enough time to go #1 or #2? Sheesh!)

D: well, it'll just be quick because (#1)

J: no, ding dong, (I'm not asking about your bowel/bladder habits but it's nice you just shared that with everyone), I'm just trying to determine whether I call for lunch now or wait until after your return from the brief recess and finish with this witness...

IMO the attorney must have REALLY had to go, so much so, it was all he could think of! So he jumped the gun thinking she was thinking of it too.

And how this differs from her EASY exchange with the State's request at a different time for a quick recess:

1. No one was doing a silent potty dance

And 2. The State probably wasn't asking for their recess right up against a logical break point like lunch.

Sorry for being wordy but I'm trying to distill 21 pages of over-wordiness.

RSBM for focus

Your version is a bit humorous and a bit inaccurate.

McLeland: Judge, I do, I have two witnesses. Could I ask the Court for a
short recess, just so I can use the restroom?

Pg 16
Calling the judge as witness? (AT first I thought maybe they were threatening to call her to examine her Facebook like to a children's ball win or whatever it was). No, over whether LE lied about her saying the incarcerated felon didn't need to be dragged to court.

Notice, once again, we're in the land of make-believe, the defense saying she MUST recuse because they MIGHT call her to testify.

Then call her to testify.

See, I don't think they want to. I don't think they want to pick that bone. They just want to pressure her into recusing.

Disingenuous at best. I call their bluff.


Ever since that stunt they pulled going to the Indiana Supreme Court, I think the judge is ALL IN now
so the defence isn’t going to SCOIN then?

Good question.

The Defense has been playing a long strategy to pressure Judge Gull to recuse. No doubt they matched a drip-drip strategy to her recalcitrant disposition.

Apparently, the Defense submitted only a partial laundry list of "bias or appearance of bias" during Judge Gull's tenure in this case with Recusal Motions #1 and #2, and they had every intention of bringing more bias incidents of concern to light in consecutive Motions, should Judge Gull not get the message with the first recusal requests. (I'd wondered about some of these noticeable past appearance of bias incidents and why the D had not included them with the 2nd recusal motion last month.)

If necessary, the Defense will not shy away from going to the SCOIN ... if that's even necessary. They'll file that writ. If necessary and once all their concerns are spelled out and Judge Gull continues to refuse to recuse. IMO.

Ironically, Judge Gull's written response in her Decision not to recuse #2 disclosed yet another reason that she must recuse. I did not see that one coming. Did the D?

I mean.

You couldn't write this stuff.

If what Judge Gull asserted happened with the safekeeping hearing witness no-show actually happened ... well ... the bottom line is that Judge Gull is the star witness as to LE's false statements, and Judge Gull failed to disclose LE's false statement to the Defense. (As argued by the Defense in this Motion.)

I'd refer to a lawyer to address the possible consequences/domino effect here, should the D's facts with regard to the safekeeping hearing shenanigans bear out.

I don't think we'll see a 4th request if Judge Gull denies this motion; we'll see the SCOIN instead.

I cannot understand NM not only reading the capslocks, bold, underlined “EX PARTE” heading and still continuing to READ the filing, but doubling down by directly quoting the details of said ex parte filing in a publicly available document.

This doesn’t deserve an email to the prosecution explaining what they should do if they come across a “misfiled” ex parte motion?
this should mean we get hearings now.

from a new special judge? ;) I would certainly hope so.

IMO, this 3rd motion brings enough pressure, a conflict, and enough bias arguments that it's either a new special judge or a new Defense team. And this motion turns Judge Gull into a witness. She can't sit on the bench AND be a witness.

There's no magical grace to be summoned between these 2 parties that will permit them to move forward in a manner that RA gets a fair trial with this particular Judge and/or this particular Defense Team.

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No. There is purpose behind it:

102. This motion is intended to respond to Judge Gull’s order for purposes of
preserving the issues for the record
and so that Judge Gull may consider
whether or not she feels obligated on her own to recuse herself from this
case, which remains an ongoing obligation whether or not the defense is
seeking her recusal.

I'm sorry but I find the D's choice of words, like others posting here, to be disdainful and farcical at the same time. They should have stop at...

102. This motion is intended to respond to Judge Gull’s order for purposes of preserving the issues for the record.

So I'm now wondering if Judge Gull would feel it's prudent to schedule that safekeeping hearing and grant a change of (more favorable) custody for RA before this thing is elevated to SCOIN - given the LE/TL mess now divulged that begs rectifying ... A YEAR LATER. oops.

If she doesn't hear it, will SCOIN?
I'm sorry but I find the D's choice of words, like others posting here, to be disdainful and farcical at the same time. They should have stop at...

102. This motion is intended to respond to Judge Gull’s order for purposes of preserving the issues for the record.

Good that's your opinion.

However, the Indiana Supreme Court wants/needs to see more than what you're offering.
IMO the defense laid the issues out well.
Building a possible appeal brick by brick.

Also, IMO, JG would be wise to vacate the safekeeping order in the near future.
Folks can defend RA and say he’s innocent and that’s OK because we haven’t had a trial. All any of us have is our opinions.
But I don’t see how the defense’s behavior, motions or tactics can be defended and we do have evidence of that. It is so unprofessional it’s infantile. RA deserves a competent defense team.
If RA is so very innocent let’s go to trial and see the evidence related to his guilt or innocent. I am fairly certain how or when court figures request bathroom breaks has nothing to do with it.
It is an embarrassment to the law schools that graduated them and absolutely shameful what they are putting Libby and Abby’s families through.
These children are dead. Brutally killed. And this defense is whining about bathroom breaks. So for the last two weeks they all sat around a table drinking Red Bull and ordering pizza, brainstorming this pathetic stuff. Surely peals of laughter were heard as one joke after another was thrown out. “Ooo! Ooo! What about bathroom breaks!” What a riot! What fun!
Just my opinion and it’s probably not going to change.

Edit: adding stuff

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So I'm now wondering if Judge Gull would feel it's prudent to schedule that safekeeping hearing and grant a change of (more favorable) custody for RA before this thing is elevated to SCOIN - given the LE/TL mess now divulged that begs rectifying ... A YEAR LATER. oops.

If she doesn't hear it, will SCOIN?
The SC has already touched on his incarceration during the oral argument and in the written opinion.
Below is a snip from the opinion.

At this point, they have run out of excuses to keep RA confined in prison. MOO

"The special judge later reconsidered the original judge’s transfer order, and she too found it “reasonable and necessary to ensure the defendant’s safety and to prevent serious bodily injury.” R."

Good that's your opinion.

However, the Indiana Supreme Court wants/needs to see more than what you're offering.
IMO the defense laid the issues out well.
Building a possible appeal brick by brick.

Also, IMO, JG would be wise to vacate the safekeeping order in the near future.
IMO, respectfully, all they wanted to do was to be sarcastic to the judge. AJMO
Good that's your opinion.

However, the Indiana Supreme Court wants/needs to see more than what you're offering.
IMO the defense laid the issues out well.
Building a possible appeal brick by brick.

Also, IMO, JG would be wise to vacate the safekeeping order in the near future.

I don’t really think the SCOIN wants to see any of this.
They made very clear at the hearing that:

1) the defense would stay because of a procedural error by the judge.
2) the judge would stay because she was not biased.
3) and SCOIN wanted this case back on track and moving toward trial.

In my opinion, they also expected all parties to behave like grown-ups and professionals. They probably didn’t think they needed to say that out loud or put it in writing. Probably wish they had now.

My opinion

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