Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #188

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Can Richard Allen’s attorneys bring that case up during his trial, you know, to cause reasonable doubt?
I wonder how many details the attorneys know about the potential connections, if it could connect both scenes to the 3rd party idea and if they know that that one item was that the LE were looking at and talked to that person about ?

Like was it a book or an item used in a certain religion or what could it be ?

I have sometimes wondered though, how do we know that invested parties are not here (or on other online platforms), perhaps just lurking and following along to learn more about: the case, the accused, the victims, the crime, get a sense of general public opinion on which side of the fence people sit on in terms of guilt etc. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that actually, there are lurkers for the D or the P or even the police here. Family members may even be here and may wish to approach the State to voice their concerns if that is allowable.

Can anyone lead me to where Tricia posted an opening stating a family member asked her to reopen the Abby and Libby forum? Tried to find it again, it's not in the first thread so I'm thinking one of the multiple threads? A family member asked to have Libby and Abby's forum open again so they could keep the girls name out there.

Reporting this post myself.
Here we sit, approx 3 months away from the start of the trial and my guess is that the Defence is still nowhere near ready to go to trial.

I’m beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, they have no intention of preparing for trial.

They only way to get RA off was getting the SW thrown out, allowing the Odinist SODDI strategy, or getting Judge Gull thrown off the case and getting a more favourable judge and starting all over. And if none of that worked, now messing with the jury and hoping for a mistrial is the plan. But, now we know their intentions. They’ve tried all of that. It didn’t work and won’t work.

Let’s not be naive. The D has read the Discovery. They know what’s in it. These are desperate times which calls for desperate measures.

Maybe, just maybe, RA will plead guilty. Maybe the Discovery is so bad that there’s no way to really defend him thus all this fantasy and skullduggery.

I cannot fathom why, with all of these confessions, the D just doesn’t let RA plead guilty and end it all. The only thing I can come up with is that they have lost their way and twisted it around so badly that they made this about them and not about RA.

It makes no sense.

I’m beginning to think that we may actually see a Guilty plea.


I think you might be right.
The defense is pretty much out of ammo. If they can get past their egos, they can end this.
This is the post I was referring to. Libby's sister asked to keep the story alive. The family, IMO IS following the story online.

Taken from thread 85, see post 1 and 2
Post one is below

Delphi murders: Libby’s sister, at Ball State now, does ‘anything to keep the story alive’

We agree with Kelsi German. Anything to keep this story alive until this killer is caught!!!!

Welcome back to the Delphi Murders discussion thread.

On the afternoon of Feb. 13th, 2017, best friends Abigail Williams and Liberty German were dropped off at a bridge in the town of Delphi. On Feb 14th their bodies were discovered around noon about 50 feet from the north bank of Deer Creek which is about 0.5 miles from the bridge.

Abby and Libby's discussion thread has been shut down for quite a while. Why? Because without new information to discuss, posters turn on each other like the Donner Party.

Now, it is Libby's sister who has said what everyone needs to hear...we need to keep this case alive. We need to constantly hit social media with this killers's picture, sketch, and audio recording.

Not a day should go by without all of us getting the picture, the sketch, and the audio recording out to everyone via any source where people can see him and/or hear him.

Carrie Timmons, Libby's bio mom, stated in a Facebook post that the police do have DNA.

If this is true, then the perp is not in the DNA database. This means the only way we can catch him is for someone somewhere to recognize this man.

It boggles my mind to think about the fact that no one has been able to identify the killer.

Kelsi German is going to college, but Liberty's sister is already one of the smartest people around.
German said, “Eventually, I opened up. I’m not sure I can keep quiet about this, at this point.”
Websleuths agrees with you, Kelsi. We cannot keep quiet at this point.

We are done sitting back and doing nothing.

His picture, his sketch, and his voice need to saturate social media along with any other outlet you can think of.

On a personal note, I would encourage both families to use social media.

I know for a fact that Abby and Libby's immediate family do not trust people on the Internet because of past experiences. I do not recall seeing any family member on Twitter or Facebook discussing the case except for Libby's bio mom, Carrie. Forgive me if I am wrong.
So R&B were stating this information in their filing. How would they know? Thank goodness that RA was being videotaped 24/7 during that time.

It will be curious to find out if they have actual proof or were going by RB statements? Who, coincidentally refused a court order to appear in Court and testify on behalf of RA. He wouldn't leave his cell.

This has been one rollercoaster of crazy for sure.

I assume the staff from the facility contacted them to advise of his reaction to having been provided disclosure, or they were advised of it by staff when they visited RA at the facility the day after his April 3 phone call confession to his wife (moo based on quote and link below).

"In another court document, the defence argued that his attorneys visited him one day after the 3 April call and found him to be “schizophrenic and delusional” and suffering from “psychotic symptoms”.
While behind bars, the married father has been “wetting down paperwork” and “eating it”, and refusing to eat or sleep, the documents state."

Who, with a distinctly British flair, was working with/for the Defense?

Interesting spellings...

Meh... I go back and forth all the time between British and American spellings, slang etc... sometimes people just pick one way or the other and roll with it, and other times, they go back and forth. Or sometimes, diff spell checkers are configured differently and it gets mixed in. LOL MOOOO.
This is the post I was referring to. Libby's sister asked to keep the story alive. The family, IMO IS following the story online.

Taken from thread 85, see post 1 and 2
Post one is below

Delphi murders: Libby’s sister, at Ball State now, does ‘anything to keep the story alive’

We agree with Kelsi German. Anything to keep this story alive until this killer is caught!!!!

Welcome back to the Delphi Murders discussion thread.

On the afternoon of Feb. 13th, 2017, best friends Abigail Williams and Liberty German were dropped off at a bridge in the town of Delphi. On Feb 14th their bodies were discovered around noon about 50 feet from the north bank of Deer Creek which is about 0.5 miles from the bridge.

Abby and Libby's discussion thread has been shut down for quite a while. Why? Because without new information to discuss, posters turn on each other like the Donner Party.

Now, it is Libby's sister who has said what everyone needs to hear...we need to keep this case alive. We need to constantly hit social media with this killers's picture, sketch, and audio recording.

Not a day should go by without all of us getting the picture, the sketch, and the audio recording out to everyone via any source where people can see him and/or hear him.

Carrie Timmons, Libby's bio mom, stated in a Facebook post that the police do have DNA.

If this is true, then the perp is not in the DNA database. This means the only way we can catch him is for someone somewhere to recognize this man.

It boggles my mind to think about the fact that no one has been able to identify the killer.

Kelsi German is going to college, but Liberty's sister is already one of the smartest people around.
German said, “Eventually, I opened up. I’m not sure I can keep quiet about this, at this point.”
Websleuths agrees with you, Kelsi. We cannot keep quiet at this point.

We are done sitting back and doing nothing.

His picture, his sketch, and his voice need to saturate social media along with any other outlet you can think of.

On a personal note, I would encourage both families to use social media.

I know for a fact that Abby and Libby's immediate family do not trust people on the Internet because of past experiences. I do not recall seeing any family member on Twitter or Facebook discussing the case except for Libby's bio mom, Carrie. Forgive me if I am wrong.
Bold and font by me for clarity:

While it is understandable, I wanted to ask how you know this for a fact? Are you a verified insider with some connection to the case or the families?
BBM- I don't know about this one. I wouldn't put it past the D to have people in this forum engaging with the public to plant seeds and gather info.

I would think both the Defense as well as the State would, and maybe should. IMO.

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