Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #195

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The hearing went exactly how it should have went. The state it trying to release very little ahead of this trial and it seems that is the exact opposite of what the defense was trying to do. I find it interesting the defense didn't include any of the 60+ factual confessions in their many pages and pages of filings. They included a few things that turned out to be something an inmate said to RA not something RA said in a "confession".. he never said he shot the girls in the back, but yet that showed up in a defense filing trying to paint all his confessions as false and ridiculous so the court would throw them all out. That wasn't even a statement RA made. Funny how they didn't include any of the statements to his wife or mother.. none of the ones he made that the detective testified to that were all consistent with the crime. This is one of the reasons many of us don't find the defense claims as factual at all because too many of the things they have claimed as fact are now shown to be untrue.

What we should have gotten in the 3 day hearing was any FACTS the defense had to show any of their 3rd party people could have even been in Delphi on Feb 13th, 2017 and we got nothing. ZERO.

Would you please supply the link to that part of your post that I bolded for emphasis?
I think you know a Franks Hearing is not automatically granted by a Judge simply by the defense requesting one be held in a written motion? This topic has been hashed to death.

The D must first prove the allegations that LE lied when obtaining the search warrant, during a hearing if required. She may have decided to not hold one based on B&R’s motion. Regardless JG disagreed a Franks Hearing was warranted and denied the motion. Just because she might’ve held a hearing for L&S to present their arguments for a Frank’s Hearing doesn't obligate her to hold one for B&R. JMO
Yes, I believe I've seen that said several times. As I posted above and here again, S&L were also preparing a Franks Memo. So they obviously found something they thought was awry, too. MOO

CourtTV interview with BMac regarding her interview with Labrato: They were also preparing a Franks Memo for a Franks hearing alleging that there were problems with the information that was used to obtain the search warrant for Richard Allen's home.
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Regarding your bolded statement.....I have not heard anything, from anyone, that convinces me this is true. Especially not before he received the Discovery and/or heard others (i.e. the guards who copied all of the Discovery) discussing it around him or directly TO him. This is my opinion. I believe he was placed here he was, treated as he was, for the sole purpose of trying to get a confession out of him. Opinion.


Who would you expect to have talked about it? The Prosecution is doing an admirable job of adhering to the gag order. MOO
Yes, I believe I've seen that said several times. As I posted above and here again, S&L were also preparing a Franks Memo. So they obviously found something they thought was awry, too. MOO

I’m not sure where you’re coming from. Is it if S&L had not been removed from the case, they could’ve been successful in getting the search warrant tossed? Purely speculation, there’s no proof LE lied so it wouldn’t matter who presented the FM. B&R thought they found something too but it was nothing much. What’s the reason L&S wouldn’t have shared their brilliant find with R&B?
Regarding your bolded statement.....I have not heard anything, from anyone, that convinces me this is true. Especially not before he received the Discovery and/or heard others (i.e. the guards who copied all of the Discovery) discussing it around him or directly TO him. This is my opinion. I believe he was placed here he was, treated as he was, for the sole purpose of trying to get a confession out of him. Opinion.

Harshman's testimony puts RA's confessions starting a few days after March 21, 2023. Isn't that before the April date of the discovery being given to RA?
There are exceptions to the hearsay rule. Some may apply in this case. I don't know, different statutes in different states.

The DT were criticized for not categorizing the multitude of confessions and presenting specific arguments to each category, something they didn’t bother to do. The judge ruled the confession are allowed to be heard, no limitations expressed that I noticed.

“Richard Allen allegedly made several confessions to killing Abby Williams and Libby German, and now those confessions can be used as evidence in his trial, a judge ruled on Thursday.

Allen reportedly admitted guilt to the murders as many as 61 times during his months at Westville Correctional Facility. Special Judge Fran Gull ruled that these admissions can be heard in court.”
Yes, I believe I've seen that said several times. As I posted above and here again, S&L were also preparing a Franks Memo. So they obviously found something they thought was awry, too. MOO

CourtTV interview with BMac regarding her interview with Labrato: They were also preparing a Franks Memo for a Franks hearing alleging that there were problems with the information that was used to obtain the search warrant for Richard Allen's home.

It’s still the same search warrant being ruled on, just minus the part that has been proven fantasy.
Same warrant; same outcome in a ruling.
I don't think it was Dr. W's personal phone was it? I thought it was a phone from another office from where they were meeting because she had to dial the number for him. The first time his wife hung up on RA and the second time RA insisted she stay and listen.

That's how I remember it, but I could very well be wrong.

Thank you girlhasnoname, yes I believe you're correct.
Yes, I believe I've seen that said several times. As I posted above and here again, S&L were also preparing a Franks Memo. So they obviously found something they thought was awry, too. MOO

CourtTV interview with BMac regarding her interview with Labrato: They were also preparing a Franks Memo for a Franks hearing alleging that there were problems with the information that was used to obtain the search warrant for Richard Allen's home.
Heresay. Not under oath. She says what her understanding is.
Someone thinking someone else is preparing a Franks is not the same thing as there being one prepared.
Time mark 5:46.
All my opinion this is all speculation to fuel the flames of conspiracy.
In early March RA began reading the bible, then on March 21st he begins to say he has found God and Jesus Christ. then in early April, RA's behavior begins to change drastically as described by Dr. Wala and her testimony which is discussed and linked upthread. Early April is also coincidentally when RA received his discovery. But I find it interesting to note that the discovery of a relationship with God and Christ occurred prior to his receipt of discovery. So in my mind, the discovery had nothing to do with his decision to explore his faith. JMO his own guilty conscious did that.

For those who opine that the discovery could have caused him to confess and that the mere trauma of seeing the discovery made him do it, that rings false to me.

He found God first. THEN saw discovery. THEN began confessing to literally anybody he thought might listen. That is not trauma. That is guilt JMO IMO

(per Harshman testimony on July 31) page 9 line 21 thru page 10 line 7

So I’ve been able to – I feel I’ve been able to pattern his
conversations and what’s going on in his world just by the simple fact of the
amount of time that I’ve spent listening to the conversations; and one of the
things that I noticed was, early in March, Mr. Allen began to become involved in
reading a Bible, and as such, he proclaimed numerous times that on March 21st,
2023, he found Jesus Christ and he found God. Some of those – that statement
was followed up by some calls where Mr. Allen clearly believes that – he made
statements that, you know, he may very likely not be his with family again in
this lifetime, he was concerned and what he wanted to make sure is that if –
when they were in Heaven together – that when they went to Heaven, he could
go to Heaven, too. And it was interesting, because that change of his demeanor
really began to coincide with just several days later the confessions starting.
Harshman's testimony puts RA's confessions starting a few days after March 21, 2023. Isn't that before the April date of the discovery being given to RA?

I don't know.

How long did the patch-wearing guards have it/have access to it before RA got to read it?
I don't know.

How long did the patch-wearing guards have it/have access to it before RA got to read it?
can you provide a link that shows patch wearing guards had access to the discovery prior to its delivery to RA? Or is this simply more of your opinion as described a couple of posts above this one that states the patch wearing guards copied and discussed said discovery in front of RA prior to his receipt of it?

IF it is just your opinion, is there something you can link (aside from the unsuccessful Franks Motion) that supports such an opinion?
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I don't know.

How long did the patch-wearing guards have it/have access to it before RA got to read it?
I'm not understanding your remark? What do the guards have to do with the date RA started confessing or RA's attorneys/their staff giving their client the discovery?
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More proof, IMO that whoever committed this crime, planned and knew where he was going.
So it doesn't make sense to think, that the girls tried to escape through the creek, landing on RL-property by chance, and RA only followed them. The order "DTH" meant: first down the hill, then through the creek, finally onto RL-land at the exact place (lower and hidden).
He must have known RL or at least this location, which became the main crime scene. IMO
I'm not understanding you're remark? What do the guards have to do with the date RA started confessing or RA's attorneys/their staff giving their client the discovery?
The number of persons who read the discovery would put the notion of "details only the killer would know" at question.
That still doesn't clear it up for me. Where are you getting the information that the guards got RA's discovery?
I don't have that information. You asked what the guards would have to do with confessions/discovery. I answered why that information would be important to know. Nothing more.

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