ABC producer paid for George, Cindy Anthony to stay at the Ritz Part 2

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Don't know if it's been discussed, if so sorry, trying to catch up- Along with the A's, & DC, JH also stayed there, supposedly also under the graces of ABC. Wonder if seeing this treatment, and/or overhearing any negotiation conversations is what prompted him to think he could cash in on the PI scouting the scene video he already had. Maybe wasn't sure how to contact and that's why he went to LP, knowing LP was becoming a regular on NG and most definately not part of the A's camp. Maybe he should have tried someone else, since LP called the
Good job she didn't have her hammer with her then :)

ROFLMBO....oh the hammer....brings back memories of that song "Hammertime",lol
and you are is a good thing she was not packing:woohoo:
Don't know if it's been discussed, if so sorry, trying to catch up- Along with the A's, & DC, JH also stayed there, supposedly also under the graces of ABC. Wonder if seeing this treatment, and/or overhearing any negotiation conversations is what prompted him to think he could cash in on the PI scouting the scene video he already had. Maybe wasn't sure how to contact and that's why he went to LP, knowing LP was becoming a regular on NG and most definately not part of the A's camp. Maybe he should have tried someone else, since LP called the
Now, JH, he has me wondering......
ROFLMBO....oh the hammer....brings back memories of that song "Hammertime",lol
and you are is a good thing she was not packing:woohoo:
I'm still laughing.
This has been an interesting thread to sit back and read while I ate lupper (lunch/supper). Sorta dinner and a show. I wish the media would descend on the case of Adji Desir, missing since 1-10 from FL. He will be on AMW tonight, but aside from that he gets little attention. Maybe the Anthony's could send some reporters his way? But, I am getting O/T.

Please continue :)
OT but thought you guys might be interested in this
An 18 year old female has been on trial in Memphis,Tn for the murder of her mother....jury just gave the verdict of second degree murder...I will have to read again but I think there was no direct DNA link in this case but other overwhelming evidence.

ETA: SHE WAS 18 AT TIME OF MURDER...think she is around 20 now.
Brought from the other thread.
In my opinion, what you are suggesting smacks of wanting your cake and eating it too. I don't think it is fair to say that they can use the media to their own ends and purposes then cry, "Aint it awful?" when the media camps out on their front lawn. You can't have it both ways.

I think even if you are going to give an interview you have a right to select whom you want to deal with.
The paparazzi and 100 microphones camped out on your lawn does not make it "Both ways"
Original Gardenheart:
Actually, in every single capital case I've covered where the defendant was provided with attorneys, the judge selected the top-notch attorneys from the statewide list of attorneys available for capital defenses. In every single case, they had far, far more skilled representation than if they had hired local attorneys. And in every case, attorneys from out of town were brought in because they had the most experience of anyone on the list.

Defendants in capital cases are not handed off to the next local guy on the public defender list like other defendants facing lesser charges would be.

THANKS for that information, I did not know that at all.
Original ELFIE:
Even though drinking the Koolaid is a popular expression, it ignores the fact that those of Jonestown that actually did drink Koolaid had no choice in the matter, or they did, but knowing that they would then be shot. I'm not certain HOW this expression made it into the vernacular. The current expression indicates a willingness under no duress, ignoring the very real circumstances of the initial situation. It wasn't until the followers arrived at the location that they became fully aware of Jones' nature, and at that point it was too late and they were trapped.

The expression comes from the fact that these people followed him blindly.
Their affiliation did did NOT begin with Jonestown. There were many years prior to Jonestown. And many who did not follow.

BUT YOUR ANALOGY does make sense. We just have to look before Johnstown. ONLY the lost seemd to follow.
This has been an interesting thread to sit back and read while I ate lupper (lunch/supper). Sorta dinner and a show. I wish the media would descend on the case of Adji Desir, missing since 1-10 from FL. He will be on AMW tonight, but aside from that he gets little attention. Maybe the Anthony's could send some reporters his way? But, I am getting O/T.

Please continue :)
I love new words :cool:

So I am going to have some Lupper myself :)
But we dont use the word Supper in NY we use Dinner.

I dont think I need any Lunner I am lunner enough....:crosseyed:
I'll stick with Lupper.
I don't think that Cindy's concern at that time was future media interviews. I think her concern was that it was the last few minutes she would get with her daughter. If I remember the situation correctly, JB had worked out a plan where they would transfer Casey from Cindy's car to the bodyguard's car so the bodyguard could take her in. It was all planned in the interest of avoiding the media and not capturing yet another of Casey's arrests on camera. Cindy was frustrated that the reporter was following them and thwarting their plan so she hit the reporter with the only thing she had - no more interviews for you!

i feel that this is the best explanation for what happened that day too, chilly.
This has been an interesting thread to sit back and read while I ate lupper (lunch/supper). Sorta dinner and a show. I wish the media would descend on the case of Adji Desir, missing since 1-10 from FL. He will be on AMW tonight, but aside from that he gets little attention. Maybe the Anthony's could send some reporters his way? But, I am getting O/T.

Please continue :)

That story breaks my heart unlike others. I tear up every time it's mentioned. Not sure exactly why; maybe because of the developmental disability. I know someone like that, 6 years chronologically, 2 or 3 emotionally and developmentally. Like an overgrown toddler and precious as can be.
OT but thought you guys might be interested in this
An 18 year old female has been on trial in Memphis,Tn for the murder of her mother....jury just gave the verdict of second degree murder...I will have to read again but I think there was no direct DNA link in this case but other overwhelming evidence.

ETA: SHE WAS 18 AT TIME OF MURDER...think she is around 20 now.

Often there is no direct physical link. One of the many experts on the KC defense team, Dr. Scott Fairgrieve, is quoted as stating there is rarely a 'smoking gun.' I've posted the link several times but here it is again:

"He doesn't judge the accused when he's involved in either side of a case, he said, and he doesn't go in and "find the smoking gun. Sometimes it doesn't exist, and in fact it rarely does."
WOW. I should start threads more often. LOL.

Actually, for those of us with dialup these big threads can be hard to load.

This is a very interesting topic and something I know a little about.

But, you guys know alot more than I do that's for sure.

Haven't read the whole 700+ posts but I will say that if George was not paid directly in cash then a news organization can pretty much state they have not "paid" a thing for the interview.

The interviewee needs a place to say?? Give him the BEST hotel. Maybe he will chose your show.

Interveiwee has family? Offer to fly them all out and go to Disneyland to boot. Maybe he'll do your show.

That's how it works with the network news. But, I am sure this is old news to you guys.
Tricia, I know that's how the media game is played, for a brief moment I considered not watching ABC anymore, but... did the Anthony's really need to accept it? It sure smacks of impropriety to me.
Tricia, I know that's how the media game is played, for a brief moment I considered not watching ABC anymore, but... did the Anthony's really need to accept it? It sure smacks of impropriety to me.

Probably because we view them more as family of the murderer rather than the victim. Of course, that's because they act that way, imo. :)
I love new words :cool:

So I am going to have some Lupper myself :)
But we dont use the word Supper in NY we use Dinner.

I dont think I need any Lunner I am lunner enough....:crosseyed:
I'll stick with Lupper.

Hope you've enjoyed your lupper. :)

I typed up a response to you in the other thread but it got locked up before I posted and was lost. It seems we're not so far apart in our thinking about the profit being made from Caylee's murder.

Yes, KC has a dream team defending her including many very high priced experts that are not giving their time for free. They are sought after, already famous and don't need the publicity. These include Dr. Henry Lee, Dr. Werner Spitz, Dr. Timothy Huntington, Dr. Kathy Reichs, Dr. Scott Fairgrieve, Dr. Larry Kobilinsky, Larry Daniel. I haven't heard of any donating their time so it's massive money for these experts and it's not coming from KC's imaginary savings account funded by her imaginary job.

KC's parents, on the other hand, have no legal expenses of which I'm aware. BC has said he is doing this pro-bono and MN was paid by another entity.

The media is paying for the defense which is why the case is taking so much longer. If the state didn't have such a solid case, it's very likely that KC would be able to buy her acquittal with such a high powered team at her disposal. That is about the biggest profit one could imagine, imo. The other downside is the costs to the state, the taxpayers which include me, of prevailing against such an expense onslaught of experts determined to defend the reprehensible, if not indefensible. If everyone were afforded this luxury, I'd feel differently. But we're not all this fortunate, even those who are really innocent.

Whether the money goes into a bank, into a smoke and mirror display or paying for expert opinions, it's all of benefit to those involved. I'd feel a lot better about CA receiving the perks and funding if she acted like Caylee's grandmother rather than solely as KC's mother and biggest fan, imo.
Hope you've enjoyed your lupper. :)

I typed up a response to you in the other thread but it got locked up before I posted and was lost. It seems we're not so far apart in our thinking about the profit being made from Caylee's murder.

Yes, KC has a dream team defending her including many very high priced experts that are not giving their time for free. They are sought after, already famous and don't need the publicity. These include Dr. Henry Lee, Dr. Werner Spitz, Dr. Timothy Huntington, Dr. Kathy Reichs, Dr. Scott Fairgrieve, Dr. Larry Kobilinsky, Larry Daniel. I haven't heard of any donating their time so it's massive money for these experts and it's not coming from KC's imaginary savings account funded by her imaginary job.

KC's parents, on the other hand, have no legal expenses of which I'm aware. BC has said he is doing this pro-bono and MN was paid by another entity.

The media is paying for the defense which is why the case is taking so much longer. If the state didn't have such a solid case, it's very likely that KC would be able to buy her acquittal with such a high powered team at her disposal. That is about the biggest profit one could imagine, imo. The other downside is the costs to the state, the taxpayers which include me, of prevailing against such an expense onslaught of experts determined to defend the reprehensible, if not indefensible. If everyone were afforded this luxury, I'd feel differently. But we're not all this fortunate, even those who are really innocent.

Whether the money goes into a bank, into a smoke and mirror display or paying for expert opinions, it's all of benefit to those involved. I'd feel a lot better about CA receiving the perks and funding if she acted like Caylee's grandmother rather than solely as KC's mother and biggest fan, imo.

Hi Lin, I wanted to say this earlier but I thought I'd give you a chance to get there first. Just kidding. :)

I can't be as poetic or brilliant as you so I'll just agree with you -- profit is profit. How they choose to spend it is their *choice*. IN MY OPINION They are making money from this tragedy and every dime paid out to them in whatever form is profit. Profit. Profit. Did I say profit?
Hi Lin, I wanted to say this earlier but I thought I'd give you a chance to get there first. Just kidding. :)

I can't be as poetic or brilliant as you so I'll just say profit is profit. How they choose to spend it is their *choice*. They are making money from this tragedy and every dime paid out to them in whatever form is profit. Profit. Profit. Did I say profit?

I am not sure I read that right.....did you say profit?:angel::bang:
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