ABC producer paid for George, Cindy Anthony to stay at the Ritz Part 2

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Ya know I hate to beat a dead horse into the ground but.....I cannot help but remember in the frigging beginning of this nightmare........CA had to admit the wrongdoings of KC...she did not want to but she did admit it slightly in the beginning....but instantly after those words came out of her mouth, she began to talk about the "mother of the year" etc., describing her as if all of that other carp was just forgotton....I never forgot that and it nags me daily...I think that is where some of us see her showing way too much compassion for KC and not enough for the precious child that was taken way too soon........IMO....again....I realize she loves and wants to defend her daughter......but don't shove her down my throat...I want nothing more than to see her convicted of killing that precious child.....If she is found innocent I can only hope she will therefore be tried for her other charges waiting in the wings....theft, forgery and abuse and neglect of this little angel,,,,too bad they can't charge her with lying.:furious:
I felt like that about the A's in the beginning. Like I've said, I got into arguments with my own mother defending them; explaining away their actions. But then it became too much for me to excuse.

Me too. I don't understand how any of the A's would be up for a dinner meeting so soon after a small child was found dead in the same area CA supposedly sent her PI to inspect to only a month prior, each their own. I can be fair to an extent on that, but it does add to the pile of bad feelings I have in retrospect of the A clan. Maybe if it was just the family, maybe a couple of the hosts picking up the bill, but the attorney's and PR and even KC's lawyer who doesn't want KC talking with her family? Doesn't add up to anything entirely ethical to me. I only give it lenience for the details that are lacking.

Comments from CA along the lines of, "KC is as much a victim in this as Caylee is", kind of cinched it for me as well. I found a dead rat near a dumpster the other day. I could tell it had only been dead a couple of days, but the odor was really vile. I thought, how could CA, GA & LA claim the odor in KC's car was from a pizza box? There is no comparison between rotten food and a dead thing. Imo, it's insulting to Caylee to ignore the clues she left behind for people to find her. But that's what the A's did.

While I consider Secretsquirrel's analogy of the military wife who wishes the chaplain at the door away, I think after "Day 31" when LE left CA's door with KC in tow and later charged her with Caylee's murder CA said what she needed to say to affirm to KC and the world that she was on her side above and before all else.
There is a state disability for people that have been working at a job for a certain length of time. Long enough to pay into that. It is a tax you pay into every month: SDI (state disability insurance). It is for people on a job that become disabled and it lasts for about 6 months and pays about 1/3 of your salary but has a limit. Cindy may have been able to get state disability if she applied for it for some sort of anxiety or depression but it would be over with by now. I don't think GA would qualify as he hasn't worked much in years. GA may be able to get social security disability if he has worked 5 out of the past 10 years but it doesn't sound like he has to me. If you met the definition for SSI (which is disability for poor people) he could get that but I already know they don't meet that because of CA income. Also you are only allowed 1 car and 1 home. They have 2 cars so that would leave GA from getting SSI. SSI is different than ssdi which is social security disability.

As for social security disability, you have to be disabled 1 year to eligible or expected to be disabled one year. You can get it for mental disabilities. You have to have worked approximately 5 out of the past 10 years to qualify and you have to meet their definition of disability (very difficult). There no payment the first 6 months of disability. If you get approved the payments start in the 6 month. Most people end up waiting years to get approved however and are owed back pay. Anyway, hope that all makes some sort of sense.

Who said anything about permanent disability provided by SSA? I was talking about state disability. It is regularly given for mental breakdowns and I'm not sure you could find a Dr. who would say that they HAVEN'T suffered a mental breakdown. Just because you're not familiar with it, or you disagree with it, doesn't mean that I got it wrong or garbled.

I don't know the Anthony's, I'm not related to the Anthony's, but to be honest, my life experience gives me direct experience and insight into what they are going through. I understand it intimately.
jennyb probably already mentioned this but just in case, the SSA is a federal organization. They do not have different rules for different states. So we're back to "permanent and total" disability, since you took the time to establish there is not a state disability program in FL, thanks for your efforts.

PS: What mental illness do you suspect they may have that would prevent them from holding a job?

Bolding mine.

I have friends in PA who are on diability for manic depression.
Bold mine.

I wouldn't, couldn't take them up on it, because it would be exploitive of my murdered grandbaby. I wouldn't, couldn't comply with, participate in, or condone the exploitation of any murdered child. I would not exploit my murdered grandchild. I would rage against anyone who did. It is beyond disrespectful, it is depraved. There is no excuse for the disrespect shown to Caylee. There is no excuse for this level of depravity.

The Anthonys were not led like bewildered lambs to the Ritz. For God's sake, they had just come from doing the LKL show, which they used not to cry for justice for their murdered grandbaby, but to obfuscate the truth of what happened to her in a cry for leniency for her murderer. No, more than leniency. They wanted the world to join them in pretending that KC is not only innocent, but a good person and a good mother, that the emperor wears clothes of fine cloth.

If anything about what the Anthonys have done from the beginning were *for Caylee*, I might feel differently. There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* Caylee. She was just used to foot the bill, as her rotted murdered little body lay out where it had been thrown like garbage in the woods, surrounded by the only ones doing anything *for* Caylee: LE, who were there in the pouring rain trying to find out what happened to this baby.

Let me say it again: There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* the little murder victim, Caylee Marie. She was just used to foot the bill.

But is there something the media so badly wants to interview you about? ;)(Surely you dont mean the media should be obligated to put every man, woman and child up at the Ritz whether or not they have any interest in interviewing them?) But if they did hope to interview you, and were going to put you up at a 5 star hotel, would you refuse ? It can be a relaxing place to stay at such an hotel and usually has good security that helps one avoid papparazzi etc. At a time when I was facing such a terrible loss, AND being the target of tabloids, papparazzi , self-styled "new media" types and curious & bellicose members of the public, I think I'd take them up on it ;)

If I was in a state of extreme grief I would not want the media, and especially a news producer, hanging out with me. I'd be shaking my fist at G-d and having to be sedated (probably). That goes doubly if I suspected my daughter did it.

I would not be hanging out in a public dining room with public figures or with an entourage. It doesn't matter how people try to rationalise this, a grief response is primal, and calculations don't have time to enter into it. You just want to shut yourself away and howl.

I would be so disgusted if the media were in my face at that time. I am disgusted when the media are in the face of anyone who has just suffered a great loss. I'm disgusted at anyone who consumes those kinds of images as a daily diet. I am most disgusted by those who live off the avails of their supposed extra special grief.
If you think I've implied that in my posts, then I wasn't clear. My complaint is that the A's seem to have little, if any compassion for Caylee and certainly the intent to deny justice for her. What I've read from other posters I understood to be in a similar vein. I've seen a few, me included, who complimented others for their ability to forgive and feel compassion for the A's while we just cannot do it ourselves.

You suggest it goes both way but so far, I've only seen it go one way: That those who will not forgive the A's are heartless. After all, they're victims. They lost that status with me when it became clear they were doing everything they could to defend KC, up to and imo including obstructing justice and little or nothing for Caylee.

Bold mine.

I wouldn't, couldn't take them up on it, because it would be exploitive of my murdered grandbaby. I wouldn't, couldn't comply with, participate in, or condone the exploitation of any murdered child. I would not exploit my murdered grandchild. I would rage against anyone who did. It is beyond disrespectful, it is depraved. There is no excuse for the disrespect shown to Caylee. There is no excuse for this level of depravity.

The Anthonys were not led like bewildered lambs to the Ritz. For God's sake, they had just come from doing the LKL show, which they used not to cry for justice for their murdered grandbaby, but to obfuscate the truth of what happened to her in a cry for leniency for her murderer. No, more than leniency. They wanted the world to join them in pretending that KC is not only innocent, but a good person and a good mother, that the emperor wears clothes of fine cloth.

If anything about what the Anthonys have done from the beginning were *for Caylee*, I might feel differently. There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* Caylee. She was just used to foot the bill, as her rotted murdered little body lay out where it had been thrown like garbage in the woods, surrounded by the only ones doing anything *for* Caylee: LE, who were there in the pouring rain trying to find out what happened to this baby.

Let me say it again: There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* the little murder victim, Caylee Marie. She was just used to foot the bill.


Another EXCELLENT post, thank you! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
I'm glad we're on the same page with most of the above. Who knows if we'll ever truly know what the truth of CA is. The trial will certainly be interesting.

Bolding mine. In my opinion, a lot of people know but it isn't wise to say because of libel laws.

My opinion only
I find it extremely unlikely that any doctor would risk their license to pronounce either totally and permanently disabled due to the loss of their grandchild. That is the requirement for disability through the Social Security Administration. Mental illness would have to be pretty severe to cause that type of recommendation. So wherever you heard that, they probably got it wrong or garbled. CA was on a type of extended sick leave through her employment and may still be, but it seems unlikely that they would pay her forever. I would guess that has or will end shortly. GA hadn't been on the job long enough to accumulate any such benefits.

Let's try not to start any rumors. Or any more rumors, I should say, no matter how they might slant obo or favor the A's.

Clearly George must be clinically depressed (hospitalised) but not incapacitated. And Cindy has managed to orchestrate a huge memorial show. Anyone truly mentally disabled would not have been able to manage what they have to this point.
I wouldn't, couldn't take them up on it, because it would be exploitive of my murdered grandbaby. I wouldn't, couldn't comply with, participate in, or condone the exploitation of any murdered child. I would not exploit my murdered grandchild. I would rage against anyone who did. It is beyond disrespectful, it is depraved. There is no excuse for the disrespect shown to Caylee. There is no excuse for this level of depravity.

The Anthonys were not led like bewildered lambs to the Ritz. For God's sake, they had just come from doing the LKL show, which they used not to cry for justice for their murdered grandbaby, but to obfuscate the truth of what happened to her in a cry for leniency for her murderer. No, more than leniency. They wanted the world to join them in pretending that KC is not only innocent, but a good person and a good mother, that the emperor wears clothes of fine cloth.

If anything about what the Anthonys have done from the beginning were *for Caylee*, I might feel differently. There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* Caylee. She was just used to foot the bill, as her rotted murdered little body lay out where it had been thrown like garbage in the woods, surrounded by the only ones doing anything *for* Caylee: LE, who were there in the pouring rain trying to find out what happened to this baby.

Let me say it again: There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* the little murder victim, Caylee Marie. She was just used to foot the bill.


Great post, I completely agree -
Bold mine.

I wouldn't, couldn't take them up on it, because it would be exploitive of my murdered grandbaby. I wouldn't, couldn't comply with, participate in, or condone the exploitation of any murdered child. I would not exploit my murdered grandchild. I would rage against anyone who did. It is beyond disrespectful, it is depraved. There is no excuse for the disrespect shown to Caylee. There is no excuse for this level of depravity.

The Anthonys were not led like bewildered lambs to the Ritz. For God's sake, they had just come from doing the LKL show, which they used not to cry for justice for their murdered grandbaby, but to obfuscate the truth of what happened to her in a cry for leniency for her murderer. No, more than leniency. They wanted the world to join them in pretending that KC is not only innocent, but a good person and a good mother, that the emperor wears clothes of fine cloth.

If anything about what the Anthonys have done from the beginning were *for Caylee*, I might feel differently. There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* Caylee. She was just used to foot the bill, as her rotted murdered little body lay out where it had been thrown like garbage in the woods, surrounded by the only ones doing anything *for* Caylee: LE, who were there in the pouring rain trying to find out what happened to this baby.

Let me say it again: There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* the little murder victim, Caylee Marie. She was just used to foot the bill.


I guess I did not realize it was a big dinner party. I really can't imagine being able to do that under those circumstances. Or being able to eat at all. I didn't see having a room there as being so awful. But maybe it is just something that seems normal to me, however in much different circumstances -- I have never --thank God-- been put up at a hotel under such circumstances as this. I hear your passion about how you think you would react; and maybe that would be more how I too would feel if I were really in that horrific situation. Or maybe I would just be on autopilot and in shock and just accept the first offer of a place to stay that I got. I don't KNOW what I'd do.
I think I do understand why some people feel as you do about Caylee's grandparents. But I just don't assume I can see into peoples hearts and know all their motivations and feelings. I feel only God knows that. But secretsquirrel expressed very well one of the interpretations I consider a possibility :
Originally Posted by secretsquirrel
I do believe that Cindy has done things wrong, but where we differ is the motivation for that. I don't think many of the things she did were consciously on purpose. I think that her brain looked for any possible reason or grain of hope that the worst wasn't true and she went with that rather than the logic of the truth as the truth was just to painful. IMO it's no different than when the spouse of a military person refuses to let the 2 uniformed men in the door as they know what they will say. I've heard stories of wives doing dishes and laundry, anything to say they're busy and can't come to the door because they simply don't want to hear what will crush them. Again, I don't think she's a saint. I think she's crazy with grief and at this time I'm willing to give that the benefit of the doubt. I can see why others would think otherwise, but I don't
If I was in a state of extreme grief I would not want the media, and especially a news producer, hanging out with me. I'd be shaking my fist at G-d and having to be sedated (probably). That goes doubly if I suspected my daughter did it.

I would not be hanging out in a public dining room with public figures or with an entourage. It doesn't matter how people try to rationalise this, a grief response is primal, and calculations don't have time to enter into it. You just want to shut yourself away and howl.

I would be so disgusted if the media were in my face at that time. I am disgusted when the media are in the face of anyone who has just suffered a great loss. I'm disgusted at anyone who consumes those kinds of images as a daily diet. I am most disgusted by those who live off the avails of their supposed extra special grief.

Yes. See my other post to BeanE.. I still can't know what is in other peoples hearts but I totally can't imagine doing that. I should not have commented on this not having read more of the details , I was only thinking it was a place to stay. And maybe a private dinner.
When I said I would take them up on it I meant as a place to hide in and cry.
(and I totally didn't mean to put a wink at the end of the comment, I don't know how I did that.)
Bold mine.

I wouldn't, couldn't take them up on it, because it would be exploitive of my murdered grandbaby. I wouldn't, couldn't comply with, participate in, or condone the exploitation of any murdered child. I would not exploit my murdered grandchild. I would rage against anyone who did. It is beyond disrespectful, it is depraved. There is no excuse for the disrespect shown to Caylee. There is no excuse for this level of depravity.

The Anthonys were not led like bewildered lambs to the Ritz. For God's sake, they had just come from doing the LKL show, which they used not to cry for justice for their murdered grandbaby, but to obfuscate the truth of what happened to her in a cry for leniency for her murderer. No, more than leniency. They wanted the world to join them in pretending that KC is not only innocent, but a good person and a good mother, that the emperor wears clothes of fine cloth.

If anything about what the Anthonys have done from the beginning were *for Caylee*, I might feel differently. There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* Caylee. She was just used to foot the bill, as her rotted murdered little body lay out where it had been thrown like garbage in the woods, surrounded by the only ones doing anything *for* Caylee: LE, who were there in the pouring rain trying to find out what happened to this baby.

Let me say it again: There was nothing about the stay or the dining at the Ritz that was *for* the little murder victim, Caylee Marie. She was just used to foot the bill.


I think people have become inured to depravity. If you're not a serial killer with horrific fantasies that you act out, depravity holds no meaning. Thank you again for that word. It describes perfectly and accurately the quality of the As' behaviour. The As' behaviour looks utterly reprehensible, corrupt, degenerate, immoral.

It's as if finding a psychological rationale for them excuses the act. It also reminds me of the story of the boy who killed both his parents and then threw himself on the mercy of the court because he was an orphan.
Yes. See my other post to BeanE.. I still can't know what is in other peoples hearts but I totally can't imagine doing that. I should not have commented on this not having read more of the details , I was only thinking it was a place to stay. And maybe a private dinner.
When I said I would take them up on it I meant as a place to hide in and cry.
(and I totally didn't mean to put a wink at the end of the comment, I don't know how I did that.)

Thanks for the clarification! :blowkiss:
I think people have become inured to depravity. If you're not a serial killer with horrific fantasies that you act out, depravity holds no meaning. Thank you again for that word. It describes perfectly and accurately the quality of the As' behaviour. The As' behaviour looks utterly reprehensible, corrupt, degenerate, immoral.

It's as if finding a psychological rationale for them excuses the act. It also reminds me of the story of the boy who killed both his parents and then threw himself on the mercy of the court because he was an orphan.

Perfect comparison. :clap:
Me too. I don't understand how any of the A's would be up for a dinner meeting so soon after a small child was found dead in the same area CA supposedly sent her PI to inspect to only a month prior, each their own. I can be fair to an extent on that, but it does add to the pile of bad feelings I have in retrospect of the A clan. Maybe if it was just the family, maybe a couple of the hosts picking up the bill, but the attorney's and PR and even KC's lawyer who doesn't want KC talking with her family? Doesn't add up to anything entirely ethical to me. I only give it lenience for the details that are lacking.

Comments from CA along the lines of, "KC is as much a victim in this as Caylee is", kind of cinched it for me as well. I found a dead rat near a dumpster the other day. I could tell it had only been dead a couple of days, but the odor was really vile. I thought, how could CA, GA & LA claim the odor in KC's car was from a pizza box? There is no comparison between rotten food and a dead thing. Imo, it's insulting to Caylee to ignore the clues she left behind for people to find her. But that's what the A's did.

While I consider Secretsquirrel's analogy of the military wife who wishes the chaplain at the door away, I think after "Day 31" when LE left CA's door with KC in tow and later charged her with Caylee's murder CA said what she needed to say to affirm to KC and the world that she was on her side above and before all else.

It has been theorized that the A's may have done their own pizza test, based on the pizza found in the trash that maddiesgram took. Of course, that may just have been there because they couldn't eat it.
There is a state disability for people that have been working at a job for a certain length of time. Long enough to pay into that. It is a tax you pay into every month: SDI (state disability insurance). It is for people on a job that become disabled and it lasts for about 6 months and pays about 1/3 of your salary but has a limit. Cindy may have been able to get state disability if she applied for it for some sort of anxiety or depression but it would be over with by now. I don't think GA would qualify as he hasn't worked much in years. GA may be able to get social security disability if he has worked 5 out of the past 10 years but it doesn't sound like he has to me. If you met the definition for SSI (which is disability for poor people) he could get that but I already know they don't meet that because of CA income. Also you are only allowed 1 car and 1 home. They have 2 cars so that would leave GA from getting SSI. SSI is different than ssdi which is social security disability.

As for social security disability, you have to be disabled 1 year to eligible or expected to be disabled one year. You can get it for mental disabilities. You have to have worked approximately 5 out of the past 10 years to qualify and you have to meet their definition of disability (very difficult). There no payment the first 6 months of disability. If you get approved the payments start in the 6 month. Most people end up waiting years to get approved however and are owed back pay. Anyway, hope that all makes some sort of sense.

Thanks for the info. I forgot the 1 year requirement before receiving benefits but that's very true. I'm still not aware of any disability provided by the state of FL and if ss and I missed it, would very much appreciate you pointing me in the right direction to find it. I do not dispute that other states may have such things; not familiar with the programs available in every state. However, I've thought I was pretty familiar with what's available in FL and I've never heard of that one.
Bolding mine.

I have friends in PA who are on diability for manic depression.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that no mental illness would qualify. I meant to imply it would have to be a very serious, debilitating illness and wondered if the other poster believed they did suffer from one.
If I was in a state of extreme grief I would not want the media, and especially a news producer, hanging out with me. I'd be shaking my fist at G-d and having to be sedated (probably). That goes doubly if I suspected my daughter did it.

I would not be hanging out in a public dining room with public figures or with an entourage. It doesn't matter how people try to rationalise this, a grief response is primal, and calculations don't have time to enter into it. You just want to shut yourself away and howl.

I would be so disgusted if the media were in my face at that time. I am disgusted when the media are in the face of anyone who has just suffered a great loss. I'm disgusted at anyone who consumes those kinds of images as a daily diet. I am most disgusted by those who live off the avails of their supposed extra special grief.

(emphasis added)


That's all I got. Just so well done and ITA.
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