Abductions or Attempted Abductions Involving Schools

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Sorry...new to Tapatalk...that story is out of Vancouver, not Portland.

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Wow. Hope they find her soonest.

I need to turn on my Twitter.
Byers was initially arrested in 2005 after he was found by cops in a wooded area near a Newmarket school with a backpack filled with electrical wiring, duct tape and child *advertiser censored*. An investigation led police to believe he had plans to kidnap a young girl and it was alleged he also broke into the home of another girl in April of the same year.

There were some frightening moments at a North Texas elementary school on Thursday.

Officials with the Heath Police Department say a man entered Pullen Elementary through a side door. Apparently, a student let him in. Once inside the man later identified as Desi Smalley from Mesquite tried to talk a 7-year-old first grader into leaving with him.

The attempt was unsuccessful and staff members quickly began questioning the man about who he was and his reason for being on campus. Smalley was identified after eventually directed to the office. The staff later determined he had no connection with any student or faculty.

ROCKVILLE, Md. (WUSA) -- Police have arrested a 39-year-old Rockville woman for trying to take someone else's child from Lakewood Elementary School.

After her arrest Wednesday morning, Xuhua Huang told investigators she didn't think the school was taking proper care of her daughter, so she grabbed a little boy to "see how the school felt about that."

Now it appears that Huang is the one learning a lesson.

She's been charged with attempted kidnapping of a child under 16, false imprisonment and second degree assault.

Sorry...new to Tapatalk...that story is out of Vancouver, not Portland.

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True, but that school and Skyline are 20 to 24 miles apart, depending on how you drive it. Given how close Vancouver and Portland are--closer than I am to any sizable city--I am still concerned about predators from Vancouver and that area.

And, the thread is about school abductions and attempted abductions. No location cited in the header. :waitasec:
Yes, Vancouver is very close to Portland. It's basically the last stop in WA state before you cross the Oregon state border. I think the Jantzen Beach area of OR is really the only thing between Vancouver and the main part of Portland?

Also, just a sidenote, a white truck (possibly an F-150) came under suspicion in the Lindsay Baum case based on gas station surveillance video from that night. For those who may not know, Lindsay Baum is from McCleary/Grays Harbor County, WA. I don't know the exact distance from there to Portland, but it can't be that far since Grays Harbor is in the southwest portion of WA state.

(Ok...now back to school disappearances. lol)
And, the thread is about school abductions and attempted abductions. No location cited in the header. :waitasec:


yep...and even though the thread is so indredibly broad...kind of like looking for other murders that were committed with a weapon...there was not abduction or attempted abduction in this case. But this non-event was kinda close to Portland.
....Bold as brass, these people. A school. An apartment complex. Others right there. Each incident lasted less than a minute. Each incident has lasted my lifetime.

What an experience, debs. I'm sorry you went through that, on top of the way your mother reacted too. I'm glad things turned in your favor.
IMO, any abduction/attempted abduction from a school and/or near a school (by a family member or a stranger) is relevant to this thread, regardless of when or where, since it demonstrates that it is not as rare of an event as we might have believed, although thankfully it's not an every day occurrence.

I, for one, have been made more aware of it by reading this thread.

Knowledge is a good thing.

TY Kat for starting this thread!
Here's one out of Washington that Tricia just posted in Current Events. Sounds like a runaway situation, though. Pretty bizarre.

Missing: Thirteen-year-old Puyallup, Wash., boy dropped off at school never makes it to classes

September 13, 2010 - Jennifer Mau with Guardians of the Children notified Examiner.com Monday evening that 13-year-old Ricky Wayne Broderick never showed up to his classes Monday after he was dropped off at Jason Lee Middles School in Puyallup, Wash. The boy’s father, Larry Broderick, is the Vice-President of The Gargoyles, a Tacoma-based organization that helps abused children.

Larry, who has been trying to find his son for the past five years, learned three weeks ago that Ricky had been placed in state custody over a month ago because his mother abandoned him, and signed him over to the state.

Larry was due in court Monday or Tuesday to gain custody of his son. Scroll down for details.

According to Larry, Ricky has no history of running away.

Here's one out of Washington that Tricia just posted in Current Events. Sounds like a runaway situation, though. Pretty bizarre.

Missing: Thirteen-year-old Puyallup, Wash., boy dropped off at school never makes it to classes

September 13, 2010 - Jennifer Mau with Guardians of the Children notified Examiner.com Monday evening that 13-year-old Ricky Wayne Broderick never showed up to his classes Monday after he was dropped off at Jason Lee Middles School in Puyallup, Wash. The boy’s father, Larry Broderick, is the Vice-President of The Gargoyles, a Tacoma-based organization that helps abused children.

Larry, who has been trying to find his son for the past five years, learned three weeks ago that Ricky had been placed in state custody over a month ago because his mother abandoned him, and signed him over to the state.
Larry was due in court Monday or Tuesday to gain custody of his son. Scroll down for details.

According to Larry, Ricky has no history of running away.

Thanks. And this morning this case is posted on the front page of our very own WS! Although Kimster has included a cautionary note that so far, she doesn't think it's related to Kyron.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5603173#post5603173"]Search Is On for 13 Year Old Boy Who Never Made It to Class in Washington State - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

When a school in one area where I used to live put in metal detectors and had a police officer on duty there, I thought it was too much. I have to admit that.

But as I've researched how many children go missing from schools, and while enroute to schools/school activities, I've had to kinda munch on those words. As much as I hate how the world has changed, these days even our schools can have dangers we just don't like to think about.

Predators are everywhere. And there's also problem people in families, and sometimes entire problem families.

Porr little ones caught up in it all. One time I had a high school student from up the street working for me--mostly to give him someone to talk to and some funds, as he came from a troubled family. Good, smart kid, but wow, overburdened. One thing I told him, when I kinda sidled conversation his way about problems with my parents before they divorced, is that back then I sometimes felt like a POW. And the only thing I could do was to just do the best I could and count down until I was 18 and could leave.

Boy his eyes lit up and he nodded--and sighed and relaxed. And then we went on working.

Kids. They simply have to rely on adults, and if the ones around them are broken, they need other adults to step up. IMHO

Sorry for the rambling. But dang it all, we need to figure out ways to send our kids to school in such a way that they can be safe and enjoy being kids.


(from The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin)

Elementary and Middle School Children (6 to 14 years)

Child abduction patterns change dramatically when children reach school age. Victimization rates almost triple and, while the sex of a victim generally is not a critical factor in offense patterns involving younger children, school-age females are at least 3 times more likely to be abducted and murdered than school-age males. These trends appear to be related directly to an offense motive. In school-age children, sex represents the overwhelming reason for abductions. Offenders usually are male and select female victims.

The relationship between offenders and victims also changes dramatically for school-age children with most cases perpetrated by acquaintances or strangers. This trend becomes more evident in older school-age children where stranger abductions predominate. Again, changes in victim access, physical maturity, and vulnerability appear to be primarily responsible. When children reach school age, they often acquire more independence and mobility. They become exposed to new environments and situations, often without the guidance and supervision of their parents or primary caregivers. In these situations, they become more accessible to nonfamily offenders who find them physically mature enough to be sexually desirable and vulnerable enough to be easily controlled and exploited. Thus, while younger children are victimized more often by family members and acquaintances in protected circumstances, acquaintances or strangers seeking sexual gratification typically abduct older, more physically mature children outside of the home.

Strangers are responsible for about one-half of elementary school abductions, and acquaintances, such as neighbors, family friends, and adult associates are responsible for the rest. For middle school children, however, strangers are the most frequent offenders. The offenders in these cases often have a history of previous sexual misconduct, impulsive behaviors, violence, substance abuse, and psychiatric treatment. They usually display poor social skills and work habits, and frequently are deemed "socially incompetent." [18] Their inability to interact effectively with others may cause them to obtain victims by abduction. These individuals often reside, work in, or frequent the area where they commit their crimes, which gives them a legitimate explanation for their presence.


From the start, the fact that Skyline is K - 8th grade and with students as old as 14-15 has concerned me.

Page last updated at 13:15 GMT, Tuesday, 14 September 2010 14:15 UK

Natascha Kampusch describes abduction ordeal

Natascha Kampusch was just 10-years-old when she was abducted on her way to school in Austria.

She's 22-years-old now and still remembers the moment it happened clearly: "I saw a man standing in front of a white van. I thought about crossing the street, and then I thought, 'Don't be silly'.

"The next thing I knew he had grabbed me and bundled me into the back of the van. I thought maybe I was going to be raped, then killed."

For more than eight years, she was held captive by Wolfgang Priklopil in the windowless basement of a house in a quiet suburb of Vienna.

"It was a small narrow room underneath his garage. There was a sink, toilet and a bare light bulb. Nothing else," she said.


Despite having several chances to escape on previous trips to shops and ski resorts, it wasn't until 2006 when she finally managed to run away, while her captor was distracted by a phone call.

He committed suicide just hours after her escape.


more on the case:



Of interest is that the girl's mother is accused of orchestrating the kidnap and being an accomplice in her captivity over those 8 years. But she's not accused by police or any others in authority, or even by her daughter or ex-husband (who had at one point accused his wife then later recanted). No ... she was accused by a former Presidential candidate (wth??) who filed a lawsuit in civil court to that effect. His basis for these accusations appear to be how the mother behaved after her daughter went missing. Hmmm....

From what I can gather from The Google, the lawsuit went nowhere.

Page last updated at 13:15 GMT, Tuesday, 14 September 2010 14:15 UK

Natascha Kampusch describes abduction ordeal

Natascha Kampusch was just 10-years-old when she was abducted on her way to school in Austria.

She's 22-years-old now and still remembers the moment it happened clearly: "I saw a man standing in front of a white van. I thought about crossing the street, and then I thought, 'Don't be silly'.

"The next thing I knew he had grabbed me and bundled me into the back of the van. I thought maybe I was going to be raped, then killed."

For more than eight years, she was held captive by Wolfgang Priklopil in the windowless basement of a house in a quiet suburb of Vienna.

"It was a small narrow room underneath his garage. There was a sink, toilet and a bare light bulb. Nothing else," she said.


Despite having several chances to escape on previous trips to shops and ski resorts, it wasn't until 2006 when she finally managed to run away, while her captor was distracted by a phone call.

He committed suicide just hours after her escape.


more on the case:



Of interest is that the girl's mother is accused of orchestrating the kidnap and being an accomplice in her captivity over those 8 years. But she's not accused by police or any others in authority, or even by her daughter or ex-husband (who had at one point accused his wife then later recanted). No ... she was accused by a former Presidential candidate (wth??) who filed a lawsuit in civil court to that effect. His basis for these accusations appear to be how the mother behaved after her daughter went missing. Hmmm....

From what I can gather from The Google, the lawsuit went nowhere.

Another tragic case - and when the case doesn't make sense...blame mom! Happens all the time. Seems that being a mom is a liability. moo mho
TIGARD &#8211; A man in a minivan reportedly approached a middle school student Wednesday morning in Tigard and tried to get him into his vehicle.
The principal at Fowler Middle School sent out a letter with students later that afternoon, warning parents about the incident. Lizzie Court and Washington Drive before school when the driver crossed over a lane of traffic and ordered the boy to get in his car just before 9 a.m.
The student described the man as white, about 30-years old, with a goatee and a muscular build. He was wearing sunglasses and a lime green knit cap with strings hanging down.

A parent was arrested and charged with making terroristic threats after she became upset when asked to provide identification before Gwinnett County elementary school officials would release her child early, according to a district spokesman.

Yet another moron making it difficult for schools to enforce security policies. I hope this woman is made an example of. Can you imagine how frightening that must have been?
I will never forget the murders of the Ernest and Alice Brendel and their 8-year-old daughter Emily in Barrington, Rhode Island by in 1991.

Christopher Hightower first killed Ernest at the Brendel's home. Then he called Emily's school, identified himself as Ernest, and said Emily was to walk home from school. The principal called the Brendel home to confirm, but there was no answer. So the principal sent Emily to the after-school program at the YMCA as usual.

Hightower went to the school to dismiss Emily. The principal refused because he wasn't listed on her records as an alternate pick up person that year. (He had been in previous years.)

Hightower drove to the YMCA and told the director of the afer-school program that he was there to pick up Emily. The program director did not release her because she didn't have any instructions from the parents to do so.

Half an hour later, Hightower called the YMCA, said he was Ernest Brendel, and told them he was giving Christopher Hightower permission to pick up Emily. He said he'd give his friend Hightower his driver's license as identification.

Hightower returned to the Y with Ernest's license. Emily was allowed to go with him. He buried her alive. He then killed her mother when she came home from work.

I lived nearby at the time and had young nieces and nephews. This case has stayed with me, almost 20 years later.

It just shows that even when schools and childcare programs have systems in place to prevent abduction, and the system is followed rigorously, a determined, persistent, sinister person can find a way around it.

Same as you...I will never forget this either. Emily’s name is on many of the library books I read to my children, in memory of her. So awful.

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