Addicted to the Jodi Arias Trial?

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I have a string of texts to my sister (keeping her up-to-date) that rivals the number between Travis and Jodi; :highfive:

My DH thinks I've hired a cook named Mrs. Stouffers; :lick:

I refuse to order tossed salads when we go out to eat; :what:

My dogs spring to life and run to get their leashes when they hear me turn the computer off; :couch:

I purchased my first iPad ever so I can watch in the bathroom; :bath:

I'm posting stupid things just so I can use the WSer's Smilies; :eek:nline:

But the number one reason I know is . . .
I'm having trouble getting to sleep because every time I close my eyes I see a Tootsie Pop! :thud:
I'm an avid gardener. The snow here in WI has finally melted this last week and it's time to pay attention to the yard and garden before Spring gets too far along.


I am soooo jealous. Still lots of snow on the ground here. But then I would have to work in the yard instead of being inside watching the trial.
"Trial Recipe" for those whose spouses are complaining of frozen pizza as dinner during the trial:

1 pound boneless chicken breasts
1 teaspoon Taco Seasoning
Salt, to taste
1/2 cup enchilada sauce
4 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded
3 green onions, chopped

Sprinkle the chicken on both sides with taco seasoning; grill or sauté. Cut the chicken into cubes and place in a greased 8x8" baking dish; season with salt to taste. Add the enchilada sauce and toss to coat the chicken. Sprinkle the cheese over the chicken and bake at 350º for 10-20 minutes, until hot and bubbly. Scatter the green onions over the top.
~I have the trial streaming on two computers, sometimes three, depending on what my kids are doing. I use the one in the living room with big speakers when they come home from school & when my 4 yo is running around

~I think on "AZ Time"--2 hours earlier than "TX Time"--so, when it's 11:30 AM TX time I'm celebrating b/c court is supposed to start!!

~I talk incessantly about Juan Martinez and Nurmi and Willmott as if they were my closest friends and coworkers

~About an hour before my DH is due home, I fly into a frenzy cleaning up the floor/kitchen/everywhere because I've let my kids run wild when the trial is on

~I think we've had Sloppy Joes for dinner at least 3-4 times a week. Hey--they're GOOD for you, right? No?

~I refuse to answer the front door during the day because for some reason, I have not washed my face or gotten dressed.

~I am shocked when it is 6:00pm and I have done nothing whatsoever all day than watch the trial, knit while watching the trial, and gotten on Websleuths while I watch the trial

Is that enough?:floorlaugh:
I am so addicted that my hubby calls my watching the trial, my job. What time do you start work today baby :)
I don't believe I am addicted. I can walk away whenever I want. In fact, it's just a coincidence that I find myself wondering what it would take to convince my 12 year old daughter she'd really prefer to celebrate her 13th birthday when the trial is over, instead of tomorrow...

It can't be that weird to serve birthday cake and ice cream for breakfast, surely. (Not that I'm trying, being 8 hours ahead of Arizona, to fit her birthday around live testimony or anything though. That would make me, um, addicted. And I'm not.)
My addiction..hmm
I think HLN killed it for sure.
But I do so love to watch online..
as I putter around the house, with the volume turned to 11.
Hitting a thread with a little goofery, and off I go again.
I am so addicted that my hubby calls my watching the trial, my job. What time do you start work today baby :)

A man who makes sense! FINALLY someone understands the seriousness of watching every second of this trial!

It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.:floorlaugh:
Hi, I have insomnia big time...I havent been to sleep since yesterday. My alarm is set for afternoon. Now on to bigger and better. At 5am. I turned Dr.Drew on and saw the end of the trial!! now that means that bugger (trial) was on past 10 pm. I watched last night at 9 but didnt pay attention to what time it went off, Dr. Drew is off at 10pm. edt.No trial has drove me nuts like this one. The defense experts....hope they havent any more. Theres Jodi sitting there like the world is her balloon. Zimmerman starts in June~:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :great: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: get your work done next month. :great:
A minimum of housework and cooking have been done here lately.
I think I'm going to have to get a gel cushion for my chair before I develop calluses.
Family thinks I'm nuts.

I think my butt is numb! :what:
I know I'm addicted --

1. When hubby leaves the house at 7AM and I'm on WS. He comes home at 4:00 PM only to hear me say...."shhhh...only 30 more minutes".

2. I only have 90 minutes for chores. I throw in a load of laundry, scrounge around the kitchen to see what I'm gonna make when court recesses for the day (I'm on the west coast).

3. I put out my water for the water guy, shut the door, and close the curtains. I am NOT home :)

4. My fur-babies constantly have to remind me it's treat time. This entails swatting me, or sitting on my keyboard.

5. But mom, remember you said you were never going to watch another trial after Casey Anthony?

6. Juan-ism's. "Did I ask you if you wanted to do your homework".

And finally, DH says "aren't you bored all day sitting at home? You have to be going out of your mind"!


I have a string of texts to my sister (keeping her up-to-date) that rivals the number between Travis and Jodi; :highfive:

My DH thinks I've hired a cook named Mrs. Stouffers; :lick:

I refuse to order tossed salads when we go out to eat; :what:

My dogs spring to life and run to get their leashes when they hear me turn the computer off; :couch:

I purchased my first iPad ever so I can watch in the bathroom; :bath:

I'm posting stupid things just so I can use the WSer's Smilies; :eek:nline:

But the number one reason I know is . . .
I'm having trouble getting to sleep because every time I close my eyes I see a Tootsie Pop! :thud:

:floorlaugh: now to clean the coffee of my monitor
I am also a poor addictive soul. I live in the UK so I watch about an hour in the evenings live, then I have to watch the rest on you tube the following morning.

1) I watch you tube through the x box so I can watch the trial on a 55" screen, so loud that I cannot hear phones. I ignore the kids pleas the play games on it as "mummy is watching the trial".

2) I close the curtains and lock the doors, pretend I am not home, friends and family know not to visit until at least 1pm.

3) I find myself saying "please remember the admonition" at very inappropriate times. (tip dont do this in the supermarket) very strange looks.

4) My kids say "are you STILL watching that trial" or "when on earth is that going to finish".

5)I am actually panicking that now its getting warmer outside I may have to venture out. I have learnt over this past few months, kids do not like staying in all day every day.

6) Trying to think of songs that have one in the title so I can sing "your're the juan that I want ooooo ooo ooo.
You all are just too funny. So funny, in fact, I'm trying to sweet-talk (read bribe, blackmail, and/or extort) my daughter into having a cyber-party ala Websleuths! :great:

I blew up balloons last night. While Willmott was crossing DeMarte. Do you know how hard it is to blow up balloons while trying not to laugh at all the helium-laced posts?

And...just to give you an update, DD did indeed get her cake at breakfast. Not that I'd let her eat it, mind you, but because it wasn't ready til 7am - after having stayed up all night - which absolutely in no way can possibly be attributed to my non-addiction to either this trial or you all. :biggrin:
I have a string of texts to my sister (keeping her up-to-date) that rivals the number between Travis and Jodi; :highfive:

My DH thinks I've hired a cook named Mrs. Stouffers; :lick:

I refuse to order tossed salads when we go out to eat; :what:

My dogs spring to life and run to get their leashes when they hear me turn the computer off; :couch:

I purchased my first iPad ever so I can watch in the bathroom; :bath:

I'm posting stupid things just so I can use the WSer's Smilies; :eek:nline:

But the number one reason I know is . . .
I'm having trouble getting to sleep because every time I close my eyes I see a Tootsie Pop! :thud:

BBM :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Hysterical! (and I take mine in the BR too. Laptop went to the kitchen last evening as I was preparing dinner....)
You all are just too funny. So funny, in fact, I'm trying to sweet-talk (read bribe, blackmail, and/or extort) my daughter into having a cyber-party ala Websleuths! :great:

I blew up balloons last night. While Willmott was crossing DeMarte. Do you know how hard it is to blow up balloons while trying not to laugh at all the helium-laced posts?

And...just to give you an update, DD did indeed get her cake at breakfast. Not that I'd let her eat it, mind you, but because it wasn't ready til 7am - after having stayed up all night - which absolutely in no way can possibly be attributed to my non-addiction to either this trial or you all. :biggrin:

LOL BK -- I made a guilt cake last night (I'm such an insomniac). DH loves carrot cake and cream cheese frosting, so I sent him off to work with a couple of pieces. He was so happy, and I got the dutiful wifee impression out of the way for today.

I hope your daughter has a great birthday (after court of course) :great:

I know I have a problem because my gf who I complain watches the ID channel too much is complaining about me watching the trial too much. And um.. there's, sort of.. on my laptop a text file with trial notes that's 150 pages long and counting. :angel: And somehow there's also a folder that has over 250 trial screen caps and images, that someone uses for their futile crime scene analysis. My gf doesn't know all about that part. :angel2: I would only share that with my real friends. :seeya:

Hi...yep. Sounds like you got it bad. The expression on your avatar's face is like he's really saying the words you wrote! Soooo funny! Thanks, Smelly
"Aaaaaaannnnddd my car broke down today"

You read the and in a Nurmi voice!

This was a FB status update of a friend who knows nothing about Nurmi. I know can you imagine?
My husband leaves for Brazil tomorrow for a business trip. When I heard he was going, I asked him what time his flight would leave. Thankfully, he hadn't scheduled it yet, so he scheduled it so I can take him to the airport over the lunch break.
We are a couple of hours behind AZ, so he has put up with late lunches and dinners the entire time of the trial.
I'm going to owe him SO much by the time this trial is over. haha

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