Found Deceased Adriana Davidson, 15, Scio Township, MI - Last Seen Outside Pioneer HS -27 Jan 2023

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I hadn't seen that text and I had no idea that in 2023 people are still getting prescribed benzodiazepine but it makes me move accidental overdose above medical emergency on my list of guesses. I still want to give it the benefit of the doubt without toxicology though.
I hadn't seen that text and I had no idea that in 2023 people are still getting prescribed benzodiazepine but it makes me move accidental overdose above medical emergency on my list of guesses. I still want to give it the benefit of the doubt without toxicology though.

It's FDA-approved in some cases. I don't think we have enough to say she was taking them and I think we definitely don't have enough to suggest she abused/misused them, at least to the degree necessary to cause her death. It's a possibility, sure, but no more a possibility than any other kind of overdose or seizure or cardiac arrest to me.
It's FDA-approved in some cases. I don't think we have enough to say she was taking them and I think we definitely don't have enough to suggest she abused/misused them, at least to the degree necessary to cause her death. It's a possibility, sure, but no more a possibility than any other kind of overdose or seizure or cardiac arrest to me.
That text message though "I need fifallkf asleep - and used my bs"

This is just exactly the kind of thing that could happen from overdosing on benzodiazepine. I really thought it wasn't used anymore for exactly that reason.
That text message though "I need fifallkf asleep - and used my bs"

This is just exactly the kind of thing that could happen from overdosing on benzodiazepine. I really thought it wasn't used anymore for exactly that reason.

Benzos are used not infrequently. They're used cautiously, but not because of accidental overdose. They have specific indications and nothing wrong with taking them appropriately for those indications.

But I think it's an assumption that the above text was due to benzos. It could be due to any number of things - distracted typing where someone accidentally types letters while they walk/do other things, an acronym she just made up, lack of sleep, a bunch of letters together as a sign of frustration, she could have been feeling ill, alcohol intoxication, other drugs, who knows? I think it's a leap to suggest it was due to overuse of benzos, especially to the extent it would cause a fatal reaction. That could have happened, certainly, but so could any number of other things. I don't think that text suggests she had benzos.

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Benzos are used not infrequently. They're used cautiously, but not because of accidental overdose. They have specific indications and nothing wrong with taking them appropriately for those indications.

But I think it's an assumption that the above text was due to benzos. It could be due to any number of things - distracted typing where someone accidentally types letters while they walk/do other things, an acronym she just made up, lack of sleep, a bunch of letters together as a sign of frustration, she could have been feeling ill, alcohol intoxication, other drugs, who knows? I think it's a leap to suggest it was due to overuse of benzos, especially to the extent it would cause a fatal reaction. That could have happened, certainly, but so could any number of other things. I don't think that text suggests she had benzos.
The text might not suggest necessarily, but what about the 'found under bleachers'?

Why, if she was say abducted by someone, did she keep the control and use of her phone apparently this entire time?
The text might not suggest necessarily, but what about the 'found under bleachers'?

Why, if she was say abducted by someone, did she keep the control and use of her phone apparently this entire time?

I don't follow. I didn't say she was abducted. I said that the text doesn't imply benzo overdose to me. Any number of things could have caused that text. Maybe she OD'd on benzos or on something else or maybe there was something else driving the death, such as a medical emergency. We don't know yet.
Davidson, 15, of Scio Township, was last seen by friends around 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 27, outside Pioneer High, 601 W. Stadium Blvd., police said.

She last communicated with family members around 9 a.m. on Friday while on her way to school. The family began attempting to locate her when she didn’t come home, but called police after being unable to do so, police said.

Beyond the support they have received, Lopez said the family is still seeking answers about Adriana’s disappearance and why it took so long to find her body.

“I think where we’re at right now as we try to grieve and even fathom if this is real or not; we’re looking for answers,” Lopez said. “There’s so many unanswered questions that we have still (not gotten answers to). I think the whole community wants answers.”

The Ann Arbor Police Department has taken over the death investigation as the scene is within city limits. An autopsy is planned to determine a cause of death.

I hope the family receives answers to their questions.
No exactly a 15yo disappears and they don’t even check the whole school property it’s very weird, what has me stumped is her cellphone being in the tennis court most young kids don’t just toss their phones out.
That text message though "I need fifallkf asleep - and used my bs"

This is just exactly the kind of thing that could happen from overdosing on benzodiazepine. I really thought it wasn't used anymore for exactly that reason.
I’m not disagreeing with that but I was thinking it was pretty cold that day and if she was walking/cold it could be just a accidental typo
I’m not disagreeing with that but I was thinking it was pretty cold that day and if she was walking/cold it could be just a accidental typo
I’m not disagreeing with that but I was thinking it was pretty cold that day and if she was walking/cold it could be just a accidental typo
I’m not disagreeing with that but I was thinking it was pretty cold that day and if she was walking/cold it could be just a accidental typo
But she was 15yo and they just don’t pass away, the most logical reason is overdose or suicide, the phone being left like that doesn’t make sense and it makes me feel like there is something missing to this
Accidental overdose makes a lot of sense given what we do know. Had she taken something before or at school, it explains her not feeling well and leaving. An overdose might make her confused or out of it, which explains her getting on the bus and then coming back later. It explains the confusing text messages and her saying she wasn't ok. It would also explain why she might have dropped her phone and not thought to retrieve it. I would expect a more straightforward situation given suicide, with less communication and just a direct path.


Ann Arbor Police Department update​

Police provided an update on the case Tuesday evening.

“We know there are a lot of unanswered questions, as well as a lot of misinformation, about the death of Adriana Davidson being shared on social media,” the release said.

Police confirmed that Davidson was first reported missing Saturday to the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies found her body Monday on the grounds of Pioneer High School, where she was last reported missing, according to authorities.

“The family and the community deserve answers, and we will be transparent about what happened as our investigation unfolds,” the release said. “While Adriana’s death is tragic -- right now, we are not currently searching for anyone else who may be involved in her death, and there is no threat to the community.”

A review of security video from the school led police to believe Davidson was alone at the time of her death, they said.

An autopsy was completed Tuesday by the Washtenaw County Medical Examiner’s Office. The cause and manner of Davidson’s death are still pending.

Police promised to continue providing updates on the case in the coming days and weeks.

“We know the Ann Arbor community is grieving right now, and our thoughts are with Adriana’s family,” the release said. “If you know someone who is struggling -- 24/7 phone services and mobile crisis services are available to any Washtenaw County resident and can be accessed by calling 734-544-3050.”

Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office update​

A similar release was sent by Washtenaw County deputies.

“We know that in the absence of facts, myths can emerge, and with such a tragic situation, those myths can begin to cause considerable harm,” the release said. “Parents become fearful to send their students to school based on unverified rumors. Family members continue to be victimized from the constant barrage of inaccurate assumptions, and the integrity of an investigation can be threatened.”

Deputies said there were no visible signs of foul play when Davidson was found, and they don’t believe there is any active threat to the community.

“We ask for your patience and restraint as we allow the family of Adriana to grieve and the facts of the investigation to come forward,” the release said.

The department doesn’t anticipate releasing more information until the investigation by Ann Arbor police is complete.

“We again offer our sincere condolences to the friends and family of Adriana,” the release said. “You remain in our thoughts and prayers.”
Accidental overdose makes a lot of sense given what we do know. Had she taken something before or at school, it explains her not feeling well and leaving. An overdose might make her confused or out of it, which explains her getting on the bus and then coming back later. It explains the confusing text messages and her saying she wasn't ok. It would also explain why she might have dropped her phone and not thought to retrieve it. I would expect a more straightforward situation given suicide, with less communication and just a direct path.

She could seem confused and out of it from taking benzos at a normal level. They used to make me black out and not remember anything and I was nowhere near overdose.
She could seem confused and out of it from taking benzos at a normal level. They used to make me black out and not remember anything and I was nowhere near overdose.
Yeah I should have been more clear that I doubt she died from benzo toxicity - I think she probably just took more than she could handle and was trying to deal with it on her own. I might go on to speculate that she thought she could make it to some place where she could have passed out safely but there were adults there she didn't expect so she tried to go back to the school but she didn't think she could keep it together well enough so she tried to sleep it off someplace hidden under the bleachers where she succumbed to the cold. I think she was just trying to not get in trouble.
This case reminds me of another case I read here about a teen boy who went missing and eventually was found deceased inside a rolled up sports mat in the gym. Wish I could remember his name and follow up that case now too. My feelings early on were drugs in this case. If Bs means Benzos as someone earlier suggested, I knew several people who had problems using Xanax in the early 2000s and every single one of them became very forgetful, even forgetting they took pills already. An ex-coworker who I'd asked to leave my home even broke into my apartment to put his personal belongings back into my apartment. Xanax is no good.
This case reminds me of another case I read here about a teen boy who went missing and eventually was found deceased inside a rolled up sports mat in the gym. Wish I could remember his name and follow up that case now too. My feelings early on were drugs in this case. If Bs means Benzos as someone earlier suggested, I knew several people who had problems using Xanax in the early 2000s and every single one of them became very forgetful, even forgetting they took pills already. An ex-coworker who I'd asked to leave my home even broke into my apartment to put his personal belongings back into my apartment. Xanax is no good.

I recall the other case, also.

I don't know, the only thing that sounds realistic to me is her dropping it by accident. I don't buy that she intentionally threw it away, even if she was suicidal.

I also think it's curious that she returned to campus to die. There is a phenomenon of people killing themselves at places that brought them a lot of pain, but I don't know. It just doesn't ring true to me in this case. Why go home, then return to campus to die and go to the trouble of hiding yourself under the bleachers? Afraid of someone finding you before you died maybe? I don't know. I mean, it's possible I guess, but I lean toward accidental death or medical emergency if there's no foul play.
Was it reported that she left school and went home?
Please link, I must have missed that!
IMO this looks like self harm or an underlying heart condition.
Benzos are used not infrequently. They're used cautiously, but not because of accidental overdose. They have specific indications and nothing wrong with taking them appropriately for those indications.

But I think it's an assumption that the above text was due to benzos. It could be due to any number of things - distracted typing where someone accidentally types letters while they walk/do other things, an acronym she just made up, lack of sleep, a bunch of letters together as a sign of frustration, she could have been feeling ill, alcohol intoxication, other drugs, who knows? I think it's a leap to suggest it was due to overuse of benzos, especially to the extent it would cause a fatal reaction. That could have happened, certainly, but so could any number of other things. I don't think that text suggests she had benzos.

Will you please list your other theories as to what may have happened?
Yeah I should have been more clear that I doubt she died from benzo toxicity - I think she probably just took more than she could handle and was trying to deal with it on her own. I might go on to speculate that she thought she could make it to some place where she could have passed out safely but there were adults there she didn't expect so she tried to go back to the school but she didn't think she could keep it together well enough so she tried to sleep it off someplace hidden under the bleachers where she succumbed to the cold. I think she was just trying to not get in trouble.
Is that different from an overdose?

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