Found Deceased Adriana Davidson, 15, Scio Township, MI - Last Seen Outside Pioneer HS -27 Jan 2023

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Davidson was struggling, Avila said, and tended to skip class, but she always responded to friends' text messages.

"I think first of all, mental health help would have most likely prevented this. Addy was showing clear signs of struggling," Avila said. "She talked a lot about struggling with the relationship with her parents. ... For her, those were signs of distress. She was asleep in class or not there at all."

A group of students from Ann Arbor Pioneer High School walked out of class on Thursday to raise awareness of the need for more mental health resources.

Ann Arbor students demand more mental health resources after classmate's death
Is that different from an overdose?
Well, "overdose" is kind of a nebulous term. Like assuming we're talking about benzodiazepine here, it's an on-label use for people with insomnia to take a large enough dose to knock them out - but if they pass out in the cold it can be fatal even if it was only the prescribed dose. Is that still an overdose? It could come out that she was prescribed whatever she was on. We have a problem with that in the United States and if it does turn out that way you'll see the pharmaceutical company do damage control in the media.
I don't see anything in the article that states she left school and returned home.

Sorry, I misread your post. I thought you asked if we had anything that said she left school and then returned. No, I haven't seen anything about her returning home during that hour she was out of school. I guess that was just my assumption, but it's probably an important detail to get right. I wonder where she went during that time.
Well, "overdose" is kind of a nebulous term. Like assuming we're talking about benzodiazepine here, it's an on-label use for people with insomnia to take a large enough dose to knock them out - but if they pass out in the cold it can be fatal even if it was only the prescribed dose. Is that still an overdose? It could come out that she was prescribed whatever she was on. We have a problem with that in the United States and if it does turn out that way you'll see the pharmaceutical company do damage control in the media.

It would be rare for someone to die from a prescribed dose of a benzo unless they had an underlying medical condition. Benzos can cause disruption in your body's ability to regulate temperature, but even then, I wouldn't expect it at the appropriate prescribed doses. Doesn't mean it can't happen, but it would be rare at those doses. Generally, when we hear about these types of things, it's when someone was either prescribed a high dose or took a high dose of the benzo, sort of like alcohol. It would be unusual for someone to die of hypothermia with one beer; not as unusual if they were drunk.

Not all benzos are FDA-approved for sleep. The ones that are are generally prescribed in very low doses for sleep and these are not the same ones that are typically used for anxiety which is the other indication for benzos. If a doctor was treating both sleep and anxiety, I suppose they could use the same benzo for both, but I, personally, can't imagine they would (MOO). It is possible she was prescribed a benzo for sleep and took it that day, I suppose, and then fell asleep outside and succumbed to the elements.

The autopsy/tox report will be interesting.
It would be rare for someone to die from a prescribed dose of a benzo unless they had an underlying medical condition. Benzos can cause disruption in your body's ability to regulate temperature, but even then, I wouldn't expect it at the appropriate prescribed doses. Doesn't mean it can't happen, but it would be rare at those doses. Generally, when we hear about these types of things, it's when someone was either prescribed a high dose or took a high dose of the benzo, sort of like alcohol. It would be unusual for someone to die of hypothermia with one beer; not as unusual if they were drunk.

Not all benzos are FDA-approved for sleep. The ones that are are generally prescribed in very low doses for sleep and these are not the same ones that are typically used for anxiety which is the other indication for benzos. If a doctor was treating both sleep and anxiety, I suppose they could use the same benzo for both, but I, personally, can't imagine they would (MOO). It is possible she was prescribed a benzo for sleep and took it that day, I suppose, and then fell asleep outside and succumbed to the elements.

The autopsy/tox report will be interesting.
I mean, I would bet diamonds to donuts that she was not using a prescribed medication according to the label but that doesn't mean there isn't a problem in general with the way drugs are prescribed. She might have just had two doctors which can easily get people dangerous drug interactions and if something happens, whoops - that form where they recorded all their current medications disappears from the prescribing office's records. We hear so much about opiates that it kind of eclipses other drugs like how I was surprised to see benzo come up at all even though twenty years ago I was personally aware of them being common drugs of abuse. I wonder if teens have a perception that "as long as I avoid opiates, I'll be safe".

Seems like Michigan wants a FOIA request and reserves turnaround on medical examination reports for six to eight weeks so it'll be a while before anybody can check on it.
Could bs refer to blues? They are illegally manufactured fentanyl I believe.
I'm only 80% convinced it even refers to pills. There's simply not enough context to speculate with a fair amount of certainty. It's possible she was just sleep deprived and "used my bs" meant "used (to) my bulls#*t" or something.
I mean, I would bet diamonds to donuts that she was not using a prescribed medication according to the label but that doesn't mean there isn't a problem in general with the way drugs are prescribed. She might have just had two doctors which can easily get people dangerous drug interactions and if something happens, whoops - that form where they recorded all their current medications disappears from the prescribing office's records. We hear so much about opiates that it kind of eclipses other drugs like how I was surprised to see benzo come up at all even though twenty years ago I was personally aware of them being common drugs of abuse. I wonder if teens have a perception that "as long as I avoid opiates, I'll be safe".

Seems like Michigan wants a FOIA request and reserves turnaround on medical examination reports for six to eight weeks so it'll be a while before anybody can check on it.

BBM. That actually can't happen unless the doctors are documenting illegally (not using an electronic medical record that's HIPAA protected). Offician EMRs these days record every single word that's typed, even if it's then erased. This is why malpractice attorneys and risk management will tell hospital systems that all charts need to be completed in a timely manner (usually within 1-7 days) and if a patient suffers an adverse effect, the worst thing anyone can do is alter the chart because there WILL be a record of the original documentation. All this to say, if things played out the way you think, we will know about it because doctors can't erase the interaction. But I just don't think that's the case anyway. MOO.
I'm only 80% convinced it even refers to pills. There's simply not enough context to speculate with a fair amount of certainty. It's possible she was just sleep deprived and "used my bs" meant "used (to) my bulls#*t" or something.

Bulls#*t was my original thought. I didn't even go to pills until it was mentioned here. We'll find out soon enough.

Is that different from an overdose?
Purposeful overdose vs accidental. Hypothermia causes confusion and drowsiness and could have killed her very quickly, even faster if she was already drowsy from meds. She was seriously underdressed for the cold and blizzard that afternoon. Other people — a mom and 2 kids — froze to death in another area near Detroit on January 17. So hypothermia is a huge possibility.

But without the autopsy findings, what “bs” may mean is still a question. Or whether there were any toxins in her system. Or anything else happening in her life that might had led her to go to school very late that day, choose not to go into the school but back on a bus, then return to the school and head off on her own to where she was ultimately found.

So… the autopsy results have not been released publicly. The footage of her found by the school district was not been publicly released. The footage of her getting off the bus, getting back on, and getting back off has not been released. So much for the police promising transparency.

And why wasn’t the report released? The autopsy was concluded on Wednesday the 1st. Unless there is something the examiner found that is calling for further investigation. But her body has been released. Her visitation and funeral are this coming Sunday the 12th.

Her phone was found by a student. No reports on how many hands it passed through before it got to the police. No reports on when the phone was finally handed over. It might have only been handed in when she was discovered dead or when she was finally reported missing on Saturday. It’s not beyond teens to find a phone and think it funny to try to hack it to mess with what’s inside and keep it instead of turning it in. No word on whether those last texts were actually typed by her or by whoever found her phone and was messing with it.

No mention at all of her mother. No mention of whether the mother is alive, if the mother is dead, if the mother recently passed away causing AD’s distraught, unhappy state. No word on whether the mother took off, leaving AD and her father behind, also leading to AD being unhappy. There’s no mention of a mother at all. The only reason we know there at some point was a mother is because reports mention AD has two brothers, both with different last names. Which might lend insight to the mother and AD’s home life. Or not.

Why didn’t her family (brother? father?) report her missing until 12:04 AM on Saturday? It’s school policy for the attendance office to call when your child has missed more than three periods. Knowing she was missing school, knowing that she was put on a bus at 9 AM, knowing that she wasn’t responding to phone calls or texts, why wait more than 9 hours after school let out to report her missing? Why not head to the school grounds, where she was last scene, and start searching? Yes, the weather was horrible but if it was my teen missing, I’d be bundled up and searching all over where she was last scene, following every set of footprints in the snow to see where they led.

Anyway… a lot of holes to be filled. And it looks like they may not be answered any time soon. overdose.
As far as the rest of your questions. LE generally doesn't release those things in regards to an overdose.
Unless another crime is under investigation.
No, an overdose can be intentional or unintentional.
intentional (purposely self-inflicted, as in cases of suicide) or unintentional (accidental). JMO
Purposeful overdose vs accidental. Hypothermia causes confusion and drowsiness and could have killed her very quickly, even faster if she was already drowsy from meds. She was seriously underdressed for the cold and blizzard that afternoon. Other people — a mom and 2 kids — froze to death in another area near Detroit on January 17. So hypothermia is a huge possibility.

But without the autopsy findings, what “bs” may mean is still a question. Or whether there were any toxins in her system. Or anything else happening in her life that might had led her to go to school very late that day, choose not to go into the school but back on a bus, then return to the school and head off on her own to where she was ultimately found.

So… the autopsy results have not been released publicly. The footage of her found by the school district was not been publicly released. The footage of her getting off the bus, getting back on, and getting back off has not been released. So much for the police promising transparency.

And why wasn’t the report released? The autopsy was concluded on Wednesday the 1st. Unless there is something the examiner found that is calling for further investigation. But her body has been released. Her visitation and funeral are this coming Sunday the 12th.

Her phone was found by a student. No reports on how many hands it passed through before it got to the police. No reports on when the phone was finally handed over. It might have only been handed in when she was discovered dead or when she was finally reported missing on Saturday. It’s not beyond teens to find a phone and think it funny to try to hack it to mess with what’s inside and keep it instead of turning it in. No word on whether those last texts were actually typed by her or by whoever found her phone and was messing with it.

No mention at all of her mother. No mention of whether the mother is alive, if the mother is dead, if the mother recently passed away causing AD’s distraught, unhappy state. No word on whether the mother took off, leaving AD and her father behind, also leading to AD being unhappy. There’s no mention of a mother at all. The only reason we know there at some point was a mother is because reports mention AD has two brothers, both with different last names. Which might lend insight to the mother and AD’s home life. Or not.

Why didn’t her family (brother? father?) report her missing until 12:04 AM on Saturday? It’s school policy for the attendance office to call when your child has missed more than three periods. Knowing she was missing school, knowing that she was put on a bus at 9 AM, knowing that she wasn’t responding to phone calls or texts, why wait more than 9 hours after school let out to report her missing? Why not head to the school grounds, where she was last scene, and start searching? Yes, the weather was horrible but if it was my teen missing, I’d be bundled up and searching all over where she was last scene, following every set of footprints in the snow to see where they led.

Anyway… a lot of holes to be filled. And it looks like they may not be answered any time soon.
All good questions that would help us understand this tragedy. However, if foul play isn't suspected. We may not receive many answers, certainly if she took her own life. IMO, her family deserves privacy unless they choose to release certain details to the public at large. In regard to the autopsy, until they have the tox screens back - they can't rule on COD, so there is nothing to release at this point.

Great first post, welcome to WS!
Has it been confirmed that she died of an overdose?
No. Still waiting for more news.

“An autopsy was completed Tuesday by the Washtenaw County Medical Examiner’s Office. The cause and manner of Davidson’s death are still pending.

Police promised to continue providing updates on the case in the coming days and weeks.”


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