Advertising/Helps Support WS Update

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And, may I respectfully suggest that you look into text ads. I don't see flash or javascript ads on any website, and I imagine there are others. I always see text ads.

I second this suggestion! Flash ads cause me great problems as my computer does not support Flash. Some small puters and limited capacity laptops have this problem. Text ads would be great!
Thank you so much. This looks really good.

The wonderful news is we have so many options.

Just thought of something darlin gal, we have the "up to the minute", "bizarre news" and "crimes in the news" sections on our forum.

There was a whole thread, with a ton of posts, talking about, are you ready, a man who was arressted while making love to a picinic table. Yep, you heard me right. A Pic-i-Nic table. Yogi Bear was mortified. Hey, I can't make this stuff up.

So, when you say, They are text ads that are related to keywords on the page I shudder to think of what commercials would pop up in connection to this topic. HAHAHAHA.

Great idea and I will look into it. Thank you so much.


Well a chick from Boston Legal got turned on by a toaster...I guess picnic tables need love too. ;)

My guess is you would get a camping ad, a party supplies ad or at worst a dating ad. They are all PG.
Hey, sounds like a good idea for some of my family too. Lord knows what they have been up to. LOL

We will soon be offering up all kinds of interesting things you can do at

Like was mentioned above you can do simple things like a reverse phone number at . Many things that are incredibly helpful and yet inexpensive too

By the way, T-shirts and mugs are getting closer and closer. :)


I havent read the whole thread yet, but I wanted to know if you do get some fun stuff mugs and t-shirts PLEASE tell me your gonna take Paypal??? Thats the only way Ill be able to buy anything, and I WILL buy something!! lol
Hi Tricia, thanks for posting this!

I had a question about obtaining a criminal report on someone...I do have someone in mind and its legit on my end, but will this person find out if I do a check on them? Does anyone know the answer?.....Its just that I dont want this person to retaliate- (already have had nails in my driveway and other tricks pulled on me just from even looking at them.)

Also, I like the Amazon idea, but would Ebay be of interest to advertize? I mention this because I saw a thread on the main page about Ebay??? Just a thought.
By the way, T-shirts and mugs are getting closer and closer. :)


Snipped respectfully.........HEY TRISH, I WANT A NEW MOUSEPAD!! Would be cool to have your logo on one!!:blowkiss:
I tried purchasing a background check, payment appears to be for US residents only, that's a shame, I'm a France resident looking up a US resident. Anyone know if this will change?
Can't wait for the coffee mugs.

You can never have too many.
I highly doubt a person could find out if you do a background check on them but I will ask to make sure.

You should be able to purchase a background check from anywhere in the world. I'll check on that too.

Guys, we are getting close to the T-Shirts and other fun things. Plus, we will be redesigning the Background banners.

I'll be honest. Websleuths needs your support. We need is fast. I am working on the T-Shirts and the other items I have menitoned. Being as honest as I can be here. Hopefully we will have the t-shirts soon.

I tried purchasing a background check, payment appears to be for US residents only, that's a shame, I'm a France resident looking up a US resident. Anyone know if this will change?

Hi Waddles,

I spoke with the people at and they said you should have no problem.

I'll PM you their email. They want to talk to you to find out what happened. They are very quick and professional with their customer service. One of the reasons I chose them for us.
Hi Tricia, thanks for posting this!

I had a question about obtaining a criminal report on someone...I do have someone in mind and its legit on my end, but will this person find out if I do a check on them? Does anyone know the answer?.....Its just that I dont want this person to retaliate- (already have had nails in my driveway and other tricks pulled on me just from even looking at them.)

Also, I like the Amazon idea, but would Ebay be of interest to advertize? I mention this because I saw a thread on the main page about Ebay??? Just a thought.

Spoke with and they said NO WAY can anyone find out that you did a background check on them.

So , check away my dear :blowkiss:
Tricia - I would LOVE a monogramed "RR!" T-shirt to wear while out and about representing this place..........FFJ would probably love getting in on this too, Sweetie!
Tricia - I would LOVE a monogramed "RR!" T-shirt to wear while out and about representing this place..........FFJ would probably love getting in on this too, Sweetie!

We could do that. Half WS half FFJ. Sounds like a good idea.
That IS a good idea, IMO, fwiw :D

OK, guys we are getting closer.

AND, the good people at are working on a GREAT deal for us only.

Again, if you click on the "Background check" banner at the top of the page and purchase something, big or small, Websleuths gets a portion.

I must stress, we need our advertising to work to keep Websleuths the forum that it is today. If we get enough revenue from our ads then we can buy a new server.

If you want to support Websleuths then please do so by clicking on the backgroundcheck banner. Even something like a backward phone number trace (that's not what it's called but you know what I mean, I hope) or an Email trace helps Websleuths. Doesn't need to be the big stuff.

Thanks again,
PS. For our Newbies, we DO NOT accept donations on WS. This is a hard and fast rule. Many reasons for this. If you want to know more you can email me at
AND, the good people at are working on a GREAT deal for us only.

Sorry to ask questions but budget minded here *blush*

Does this mean they are going to give WS a nicer slice of the pie or will be offered as individual posters a better rate, since we are buying through WS link?

Either way, does this mean the greater benifit to purchase after they've worked on their deal or is the deal good right now?

Sorry, I'm dumb on this stuff and I WANT to help carry my load, I just want to do it when we get the most out of it for WS.

Also on the 'timeline brainstorm' thread I saw talk of timeline software folks were interested in and worried about malware. Maybe some folks who sold timeline software would be nice. Again, dumb on all this.

Sorry for all the questions and ignorance, I just want to help in the max way possible.

Oh! I would LOVE to be able to purchase a WS tee...but that involves an initial sink of money, eh? How can we do something to get us started on that road?

Again, sorry to be like a 4yr old with a zillion questions! How was the sky made? :p

Thanks for all you do, Tricia! and all the mods too!
AND, the good people at are working on a GREAT deal for us only.

Sorry to ask questions but budget minded here *blush*

Does this mean they are going to give WS a nicer slice of the pie or will be offered as individual posters a better rate, since we are buying through WS link?

Either way, does this mean the greater benefit to purchase after they've worked on their deal or is the deal good right now?

Sorry, I'm dumb on this stuff and I WANT to help carry my load, I just want to do it when we get the most out of it for WS.

Also on the 'timeline brainstorm' thread I saw talk of timeline software folks were interested in and worried about malware. Maybe some folks who sold timeline software would be nice. Again, dumb on all this.

Sorry for all the questions and ignorance, I just want to help in the max way possible.

Oh! I would LOVE to be able to purchase a WS tee...but that involves an initial sink of money, eh? How can we do something to get us started on that road?

Again, sorry to be like a 4yr old with a zillion questions! How was the sky made? :p

Thanks for all you do, Tricia! and all the mods too!

Never apologize for asking questions about the advertising.

Sorry, to edit your post but the quote you used from me contained TERRIBLE grammar on my part. Had to fix it so I di'nt sounk lik no dern hillbilly.

I can't tell you for certain what the offer is because I don't know myself. I think it might be a one day deal. That is as much as I know other than it will benefit you, the poster. Not me, the owner. But that's great because then you will see just how wonderful really is.

You wrote:
Also on the 'timeline brainstorm' thread I saw talk of timeline software folks were interested in and worried about malware. Maybe some folks who sold timeline software would be nice. Again, dumb on all this.

You think you are dumb? I have NO IDEA what you are talking about here. LOL.

The T-Shirt people have offered me a 45 day grace period to pay the bills. So the idea is we order the t-shirts then I pay the bill for them, after the money is collected. Therefore, no money is put out.

HOWEVER, my fear is, what if I don't sell enough T-shirts? We need to sell about 200 (this would be in a package with a mug and a couple of other little things) for about $33.00 per package.

If I don't sell that many t-shirt packages then I am up that certain creek without a paddle.

But, T-shirts are a out in the future. Now is what I am concentrating on. I hate to be so obnoxious about this but we really need people to start supporting WS by purchasing one of the zillion things offered by Doesn't need to be a big expensive package. I think they have things for as low as 6 bucks.

Anyway, we are working on the T-Shirts and a great offer from All of this is being done to make sure Websleuths stays alive and one of the best forums on the Net.

I HATE having to do this. For years I paid for everything myself. No problem. Bought court documents, flew to locations to be with victims. Most of these things I did with my other forum Forums For but Websleuths benefited too. I could donate to members for their charity projects. I was able to do it all...then...things changed rather quickly.

That's why if we have enough success with the ads I would like to continue doing great things with the money. One being buying and supporting our own search dog. Lord, just sitting here thinking about all the fun things we could do as a forum. But first, I need to make enough money to pay the server bill.
I don't post often, as you can see. but stay here all the time. I had a thought about advertising for credit reports,
don't know if it would work, but I would be more willing to do this, than a background check. I don't post because I hate to
What about advertising from Priceline/Expedia/ or the other travel place? Since the members are from all over the place that would be a great for advertisers a lot of exposer.JMO
Never apologize for asking questions about the advertising.

Sorry, to edit your post but the quote you used from me contained TERRIBLE grammar on my part. Had to fix it so I di'nt sounk lik no dern hillbilly.
Ha! i wouldn't know the difference! I'm a flatland hillbilly! Grammar'n ain't my thang :p But glad it's more clear for those who aren't hillbillies! hehe

I can't tell you for certain what the offer is because I don't know myself. I think it might be a one day deal. That is as much as I know other than it will benefit you, the poster. Not me, the owner. But that's great because then you will see just how wonderful really is.
Thanks for the answer, I wish it would benefit WS more than us as individuals :(

You think you are dumb? I have NO IDEA what you are talking about here. LOL.
The thread I was talking about was this one

and desire for timeline software came up
The T-Shirt people have offered me a 45 day grace period to pay the bills. So the idea is we order the t-shirts then I pay the bill for them, after the money is collected. Therefore, no money is put out.

HOWEVER, my fear is, what if I don't sell enough T-shirts? We need to sell about 400 (this would be in a package with a mug and a couple of other little things) for about $33.00 per package.

If I don't sell that many t-shirt packages then I am up that certain creek without a paddle.

But, T-shirts are a out in the future. Now is what I am concentrating on. I hate to be so obnoxious about this but we really need people to start supporting WS by purchasing one of the zillion things offered by Doesn't need to be a big expensive package. I think they have things for as low as 6 bucks.

Anyway, we are working on the T-Shirts and a great offer from All of this is being done to make sure Websleuths stays alive and one of the best forums on the Net.

I HATE having to do this. For years I paid for everything myself. No problem. Bought court documents, flew to locations to be with victims. Most of these things I did with my other forum Forums For but Websleuths benefited too. I could donate to members for their charity projects. I was able to do it all...then...things changed rather quickly.
You shouldn't hate having to do this, you've carried the load until your back is strained, no?

That's why if we have enough success with the ads I would like to continue doing great things with the money. One being buying and supporting our own search dog. Lord, just sitting here thinking about all the fun things we could do as a forum. But first, I need to make enough money to pay the server bill.

I sure hope you don't think I'm trying to be a turd, I'm truly not. I'm grateful to you for providing me a place to have my addiction.

There is no reason for you to carry this alone and even more so since you are traveling life changing roads. I want to help and do my part from the bottom of my heart.

We're all here together and I really feel that on this website. I truly find caring people at every turn and I hope we can all stick together and keep our common goal/love afloat!

OK, sounds like I've brown-nosed enough (hate brw nosing) but honestly, I'm crazy about my privilage to post here.

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