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Here I thought the ideal gift was a Chia pet, but Ronco could work also LMAO
OMG...CHIA PETS. YES....We could have a Nancy Grace Chia, and all kinds of celebrity Chia pets. LOL.

The "FREE OFFER" from will happen next week. I jumped the gun. Sorry.

CrimeStore is going to start a progrom like I'll link to them and if you purchase something when you click on the link from WS I'll get a portion of the money. This is a few weeks off though.

Thank you all very much for your kind words of support. Sometimes with all the crap behind the scenes I lose fact that most people on WS are wonderful, warm, and caring people.


PS. When I worked at a big rock station we had a chia pet. It never grew so we decided to do a live broadcast and through it off the roof. Silly idea but so many people came to watch the street was closed down, the cops had to be brought in and people went NUTS. It was a blast. By the way, Chia Pets shatter perfectly when dropped from the roof of a 4 story building. ;)
LOL about the Chia pet Tricia! I will look for the offer next week from background checks. I already ran a SSN check but I am trying to figure out other things I can do with it! Can't wait for soem of the other offers to start also!
will be putting up the logo that will be on the T-Shirts and mugs.

Guys, in addition to a bigger server, if you support WS by purhcasing something from and the other items I will get fun things like everything we need to do Internet broadcasts with guests. (I have no idea what this involves but if it costs a dime we'll have to wait) This is so much better than the chats we have now.

Hopefully you'll like the logo. When we can we will get a bigger and better one. THis one is cute thought. I like it.

I think it might be wise to do a background check on a stranger who may be coming to your home to work on something. There have been many instances where a worker has worked in a home, learning the layout and then come back later to break in. An acquaintance of mine lived in Arizona, and she had a plumber or some cabinet person come to work in her kitchen one day. He broke in her home that night with one of her own kitchen knives and raped her. Now, I realize that not everyone who does a crime, will have a checkered past, but it might be a safeguard.
I think it might be wise to do a background check on a stranger who may be coming to your home to work on something. There have been many instances where a worker has worked in a home, learning the layout and then come back later to break in. An acquaintance of mine lived in Arizona, and she had a plumber or some cabinet person come to work in her kitchen one day. He broke in her home that night with one of her own kitchen knives and raped her. Now, I realize that not everyone who does a crime, will have a checkered past, but it might be a safeguard.

OMG. I am so sorry about yoru friend. How awful. You just can't escape these maniacs. But you can protect yourself from them.

You're right spydog. Everyone, whether they use or not, should run a background check on people coming to their home to do repairs.

I know you don't have to do the big huge check to find out what you need to know. It's so worth the money.

Like I said, if only Amber Frey had done gone to when she started having doubts about Scott. Better yet she should have done the check before the first date.

There are so many "If I onlys" out there. It's worth the money to stay safe.

Here is the deal. The big offer from will be good for only 24 hours. We planned to roll it out on Tuesday BUT that might be the day casey is charged.

Question: do you think our posters will be too tied up with the possiblity of Casey be arrested to take advantage of this cool offer? And it wil be incredible. Trust me.

AND...we were planning to role out the T-shirts. Same question. Should I wait a bit?

Let me know what you think.

Here is the deal. The big offer from will be good for only 24 hours. We planned to roll it out on Tuesday BUT that might be the day casey is charged.

Question: do you think our posters will be too tied up with the possiblity of Casey be arrested to take advantage of this cool offer? And it wil be incredible. Trust me.

AND...we were planning to role out the T-shirts. Same question. Should I wait a bit?

Let me know what you think.

If things go down, Tuesday or Wednesday I'd wait a bit. It may be hard enough getting on to the site. Once on folks may not want to be redirected. JMHO...and I do want a t-shirt!
You are so right that one should do background checks on strangers coming into your home to do work. I was very close with this family, Virginia was like a second mother to me. She was a 72 year old lady who was a very young 72 years old. She had qualified for Hud Housing to come in and winterize her home and upgrade a eletric outlet to a 210. Hudhousing sub-contracted a eletric business company. A long story short the ele.helper gave Virginia the creeps but she didn't say anything to her children.The work had been completed a week later on a Feb. Sunday she was waiting for her friend to come and pick her up to go out to dinner, something they did every Sunday. Virginia had let her dog Blue outside to potty in her fenced in back yard. The main door was open but she had the glass door closed but not locked. She was busy getting ready this ele. helper walked into her home and wanted her to loan him $50 what she didn't know was there was a guy waiting out in this old rusty station wagon and Thomas R came into her home. Later at Thomas R trial we found out the guy waiting in the station wagon said he knew something went wrong it was taking Thomas R to long so he got out of Thomas R station wagon and walked back to Glen Park. Le state police know the passenager was telling the truth because they walked the route the passager said that he did and there was some home owners that were able to ID this man walking that day. His story matched what he had told LE. Virginia didn't have the money to "so called loan Thomas R" he went in her bedroom and was ramsacking her bedroom and jewery box she was able to dial 911 but Thomas R hung the phone up. He had just gotten out of prison serving a 6 year sentence for strong arm robbery. He knew Virgiina would be able to ID him and he knew he'd be going back to prison. So he had to come up with another plan. He kidnapped Virgina took her down to Gary, Indiana and she struggled with him and clawed him while he was struggling with her to throw her over the interstate vidock into the center lane of 80/94 interstate durning rush hour traffic I will not go into the horrible details of that late eve. Thomas R brother owned the that hud had sub contracted. Thomas R was found guilty of first degree murder, kidnapping,robbery and a few other charges he was sentenced to LWOP. The truck driver that ran her over had a total nerves breakdown and has never been able to get behind the wheel of a car or truck. So please if someone is coming into your home to work please never be home alone. The reason I say this is because Thomas R knew she was alone.I think your post give's our members a great ideal. Thomas R did this for $50 so he could go down to Gary and buy Crack.
I think it might be wise to do a background check on a stranger who may be coming to your home to work on something. There have been many instances where a worker has worked in a home, learning the layout and then come back later to break in. An acquaintance of mine lived in Arizona, and she had a plumber or some cabinet person come to work in her kitchen one day. He broke in her home that night with one of her own kitchen knives and raped her. Now, I realize that not everyone who does a crime, will have a checkered past, but it might be a safeguard.
The thing for me is that I have tried to do background checks, but don't have enough info for it to work. I have a name and a phone number, but not the address, so am not sure I am getting info for the right person.
Windchime, that story is so sad! It happens a lot though. Thing is, a lot of people who get out of prison find it difficult to find jobs. But contractors pick them up and that's where a lot of them work. I wish contractors would do a background check on all their workers before hiring them.

There are, unfortunately, many stories similar to this. They can tell while working there, who lives alone, if you have kids, if you are married, etc.

Another safety tip ( and sorry Trish, it isn't about background checks) that I just thought of is always lock your car. My friend's kids left their car unlocked while it was parked at church. A guy got in and went through her registration papers, which gave him their address. Knowing they were at church and not home, he drove right to their home and broke in.
Hey Guys,

Monday, Oct. 2th (tomorrow) starting at 2:00 PM you can do a criminal background check FOR FREE.

One per person. Don't need to be a member of WS, just click on the banners we'll have up for you.

Tell your friends but don't tell the creepy guy next door that you are checking him out FOR FREE.

Here is the forum set up for this event.
Has anyone tried the free report that is being offered in the ads today? Trying to decide who I want to check out.:waitasec:

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