Advertising on Websleuths/Support Websleuths

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The goodies are not food. So Sorry but it is fun "chick" stuff. You'll like it.

Hey, if any member gets an advertiser to come on WS I'll give you 25 % of the first 6 months net profit. Meaning, I would have to take out taxes and pay the server bill. What is left is "net."

In reality the net profit is going to have to include other services taken out of the gross but for this deal I'll make the net the total after taxes and server bill.

So, if you recommend WS to an advertiser, the advertiser then contacts me, and then comes on board you will get the bonus.
What is the fee to advertise if I might ask. Also, besides telling a potential advertiser that WS gets boatloads of traffic that hangs around a long time, is there a stats page somewhere they can visit? Sorry if these questions sound nosy but I do see potential for myself advertising here and am curious. Also, my web browser (firefox 3.0.1) that was installed when I installed ubutunu automatically blocked the ads so I humbly suggest that a sticky be put in each category so that those of us that don't see the banners/ads would know who the advertisers are.
What is the fee to advertise if I might ask. Also, besides telling a potential advertiser that WS gets boatloads of traffic that hangs around a long time, is there a stats page somewhere they can visit? Sorry if these questions sound nosy but I do see potential for myself advertising here and am curious. Also, my web browser (firefox 3.0.1) that was installed when I installed ubutunu automatically blocked the ads so I humbly suggest that a sticky be put in each category so that those of us that don't see the banners/ads would know who the advertisers are.


If you can get the advertiser to contact me I can get them the stats. I am not trying to be mysterious but I don't know if the stats page is something I can link to. I have to check.

I know there are some public stat boards around. Let me see if I can find them. These public stats give the advertiser a very good idea of how much traffic a sight gets.

It's all about traffic my friends. We like it. We want to get a new big server so we can more traffic with out any Internet traffic jams !!!

Email is fine. Be sure and tell me if you think one of your contacts is going to contact me so you can get credit. I'll do my best to lock in the buy if you get them to send me one email :)

Thank you for telling me about your browser. Again a great suggestion and I will do just that a bit later.
Tricia, this is a great fit! I am sure many of us will use it!
This is also the way I see the ads...

That is how it should be. We are tweaking the banner and such.

When I say "we" I mean and Karl. They do all the work...I take all the credit. heh!!!
Just a quick reminder, if the ads are causing any issues with viewing the forum you can post about it here or if you are not a member please email me at

Okay, as soon as I type this post and then click on the submit button that banner up there flashes two times right here on top of my post, and then it accepts the post???????? Not to fond of that!
The red one or the green one?

the red one - it doesn't do it when i use the click reply button but it does if I use the quote and the post reply button - so as soon as I hit the submit button now I'll get a blinkety blink of the red one and then my post comes up.
Next question - how many ads will you be having???? That one is pretty big up there. Can't imagine having too many more ...????

Oh, Oh, Oh, I got a good one - printer ink!!!! We all use printer ink!!!! I use Dell. What else????
Okay, , is anyone else getting the blinky blink? I don't like mine. Afraid with all the blinking I might have a seizure or something.
Thank you . It is all as smooth as silk.

Even if you don't want to buy anything now I would suggest you at least click on the link and see what they have to offer. has many different packages and many different types of searches.
The ones that I have seen look great!
So I signed up to be an affiliate for Not that I would for certain use their ads but I wanted to have the option..

I was "REJECTED" as an affiliate.


Doesn't Match dot com advertise that they take the rejected people???

Sing along with mee....nobody likes me everybody hates me I guess I'll go eat worms...great big fat ones little teeny tiny ones all of them will make me FATer...tralaaatralaaalaaaa.

LOL. Who gets rejected from Match dot com? LOL

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