Again: Where was Casey going for two years?

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We know from LA his parents (mostly CA) had been supporting Caylee (&KC) for a long time so they all had to know she wasn't making any $$$..IOW!..She was NOT working!..But still they now all claim they didn't know anything about it?..Makes no sense! And neither does CA telling co-workers she couldn't "afford" to take custody of Caylee since she had been providing for her all along..Nothing would've changed financially except for a legal piece of paper.

I agree with you had KC just signed the papers, but I think that CA knew that wasn't going to happen. KC would no longer be able to use Caylee as a ploy with her parents. It would have taken money to hire an attorney to gain custody. IMO
We know from LA his parents (mostly CA) had been supporting Caylee (&KC) for a long time so they all had to know she wasn't making any $$$..IOW!..She was NOT working!..But still they now all claim they didn't know anything about it?..Makes no sense! And neither does CA telling co-workers she couldn't "afford" to take custody of Caylee since she had been providing for her all along..Nothing would've changed financially except for a legal piece of paper.

Perhaps Cindy was referring to the expense of hiring a lawyer to sue for custody and prove KC's unfitness as a mom. In hindsight, CA probably also knew at some level the emotional 'expense' she would incur; in fact, the cost of even threatening to sue for custody was Caylee's life. Very ironic and sad.
I agree with you had KC just signed the papers, but I think that CA knew that wasn't going to happen. KC would no longer be able to use Caylee as a ploy with her parents. It would have taken money to hire an attorney to gain custody. IMO

I see your point about the legal fees but she knew KC was an unfit mother..I don't think she thought that would ever change since she told ppl she was a "psychopath"..So what was more important to her..The $$$ or Caylee's welfare?..And why would KC have to agree if she could prove all of this in court?
Well, one would think she just played the game of pretending to leave for work and hightailing it back home after GA left....but GA didn't always work so where did she go??

I think she used the "work from home" tactic a bit (I know some of TonE's friends said she would "work from home").

I also think it would be an exhausting task to make sure the house looked exactly the same by the time CA came home so she didn't think they had stayed there all day, if you know what I mean??

I've always wondered about escort services. Seems to make the most sense with the hours she "kept". She may not have done it very often...just enough to get by.
Everyone associated with kc will go down. kc has ruined everyone's life that she ever knew. IMO, I think there is a trail of small petty type crminal things done with kc involved from paying under the table to stolen car parts. IMO I can see allot of people either co operating with LE for all they might know or some of the friends and family getting arrested along the way. To many lies, people and stories, MOO
I agree with you had KC just signed the papers, but I think that CA knew that wasn't going to happen. KC would no longer be able to use Caylee as a ploy with her parents. It would have taken money to hire an attorney to gain custody. IMO

I'm guessing CA's statement about not being "able to afford" taking custody of Caylee was referring to the expense of having to pay a lawyer, etc. It wasn't like she could just walk into a court room and say, "I'm taking custody". She would have had to go through the process, which could have been costly - especially if Casey fought.

I also wonder where she got money for this two year period when she was "working". Personally, I think she was too self-absorbed and determined to do what she wanted to do when she wanted to do it to bother to adhere to anyone else's agenda (which is what one has to do in order to earn a paycheck) - albeit *advertiser censored*, escort, dancing, whatever. She seems to have had no desire to actually "earn" anything - whether it's through a legitimate job, or even in more sinister ways. This leaves me wondering the same thing as the poster who said above that they wondered how she paid for incidentals like gas, grooming supplies, a birthday gift for Caylee, whatever. The statement above in a previous post about telling her parents that the nanny expense ate up almost the whole check is brilliant, and probably what she did. So she may have been able to get a bit of money from GA or CA (probably from one without telling the other and vice-versa) using the "nanny at my paycheck" excuse. I can also totally see her using her boy-toys to meet little expenses. In text messages to Amy, she often refers to "getting boys to buy us drinks". I can also see her saying things like, "Hey, can you spot me a few bucks for gas? I haven't been able to cash/deposit/whatever my paycheck yet". I'm sure her boy-toy of the moment would agree, and then she'd conveniently forget to pay it back. The boy-toy wouldn't hound her for it for fear of ticking her off and losing his booty-call. She had enough men stringing along that I can totally see her covering some small expenses this way (gas, food, let's-run-to-Target-and-I'll-pay-you-back). She even did it with Amy when Amy said, "Let's go buy a gas can, and you can borrow it and give it back to me later". That is a perfect example of Casey finding a way to meet the financial need (gas can) of the moment. There's probably some similiar explanation for her cell phone bill. I'm sure she manipulated it out of someone, somehow. All these manipulations over the last two years could also partly explain her transition to a whole new group of friends. She needed a whole new group of people to manipulate, because her excuses had run out, and they were wearing thin with the original group of friends! I would like to know if LE has questioned her networks of friends (both old and new) about her borrowing money - even for the small stuff.
if casey really was pretending to go to work every day, then sneaking back in when everyone had left and spending the day playing on the computer, how is it possible that cindy and george didn't know?
think about all the things that would hit you clear in the face - missing food, snacks, pop, coffee, when there shouldn't be anyone home to eat or drink them - empty tins/bottle/cans in the trash that weren't there when you went to work - the amount of toilet paper being used - coming home to find crumbs on surfaces you know you wiped clean before you left - the smell of something just having been cooked or freshly sprayed deodorant/perfume - condensation on a bathroom mirror - the kettle being hot when nobody should have been in the house all day - i could go on and on.
if it were me, within 10 days i'd be surveiling my own house.
Perhaps Cindy was referring to the expense of hiring a lawyer to sue for custody and prove KC's unfitness as a mom. In hindsight, CA probably also knew at some level the emotional 'expense' she would incur; in fact, the cost of even threatening to sue for custody was Caylee's life. Very ironic and sad.

If that's what CA meant then OK but if she thought for one second KC would murder her in return even more reason to take custody but I don't believe she thought it would ever reach that extreme..Who would? But I still think she should've gone for it at all cost & CA probably does now too.

She would've lost her daughter in the process but it would not have been to a jail cell for life or the DP..Or maybe the end result of her court action would've been the same for both daughter & gd..Nobody will ever know!

I'm not sure I believe her sole motive was revenge against CA..KC didn't want to be a MOM period & had been thinking for months of getting rid of her..So what will the SA go for at trial?..They do have 2 scenarios to chose from but could go with both I suppose.
if casey really was pretending to go to work every day, then sneaking back in when everyone had left and spending the day playing on the computer, how is it possible that cindy and george didn't know?
think about all the things that would hit you clear in the face - missing food, snacks, pop, coffee, when there shouldn't be anyone home to eat or drink them - empty tins/bottle/cans in the trash that weren't there when you went to work - the amount of toilet paper being used - coming home to find crumbs on surfaces you know you wiped clean before you left - the smell of something just having been cooked or freshly sprayed deodorant/perfume - condensation on a bathroom mirror - the kettle being hot when nobody should have been in the house all day - i could go on and on.
if it were me, within 10 days i'd be surveiling my own house.

eddeva - agree with this. Just popped in and haven't read the entire thread, but also what about Caylee - where did she go when Cindy wasn't doing the keeping.
if casey really was pretending to go to work every day, then sneaking back in when everyone had left and spending the day playing on the computer, how is it possible that cindy and george didn't know?
think about all the things that would hit you clear in the face - missing food, snacks, pop, coffee, when there shouldn't be anyone home to eat or drink them - empty tins/bottle/cans in the trash that weren't there when you went to work - the amount of toilet paper being used - coming home to find crumbs on surfaces you know you wiped clean before you left - the smell of something just having been cooked or freshly sprayed deodorant/perfume - condensation on a bathroom mirror - the kettle being hot when nobody should have been in the house all day - i could go on and on.
if it were me, within 10 days i'd be surveiling my own house.

I had a similar post typed up but didn't submit because I didn't think it made sense!

It would be exhausting for her to pretend to leave and then come home after the coast was clear. (for many of the reasons listed above) It would be one thing if she was all alone but she had a baby/toddler home all day with her! There would be evidence they had stayed there...slip ups by KC.

Also, GA wasn't even always employed, right?

Maybe GA knew and had to keep it a secret from CA???
Everyone associated with kc will go down. kc has ruined everyone's life that she ever knew. IMO, I think there is a trail of small petty type crminal things done with kc involved from paying under the table to stolen car parts. IMO I can see allot of people either co operating with LE for all they might know or some of the friends and family getting arrested along the way. To many lies, people and stories, MOO

I'm with ya on this! I think KC has "friends" we don't know yet. Someone taught her about using routing numbers on a check. Someone helped her make a deposit slip that looked genuine! I don't think KC on her own is that bright-I think she had help from someone or from a group of people who were much more accomplished at theft. I think we may have only touched the tip of the iceberg! IMO:waitasec:
I don't think she could have been stripping, dancing, or escorting, or even on the net doing something, because for sure, her clients would be coming out of the woodwork like crazy right now just to get their picture or story about what she was up to in the public eye.

She probably sold pills that someone left laying carelessly around.

I can't imagine why she would bother getting dressed up to say she was going to work though. It will come out at some point, what she was doing.
I noticed something in the latest document dump that makes me want to revisit this subject. It was in the interviews with Cindy's co-workers.

They said that Casey OFTEN come by Cindy's office to drop Caylee off when she (Casey) was "on her way to work". They said she was dressed "as if she was going to work" - whatever that means. I guess meaning not in shorts or jeans, flip-flops, etc. I believe someone said this would happen at least once per week or so.

Now, according to other information Cindy's normal work hours were usually until around 5 or 6 PM. So if Casey is dropping Caylee off at Cindy's office, it was BEFORE 5 or 6 PM, unleass Cindy was working late. And how late would Cindy be working with a 2 1/2 year old there with her?

So, was Casey going out partying and clubbing at 5 - 6 PM? Hardly, since the clubs don't get going until much later, say 9 - 10PM. And if she was going out partying, would she not need to change clothing somewhere? Work clothes are not club clothes.

This went on for TWO YEARS???? And neither George nor Cindy had ANY CLUE
that Casey did not have a job? I do NOT believe that at all!

Also, Cindy made statements to LE that Casey never was away from home overnight until right before she went "missing". Yet Ricardo stated that Casey AND Caylee stayed at his place numerous times. Wasn't that in March?

I still think Casey was "working" during those two years. I do not believe that Cindy and George fully supported all of Casey's financial needs for two years. She was getting money from somewhere and I do not believe she was stealing it for two years.

Any thoughts or input?

Since it became public knowledge that KC's lies regarding her employment were sheer fabrications, I immediately thought she was a "working girl - if only in a minor sense meaning not high-paid. When I lived in Metrowest, there were 2 very popular soceity girl clubs. These clubs catered to various clientele, especially public figures. I find it odd, and highly coincidental, that a group of event planners from Sawgrass used to advertise in Orlando's Craig's List under the same category that local prostitutes used for their advertising. They've since cracked down on these activities, b/c imo afterall it is illegal, and the police are scrutinizing everything b/c of the high profile crap going on down there. It absolutely amazes me that there are over 1000 sex offensers in Orlando alone, yet prostitutes could get away with free advertising via Craig's List! This could be one reason why KC latched onto the title of "Event Planner"...who knows. It would also be a reason why it remains unknown the way she got money to survive. IMO, there's no way she stole $$$ for 2 years from various people including her family and slept around with various guys without wanting $$$ of her own in the easiest way to obtain it. It just doesn't make sense to me. When I lived there, I knew 2 people that worked at The Platinum Club on Orange Blosson Trail and they did side jobs if you know what I mean. I thought they were nice girls, living together in their apartment to save on costs, that were going to college at UCF. One of these girls was super model gorgeous, simply beautiful. One day we were all hanging at the pool and out of the blue one of them said to me that I should think about it. That's not my cup of tea, definitely not. I expressed this to them. They told me how much money could be made, etc. That's when I found out they worked at Platinum. I'm not sure if that place is still there, but there's alot of money to be made as a stripper...that's for sure. Do I think KC did this...hmmm...I'm not so sure b/c she'd have had alot more $$$ and probably a luxury apartment to boot. One of these girls bought a vette in 4.5 months - paid cash almost $40K! KC didn't have that kind of $$$ and her wardrobe showed that, however she could have done side jobs which could have put some cash in her pockets and explained her whereabouts without being able to prove it. Again, this is only a thought, so please don't bash me. I think there's just a little more to it than KC being able to conveniently have a place to go every single day, rotate from guy to guy, lie about work, etc. - and get away with it for 2 years! There's no way she'd get that lucky.:eek:
Orlando has quite a few "Men's Clubs" that have dancers behind a glass partition. Men can't touch the girls at all and from what I understand, the hours are very flexible and you more or less work when and if you want. I've wondered if she possibly did that type thing?

I would bet that's a pretty good theory.

I'll avoid asking how you know that Orlando has "quite a few "Men's Clubs!" :winkaway:
IIRC, Lauren c, was the first 'official' sitter for Caylee. I read/heard this in one of CA's interviews. As Lauren did this so that kc could 'go back to work' at 'universal'.......BUT in Laurens interview, she stated she did this for FREE and found out that kc was not working when she was supposed to be and quit...imo
Possible but not probable: Casey does know who the father is. He is married and has a lot to protect. Maybe he talked her out of naming him as the father on the birth certificate but promised to "help out financially." Maybe is is a married who she is afraid of but still willing to hit up for money for favors. I'm sure there are enough holes in this theory to drive trucks through.
She's the vice President of Fantasyland, according to her photo bucket.

Her 'job' was collecting photo's and lot's of gross quotes/sayings.
I don't think she could have been stripping, dancing, or escorting, or even on the net doing something, because for sure, her clients would be coming out of the woodwork like crazy right now just to get their picture or story about what she was up to in the public eye.

She probably sold pills that someone left laying carelessly around.

I can't imagine why she would bother getting dressed up to say she was going to work though. It will come out at some point, what she was doing.

I'm not so sure her clients would be willing to come forward. If they were paying her for sex and/or watching her dance, do you think they'd want the public to know that? That is not an activity to be proud of plus if they were married their wives would know, etc.
Throughout this time GA hasn't appeared to talk about the friends that came over to the house after Caylees supposed disappearance as being bad influences. GA seemed to discuss JG in a little negative way possibly do to CA. My feeling is GA's latest comment about dark veiled friends, stems from a group of aquaintences the public has not been made aware of. I thnk the behaviors of KC within this group of people is what sent GA over the top into suicidal thoughts. GA could put all blame on the dark veiled friends for KC's actions. Remember GA asking KC if she wanted to be on witness protection that they could? This was after he saw 1200 pics that the FBI had. Pure speculation only leads me to beleive that there may be a possible connection to Internet *advertiser censored* selling or trading. I hope I'm proven so wrong at trial!

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