Again: Where was Casey going for two years?

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DNA Solves
Another thing that is bothering me -- it would not have been like KC to have been satisfied with sneaking home every day after GA left. For one thing, GA didn't work every day and was not working for that full two years IIRC. Second, I just re-read the William Waters interview and he states something to the effect that KC couldn't be alone or be quiet. She needed constant attention from someone/anyone. He comments that AH and RM noted the same thing. She would hang out for entire days with a friend, just so she wasn't alone. And remember AD saying that she and Caylee were always hanging out with her at DS's apt. IMO staying at Hopespring everyday would not have been enough for KC -- She would have needed to be with someone and would have spent a great deal of that time over those two years with someone. Nothing else makes sense. I think LE knows and more will be revealed.

Before RM, Casey took Caylee with her over to AD's

From February to May, Casey was staying over most nights with RM and telling her parents she was working "nights" and sleeping at Zanny's. The Anthony's would not expect Casey to work both night and day. It would be ok for George to see Casey during the day because Casey was on night shift.

After Casey met Tony, she took Caylee over to Tony's apartment when she saw him during the day. According to Casey's pings, the other days, she was at her parents house taking care of Caylee. Which lasted a whole two weeks.
I think someone has mentioned before that the A's could not have claimed KC or Caylee even if they had wanted to. KC was legally an adult, was supposedly working, and was not a fulltime student. Caylee was KC's dependent, not the A's. Just because you have a person in your home whom you are financially supporting does not mean you can automatically claim this person on your tax returns. Perhaps there is a tax person out there who can give us clarity on this issue.

Actually, you can claim them under certain circumstances. I'm a CPA. That is why I would love to see the A's and KC's returns. I doubt KC filed one after Caylee was born. It would show if the A's really believed that KC was working or not.
Actually, you can claim them under certain circumstances. I'm a CPA. That is why I would love to see the A's and KC's returns. I doubt KC filed one after Caylee was born. It would show if the A's really believed that KC was working or not.

But I betcha LE/SA know about it :) as do CA/GA.
Not only do they get a substantial discount on the tuition

Actually it is not much of a discount at all (around 10%). I don't know of one person who used the Kindercare daycare associated with Universal Studios.

if you don't have much money, there is an assistance program for dependent care to give you more money towards that.

I am quite aware of assistance programs as I am involved in the "workplace giving program." There is a certain amount of money set aside. When that has been distributed, you are out of luck. Most of the people who are on that program have been with the company a number of years.

Not only that, if Casey's income were low enough, she could also qualify for government assistance with childcare costs.

That is true but KC would have to put out the effort to apply for those government programs.

And everyone knows that a daycare center is cheaper than paying a nanny.

Not in Orlando. Home day care providers and babysitters make very little money. Kindercare is one of the more expensive daycares in the area. Not to mention the fact that KC told everyone that Jeff paid for the nanny. So no one in her family believed she was even paying for a nanny.

That's why NOTHING about Casey's story made any sense in the first place.

Well I certainly agree with you there.
At one point Casey was spending a lot of time with JG and his family until she and JG broke off their engagement.

I think Casey's pretend job at Universal as an event planner sometimes involved events that were held in the evening providing her with a "cover story" as to why she would need a babysitter after 5-6 pm.

Also, if IIRC, GA claimed Casey told him she was planning on working late June 16th and as such would be spending the night with Caylee at Zanny's. I think these alleged sleepovers at the babysitter's happened several times primarily as a cover for Casey wanting to be with her BF or go to a party and not being able to rely on CA to babysit "the kid".


She also apparently used to sneak back into the A house, and relax, when they were all out working.
I have said this before. I would like to see the A's tax returns.
Yes. .I had similar living situations as the Anthony family with adult child who worked living at home. We both were advised to file a tax return separately; hoewever, grown child was listed as a dependant on my return while still filing his tax return and indicating on his return that we had claimed him as a dependant already. With KC having a child I really want to know who claimed Caylee as a dependant. CA stated she paid for everything for Caylee's care on her MySpace page "Caylee is Missing".....if that was the case then you expect the Anthony's to file the return claiming Caylee as the dependant.
I am sure LE and the FBI have seen all the tax records for the A's. C&G&KC&L can spin their stories and claim whatever they want to-but-at trial when all the FACTS and RECORDS are laid out for all to see-then the truth of the past 2 1/2 years will be revealed! Who knows-before this is over-the A's might just be in trouble with IRS!!! :eek: Ya know ya don't mess with the IRS!! When they couldn't get alot of the mob for anything else - they got em for tax's!!:behindbar I'm prepared for anything in this case!!:rolleyes:
Ya know, I wonder...has it ever been reported where the Grunds believed she was going? They caught on that Casey wasn't working. I find it hard to believe that RG didn't make mention of it to the As. I'm more and more convinced that her parents knew there was no job. And let's not forget, she wasn't always billing herself as an "event planner"...she also worked for Sports Authority.

Well, LA does something in sports events, and Ryan worked for Sports Authority.

Babe can't even LIE creatively.
hornswoggled, your last post summed it all up about Cindy, George and KC obsessed with wanting to keep up the appearance of affluence.

Do you think the parents knew before Jesse G. did that Caylee wasn't his, but did everything in their power to convince him so that he would marry KC and their facade wouldn't be shattered?

I thought I heard that CA resented the Gs, and did everyhing she could to break JG and KC up?

I don't think CA liked another family having say over the baby.
KC was prolly shell-shocked when JG was adament on the paternity test issue - what - some one actually question her?? However, IMHO, I really don't believe KC knows who the father is and JG, unfortunately, was just someone "handy" to her at the time...she certainly couldn't go home to Mama-CA and tell her not only is she knocked up, but she doesn't even know who the father is...certainly the father of this adorable little girl would have come forward by now; however, a woman knows it is her baby as it comes from her body - men just kind of have to take their word that it is their child and it is not uncommon for a "woman" to deceive her partner that she is safe (i.e. on the pill) or one actively pursues becoming pregnant for a multitude of reasons (marriage, escaping home-life, &c.) - KC, again - IMHO, seems to fit the bill on is sad, though, because maybe Caylee's real daddy could have protected her, but God is now...

I don't think she knows-- or cares-- who the father is, either.

Amy said she had eight boyfriends, at about that time. Though, she thinks she met the guy that KC said was the father.
Can someone help me out on when the transition from a girl who works at the Photobooth for a ride at a theme park to an event planner took place?

I hear CA talk about KC's job at the photobooth in the park, then she got promoted to HR, but when did she get this event planner job and who did she contract through since she didn't work for Universal?

OMG I'm starting to "Cindy" which means digging through details of purely fictional events :eek:
I am sure LE and the FBI have seen all the tax records for the A's. C&G&KC&L can spin their stories and claim whatever they want to-but-at trial when all the FACTS and RECORDS are laid out for all to see-then the truth of the past 2 1/2 years will be revealed! Who knows-before this is over-the A's might just be in trouble with IRS!!! :eek: Ya know ya don't mess with the IRS!! When they couldn't get alot of the mob for anything else - they got em for tax's!!:behindbar I'm prepared for anything in this case!!:rolleyes:

You are correct, essies. Tax evasion was the only way the feds could put Al Capone behind bars!! :behindbar
You are correct, essies. Tax evasion was the only way the feds could put Al Capone behind bars!! :behindbar

You read my mind! I was JUST thinking of Big Al. who once kicked the mayor of Chicago down the steps of his own City Hall!
Can someone help me out on when the transition from a girl who works at the Photobooth for a ride at a theme park to an event planner took place?

I hear CA talk about KC's job at the photobooth in the park, then she got promoted to HR, but when did she get this event planner job and who did she contract through since she didn't work for Universal?

OMG I'm starting to "Cindy" which means digging through details of purely fictional events :eek:

Not only that! KC can't even SPELL HR. :)
Can someone help me out on when the transition from a girl who works at the Photobooth for a ride at a theme park to an event planner took place?

I hear CA talk about KC's job at the photobooth in the park, then she got promoted to HR, but when did she get this event planner job and who did she contract through since she didn't work for Universal?

OMG I'm starting to "Cindy" which means digging through details of purely fictional events :eek:

:floorlaugh:That's a good one! Diggin thru details of pure fiction to find a grain of truth!
This case is gonna become part of a new urban dictionary!:rolleyes:
This is what KC had been doing...JMHO...rumor...not fact...:furious:

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Homepage > Orlando News
Garavaglia: No Change In Caylee's Cause Of Death
Interviews Released In Case Against Casey Anthony
POSTED: 5:28 pm EDT June 11, 2009
UPDATED: 5:35 pm EDT June 12, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County medical examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia said Friday that the autopsy report on the remains of Caylee Anthony draws no new conclusions as to her cause of death.

Garavaglia reported in December that the toddler's death was a homicide of unknown origin. However, she added that she included a summary in her 30-page report that draws some conclusions about what happened to Caylee based on tests and other evidence gathered since she made her initial findings.

That autopsy report was to be included in the hundreds of pages of new evidence released by the state attorney's office in the case against Casey Anthony Friday morning. However, George and Cindy Anthony succeeded in the effort to at least temporarily block the release of their granddaughter's autopsy report.

PDF 1: Cindy Anthony Deposition | PDF 2: Universal Orlando Web Site |PDF 3: Lee Anthony Deposition Part 1 | PDF 4: Lee Anthony Deposition Part 2 | PDF 5: George Anthony Deposition Part 1 | PDF 6: George Anthony Deposition Part 2 | PDF 7: Joy Wray Interview | PDF 8: James Hoover Deposition | PDF: Sean Krause Deposition | Images: Timeline Of Casey, Caylee Anthony Case

Caylee Anthony More

Casey Anthony remains in the Orange County Jail charged with murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee. The toddler's remains were discovered in December in a wooded area off Suburban Drive near the Anthony family's home.

The Anthonys argued that the release of the autopsy results would cause the family great distress.

Judge Stan Strickland is expected to hold a hearing on the matter next week.

The document released included an interview with an Anthony family friend who said she was concerned about Caylee's safety during an incident 15 months before her disappearance.

Michelle Murphy is a friend of the Anthony family who has known Lee Anthony, Casey's brother, since the first grade. In her interview with police, she described a phone call between her and Casey Anthony 15 months before Caylee vanished in which Anthony said she was "feeling crazy." Murphy said she feared Caylee was in danger and offered to come and pick her up.

In the documents, Murphy said Anthony told her she felt like she wasn't being a very good mother and was considering committing herself for psychological reasons. Murphy said she wasn't sure if it was a ploy for sympathy or a reaction to Anthony's stormy relationship with her parents.

Murphy detailed a tumultuous relationship between Casey and Cindy Anthony regarding Caylee -- and said that during Caylee's second birthday the two competed over gifts.

Murphy also said that George and Cindy Anthony had often spoken of gaining custody of Caylee, and that during a vigil held after the toddler went missing he speculated as to what would have happened if they had gotten custody instead of just discussing it.

Murphy said Casey Anthony had lied about being pregnant with Caylee -- saying doctors believed she may have a tumor. The next day, Murphy said Anthony appeared overjoyed to be carrying a baby.

Finally, Murphy said Anthony had at one point said she was pregnant again and that Cindy Anthony was furious. She said Casey Anthony later said she had miscarried.

A deposition from Internet blogger Sean Krause was also included in Friday's release. Krause had a crime blog called The Daily BS, and, one point, had daily phone conversations with Cindy Anthony.

Krause told investigators that on the day that bounty hunter Leonard Padilla was searching Blanchard Park for signs of Caylee, Cindy Anthony called him, crying.

He said he took that opportunity to say to her, "You know, I really strongly believe that you know your daughter murdered Caylee."

Krause said that on that particular day, it "was the first time that she agreed that she actually really believed that her daughter, you know, actually did something to Caylee." The next day, according to Krause, Cindy Anthony "retracted her statement."

"That kind of irked me," Krause told investigators, "You go from one extreme to the other. You want sympathy, but then you retract your own statement. Then you tell people "No, you can't use that because I believe my granddaughter is still alive."

Krause said he felt like he "really, really hit a nerve."

Krause said he asked Cindy Anthony about a rumor he heard that Casey Anthony worked for an escort service called Universal, and he said that she responded that she "knew nothing of it."

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