aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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She wasn't even in her "fog" when she got rid of the evidence. She knows exactly where that gun is, but she can't tell anyone because it would prove it was her grandfather's gun.

I think so! After all he did mention her writing her "manifesto" in his closing argument.

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 1m
“@2210kelly: btw what was the off the record stuff for #jodiarias” just her thoughts on how the case was going. That's it. #FOX10

i still want to hear it...

As Juan would say, riiiiiiight.

I don't believe that for a minute.
That's not going to happen, she is the most watched convicted prisoner in the world right now. However, something very telling is this; When Troy Hayden was talking about his interview with Jodi, he said that he didn't find out the interview was actually going to happen until right after the verdict was read. He said she told him prior to the interview that she would only talk to him if it was a 1st Degree Murder verdict. Why is that? Don't you think if that's the only reason she would do the interview, she had a reason? Of course she did!! I think she had already decided to drop the 'suicide' card in this interview. She knew the consequences if she indicated she wanted to die, and wanted the death penalty. In fact, on the stand she testified that she never mentioned suicide before, because she knew she would be put in a 'padded cell'. She had this all planned. She is a conniving manipulator, and I think she planned this would happen so she could further torture the Alexander family, and prolong the inevitable. But even more than this, I think she may hope that she can still cause a mis-trial and disrupt the whole proceedings to come. Sorry Jodi - it ain't gonna happen!


Exactly. She planned to announce her desire to die so that she would be placed on suicide watch. She keeps talking and if we listen and remember, she's a little easier to figure out.
I think the interview was a pre planned event for the purpose of re directing the attention back onto her and stealing the thunder and victory from the real victims and that state. After all its all about her. This was as pre meditated as the crime itself
Oh she made a comment in the interview that she knew what happened, really? I thought she didn't know what happened, I thought she was in a fog? hummm.. which is it?
About that "not refreshing" thing. I'm now sitting at the last comment. How do I see new comments? There are no pages to go forward on. The only answer I see is to log out and log back on. How does that help? Just asking.

Hit "F5".
I don't see any comments on any page on the Fox-Phoenix website. Maybe it's my browser settings?

scroll all the way down to the bottom....the comments are there
This case has made me completely go 'round the bend.

Today is my 17th anniversary and mr. dood and I had originally made plans to go out for a festive meal, as we usually do on May 10. On Wednesday, thinking ahead I said: "NO! Aggravation phase! Got to leave Thursday and Friday open! Remember?" So he said, OK OK, next Wednesday, then. "NO! NO! Aggravation phase rescheduled!!" So now we're going out next Tuesday. :)

Nothing better happen next Tuesday! Just sayin'....

Poor mr. dood. Talk about aggravation!

P.S. He's into trials, too. Fortunately!

Happy anniversary!! It's our 16th today! :)

Thanks much! Sometimes it seems like we've only been together for a couple of years and sometimes it seems like! It's a good thing he likes to follow trials, too. This lust for justice is an all-consuming passion!


Oh, and a belated good afternoon, all and sundry!
She doesn't feel any remorse because she thinks he deserved it. She thinks we're all crazy, that we are the ones who can't see the truth. I believe that for 5 years she has been telling herself over and over again these lies that she told the jury, and so now she actually believes it. Notice she used the phrases and "evidence" presented in trial...well, donchaknow didn't ya hear his own words in that sex tape, Troy?? Didn't you read his e-mails and texts, Troy?? Didn't you see what a horrible hypocrital he was, Troy?? It was like she was speaking as if she was the lawyer for a defendant, the defendant being someone else. She used the evidence presented in court, not some real-life event like most of us would do.

I am sure she is fuming mad that Troy said on air he thinks she is "mentally ill." LOL. Sure she won't be giving him any more interviews after that snub. Mental condition? What mental condition? Who, me??

I also think her mom needs to be happy she's locked up, b/c IMO the first person she would kill next is her mom. She tries to hide her rage from other people, but her mom has already seen it, she can let loose with her. I believe STRONGLY, that if she were EVER to get out, she and her mom would get into one of their arguments, and now that Jodi has killed before, it would be no big deal for her to reach over, grab a knife from that kitchen butcherblock, and stab her own mother to death just like she did Travis. Her mom needs to be thanking these jurors for protecting her other family members.

Yes, in her twisted mind, Jodi thinks that her lies have now become "evidence" :banghead:
Some tweets by Troy Hayden/ his supporters (he's kinda being called all kinds of things on twitter)

@PALandPAL everyone knew Jodi still could say what she wanted in mitigation, Troy just got her unguarded by her attys and it will pay off

WHY choose to give the interview the day before yesterday? Why couldn't Jodi wait till she was on the stand again pleading for her life? After being found guilty I think wanted the focus on her the way she wanted to. "You can talk about me, but it will be on MY terms."

What a manipulative coldhearted woman. SMH.
Here is a question for any who might know.

Does the LDS Church "excommunicate" members? Could Jodi be formally excommunicated for murder?

I can't imagine the LDS church wants their name to be associated with her in any way, unless she would be thoroughly repentant about an awful lot of things she has admitted she has done. And I don't sense even a milliliter of remorse from Jodi for anything she has done.

jmo but she was excommunicated LONG before the verdict
since everyone who was in the courtroom when this 'incident' happened has been told to zip it or else, it sounds like she did something they saw or heard.
somebody here posted----and i'm not trying to start a rumor----that she refused to enter the courtroom. like i said, i don't know if that's true but it sounds like something she'd pull. so maybe she was back there yelling and the people in the courtroom heard her, and what she said.
follow that up with a trip to chambers, where i'm thinking the witch told JSS she wants to fire her DT.

after all, this conviction is all THEIR fault---not HERS. so on to an evaluation to see if she's competent.

that's my theory anyway, and i don't know anything more than the rest of us----just sounds like the petulant, narcissistic brat we know she is.
I could be wrong but I believe KCL said on the Courtroom Observers thread that they were asked not to speak with the media ON THEIR WAY OUT.... not forever.
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but look at the verdict YouTube croaker queen at around 3:30 ish looks like JA says to JW "remember I have that interview". Thoughts?

Sure could be! Any lip-readers here today?

Now that we know that Jodi is not in the psych ward by choice but was committed by those who believe that she might be suicidal, I'm sure that Jodi is fit to be tied. The last thing that Jodi would have wanted is to be labeled with mental health issues. She was adamant about this during the trial both in her snarky answer to a juror's questions about whether or not she had ever sought help for her mental problems and later when Dr. DeMarte dared to say that Jodi has Borderline Personality Disorder. I doubt that Jodi is a happy camper with jail personnel and psych staff monitoring her constantly. She's probably not the queen bee in her new digs, either, and that in itself will make Jodi's blood boil.

Things have not gone as Jodi anticipated, and she will have extreme difficulty accepting the reality that she was convicted of 1st Degree Murder and will likely spend the rest of her life in prison. It must have been like he!! on earth to deal with Jodi on a daily basis, and I feel sympathy for her DT who made every effort to placate their uncontrollable client. And, as much as I disliked both of them, I actually feel a bit sorry for Dr. Samuels and ALV because they, too, tried to help Jodi and are victims of her lies and manipulation. :moo:

I mostly agree with you, but I don't think ALV and Samuels were victims, they did it for the money.

Yesterday was a perfect storm for Jodi. Travis' family filing a civil lawsuit (no money from manifesto), the jury results were a surprise (the quivering chin), getting thrown in psycho ward (it was not all she thought it would be), no access to her support group (ALV/Samuels), and I think she just might have really pissed off her lawyers (the interview).

So I do think she refused to come to court with a meltdown. She probably hates her new shrinks.
if anybody knows... Did they air the original interview from January along with the post-verdict interview, or is this reporter still keeping it confidential?

When I heard him say this, the first thing that I thought of was that there was a written agreement that included confidentiality and non disclosure..and it could not be shared unless a court order was done. I did quite a few of these agreements for my company and that was always an overriding exit to the confidentiality.

And the reporter saying this now will allow the prosecutor to issue the court order subpoena for the January interview. ?

That was a thought that I am mediately had when I heard him say that.

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This case has made me completely go 'round the bend.

Today is my 17th anniversary and mr. dood and I had originally made plans to go out for a festive meal, as we usually do on May 10. On Wednesday, thinking ahead I said: "NO! Aggravation phase! Got to leave Thursday and Friday open! Remember?" So he said, OK OK, next Wednesday, then. "NO! NO! Aggravation phase rescheduled!!" So now we're going out next Tuesday. :)

Nothing better happen next Tuesday! Just sayin'....

Poor mr. dood. Talk about aggravation!

P.S. He's into trials, too. Fortunately!

Happy anniversary!!!!!!!
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