aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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We've got a few days until next hearing .. I've been thinking about strategies the DT could have used that wouldn't have involved trashing Travis, would have fit the facts including JA's multiple stories, and may have worked better .. Purely hypothetical of course but any ideas?

My idea: all JA, all the way. She relished every moment of trashing TA and hurting his family. Not to mention throwing all the sex into the faces of DR, LA, and MH. Evil, evil woman.
He did ask her about her constant drawing on some days in court. She denies doing any drawing and insists she was writing information to assist "Jennifer and Kirk" in her defense. Says she may have "doodled some in the margins" :banghead:

We can see how her 'assistance' worked out for her defense.

One can only hope that she will be so self-assisting during the aggravation hearing.
Jodi Arias drips of self-righteous narcissism.

It is clear that when she kills and 'de-edifies' someone, she only does so because in her mind, they had it coming.

How dare anyone inconvenience St. Jodi of Arias!

Thank you TD. I needed that smile. You had me at "de-edifies". :floorlaugh:

Also that St. Jodi of Arias takes me back to a night Dr. Drew called her "Jodius". OMG I needed that funny memory. :seeya:
Dateline is on. Started at 9:eek:o. Eastern Its called Obsession Jodi Arias story
Kiefer's cruel projection on to me really got me thinking about how people choose to cope when the most horrible thing happens in your life that you can NEVER erase. I'm going to write about it somehow one day soon. I want to say some things about the additional burdens that get placed on murder victims' families (which will come for the Alexanders and has already although they've been shielded to alot of it).

It's like we're expected to "just let it go" or follow some "code of conduct" or "rise above it" or somehow compartmentalize it in a way that makes OTHER people less uncomfortable.

The reality, esp with the DP, we are living with it for the rest of our lives. Healing is a process. Closure never happens.

I felt like Kiefer's judgment of me , aside from being his own projection" was sort of this Gestalt of the whole dilemna we face (or anyone who's been subjected to horrible tragedy). That you're in this spotlight and expected to be some kind of "example" yet at the same time human and continually evolving and doing the best you can at every turn, every year, every anniversary, every trigger.

His words DID cut me like a knife because they were said so casually as "fact" like it was some "given" and everyone knows I'm somehow "ruined" now that I've chosen to step out of the closet of my pain in to this in some kind of "out loud" way, that it's an indicator that I'm "worse off than I've been in years" (which is one of the things he said to me, to my face, in the courtroom). I was stunned. I laughed it off saying "you really think I've totally changed?" (knowing it was NOT a compliment) and he snickered and said "well, look at you, you're here aren't you?". Like this was some kind of leprosy on my face.

It hurts when someone is being cruel. But in reality, it stings him that ANYONE is supporting the Alexanders. It's HIS issue. He thinks THEY have "victimized" Jodi by not promoting her plea deal.

This is what families are exposed to (and more). Usually it just shows up in eerie camps like the Jodi Is Innocent asylum but it's downright disturbing to show up in a relationship like that. It stunned me honestly. But I made a hard decision over it..and I'm still protecting his privacy on some things because I have my own conscience.

Sorry for the rant...I just kind of popped the cork on this (and not on my wine yet..brb).

Oh, Katie, he's cruel. I'm so sorry that happened to you. What an as*h*le. He was claiming that you're damaged goods and that what you're doing with your life is somehow inauthentic because it's "just" an outlet for your pain! How dare he!! He's the one who isn't genuine or authentic. Obviously this guy is so terrified of feeling, he thinks other people's pain will rub off on him. Thank the heavens that he finally revealed himself to you. The waters have been parted! He's a useless human being not unlike JA. Many hugs to you, Katie.
My idea: all JA, all the way. She relished every moment of trashing TA and hurting his family. Not to mention throwing all the sex into the faces of DR, LA, and MH. Evil, evil woman.

Unquestionably so.

This is why she's so publicly insisting that "it's not her fault" that the family subjected themselves to her assassination of Travis's character. After all, she told them what to do (2nd degree murder) to avoid this whole sordid trial affair, yet they wouldn't play ball.

"What's a girl to do?"

In Jodi's mind, like Travis, his family "has it coming" and deserves every "de-edification" she can spew their collective way.
Thank you TD. I needed that smile. You had me at "de-edifies". :floorlaugh:

Also that St. Jodi of Arias takes me back to a night Dr. Drew called her "Jodius". OMG I needed that funny memory. :seeya:

You go, girl!

As in Jodious Iscaryet.

[Yes, that's an imperative name pun.]

Can you share the backstory of his personal dislike of Juan? NEVER MIND--I just read your posts. That guy makes me really angry--it's the current state of the media--they have decided that THEY get to decide what the Truth is. A true journalist would get some psychological help for the seething anger that he pushes almost right beneath the surface. He's an angry, bitter man. And it makes his "reporting" contaminated (borrowing a word from Juan's closing re: ALV). Juan's girlfriend pretty?
Serious question...why does that make you :banghead:?

It just seemed obvious to me she was drawing. She tells the interviewer she was writing notes and passing them to her attorneys. I did see her pass some notes but especially when Demarte was on the stand she seemed to be drawing as her way to "escape" hearing the damaging truth coming from the witness stand.
This Perryville where JA will be going looks scary. A couple of years ago a woman was placed in a cage outdoors in 107 degree temp. She was only supposed to be there for two hours, but someone left her out there past that and she died in the cage in the blazing sun with burns on her body.
This Perryville where JA will be going looks scary. A couple of years ago a woman was placed in a cage outdoors in 107 degree temp. She was only supposed to be there for two hours, but someone left her out there past that and she died in the cage in the blazing sun with burns on her body.

I 've read this story-she died a horrible death

They treated her terribly & IIRC she was also mentally challenged
Bless her heart, she's so passive-aggressive in her interview. She oozes a mean nasty
inner nature, cloaking her hatred in a tattered veil we can all see through.

Will you allow her to make you feel hatred or sorry for her? Indifference is the only way. She will stand on her head for a reaction. Nope. She taunts to draw us in and get more power from the attention. She does feed on it. And now, the curtail is coming down on
her big act.

The crime was such a sorrowful event. But she is a joke.

I'm wondering why Sam and Tanisha never looked at each other, never hugged when the verdict came in. They have been through hell together.

Thanks for bringing this up....I had wondered the same thing as you. Something seemed off between them. :confused:
Dateline special on now, NBC
Chris and Sky ,Aaron, Dave ( friends of Travis )
Katie Wick are on it

Did anyone see 20/20 has special on tonight

Description: Three women held captive for 10 years in Cleveland; the Jodi Arias conviction.

Episode name? Breaking Free, Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad :floorlaugh:
Oh, Katie, he's cruel. I'm so sorry that happened to you. What an as*h*le. He was claiming that you're damaged goods and that what you're doing with your life is somehow inauthentic because it's "just" an outlet for your pain! How dare he!! He's the one who isn't genuine or authentic. Obviously this guy is so terrified of feeling, he thinks other people's pain will rub off on him. Thank the heavens that he finally revealed himself to you. The waters have been parted! He's a useless human being not unlike JA. Many hugs to you, Katie.

I have to say I'm so infrequently subjected to that kind of ridicule (well no one is unless you are say Alyce LaViolette) that I was stunned. I "phoned a friend" who knows him and me and asked her (someone who IS in my life on a regular basis) if I've changed that much and she wrote back "Kiefer is an a$$hole, steer clear. No you have not changed". Thank God for friends.

I got several emails from CLIENTS writing who had no idea I'd ever had a homicide in my family...I keep it pretty well hidden most of the time. Anyway enough on Kiefer...that's done...reading his once again inaccurate article just got my blood boiling again. This week has been an intense one.

I've got my tivo fired up for Dateline..I didn't know Katie was on! Did you guys know she's on the cover of a free newspaper in town wrapped in crime scene tape on a piece about trial watchers? I have a copy. I was also interviewed for should be online but it's not up yet. Shana Hogan wrote it. She's also writing a book on this case. First day I went to court I was told "she's who we all go to for the facts". SHe's the main journalist covering this crime from day one. I like her.
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