aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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In the blogosphere, I am a long time lurker and first time poster so please be kind!

I have enjoyed the multiple threads and conversations and decided to come out of lurking to introduce myself and offer food for thought.

I think we all believe that Jodi is deviant and extraordinary in her absolute ability to manipulate and twist facts and fiction into a story that encompasses nothing but her narcissistic personality with hopeful gain to see her as she sees herself as as an abused woman.

After reading blogs, transcripts, and viewing countless videos and interviews, I am appalled and embarrassed by her claims of abuse and ongoing pathetic attempts to gain attention.

Being an abuse victim, Jodi sends me to orbit and beyond with her thinly-veiled coverups and claims of abuse and I cannot muster one ounce of sympathy for what she caused, much less what she claims.

I came out of hiding upon finding Websleuths and realized I am not alone and that Jodi is the exception and not the rule. I've lived through domestic abuse, sexual abuse and never ever recoiled to harm anyone. We as 'the abused' are forced to be silent but I wrote about it in my journal, gave it to a friend for safe keeping, and I left hints (big hints) to friends and family in the event that something terrible would happen to me.

I was scared beyond belief not only my life, but that of my child too. I faked a life of 'normal' but lived in fear for years.

This woman, Jodi, is nothing but a pathological liar and one who knows nothing about true physical and sexual abuse. NOTHING.

She wouldn't know the truth if the directions were written in print and colored in crayola pictures and plastered on the inside of her own journals. Her schemes, lying, manipulation and faux tears are lost on me as well as other abuse victims.

I am appalled at Alyce and Samuels with their hired and paid for testimony as they do not represent true victims.

I am leveled to a place of previous fear and pure hatred for what she has done to abuse victims who have little or no voice and for those who truly do deserve truth and justice.

I thank you, all of you for being the voices of truth and reason.

My hope and passion is for justice. True justice to the end.

Thanks. Just needed to get this off my chest and say thank you to all who see the bigger picture and see Travis and family in a true light despite the hideous and horrendous malicious psychopathic actions of one who cannot find truth if it slapped her on the a$$ with a wooden spoon.

Thank you for this stellar first post! Welcome! Wish you'd shown up sooner but glad you're here now! :seeya:
They're talking about the JA is innocent website. SJ is the person who runs it. Don't even look there it's nothing but trash.

Oh ok, never been, never will. I don't expose myself (so to speak) to that sort of nonsense.
I'm wondering how big a can of whip azz judge sherry will open on her when she sentences her. I hope it's family size.

I don't know ... she has certainly been very lenient. At this point, I would think JSS is her biggest hope.
Watching Dateline reminds me, why does JA have access to so many different pairs of glasses? I can count at least 4 different frames that she wears throughout the trial.

I have a job and I'm lucky I can pay for my one set a year!

Bricka, I do think that I know how you feel. For the past ten years I have been volunteering to help Military Veterans. Some are in need of time consuming, and, costly mental health care - which cost $7,000 and up (WAY UP). Some are in need of prosthetics which can range anywhere between $5,000 - $50,000.

Military Veterans still have mortgages to pay, utility bills - let's just say "Cost of Living Expenses."

When I heard that Arias was being sent to Buckeye due to her psychological needs - I could not help but to think, "there are so many Military Men and Women that would benefit from "free psychological care." Men and women of uniform that have led a life a dignity - that have fought for their country - some joining the military in hopes of leaving poverty, getting an eduction (and still willing to make the sacrifices it takes to be in the military). Our military deserves our support - they have earned respect. They are criminals - they did not break the law. So why is it that Inmates in Correctional Facilities are receiving better medical care than our men and women in uniform?"

In fact, at several correctional facilities that I have worked at - I have seen inmates being fitted and re-fitted for prosthetics. There was no reason for an inmate to think twice about re-fitted as they were not responsible for the large bill.

It has been a challenge to get prosthetics for many deserving men and women of uniform.

Also - it seems as the Working Class has been treated so poorly in the last 10 years especially. Health Insurance Cost are so high, for example. I have heard at several lectures, "roundtables," steering committees conventions that the age group between 35-43 (plus or minus three years) is the most "stressed" - this age group in many respects has it worst than after the great depression.

I think that families should be able to decide if both mom and dad want to work - or if one wants to work outside of the home so that one parent can concentrate on the children (no offense to anyone - but "staying at home" IMO is the hardest job - if it is possible, I think that the rewards are great - I think that it is important to have one parent very active in their child's/children's school(s) one parent on "watch" - the "stay at home" parent has it much more difficult, again IMO, as their job never ends - NOT EVEN ON FAMILY VACATION. With one parent working - I think that the "income" parent should have the opportunity to have a job that pays enough to pay for a safe/nice home, two cars, private school tuition if the parents choice is private school, and a yearly vacation.

I do not think that is unreasonable.

It is hard to know that Arias receives better health care than many hard working Americans - woman working two jobs just to have enough money to pay the bills, for example.

Arias since being incarcerated has never looked "worst for wear." She probably is getting her teeth cleaned twice a year - any dental work that needs to be done - her skin does not look horrible (I know that she had the cold sore).

I have seen hard working middle/working class parents look much "worst for wear" than Arias.

I do not know where we as citizens "stand" in making changes - how we can say "we are not going to spend all this money on correctional inmates - we want each and every public school to be great, and, we want the teachers hired to teach our children and the school staff to be of the best caliber."

It is a story as old as time - the strange ways our tax monies are spent.

People are in jail/prison because they did something wrong. If they have to go five years without having their teeth cleaned - oh well. I have encountered many people that have gone long periods of time without being able to go to the dentist (as they could not afford it).

Bricka - It is a shame that you are "lucky" to pay for one set of glasses - but criminals can have their eyes checked / prescription lenses changed / new glasses often.

I do not think that it is fair to you - or the majority of hard working, and, law abiding citizens of our country.
As the trial went on, and she took the stand, I realized I was staring/listening to my dad........which just reinforced why I cut him out of my life about 20 years ago. (OK, "cut" is NOT the right word, but you get the idea). It's been strange, to say the least.
Weeks back, there were comments about JA saying "we drove", "we stopped", we, we, we,.........when she was really alone. GAWD! My dad did the exact same thing, changing "I" to "we/us", in a way to avoid responsibility, or to make you feel like his situations involved all of us in the family, urgh! :banghead:
I hadn't been to the house I grew up in Scottsdale for 10 years, and went down there just to see it be demo'd......I just sat outside and cried for about an hour, so much pain, heartache. Dad had pulled a fast one and had the property "quit claimed" 4 times in an hour to deny any inheritance my siblings and I had in it (it was left to us by my gramps). Whatever, another "dad moment".
Got to tell you though, watching it demo'd was a coup! We had all discussed dynamiting it, but I don't think the city would have cleared it, even with 1 1/2 acres around it, too close to downtown. A developer had bought the property and contacted us all a few days before he tore it all down.
It was very "freeing".
Being raised by someone with BPD and ASPD is very...difficult, I don't know what other words to use.
I don't hate him, I just don't regard him as a human being or someone worth wasting my time on. Somehow, that has brought me peace. I am an orphan by choice! :rockon:

((( hugs))) to you:seeya:
No I wouldn't.

Well, that sounds definitive. I'm glad you have such convictions.

Not me. We were denied the death penalty. We got 30 years. We're at 29. I wish I knew what was coming next. I wish it was his death. But, instead, we will just sit here, and wait and see what he chooses to do.

I don't feel justice has been served. But, maybe that's just me.

OK, so she has already been convicted of TAs murder but didn't/doesn't Van Sustern's question above ever ring any bells with anyone? Gus says that Jodi called him the night of the murder - gosh, how could she have known that TA was dead that night since his body wasn't discovered until days later? Was this ever brought up at all during the trial? I sure don't remember it, if it was.

What am I missing here?

IIRC, he has said she actually called him to tell him of Travis' death after she had returned to Yreka. She told Gus about it at some point after she received the "news" by Dan Freeman.

Whether ol' Gus has given more than one version of the story is entirely possible!
I heard somewhere...and I think this was in AZ...where a convict decided they wanted death row, no appeals...signed the waiver etc and he was executed in three years instead of the usual 12-15

I don't know if that's true or not, but I have no problem with it if it is.
I don't know ... she has certainly been very lenient. At this point, I would think JSS is her biggest hope.

oh i don't mean HELP her. JSS is NOT going to help her. if she ends up choosing the term, she'll get the max from JSS.

i'm just wondering what she's going to say to her. most judges do say something when they sentence----i've heard some pretty blistering things said to the convicted felon from the bench. i've seen judges almost cry just talking about what they did.

i'm just eager to see her do it. it's like her own impact statement. for all i know, she'll be mean as all get out. i hope she is.
I think Jodi asked for the interview ONLY if she got murder1 for a reason. She knew once convicted she would be headed to federal prison, she did not want to go. So she did the interview and said what she said to stop it, make them take her to a hospital prison rather than the real one. I picture her in a straight jacket and padded cell as I post this and I love the thought of it. I have heard they can and they can not make her show up in court in her new striped fashions. I hope they do. As for taped victim responses, that defeats the purpose. Any victim/family member of a convicted felon should have the right to speak their mind in front of the person convicted of doing said crime. I pray the family of Travis gets to do that, and I so want Jodi in a striped outfit while they do it. NO REMORSE in this woman at all, she is full of hate and will take anyone she can down with her, she has been doing it and continues to do it. Jodi, it is over, time to pay for your (sorry, not allowed to say the rest)

I read over on one of the other threads, maybe Part 1 of the Aggravation thread, that she will have on civilian clothes because the prison clothing could sway the jury one way or the other in their decision for LWOP or death penalty.
I completely agree with your feelings but think if you look a little further you'll see that the whole crime/lynchmob thing didn't stop after Salem, it's been a constant through our history. From John Wilkes Booth to OJ it's been happening.

The ugly difference I see with today's style of mob is that they are there to be on TV. They behave in a manner most likely to get on TV.

I would like just once to celebrate justice done. People in lawful assembly peaceably celebrating justice done in front of OUR public courthouses is no lynch mob.
oh i don't mean HELP her. JSS is NOT going to help her. if she ends up choosing the term, she'll get the max from JSS.

i'm just wondering what she's going to say to her. most judges do say something when they sentence----i've heard some pretty blistering things said to the convicted felon from the bench. i've seen judges almost cry just talking about what they did.

i'm just eager to see her do it. it's like her own impact statement. for all i know, she'll be mean as all get out. i hope she is.

I've thought about that too....she has been SO diplomatic through it all..I'd love to see what her verbal lashings sounds like!
This chick has been 'Playin' since the beginning of time. When will the Court recognize it?
oh i don't mean HELP her. JSS is NOT going to help her. if she ends up choosing the term, she'll get the max from JSS.

i'm just wondering what she's going to say to her. most judges do say something when they sentence----i've heard some pretty blistering things said to the convicted felon from the bench. i've seen judges almost cry just talking about what they did.

i'm just eager to see her do it. it's like her own impact statement. for all i know, she'll be mean as all get out. i hope she is.

I think JSS will give her the lightest sentence she can if it comes to her decision.
Think it would be natural first reaction to want death...until ya get to death row ...just think of JA..she can get a GED finally..and then will get extra grandiose and think she will be the best prison atty. " in the world" ....She wants LWOP before death IMO
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