aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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I don't have anything to add to the discussion other than I dvr'd the Dateline episode. I am watching it now and I have never given my tv the middle finger so much.
Some mental illnesses apparently have a point that kicks things off. That's why I think that pot thing is relevant. Also, JA's dad mentioned this too. I really think that point was a trigger, not the cause but a trigger

i think jodi is a bad seed- period

if jodi got on the stand during the penalty phase and told the truth (i mean the actual truth not her BS) that she brutally murdered travis out of spite and jealousy and that she planned it etc for her to avoid the DP would you be comfortable with it?

i seen this question posted somewhere else and was just curious.

i know she will never tell the truth but i thought it was an interesting question
I don't have anything to add to the discussion other than I dvr'd the Dateline episode. I am watching it now and I have never given my tv the middle finger so much.

LOL Ruby, I just finished watching it myself.

if jodi got on the stand during the penalty phase and told the truth (i mean the actual truth not her BS) that she brutally murdered travis out of spite and jealousy and that she planned it etc for her to avoid the DP would you be comfortable with it?

i seen this question posted somewhere else and was just curious.

i know she will never tell the truth but i thought it was an interesting question

Given everything she has said and done , to me, it would make no difference at all. What she did is murder a man that wanted her out of his life. For that she must pay the penalty. An eye for an eye so to speak.


if jodi got on the stand during the penalty phase and told the truth (i mean the actual truth not her BS) that she brutally murdered travis out of spite and jealousy and that she planned it etc for her to avoid the DP would you be comfortable with it?

i seen this question posted somewhere else and was just curious.

i know she will never tell the truth but i thought it was an interesting question

I'm not sure Jodi knows the truth anymore. To me, she seems rather delusional, thinking she is famous. She seems in her own fantasy world. She struck me (upon the verdict) as surprised that others didn't see things her way! I keep getting the feeling that she thinks he had it coming, or that she caused him to go to a better place. Her death thing, even for her own life seems to be a constant factor in her brain. She might be using it as a manipulation, but it's still a constant since her teen years at least.

if jodi got on the stand during the penalty phase and told the truth (i mean the actual truth not her BS) that she brutally murdered travis out of spite and jealousy and that she planned it etc for her to avoid the DP would you be comfortable with it?

i seen this question posted somewhere else and was just curious.

i know she will never tell the truth but i thought it was an interesting question

I believe if she told the truth there would be those on the jury that would say LWOP......ever. The chances of her telling the
with JA she failed on all accounts . she thought no one knew about her stalking Travis Alexander,she also thought cause they had sex and it was suppose to be mega secret and Travis Alexander would keep silent about her actions towards him. how wrong she was ,seems most of them knew , not that they voiced it out in public. ah they knew maybe giggled about it and went on about their daily lives. I hope this is a lesson to anyone that if 1 simple action towards them makes them uncomfortable to let a friend know and write it secretly down . its a dangerous world out there. and Travis Alexander with his background gave the killer so many chances cause he is kind and did not want to cause her issues. it cost him his life. times are different today back in the day a handshake was a seal of trust. today it means nothing. kindness to others can kill you. seen in the newspapers cause of kindness many got killed. example- open your door cause someone wants to use your bathroom. homeowner got killed/beaten/pills and money stolen. woman got stalked for 3 years all because she smiled to some lunatic cause he let her go through the doors first at a shopping center. she did nothing wrong, a smile and thank you was 3 years of hell for her.
It's really the change in the formatting and not covering live trials anymore..and seeing she's really a live trial reporter (as is Jean) there's no position there anymore. She has a few things in the works though...stay tuned. She'll land on her feet.
I wonder if HLN will bring them both back - perhaps on an independent or freelance contract basis - for the Zimmerman trial in June.



My, how times Jodi?

Please forgive me if this has already been acknowledged but this is the first time I've seen this particular picture of Jodi (top pic). Is that Travis's PPL ring on her finger? TIA!
I felt the same way. There had to have been some more underlying serious issues during her childhood that we are not privy too.

Everyone of my friends including me went through the pot/parents pissed routine, and most of us ended up just fine. I think...LOL

Hi Hatfield,

Do you really think if there were some really dark episodes in JA's early life she would not have used them for her own good? Mom and Dad would have been a gold mine of "sickness" if she could accuse TA of pedophilia.

Like someone else said she is just a "Bad Seed", capable of anything in order for her to get what she wants.

Think about the immediate interview after the verdict. She planned that years ago. She NEEDED to be interviewed if M1 was her sentence immediately before the aggravation phase. She needed it to make sure the jury got wind of her wanting "death: before their decision. Again she is playing them--I hope they see thru her plan and actually give her what she 'say's" she wants.
I mean really how can this idiot think death will be her final freedom--like God will know she "Had" to kill TA.......and things will just be hunky dory in the afterlife. Maybe she will get 100 virgins to play with.

if jodi got on the stand during the penalty phase and told the truth (i mean the actual truth not her BS) that she brutally murdered travis out of spite and jealousy and that she planned it etc for her to avoid the DP would you be comfortable with it?

i seen this question posted somewhere else and was just curious.

i know she will never tell the truth but i thought it was an interesting question
No for two reasons. Firstly, I've heard enough from JA and secondly because even if she said all that, it still wouldn't be the full truth. The full truth is what those texts were about *with proof*, where she burned her clothes, threw away the gun, the knife, that there was no rope, no pedo stories, no DV etc. And there's no way JA is ever going to admit all that because the truth would get her the DP anyhow, so she's figures she may as well lie as she has nothing to lose.
:eek: Really? But she's been listening, looking at the crime photos, following the gas cans and receipts, hasn't she? Oh dear!:scared:

If you watch the following clip, you will see JSS writing and taking down notes.
This particular clip she talks about trashing Travis' BMW and him taking it so well (yet he goes crazy at her dropping a camera?!?!?!).
She also mentions to DEt Flores that she contacted the executor of Travis' last will and testament :eek:
I had missed this at the time, but I don't think JSS would have. I have faith in her.
In the blogosphere, I am a long time lurker and first time poster so please be kind!

I have enjoyed the multiple threads and conversations and decided to come out of lurking to introduce myself and offer food for thought.

I think we all believe that Jodi is deviant and extraordinary in her absolute ability to manipulate and twist facts and fiction into a story that encompasses nothing but her narcissistic personality with hopeful gain to see her as she sees herself as as an abused woman.

After reading blogs, transcripts, and viewing countless videos and interviews, I am appalled and embarrassed by her claims of abuse and ongoing pathetic attempts to gain attention.

Being an abuse victim, Jodi sends me to orbit and beyond with her thinly-veiled coverups and claims of abuse and I cannot muster one ounce of sympathy for what she caused, much less what she claims.

I came out of hiding upon finding Websleuths and realized I am not alone and that Jodi is the exception and not the rule. I've lived through domestic abuse, sexual abuse and never ever recoiled to harm anyone. We as 'the abused' are forced to be silent but I wrote about it in my journal, gave it to a friend for safe keeping, and I left hints (big hints) to friends and family in the event that something terrible would happen to me.

I was scared beyond belief not only my life, but that of my child too. I faked a life of 'normal' but lived in fear for years.

This woman, Jodi, is nothing but a pathological liar and one who knows nothing about true physical and sexual abuse. NOTHING.

She wouldn't know the truth if the directions were written in print and colored in crayola pictures and plastered on the inside of her own journals. Her schemes, lying, manipulation and faux tears are lost on me as well as other abuse victims.

I am appalled at Alyce and Samuels with their hired and paid for testimony as they do not represent true victims.

I am leveled to a place of previous fear and pure hatred for what she has done to abuse victims who have little or no voice and for those who truly do deserve truth and justice.

I thank you, all of you for being the voices of truth and reason.

My hope and passion is for justice. True justice to the end.

Thanks. Just needed to get this off my chest and say thank you to all who see the bigger picture and see Travis and family in a true light despite the hideous and horrendous malicious psychopathic actions of one who cannot find truth if it slapped her on the a$$ with a wooden spoon.

Welcome out of Lurkyville N2Juanderful! :seeya:

Great post and looking forward to hearing more from you. You can feel safe talking about your life here!

Good morning everyone!! Be prepared to move to a new thread and for this one to close in 15 minutes... I will be back with the link in a few...
JA will probably be one of those inmates who files a lawsuit for mistreatment or something like that.

Let her. Hopefully the Alexander siblings will win their wrongful death suit and get the money.
*packs up little bag, complete with postcard to JA written on Cinnabon box*
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