aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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Respectfully snipped and colour added by me.

Did people know this? I thought I'd been keeping up fairly well but I missed this entirely.

The DT for this defendant - freshly convicted, guilty as sin perpetrator of pre-meditated murder in a death penalty State - tried to get the death penalty taken off the table?


Ironic, since JA says in her post verdict interview that she "wants" the DP!

This made me laugh out loud because I was just coming to the threads to post we need to keep an eye out to see if the defendant tries to move in a motion to retract the option for life without parole! yet we see that they tried to get the death penalty off the table In the motion!

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Not at all. The dates for the MEs are often a bit odd
001 is CFJA

This is the ME

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
05/13/2013 8:00 AM
CR2008-031021-001 DT 05/09/2013
Docket Code 012 Form R012 Page 1
DAY 68
State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present
Court Reporter: Robin Bobbie
12:47 p.m. Trial to Jury continues from 05/08/2013.
Court convenes in chambers with Counsel for the Defendant only.
Discussion is held.
12:53 p.m. Matter concludes.
1:00 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant and Counsel for the Defendant
Counsel for the Defendant moves to dismiss the death penalty option.
IT IS ORDERED denying the motion.
1:14 p.m. Matter concludes.
1:16 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant, Counsel for the Defendant,
Counsel for the State and victim next of kin present.
Discussion is held.
IT IS ORDERED continuing the aggravation phase from this date to 05/15/2013 at 10:00
IT IS ORDERED sealing the in chambers hearing not to be transcribed until the
conclusion of the trial.
2:02 p.m. Matter concludes.
This case is eFiling eligible:
Attorneys are encouraged to review Supreme Court Administrative Order 2011-140 to determine
their mandatory participation in eFiling


To find MEs go here
Type in CR2008031021

So does this mean that the day after her TV, post-conviction interview when she said she would rather have the DP than live the rest of her life in prison, she authorized her attorneys to file a motion to have DP option removed??????

Is the jury allowed to hear this so they can consider her continued manipulations when deciding her sentence?
Morning....well now I see its actually afternoon.

I am mostly a lurker and I try to stay caught up here, but I might have missed someone else discussing this.

There have been questions about why Jodi didn't kill Travis immediately after arriving in Mesa or why she spent 13 hours there.
Something said on Dateline last night made me think. in discussing the Mormon religion and its view on premarital sex, the reporter said that, according to Mormon beliefs, if a person engaged in premarital sex and did not repent, he/she would be condemned to eternal damnation (I am paraphrasing).
Could that have been a motivation for Jodi? Do you think she purposely had sex with him before killing him, ensuring that he had no time to repent and be forgiven?
I know that sounds sick and twisted, but it is Jodi that we are talking about.

Jumping off your post here. Why was CFJA always asking to switch cars and use Travis' car? He always seem to let her.
CFJA used to ask to use Travis's car when she needed to drive the missionaries around. Her car wasn't big enough
IMO, Travis would have never gone to sleep if he knew Arias had brought a gun to his house ...

He would have taken it away from her, she was sneaky, she knew where he put it, and he probably thought he had defused the situation. He might have actually put it on the top shelf of the closet? Maybe HE was the one who wouldn't call the police because he didn't want to ruin HER reputation, until the last incident of tire slashing. And, then, he still didn't pursue that incident when LE didn't respond. JMO
I believe this is a possibility, based on every opportunity the murderer has taken to trash Mr. Alexander here on earth and the slaughter of his physical body, I can see every motivation for her to also wish to destroy his spiritual world as well.

Excellent point.

I thought that too..

I've been giving thought to her lack of remorse (for someone she claimed to love), and I am beginning to think, she was DONE with him, especially since she wrecked his car, then he wanted her to still pay for it. She already had her sights on her next victim, Ryan.

Also, she was SO CONCERNED about her stupid $200 check.

Travis could have exposed her stalking, etc to PPL and tanked her chances of reeling-in another unsuspecting victim.

She wanted financial freedom, marriage and children. Travis could have wrecked her plans.

I think in the end she DID hate Travis because he stood in the way of her plans. In her own words, she would have been sitting pretty if she had gotten away with his murder. And because of his threats to her she felt justified in killing him, and even denying his passage to heaven and trashing his name.
Do the majority here believe Arias was drugged throughout her trial? Because I don't.

I believe that if she were prescribed medications for any condition (migraines?) she got those medications while awaiting trial and all through trial, and still gets them. But as far as slipping her a Xanax or whatever to calm her down before going to court, I don't see that happening. How can any judicial system be OK with a drugged defendant (other than prescribed meds, of course)?

she is still going on about how the State wouldn't settle, like it's some civil law suit. :banghead:

Of course! It's not HER fault. It's Juan's fault that she had to say all those awful things about Travis. But, sometimes its the TA family's fault because they wouldn't let Juan "settle".

There's not a bus big enough for all the people she's attempted to throw under one. Too bad she didn't walk in FRONT of one years ago, though. :banghead:
Dr Drevv broke this:

Dr. Drew On Call was provided exclusively with an e-mail sent by Jodi Arias on Sept. 1, 2008 to a leader at Travis Alexander's employer Pre-Paid Legal.

I am writing this letter in regards to Travis Alexander, whose life was taken last June. He was a good friend of mine. Am also, at present, in custody as I am being charged with his murder.

I am not writing this solely to plead my own innocence. That goes without saying -- as Travis meant the world to me and I would never harm him.

It is my understanding that his memory will be honored and recognized in Las Vegas this September. I would humbly remind those who say any different -- that I am innocent until proven guilty.

It is with a spirit of humility that I would ask that if I am in any way referenced during Travis' memorial at the team breakout, that my implied innocence is taken into account.

With humble gratitude,

Jodi Ann Arias

Watch HLN’s Dr. Drew and his special guests' reaction to the e-mail in the video player above.

CFJA is a vvhacko

Oh my gosh.. over the top!

I guess the next one will be coming up soon. I wonder if Gus is showing his face and what people are talking about him. now that would be a real scoop or for the book to be written! What people it ppl say about Gus also!

I wonder when the next convention is? Wasn't it in May or June?

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BBM. Was anyone else shocked that, right after Travis was found murdered, that CH and SH went into Travis' email and online accounts? I was. I could understand them giving LE passwords, etc., but they went in immediately. They could have screwed up the information by resetting time stamps or otherwise affecting the data. I thought that was a bad move, although I'm sure they meant well.

Then they gave the access info to LE who immediately locked down the data.

I found it very strange. Why would TA's Webmaster even give the Hughes TA's passcodes to his emails and Google chat? If I knew a person's passcode I would never give out to anyone who would ask. Why would the Webmaster even have the passcodes to TA's personal email/Google? I thought a Webmaster maintained a web site. Was the Webmaster with PPL? If so, why would TA use his PPL email acct for personal use?
I thought that too..

I've been giving thought to her lack of remorse (for someone she claimed to love), and I am beginning to think, she was DONE with him, especially since she wrecked his car, then he wanted her to still pay for it. She already had her sights on her next victim, Ryan.

Also, she was SO CONCERNED about her stupid $200 check.

Travis could have exposed her stalking, etc to PPL and tanked her chances of reeling-in another unsuspecting victim.

She wanted financial freedom, marriage and children. Travis could have wrecked her plans.

I think in the end she DID hate Travis because he stood in the way of her plans. In her own words, she would have been sitting pretty if she had gotten away with his murder. And because of his threats to her she felt justified in killing him, and even denying his passage to heaven and trashing his name.
There would have been another victim down the road! Possibly RB
I am mostly a lurker and I try to stay caught up here, but I might have missed someone else discussing this.

There have been questions about why Jodi didn't kill Travis immediately after arriving in Mesa or why she spent 13 hours there.
Something said on Dateline last night made me think. in discussing the Mormon religion and its view on premarital sex, the reporter said that, according to Mormon beliefs, if a person engaged in premarital sex and did not repent, he/she would be condemned to eternal damnation (I am paraphrasing).
Could that have been a motivation for Jodi? Do you think she purposely had sex with him before killing him, ensuring that he had no time to repent and be forgiven?
I know that sounds sick and twisted, but it is Jodi that we are talking about.

She's read up on the religion and I haven't so I can't answer with any degree of accuracy. However, I think, across all religions, whatever the higher power to which you turn, it is clear whether you're making a conscious decision not to repent/ask for forgiveness and having the choice taken away from you by a murdering lunatic. What is in your heart is always clear.
Oh my gosh.. over the top!

I guess the next one will be coming up soon. I wonder if Gus is showing his face and what people are talking about him. now that would be a real scoop or for the book to be written! What people it ppl say about Gus also!

I wonder when the next convention is? Wasn't it in May or June?

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Something's just not right about that man.
Respectfully snipped and colour added by me.

Did people know this? I thought I'd been keeping up fairly well but I missed this entirely.

The DT for this defendant - freshly convicted, guilty as sin perpetrator of pre-meditated murder in a death penalty State - tried to get the death penalty taken off the table?



Reminiscent of when they first gave her the golf pencils in the courtroom and I was able to cap a closeup of one:

She's read up on the religion and I haven't so I can't answer with any degree of accuracy. However, I think, across all religions, whatever the higher power to which you turn, it is clear whether you're making a conscious decision not to repent/ask for forgiveness and having the choice taken away from you by a murdering lunatic. What is in your heart is always clear.

This has been mentioned here many times before, she killed him before he could repent.
Thanks, Gavvntlet. A vvhacko indeed. I guess I just assumed it might be a threat to blackmail. I vonder vhy? :floorlaugh:
How self-aggrandizing! All I keep thinking the heck did she get to send an email? lol
Krkrjkx, I believe it was Beth Karas who reported that Arias has been prescribed & given both an anti-anxiety medication and an anti-depressant. She has been taking both for some time. They would certainly alter her reaction to trial developments and might have a huge effect on how she takes in what is happening. The verdict of guilty, murder in the first degree, seems to have finally penetrated all resistance to reality.
So there WERE jury questions during deliberations. Looks like it was a short answer, and the verdict came shortly after that.

Docket Code 012 Form R012 Page 1
DAY 67
Courtroom SCT5C
State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present
Court Reporter, Mike Babicky, is present.
A record of the proceeding is also made by audio and/or videotape.
9:57 a.m. Trial to Jury continues from 05/07/2013.
The Jury is present in the jury room and deliberations continue.
LET THE RECORD REFLECT Defendant and respective Counsel are present in the
court room and review the jury question.
10:12 a.m. counsel and Defendant leave the court room.

I hope we find out as soon as possible what that one question was during deliberations!

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