Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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Does anyone actually think that they were together on that day or that she staged those pictures? The one with the leg close up looks like she has it resting on something. The camera looks like it is resting on the same thing. I would think if she could get them in a picture together, she would have preferred that. Something seems off to me.

If this was discussed previously, I apologize in advance.

I always thought they were staged.
She just can't stop trying to manage everyone's impressions of her and her actions.

But she has passed the saturation point of any credibility. In that interview she is still clinging to lies that have been dis-proven in court (i.e., the third gas can).

Let her talk all she wants. For those who have any interest in continuing to listen to her, the falsehoods become more transparent as her behaviors become more familiar as well as the facts. Her talking just works against her in the long run.

IMO, Troy went way too soft in his questions. He should have challenged her on certain statements, and directed her answers to the questions he asked. Maybe he has hopes of a sequel, though his opportunities are extremely limited.
I wish troy would have asked her why she didn't just plead guilty if she wanted to avoid the trial.
:seeya: Hello Y'All ! I took a "break" the past couple of days, and now catching up.

:drumroll: I am so looking forward to the Aggravation Phase this Wednesday !

Any predictions ?

:drama: . . . Will JA suddenly get one of her "Wednesday migraines" ?

:drama: . . . Will JA pull more of her usual "stunts" in the courtroom ?

:drama: . . . Does anyone think she "ditched" her attorneys ?

:drama: . . . Or maybe JA will still be in the psyche ward ?

No telling ... and no doubt Wednesday will be filled with drama !

OJ going after his attorney and expecting to get a new trial and get set free after only 5 years is a preview of what we can expect from Jodi. Predict she will throw Wilmott and especially Nurmi under the bus!!
Think this came up now because Jodi was stealing the spotlight???

:seeya: bbm: Interesting ... and I will NOT be surprised ...

:waitasec: Maybe OJ and JA can "hook up" ... :floorlaugh:

They have a lot in common besides being born on the same day ....

Oh and I read the letter she sent Ryan burns. She said her attorney jennifer referred to him as a media *advertiser censored* something like that? Not verbatim.
She jodie blamed jennifer for having a strong personality! Realy Jodie like we didnt know.

JW wasn't her attorney at the timesheets the letter. It was her first female party but I don't know her name.
I was just reading up on this case, since I haven't followed it much.

One thing that really struck me was during the trial for the man that killed Rusty Sneiderman. He pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity (and was found guilty but mentally ill). The psychologists who testified in that case had remarkably similar behavior to ALV: they didn't read police reports, only summaries; they didn't look at interviews with other people involved in the case; they were only given and only read what the DT wanted them to have; they denied the possibility that the defendant could possibly be malingering; they stated that it was perfectly plausible that the defendant could be delusional and still behave normally; and on and on.

Made me realize that this kind of thing is not unique to the Arias trial.

Guilty but mentally ill in this state means that they get the same sentence as if they were not mentally ill. the state proved the case beyond a reasonable doubt .. it was a slam dunk, so I think they gave in on that one. The only issue is that he would not be very credible to say anything during the upcoming Andrea trial. moo

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Great post! And all of it right on the money, IMO.

Many people want JA to get the death penalty because they think she would "thrive" in prison. I do not think she would. I think LWOP would be hell for her. She'd be locked up against her will, and she does not do well in situations that go against her will. I don't care if her fellow lifers fall in love with her. It will mean nothing because she can't come and go as she pleases, can't call the shots anymore. The murderer can control very few people from prison and even that will be limited. Maybe her family, if they come to visit her, can be ordered around or talked down to. They will probably let her do it, too. But at the end of the visit, they get to leave and she can't. They can go out to dinner, but not Jodi. They can go sit on a park bench somewhere and sip a strawberry frap, and SHE CAN'T.

So IMO, she can be sentenced to LWOP; it won't matter. Because for her that's still a death sentence.

My bold. Life without parole would be--uniquely--hell for Jodi? And, that it would be a hell for her, is yet another sign or confirmation of her pathology? Well, then, colour me crazy, because I don't think I'd be happy with a life sentence! I, too, would dream of going out to dinner or of sitting on a park bench sipping my favourite cold drink.

Life without parole is punishment, remember? It is, by design, meant to take away one's autonomy, one's ability to call any shots. It is meant to be hell. To point out that Jodi wouldn't like this situation is, actually, to make no point at all--except to say that, in this way, she's no different than most people.
Does anyone actually think that they were together on that day or that she staged those pictures? The one with the leg close up looks like she has it resting on something. The camera looks like it is resting on the same thing. I would think if she could get them in a picture together, she would have preferred that. Something seems off to me.

If this was discussed previously, I apologize in advance.


:seeya: I think those pics were staged ... I know what you are saying, but I am :waitasec: "challenged" when it comes to cameras ... lol ... so I don't know the right words.

I have looked at those photos and something just doesn't look "right" -- "my gut" tells me that she "staged" it because she is a sneak and a manipulator.

I find it very interesting that the state wasn't involved at all in chambers last week per cnn. That it was strictly between JA and her defense team. I still have a huge problem that the sheriff allowed that interview, I knew it just reeked of his involvement. I think it will be a problem come wednesday. Legally.
Everything sounds like allergies EXCEPT the green goop. Green is usually a sign you've got an infection, just like it does from your nose. Get thy *advertiser censored* to the doctor! And I'll wave the $50 doctors fee! LOL

I would have said the same thing. The fact that the "green goop" happens when a person is lying down indicates that it's collecting in the lungs or bronchial tubes. Could be bronchitis, could be pneumonia, but will definitely require antibiotics for successful treatment.
First amendment rights - Jodi had a right to give the interview and filled out all the request paperwork beforehand.
But she has passed the saturation point of any credibility. In that interview she is still clinging to lies that have been dis-proven in court (i.e., the third gas can).

Let her talk all she wants. For those who have any interest in continuing to listen to her, the falsehoods become more transparent as her behaviors become more familiar as well as the facts. Her talking just works against her in the long run.

IMO, Troy went way too soft in his questions. He should have challenged her on certain statements, and directed her answers to the questions he asked. Maybe he has hopes of a sequel, though his opportunities are extremely limited.

Do You think those were Troy's questions or questions she submitted that she was willing to give an answer to?
I think she was jotting questions on 1 page and writing her answers on another that she could rehearse. I noted the Mitigation specialist taking her black and white note book. They were chatting about a folded piece of paper and the guard came over and next thing you know Jodi was folding the paper, MS got up, Jodi handed her the notebook. She walked to a bag at the table behind Jodi dropped it in. The guard was watching her the whole time. Then MS went back and sat down.
Jodi's reaction before answering the question about her Mom was so rehearsed. I think she wanted him to ask questions she felt like she wanted to clear up or expound on.
In the letter to Ryan burns she accuses detective Flores of being a liar. She said he accused her of laughing and not looking worried in her jail interrogations. Everyone's fault, everyone lies, according to her. She claimed its a lie! But there are videos showing you standing on your head! Hello Mensa

She may have a high IQ but she is as fogging dumb as a bag of rocks!! :sick:

Einstein is probably turning in his grave right now. :facepalm:

I can hardly wait to read her "manifesto" .... NOT!!!
You poor thing. My husband suffers as you do twice a year. May and December are his worst months. I've been doctoring him for years to keep him off the over-the-counter drugs.

First you need a sinus rinse. It's quite simple. A glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of Kosher salt (it doesn't sting as regular salt would) stir this together with the water; pour some in the palm of your hand, and then just sniff it up into your nose. I know that sounds like not much fun. But your nose knows to drain it back out so do this over the sink. Do this everyday, morning or night. Especially when you are approaching the allegery season.

Get to a health food store and get a bottle of Eucalyptus oil. Put a drop in a bowl of hot steamy water and just breath it in. Eucalyptus curbs the formation of mucus. It will make a big difference when you sleep at night.

Last, a great night time drink, right before bed is a mug of hot water, 2 teaspoons of honey and the juice squeezed from one lemon. Cuts the cough and let's you sleep.

These are all pretty inexpensive items you might even have around the house. Good luck and I hope you're feeling better soon.

Oh my gosh! This scenario brings to mind when Carol Burnett was on David Letterman and she did the salt nasal rinse with a bowl to catch the water out for her nose.

Am I the only person that remember this ! It was so gross and it was so long ago but it was funny remembering it now as I have gone through nasal surgery twice and I have done it as an adult now! I just did a search on youtube but could not find it it is hilarious if anybody else can find it

Eta this was probably before David Letterman and may have been Johnny Carson.

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How many fictional characters do we know of that Jodi fabricated? There was the male stalker that Sky Hughes mentioned, and an ex-boyfriend(?) named Steve Carrol or something like that, referenced in the text messages. Is there any proof that Victor Arias ever existed? Are there any others?
Apparently there were more pics that were not displayed for trial that showed them engaging in sex, but it was agreed by both sides not to bring them into evidence.

Perhaps someone can link a ref? May have been said during state's cic
I find it very interesting that the state wasn't involved at all in chambers last week per cnn. That it was strictly between JA and her defense team. I still have a huge problem that the sheriff allowed that interview, I knew it just reeked of his involvement. I think it will be a problem come wednesday. Legally.

Why would it be a problem, legally?
:seeya: Hello Y'All ! I took a "break" the past couple of days, and now catching up.

:drumroll: I am so looking forward to the Aggravation Phase this Wednesday !

Any predictions ?

:drama: . . . Will JA suddenly get one of her "Wednesday migraines" ?

:drama: . . . Will JA pull more of her usual "stunts" in the courtroom ?

:drama: . . . Does anyone think she "ditched" her attorneys ?

:drama: . . . Or maybe JA will still be in the psyche ward ?

No telling ... and no doubt Wednesday will be filled with drama !


She is now a convicted M1 felon. I don't think she will get away with one more minute of her drama. She can no longer manipulate her position and will be forced to proceed with the rest of the trial.

Geesh ... I'm talking like I really know what I'm saying. I don't really ... but it just makes sense to me that she will not be given as much leniency or wiggle room. At least I reeeeaaaaalllly hope not!! Cuz that would make me :banghead:
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