Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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I keep wondering who I can sue for my butt growing... :floorlaugh:

I was wondering if I could forward the bill for a weight loss program to the State of AZ? Or just staple it to a postcard to CFJA? :floorlaugh:

:seeya: I think those pics were staged ... I know what you are saying, but I am :waitasec: "challenged" when it comes to cameras ... lol ... so I don't know the right words.

I have looked at those photos and something just doesn't look "right" -- "my gut" tells me that she "staged" it because she is a sneak and a manipulator.


And forced sex is well within the list of characteristic behaviors attributed to women who stalk.

While I will acknowledge that Travis had succumbed to her sexual enticements in the past, his email of 5/26 and the conversations he had with others during the final weeks of his life lead me to believe that he was not a willing participant in any sexual intimacy that may have taken place that day.
Well said. IMO it appears from the facts in evidence once Jodi Arias realized her dirty sex was backfiring she had to find other ways to manipulate Travis including but not limited to the "scamming" and betrayal he referred to in the days just prior to his murder.

But I still come back to the same place. If Travis believed Jodi was scamming him or going to blackmail him, why take the pictures? If you knew your girlfriend was slicing your tires and stalking you, would you let her back into your house and then take more pictures to give her even more evidence to blackmail you with? I'm stuck on this point because it doesn't make sense to me. Even if Travis was a total horn dog..... This woman sliced your tires, sent a vile email to someone you dated, and you bonk her? I'm confused.
The thing about trying to read into those photos is that they are pictures of a literal instant in time. A lot of pictures come out looking goofy in some way because at the moment it was snapped someone blinked or turned their head or started to cough. If Travis' eyes look heavy it may be that he was in mid-blink when the pic was snapped. We don't know. Same with the other sex pics, they're awkwardly composed because they are candid shots, taken without much thought or worry about quality because they were not meant to be seen by others anyway.

Surely I'm not the only one here who has taken bad pictures before?

No you are not.

It seems like some people are disappointed the sex pics don't look like a Playboy shoot; I don't get it.
Oh, I forgot another portion of the interview that made me roll my eyes so much I thought they'd get lost in my brain. The load of crap about the church and titheing and giving away to other inmates and blah, blah, blah....

Does she not comprehend how unnatural all of her BS sounds when she brutally murdered someone she was supposed to have loved? About the only true statement she made during that interview was that Travis truly didn't want to live a life that went against his principles...aka being with Jodi Arias.

Yes, her statement that she does not tithe because she did not attend church! Well hello there are many people that don't go to church but still tithe . But then she catches her lie and says...I give it away to others! Pfft

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The mysterious man who saw her "covered in bruises". She claims the defense team wouldn't or couldn't find him, and that was a problem in her case, per the idiotic interview post conviction.

Seems to me, finding that gun so they could prove it did not belong to Gran Da would have made a difference to her case...guess Nurmi and Wilmott couldn't figure where to look for that either.

If she ends up in general population, I suspect she will learn what real bruises feel like as well as what they look like.
I was wondering if I could forward the bill for a weight loss program to the State of AZ? Or just staple it to a postcard to CFJA? :floorlaugh:

You and me both! Cruel and unusual weight gain maybe? :floorlaugh: Intentional infliction of belly fat? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
You poor thing. My husband suffers as you do twice a year. May and December are his worst months. I've been doctoring him for years to keep him off the over-the-counter drugs.

First you need a sinus rinse. It's quite simple. A glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of Kosher salt (it doesn't sting as regular salt would) stir this together with the water; pour some in the palm of your hand, and then just sniff it up into your nose. I know that sounds like not much fun. But your nose knows to drain it back out so do this over the sink. Do this everyday, morning or night. Especially when you are approaching the allegery season.

Get to a health food store and get a bottle of Eucalyptus oil. Put a drop in a bowl of hot steamy water and just breath it in. Eucalyptus curbs the formation of mucus. It will make a big difference when you sleep at night.

Last, a great night time drink, right before bed is a mug of hot water, 2 teaspoons of honey and the juice squeezed from one lemon. Cuts the cough and let's you sleep.

These are all pretty inexpensive items you might even have around the house. Good luck and I hope you're feeling better soon.

May I add a tip here? Buh nd use only distiller water. Tap water can kill people who use it for sinus rinse. And it has. Just saw an update again about this on some medical show on TV about three months ago. Should be easy to google this for further information.
Do mean she took a picture of a picture she had on her camera using TA's camera?

Yes I do, I have a hard time believing they were together that day. I listen to her interrogation tapes and she asks "could they have been taken another day" she also claims to know how to manipulate photos and almost says time stamps but changes the subject.
But not a lot of what she does makes sense so the pics really confuse me.
One one hand if she planted them why? If she took them why?
Either way she planned to kill him so why the pics of sex?
The shower ones can be attributed to getting him into position, the sex ones?
Well said. IMO it appears from the facts in evidence once Jodi Arias realized her dirty sex was backfiring she had to find other ways to manipulate Travis including but not limited to the "scamming" and betrayal he referred to in the days just prior to his murder.

How many of us has known girls/women who, when some guy told her it's over, it's getting too serious, I'm just not that into you, played it off like, oh, same for me, and kept putting it out, free and easy, then when the guy really moved on, and didn't want the freebies any more, the girl felt used, abused, and needing some revenge. Many women leave themselves open, hoping the guy will change his mind, then, end up where Jodi is.
Luckily, most are not natural born killers.
If you're interesting in the Gosnell verdict, Fox News has a reporter there and they're covering it.
Apparently there were more pics that were not displayed for trial that showed them engaging in sex, but it was agreed by both sides not to bring them into evidence.

Perhaps someone can link a ref? May have been said during state's cic

I came across a report (dang it, don't have link at hand) from the camera recovery forensics that stated that a total of six nude pictures were recovered. Two of Travis and four of CMJA. None were described that showed them both together. We've seen the two of Travis and two of Jodi. Based on the two we did see, the other four of Jodi are probably just as well not seen. lol

I think the assumption was that they were having sex that day (and I agree). But as far as I know, there is no in-the-act photo evidence.
Yes, her statement that she does not tithe because she did not attend church! Well hello there are many people that don't go to church but still tithe . But then she catches her lie and says...I give it away to others! Pfft

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

She really IS an odd cupcake...even about the simplest of things. She said she doesn't tithe because she doesn't she tithes a portion of what she SPENDS in the commissary....WTH? It doesn't work that way, JA. You tithe a portion of your income...I wonder how much she has tithed via her family, from the 'artwork' she's sold? I bet my hat, NONE.
I imagine it's a bit more than just sex...

This is pure speculation as to how it went down...

JA shows up and begs him to forgive her for whatever it is she did, apologizes profusely.
Offers the CD with pics and the check for the BMW as proof of her contrition.
Probably offers lots of other things (as proof of her contrition) that she had no intention of acting upon because she knew she would be murdering him later.
She asks if she can stay the night, she has no cash for a hotel, would have to sleep in her car otherwise (guilt trip).
Then starts putting on the moves for that last hurrah (oh baby, you are soooo sexy, i've missed you so much, etc.).

please do not quote this as fact!!!!!

Ok, mine is also pure speculation. I think she already apologized profusely and showed up with the rope promising him his fantasy of tying her up. Yes, I think it's possible that the rope existed, but she brought the knife.
I came across a report (dang it, don't have link at hand) from the camera recovery forensics that stated that a total of six nude pictures were recovered. Two of Travis and four of CMJA. None were described that showed them both together. We've seen the two of Travis and two of Jodi. Based on the two we did see, the other four of Jodi are probably just as well not seen. lol

I think the assumption was that they were having sex that day (and I agree). But as far as I know, there is no in-the-act photo evidence.

I know I heard reference made to at least one photo of them together, during the act. The only detail I remember was that in one of them, she was on top. Can anyone else remember that? I think even JM made mention, or was it DF, that said they knew they had actually had sex that day because of at least that pic if not more?
How many of us has known girls/women who, when some guy told her it's over, it's getting too serious, I'm just not that into you, played it off like, oh, same for me, and kept putting it out, free and easy, then when the guy really moved on, and didn't want the freebies any more, the girl felt used, abused, and needing some revenge. Many women leave themselves open, hoping the guy will change his mind, then, end up where Jodi is.
Luckily, most are not natural born killers.
I'm old, but it would help a lot if women didn't treat sex like it nothing. For men, that's what they do to keep the species alive. But too many women offer sex to get love like they'd offer a breath mint. When you have to trade something for love, it's not really love you're getting back.
Yes I do, I have a hard time believing they were together that day. I listen to her interrogation tapes and she asks "could they have been taken another day" she also claims to know how to manipulate photos and almost says time stamps but changes the subject.
But not a lot of what she does makes sense so the pics really confuse me.
One one hand if she planted them why? If she took them why?
Either way she planned to kill him so why the pics of sex?
The shower ones can be attributed to getting him into position, the sex ones?

I guess since she got into his house using guilt, apology, whatever she used, she had to introduce the camera into the play somehow in order to get him in the shower and into the vulnerable position. IDK, but I would love to know what the situation was that night and day. Did she drug him, hold a gun to her own head, say she wanted to take pics of them doing it so he could remember what they had? It drives me nuts trying to figure that day out
No you are not.

It seems like some people are disappointed the sex pics don't look like a Playboy shoot; I don't get it.

Ha, that is exactly what I was thinking. People look weird in naked pictures, they just do.

The gorges perfectly poised images we have in our minds are the product of planning, effort, technical expertise and airbrushing. It's not just "get naked and I'll take snaps with my cell phone."
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