Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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how about a compromise? my theory is he was freaked out when she showed up. had no idea she was coming. she did all the things lil buddy thinks she did. it was late, they were tired. he agreed to let her stay the night. wakes him up with sex. he goes along with the program thinking 'man, if i can just get her out of here, i really am going to have to call a lawyer or the police about keeping her away!' he knew he'd never be sure she wasn't going to just pop in, no matter WHERE she was living. so he wasn't happy but thought he could handle it and get her out of there peacefully.
little did he know that wasn't going to happen.

I can't help but agree Travis was surprised when she showed up and one way or another found himself in a very vulnerable, compromised position.
It was nice of JA to whisper that 'fornicating isn't there'..

I loved how she spoke of tithing snacks, and reading her scriptures, then right after said she isn't Mormon any longer..besides 'they don't offer Mormon services' in jail. She knows nothing about anything, all lies and pretend. Like her "art", being a photographer..

Happy to think she will have no sharp little pencils come Wednesday..
I've fantasized about her taking off in a sprint while Juan has his back to her, talking to the jury, with one of her stubby pencils raised so the guard will be forced to zap her and cause her to do the Mullet in open court.

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No, actually, I didn't know you haven't seen the photos. And, no, I certainly don't think it's dumb to be reluctant to look at them! They are awfully personal.

My point is simply that it's beyond a doubt that they had sex that day.

Yes, I understand that now. Thanks again.
And forced sex is well within the list of characteristic behaviors attributed to women who stalk.

While I will acknowledge that Travis had succumbed to her sexual enticements in the past, his email of 5/26 and the conversations he had with others during the final weeks of his life lead me to believe that he was not a willing participant in any sexual intimacy that may have taken place that day.

I absolutely agree. One of these days something else is going to prove this I hope.
OMG, if I hear her say one more time that the State forced her to trial I am going to scream..she really isn't all that bright is she? Sometimes I think she is dumb like a fox and then there are times she's just plain stupid. That is what I'd like to say to her. Jodi, you're stupid.
I am SO looking forward, down the line, to a fine day when someone posts..."Hey, I know this is OT, but remember that mind-numbing liar that killed that wonderful man in AZ? Is that chick dead yet?" :) One day, she is going to be a memory.
Has JSS ruled yet on the DT motion for videotaped Victim's Impact Statements? I thought I saw that it was denied, but now I can't find where I read that.

Not even JSKS will grant that ridiculous motion.
You and me both! Cruel and unusual weight gain maybe? :floorlaugh: Intentional infliction of belly fat? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

You are describing me. I gained 6 pounds and counting.
O/T hope it's okay to post:
Gosnell found guilty on 3 out of 4 first degree murder charges
I know you all heard/watched the verdict announcement, but in case you hadn't seen the written documentation:

how about a compromise? my theory is he was freaked out when she showed up. had no idea she was coming. she did all the things lil buddy thinks she did. it was late, they were tired. he agreed to let her stay the night. wakes him up with sex. he goes along with the program thinking 'man, if i can just get her out of here, i really am going to have to call a lawyer or the police about keeping her away!' he knew he'd never be sure she wasn't going to just pop in, no matter WHERE she was living. so he wasn't happy but thought he could handle it and get her out of there peacefully.
little did he know that wasn't going to happen.

This has always been what made the most sense to me. I don't think she told him she was coming because, why go to all that effort to conceal your presence in Arizona and then tell him you're coming and risk him mentioning it to someone else? Once she's there, what's he going to do? Tell her to sleep in her car?
Gosnell verdict coming in Murder in the first degree 3 counts involuntary homicide one count
how about a compromise? my theory is he was freaked out when she showed up. had no idea she was coming. she did all the things lil buddy thinks she did. it was late, they were tired. he agreed to let her stay the night. wakes him up with sex. he goes along with the program thinking 'man, if i can just get her out of here, i really am going to have to call a lawyer or the police about keeping her away!' he knew he'd never be sure she wasn't going to just pop in, no matter WHERE she was living. so he wasn't happy but thought he could handle it and get her out of there peacefully.
little did he know that wasn't going to happen.

If he was extremely afraid of her and he didn't know she was coming, I would think he would go for a weapon or call 911 right away seeing as how she broke into his home and was staring at him. I think he would be way more than freaked out. This is why I think he knew she was on her way there. But we'll never know for sure. Other than that, I agree with the resto of your post.
No, actually, I didn't know you haven't seen the photos. And, no, I certainly don't think it's dumb to be reluctant to look at them! They are awfully personal.

My point is simply that it's beyond a doubt that they had sex that day.


Moreover, LE and prosecutor have alluded to additional digital images recovered but not shown at trial.

Neither side disputes that their intercourse on June 4, 2008 included sexual dynamics.

The State would not concur with the Defense if it were not so.
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