Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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Yes I do, I have a hard time believing they were together that day. I listen to her interrogation tapes and she asks "could they have been taken another day" she also claims to know how to manipulate photos and almost says time stamps but changes the subject.
But not a lot of what she does makes sense so the pics really confuse me.
One one hand if she planted them why? If she took them why?
Either way she planned to kill him so why the pics of sex?
The shower ones can be attributed to getting him into position, the sex ones?

I still think, because of the blow up the last of May, Travis wanted nothing to do with her.
She shows up on the 4th, (sneaks in, TA at the computer) gun to her head saying she's going to kill herself. (She had pulled the suicide card before)
He talks her down, secures the gun, she's tired, they go to asleep.
She wakes, picture, picture, picture, she initiates sex, delete naked photos because she sees 90 + other photos of Travis playing on 4 wheeler and can't just switch out memory card.
Travis strips sheets, loads in washer (he's not going to take a shower til the load is done, "water pressure/hot water"), starts moving stuff downstairs to use new cleaning machine. Puts sheets in dryer, leaves watch and CTR ring on kitchen counter as he heads up stairs to take shower.
JA puts her stuff in her car (in garage), possibly replaces rear plate upside down (dark in the garage), probably grabs a case of TA's Costco water and throws it in the trunk, puts more gas in her car via gas cans, puts gate up so Naps doesn't come upstairs. JA leaves check on his desk.
Of course she knows where TA put the gun. Retrieves it.
Things get set up in the shower, "Kill in shower, no fuss no muss, shower herself and TA off, delete the photos, get out of Mesa"......
TA gets out of the shower and her plans go nuts. She puts gloves on while he is at sink(?). Left glove and palm is cut between there and going back and forth in the hall. Figures her blood is only on knife and TA.
Massive clean up effort, put her bloody clothes, socks in garbage bag with gun/knife/gloves, shower off over TA, bandages cut hand, blows off spent cartridge cause the gun is going to disappear, puts on clean clothes, go through closet so as to not track through blood, delete shower photos, gets on another pair of gloves, takes money from his wallet, locks bedroom door, camera HAS to go into wash with bloody towels and his shorts, etc., he had on before shower, because it has her DNA/blood all over it. She opens the camera door to the battery and card so the bleach gets EVERY where blood may have gone. She thinks the deleted pics are GONE. Cleans off stair railing Just In Case.
Locks garage entry door......gets in car and out of there.
Some where between TA's and Hoover Dam check point, she discards evidence, and floor mats which had blood seeped onto them, makes her phone calls, etc., etc.

Gloves HAVE to play in there somewhere because there were NO OTHER PRINTS, and she said she would have worn gloves 3 times in Flores' interrogation.

And I REALLY don't think they had "lots" of sex throughout their entire "friendship". JA makes it sound like it happened everyday, but I'll bet you could ALMOST count it on 2 hands......maybe!:twocents:
Attorneys around the country say she has to be in court to assist counsel.

I thought she could be off in another room at the courthouse with a video feed and one of her lawyers if the judge didn't feel she could actually be in the courtroom?

(Sorry if we've already covered this: I'm behind in my reading today. :seeya: )
Have you seen her "friend" who attends court everyday? Have you seen and read the things her "supporters" say? Trust me...I know she will be in prison for the rest of her life, but she is pure evil. She will never stop trying to hurt others. Ever...

ME will be watching her and all of JA's cohorts like hawks. I do have a little concern for some of the principal players in this trial (JM especially). But I'm sure he is well protected.More

But, having said that, Donovan does scare me. I think she is so smitten by JA that she would be willing to do anything for her ... and then join her in prison eventually.

Don't get me started .... I'm just talking crazy right now.
When he talks about the horrible panic filled death Travis endured, gasping for breath, it should seal Jodia Arias' fate.

When Dr. Horn repeates, for the umpteenth time, that Travis' throat was cut from ear to ear while he was still living, there will be no need for further testimony or reflection. As I've said, JM proved the aggravating factors in his CIC. The fact that she cut his throat while he was still living has always been all I needed to hear to justify the death penalty.
I know you all heard/watched the verdict announcement, but in case you hadn't seen the written documentation:


I'm surprised the woman who read this was able to keep a straight face. I probably would have had a big smile on my face as I read it out loud!
polygraph motion in minutes:


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I came across a report (dang it, don't have link at hand) from the camera recovery forensics that stated that a total of six nude pictures were recovered. Two of Travis and four of CMJA. None were described that showed them both together. We've seen the two of Travis and two of Jodi. Based on the two we did see, the other four of Jodi are probably just as well not seen. lol

I think the assumption was that they were having sex that day (and I agree). But as far as I know, there is no in-the-act photo evidence.

I actually took that testimony and broke it down with the seconds between each photo. Only during the shower photos were evidence numbers not in sequence. (some numbers were left out) I wondered why they didn't bother to bring them into evidence. I remember there was testimony about a video, but if I'm not mistaken, it was stated video could not be recovered like photos. I don't think there is any way they could say it was a sex video unless they are just taking Jodi's word for it.
And I REALLY don't think they had "lots" of sex throughout their entire "friendship". JA makes it sound like it happened everyday, but I'll bet you could ALMOST count it on 2 hands......maybe!:twocents:

I agree with this wholeheartedly.

We only have Jodi's word on all the kinky sex stories...

I doubt their relationship was anything like she has described it.
My bold. Life without parole would be--uniquely--hell for Jodi? And, that it would be a hell for her, is yet another sign or confirmation of her pathology? Well, then, colour me crazy, because I don't think I'd be happy with a life sentence! I, too, would dream of going out to dinner or of sitting on a park bench sipping my favourite cold drink.

Life without parole is punishment, remember? It is, by design, meant to take away one's autonomy, one's ability to call any shots. It is meant to be hell. To point out that Jodi wouldn't like this situation is, actually, to make no point at all--except to say that, in this way, she's no different than most people.

I agree.
I'm sure this won't be popular but...
There's a lot of over thinking going on here. Dissecting every teeny tiny thing is ridiculous. I've been reading these boards for 9+ years and never has it been so frustrating to read. I'm as glad she was guilty as anyone else, but it's turned into HLN around here. :(

Be sure to weigh in on how hot Dr. Horn is.
A reminder from our Rules & Etiquette thread (lots and lots of helpful information in this thread):

"Organized Efforts- Email Campaigns-Boycotts-Petitions:

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:tyou: and hang in there--it'll be Wednesday before we know it!

Hello Sister Ynot! Listen, about that explosion in the choir yesterday...I swear -- sorry, attest or affirm -- that I did not know that I had dropped a cherry bomb next to the candles when I was lighting them. I am not sure how I even had possession of it. When Sister Mary Jean's hair grows back I am going to buy her a nice comb. And they say it was sort of a miracle that the blast didn't even scorch her eyebrows! Do those hats cost a lot?
Another thing..... somebody posted earlier that with Jodi's propensity for threatening suicide, MAYBE that threat was her initial intent. Travis says something like 'you're full of it now just like you've been every other time. I'm STILL not interested in you.'

I don't believe for a single second the sedate, never yelling/angry Jodi she's pretended in court. Her lies have no depth. They are cleverly worded, but not really believable. Like a spy mystery written by a jr high kid.

Telling Travis she was gonna commit suicide was the end of the story in her mind, because it always immediately elicited action from him. When it didn't this time, she went berserk.

I'm not wedded to this, but it makes a lot of sense. Still M1. Still premeditated.
One theory I've always held is this: she shows up and gains access...either through contrition, or as many have suggested threatening suicide. Then she begs to stay over bc she's broke, tired, blah,blah. He says sure, take the couch.

Next thing he knows, he's woken up by her, and by then he has reached "the point of no return" as they say.

Alternatively, it's always possible she gained access by sneaking in. Wouldn't be the 1st time.

As for the pics...idk, to me they've always looked suspect, even the shower shots, and IIRC wasn't there mention that the "in the act" pic(s) still never show them "together?" I'm pretty sure I heard something about a pic where she is supposedly on top, yet you still can't see any part of TA's body?

And I still don't get why she used HIS camera...not her own. strange
There were 6. Two of Jodi, two of Jodi's........hummmm....private parts?, and two of Travis.

Kind of hard to call them private parts, isn't it, when they're anything but private. We need a new analogy.
And I REALLY don't think they had "lots" of sex throughout their entire "friendship". JA makes it sound like it happened everyday, but I'll bet you could ALMOST count it on 2 hands......maybe!:twocents:

2 hands. Bwahahahaha.
I agree with this wholeheartedly.

We only have Jodi's word on all the kinky sex stories...

I doubt their relationship was anything like she has described it.

The sex tape pretty much confirmed her characterization of it-in terms of them being enthusiastic sexual partners.
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